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19894241 No.19894241[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I can see no benefit, for the childs sake, to be brought into existence. There is literally nothing wrong with not existing (literally). No biological needs, no desires, no concern about death, harm, suffering, and all the mild irritations and annoyances that characterize our daily lives (think of how much time is spent just on basic maintenance - cooking, cleaning, hygiene, washing clothes, dealing with bills, pissing, shitting, exercising, house maintenance, car maintenance, etc). And don't even get me started on how we are encultured within a meaningless, explotative capitalist society where the sole aim is to zero sum profit off the labour and exploitation of others. Everything we own, use and eat is imbued with global supply chains of sweat and suffering. from the cobalt in your laptop, to the steak dinner you eat - it's layers and layers of exploitation, misery, death and suffering. And for what? All so you can avoid the boredom, ennui, and listlessness that characterizes unstructured and un goal orientated existence. We cannot simply exist, and this is direct proof of the negative value of human life. Sit for hours on end and do nothing. You are pained, your body hurts, you soon feel thirst, hunger, you are bored, your mind is agitated. Constantly seeking some sort of activity or entertainment if not occupied. Until what? Some biological or social need rears it's head, impresses it's suffering upon us and motivates us to act against it. And are we rewarded for our toil? Not really. Mostly we just alleviate our pains, negate our sufferings and approximate the state of the unborn - content, without need. And even the goods in life are ephermal, unsustained, and are lost as soon as we cling to them. We want lasting pleasure and happiness in a life of perpetual flux and change. We wish things would continue as they are, we wish things were other than they are.

I envy the unborn. But to have been born and then to die is to exist in a state of permanent loss.

>> No.19894247

Luxury belief

>> No.19894249

Turn back now. You will NOT like where antinatalism is heading.

>> No.19894251

this nigga speakin facts frfr

>> No.19894271

everyone knows where it's heading: nigerians indians and chinese breed like rabbits, and the intelligent whites breed themselves out of existence.

>> No.19894275
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>> No.19894313

non-existence doesn't exist though. it's just our human thoughts trying to conceptualize the absence of existence. you were borne from the world, manifested from it, and will rot in it's earth.

there is this atheist tendency to think of ones life as a sort of brief stint between states of non-existence. as if from nothing we blipped into existence, and will return to it when we die. but we came from the world, we have a family, culture, history, language, etc. there is nothing BUT the world.

the point being you're comparing whats real "life", with just an abstract idea (and nothing more than that). and so the antinatalists have a point in that life contains harm and suffering, buts it's delusional to think salvation lies in negating that existence, as if we could ever escape it, as if we aren't born out of existence, manifested from it, and will remain in existence even when our consciousness is over. the world remains after our deaths, the suffering continues. to think of the end of suffering as the end of our consciousness is to take an insular sopisistic approach to being. the world remains in its dire state, even when we rot in the ground. the unborn aren't enjoying the fruits of non-existence, and we will not join them when we die. those are just abstractions in our minds, a false salvation. the solution is to improve the state of the world - the only thing that exists.

>> No.19894320

>those last four points being red
thank fucking god these people are literal genetic dead-ends

>> No.19894323

True, but on the other hand if you don't exist you can't eat a big old bowl of sweet sweet cereal with whole milk.

>> No.19894329
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>> No.19894342

Agreed. Life is absolutely horrendous

>> No.19894345

>intelligent whites

>> No.19894347

Saying this and not killing yourself makes one a hypocrite.

>> No.19894356


>> No.19894362

No skin in the game.
Your actions do not align with your words.

>> No.19894370
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nonexistencecucks will never get this

>> No.19894380

I’m not an antinatalist or a nihilist but dying is not the same as not being born.

>> No.19894389
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>he wasn't even born

>> No.19894401

This is some cultish, drink the kool-aid type of thinking.

>> No.19894441

Hospitals should be shut down. Sometimes a person suffers from going to the hospital, therefore no one should be treated because any suffering outweighs any pleasure.

>> No.19894455

Why are you alive then? If you truly have no reason and feel nothing why do you persist?

>> No.19894471


>> No.19894986


Yes, that's the point.

>> No.19895000 [DELETED] 


Yes, precisely non-Ontology, that's the point. It is you who fantasizes about deliverance from suffering in the Ontological sense, as you yourself say in this very reply. The "world" will only continue suffering after one's death as long as there is another one still living, or another thing still being, hence Antinatalism Universally prescriptive, rather than particularly descriptive, opposition to all being.

>> No.19895005


Yes, precisely non-Ontology, that's the point. It is you who fantasizes about deliverance from suffering in the Ontological sense, as you yourself say in this very reply. The "world" will only continue suffering after one's death as long as there is another one still living, or another thing still being, hence Antinatalism's Universally prescriptive, rather than particularly descriptive, opposition to all being.

>> No.19895012



>> No.19895026

/lit/ seething itt cause they can't come up with a valid response. let's be suicide buddies op. I can't do it alone

>> No.19895044

>if you think that not being is better than being, why haven't you off yourself?
I'm too coward. Would do it right away if I had the will to hang myself. Maybe it's the biological urge to preservation or the endless propaganda that creates the doubt that maybe after you die you'll go to hell or start again. Since I can't commit suicide I just rot away trying to interact the least possible with the world.

>> No.19895062
File: 69 KB, 480x455, suicide_booth_futurama.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is literally nothing wrong with not existing (literally)
No one knows what its like to not exist. So a comparison between existing and not existing cannot be made or used to prove your point.
>No biological needs, no desires ... we wish things were other than they are.
We tend to fixate on suffering despite good things happening constantly. Do not conflate the basic tasks one must perform in order to live with suffering. Suffering is also ephemeral. Wanting eternal pleasure is very childish.
Also, if you feel so strongly about this, picrel provides an appropriate solution.

>> No.19895069
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>> No.19895080
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>> No.19895157

>despite good things happening constantly

Exactly. Said things do not alleviate any suffering because there is no relation between them. Any amount of suffering "against" an infinity of "good" things would be just as miserable as it is now. Hence the Antinatalist argument.