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File: 384 KB, 1920x1080, people-run-from-rain-but-sit-in-bathtubs-full-of-w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19892924 No.19892924 [Reply] [Original]

Post em

>> No.19892942

not a bad quote. the reason why people dont enjoy being in rain is because they are self conscious of looking stupid. to enjoy being in the rain comes across as "childish". and we human beings are embarrassed of genuine emotions, we are embarrassed of letting go and actually letting our feelings guide us and we say its the kind of thing that only children do. and the only way we can really enjoy this very natural aspect of the world is in closed bathrooms

>> No.19892943

Anything Guenon wrote. It's instantly garbage by virtue of being written by Guenon.

>> No.19892945

What did he mean by this? Did he think he was being smart.

>> No.19892950

>You have to write like bim-bim-bim-bim-bim

>> No.19892955
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>> No.19892960

In a bathtub I consciously choose to enter wanter in a controlled temperature for a specific reason, while not wearing any clothes.
Rain is inconvenient, it's cold (and will thus get me ill) and it has the bad habit of being a problem when wearing clothes.
I appreciate rain, but what you said has nothing to do with the actual reason people don't like rain.

>> No.19892964

This is what I think he means. I have no shame about being seen as childish and like standing out in the rain.

>> No.19892967

Nigga, what are you talking about. No one wants their wet clothes to stick to them. It's not because they're embarrassed of enjoying the rain

>> No.19892970

this is true tho...

>> No.19892972

I do.

>> No.19892976

No it's not. It's a platitude that sounds smart.

>> No.19892983

I'm dumb and have 0 confidence.

>> No.19892984

Bukowski is a fraud. he is the midwit psued absolute and not worth listening to.

>> No.19892992

It is, showing up at your destination soaking wet suggests being irresponsible and childish, why did you not bring an umbrella or wear a raincoat?
>I'm dumb
That is just your lack of confidence.

>> No.19892997
File: 101 KB, 1200x640, Quotation-Bertrand-Russell-The-whole-problem-with-the-world-is-that-fools-and-25-49-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19893002

Aww, thank you.

>> No.19893012

>It is, showing up at your destination soaking wet suggests being irresponsible and childish, why did you not bring an umbrella or wear a raincoat?
I don't want to be wet even when I return home, you are just fucking retarded.
Why would I want sticky clothes, soles full of water, and possibly fever the day afterwards?

>> No.19893017

>t. confident retard

>> No.19893028

Getting rained on will not make you sick unless you spend hours in the cold soaking wet. I love walking home in the rain, refreshing, better than any shower or bath, if I am going somewhere other than home I will have the raincoat or umbrella but I don't bother with them to go home. I can dry off and put on fresh clothes when I get home.

>> No.19893029

Because it's fun.

>> No.19893031

"People hold their pee in but then evacuate their bladders into a toilet."

>> No.19893032
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>> No.19893037

It's basically a straight rip-off of a line from 'The Second Coming' by Yeats
>The best lack all conviction, while the worst
>Are full of passionate intensity.

>> No.19893043
File: 57 KB, 850x400, quote-kant-is-the-most-evil-man-in-mankind-s-history-ayn-rand-70-31-65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19893045

I can respect you liking it, but your argument that people only dislike it because it's "childish" is pretty stupid.

>> No.19893047
File: 35 KB, 850x400, 3DAB8FD2-EC2C-465C-B8EB-CB988815CE28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeats said it better.

>> No.19893076

This doesn't mean being certain of yourself makes you a fool. Do you understand basic logic???
This was not the BTFOing you thought it was.

>> No.19893088
File: 93 KB, 1200x640, Quotation-John-Stuart-Mill-A-person-may-cause-evil-to-others-not-only-by-19-92-72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19893089

It’s because rain is cold
When people take a bath it’s warm lol
People who do ice baths only do them for a few minutes

>> No.19893094

Damn...Mill was the father of "White Silence Is Violence"...bros...I don't feel so good.

>> No.19893095
File: 35 KB, 500x333, bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19893102
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>> No.19893108
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>not risking your life by running into a burning building to save a stranger is the same as deliberately setting someone's house on fire in an attempt to kill them

>> No.19893147
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>> No.19893176
File: 42 KB, 600x315, voltaire1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19893180

you'll have to look to Christianity for that

>I have sinned in thought, word, and deed; in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, by my fault, by my fault, by my most grievous fault; wherefore I pray God Almighty to have mercy on me....

>> No.19893205

No it's because my books will get wet.

>> No.19893253

It is not that it is childish, it is that people percieve it as childish and people don't want to be percieved as childish or doing childish things as adults.

>> No.19893344

This is mocking the woman. "My feelings are more important than your analysis"

>> No.19893373

That's just the basic nature of morality, which is beyond the laws of the state and common society. Because it is true does not mean all moral propositions are true.

>> No.19893871

I've read some novels of him and it was disappointing. It's always "me, me, me", if I want to be informed of an alcoholic's shitty life I'll just ask the first hobo in town.
There's nothing remarkable or noticeable in what I've read, it didn't contributed to anything by reading his works. Just remember his story about stalking a girl, accomplishin her rape fantasy and being arrested then released for that.

At least nowadays an author that claim to be inspired by his work is a redflag for me, I can avoid the waste of time it's going to be (fuck you V. Despente).

>> No.19893874

Faggots and niggers, faggots and niggers, what does a town do with faggots and niggers.....

>> No.19893889
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>> No.19893918
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Rand is always dumb no matter the quotation

>> No.19894625


god this was fucking funny. that and the anecdote about him and costello failing to see a rap concert for that book signifying rap or whatever it was. if he hadn't kill hisself he'd have been lynched in by some bluehair mob

>> No.19894646


>> No.19895539

but also wet cloths are uncomfortable. do you also take baths fully clothed? also rain is cold. you take cold baths anon? its dumb as shit.

>> No.19895592

Is he making an analogy for rape? A prostitute will have sex with me too but will cry rape if I don't pay upfront

>> No.19895600
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>> No.19895611


>> No.19896437

I thought Feyerabend said that. Could be wrong though, maybe he said something in that line of thought.

>> No.19896451

that's because you know you wont be and you know it's encouraged to be childish anyway.

>> No.19896457

the quote means what it means.

>> No.19896607

I unironically think this way at this point.

>> No.19896609

sv fvckvng trvv...

>> No.19897080

(t. retard0

>> No.19897464

What a faggot

>> No.19897502
File: 38 KB, 900x535, best-talleyrand-quotes-by-charles-maurice-de-talleyrand-643542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talleyrand is basically never discussed here, but he is one of the most quotable persons of all time (especially when concerning the subject of women).

>> No.19897513
File: 1.87 MB, 3840x2160, 1112335-Charles-Maurice-De-Talleyrand-Quote-A-woman-will-sometimes-forgive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19897519
File: 1.11 MB, 3840x2160, 1112389-Charles-Maurice-De-Talleyrand-Quote-A-clever-woman-often.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19897529
File: 44 KB, 900x501, talleyrand-quotes-by-charles-maurice-de-talleyrand-1064600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19897533

It was first uttered by Marcus Aurelius.

>> No.19897540

It was first uttered by Marcus Aurelius.

>> No.19897560

>people be hungry and duck if you throw them an apple at their head -charles bukowski

>> No.19898172

>women are whores cause deep down they are prudes mkay?

>> No.19898227
File: 95 KB, 368x450, 1639465367046.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read autobiography
>Complain the author talks about himself too much

How dense are you?

>> No.19898234

Read Maya Angelou's "Still I Rise" if you want to read the worst poem you've ever read.

>> No.19898249
File: 72 KB, 850x400, C39DB5AA-1772-4B6E-94ED-CCD45E957D5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19898327

When I was in high school, the black student union did a reading of this poem at an assembly. Everyone in the audience burst out laughing at the "does my sassiness upset you" part and a teacher has to stop the performance to scold us for being racist. What a piece of shit.

>> No.19898428

fucking nigger, i laughed so hard my hernia exploded, see ya in the hospital

>> No.19898746

I’ve seen this exact same quote attributed to Bertrand Russell, I don’t think anyone has ever said it