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19893518 No.19893518 [Reply] [Original]

When I'm looking for someone who understands people Shakespeare is the guy I always go to, the guy definitely understood us all, and was probably the best psychologist ever.

I would like to know what he wrote about women. He portrayed Cleopatra as a manipulative bitch who couldn't stop lying, and I would like to know more about what Shakespeare wrote or think about women.

>> No.19893541


>> No.19893567

He was gay, he understood woman's, that's why he didn't like them

>> No.19893640


>> No.19893805

No, but he did great women as manipulative in multiple plays.

>> No.19893837

Like?. I only know about Cleopatra on Anthony and Cleopatra

>> No.19893844

Lady Macbeth ofc...

>> No.19893891

Ophelia really lost her shit man.

>> No.19893941

Lady Macbeth is the prime example of female nature. Women, as men inherently want power above anything else. Women secretly loathe their own sex for being physically inferior to men and so the prime objective of Women is to weaponize the society or the people around her to effectively de-sex herself. This is the main driving psychology behind the feminist ideology.

>> No.19895838


>> No.19896466

>t. hasn't read Lear

Cordelia fucks you up. The other two broads ruin everything with their green, but simple Cordelia is an admirable character, the most sane of the play, arguably.

>> No.19896469


>> No.19896490

Try reading As You Like It, Twelfth Night, Romeo and Juliet, Cymbeline, Midsummer’s Night’s Dream, Coriolanus, Othello, The Winter’s Tale and The Taming of the Shrew.

You’re going to get a very wide breadth of characterizations for women.

>> No.19896509

This is a pretty infantile understanding of Cleopatra, desu. Try doing a cursory search of criticism to the character to at least pretend like you care.

Unless you’re just trying to find reasons to hate women. In which case, you’re probably not going to find that in Shakespeare.

>> No.19896515

fpbp. Shakespeare wasnt some black and white retard

>> No.19896527

He wrote that you as a male human are the product of evil creatures known as women in the English language. That makes you genetically evil too.

>> No.19896548

I think Shakespeare was very feminist in his that women are no different than men and no weaker in their ruthless scramble for power.

>> No.19897556

Ive read a lot of books and in most instances the women are always to blame. Just focus the next time you read something, all the conflict in the book can be blamed on the woman

>> No.19898898


>> No.19899084

Based and redpilled