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/lit/ - Literature

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19892544 No.19892544 [Reply] [Original]

>Goethe was well known in literary circles when he was in his 20s
>Nietzsche was the head of philology department at the age of 24
>Schopenhauer began his magnum opus at the age of 25
>At the age of 24 Godel revolutionized mathematics with his incompleteness theorems

What have you accomplished so far? You're not wasting your youth, are you?

>> No.19892561

I had a glowing mushroom farm for like 6 days

>> No.19892576

They were privileged to live in societies that respected men, and rewarded intellectualism, and met with vast frontiers to explore.

Men nowadays are slaves to the weak, all forcibly educated to the same reaches, and loathing of wisdom.

>> No.19892584

Published a few times.
Umm... yeah
Got laid once, too

>> No.19892593

I am wasting it, and I won't stop.

>> No.19892598

>Schopenhauer began his magnum opus at the age of 25
Hahahahah that explains it.

>> No.19892606
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Ok, but how many blasians tattooed whores did they fuck?

>> No.19892610

>Wasting youth
No such thing. I was who I was 2 years ago and that hasn't changed. I wasn't capable of great things back then, I'm not capable of them now.

That's just a fantasy of your previous self (who you assume to be more capable than he really was) laying the groundwork so you might achieve great things now. It works because you've forgotten how inept you were back then but it still is just fantasy.

If I was capable of great things I would've done them or actually started doing them.

>> No.19892614

I think a lot of it is bc education is more or less "forced" to be from ages 5-18, with some ability to start college at ~16. In reality, I think you can get a gifted student with good tutelage enough prerequisite knowledge/skills to get into college by the age of 10. So 4 years for a bs, 4-6 years for a PhD and boom, you have your 20 yo prodigy. That's not to say everyone should be forced to make it by 10 yo, but that opportunity should be present for smart kids to advance freely and dumb kids to be left far away from upper education.

>> No.19892645

Depends on the field, you don't have to be a prodigy to take engineering courses or calculus at young age. They're just too specialized.

For example circuit analysis or fourier

>> No.19892689

Agreed, I wouldn't push a prodigy in applied science (and obviously not a social science). I'd probably suggest a broad field like math, physics, chemistry etc., and let their natural interests take them down a narrow path. So yeah, any field that is a) not simple memorizing and b) not too specific or applied would be good for a prodigy.

>> No.19892698


>> No.19892704

I have level 99 Hunter in Old School RuneScape. Only 50,127 human beings, in the billions of years since the beginning of creation and in the billions of galaxies in the universe, can say they have that accomplishment.

>> No.19892708


>> No.19892714

Hunter is the easiest skill to level up. Even your highest achievement is pathetic. Sad.

>> No.19892840

i clicked this thread because of the girl

>> No.19892870

Hume started A Treatise of Human Nature when he was 23. He also went to Edinburgh University when he was like 11.

>> No.19892903

Gödel was completely full of shit.
He went insane for good reason.
Scam artists go insane.
The basis of the scam is essentially "using a reserved keyword as an identifier"
you can't define words that have meta-mathematical usage such as 'truth' and 'proof' because their meta-mathematical usage precludes mathematical definition
you also can't use 'for' as a variable name in your loop
for (for = 0; for < 10; for += 1) {
printf("Hello, %d!\n",for);
this is not valid C code
full details here: https://imgur.com/a/Gzp2Ile

>> No.19892907

this just goes to show that the kraut system didn't have the power to weed out the charlatans & sophists, so they went batshit anti-semitic and the rest is history
normal people don't practice arguing both sides of a point
they just don't think like lawyers

>> No.19892915

chief keef dropped love sosa at 16

>> No.19892919

> normal people don't practice arguing both sides of a point
Start with the ancient sceptics

>> No.19892930

>makeup freckles
Just take her out in the back and put her down for Christ's sake.

>> No.19892954

kek. this

and i think the guy who did the "motherfuckers in the barbershop" intro was around the same age.

>> No.19893234 [DELETED] 
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (27).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Academia is corrupt to its core.
Besides the only field where "wizkids" are a thing anymore is technology. You only get your phd by 27. Even then your work is not judged by its merits but by how exciting it is or how politically convenient. Barring all that comparing one time to another is silly

OP if youre really so smart as you think you are why dont you make threads where we discuss things fruitfully instead of this petty pointless bait

>> No.19893243
File: 544 KB, 1195x875, b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Academia is corrupt to its core.
Besides the only field where "wizkids" are a thing anymore is technology. You only get your phd by 27. Even then your work is not judged by its merits but by how exciting it is or how politically convenient. Barring all that comparing one time to another is silly

OP if youre really so smart as you think you are why dont you make threads where we discuss things fruitfully instead of this petty pointless bait

>> No.19893280

this was clearly a public stunt to raise standards image. Whats letting one retard in when yot coverage like this showing your school in a positive light. Its not like he will last long if he doesnt have the aptitude

>> No.19893286

Could be a dude otherwise not sure but if so not bad but really fuck you you faggot also if girl not bad but still fucking faggot bitch you know how it goes much love from the comment scenario as usual per say.

>> No.19893288

>Be me
>Send Oxford application
>It's the word "Nigger" 100 times
>Never even get an answer
What did I do wrong?

>> No.19893310
File: 306 KB, 750x1105, 1570412376317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Define accomplished

>> No.19893319

I feel like if you have a phd, no matter in what, you can get something better than wendys with relative ease. Am i being naive?

>> No.19893322

gotta keep grinding homie. SIGMA GRINDSET. postive thinking, lift weights, fuck niggers+ kykes.

>> No.19893333
File: 410 KB, 840x854, 0e6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not good enough
That's part of it
>family would cut me off if I deviated from a normal career path
That's the second part

>> No.19893336

But why would he so autistically specialize in Husserl he can't do anything else?
Also he could cut down the page number in the biography for starters, that could help selling the book.

>> No.19893339

>DFW was hailed as a literary genius at a young age
>received no meaning or lasting accomplishment from it
>was an hero
I’m just doing what I can with what I have

>> No.19893346

Damn i really wanna live my life like famously happy people nietzsche and schopenhauer

>> No.19893350

you can always do whatever after you have a stable job. Or do your research and study in your free time. Your family was right

>> No.19893359


>> No.19893360

Now it's much more difficult to be recognized, literary circles don't even exist anymore.

>> No.19893365

>family would cut me off
Jesus christ

>> No.19893367

>"oh, you have a phd in philosophy? cool. Do you have any practical knowledge related to the job? no? well fuck off"

>> No.19893374

He probably just means they would stop paying for his studies which is a fair thing to do

>> No.19893376

Yeah but some sort of office job?

>> No.19893381

I've written a few books. I have no intention whatever of publishing before I'm 30.

>> No.19893386
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>> No.19893388

Why would you just get an office job ifn you have a phd in philosophy? You still need the qualifications and practical knowledge to work in a office

>> No.19893391

The same amount as me probably :(

>> No.19893397

I got a quite well paying office job as a student with literally no experience, im sure someone with a phd could get one
ALSO if he's an academic with a phd he probably has a lot of connections who could hook him up with something

>> No.19893401

No, I literally mean they would cut me off, and all of them would stop talking to me forever. If I talked about anything that happened in my family they might even threaten legal action against me

They already don't talk to me much - but who else do I have? I don't have any friends. A family that kind of likes you, but treats you poorly is probably better than having no family or friends

>> No.19893405

>he probably has a lot of connections
lmao, read the pic again, that guy is literally alone.

>> No.19893406

Damn I wanna fuck a blasian so bad. Very rare here in Australia.

>> No.19893415

>John Kennedy Toole won a pulitzer prize posthumously after killing himself at the age of 32
There is hope anon. Not everything has to be done young. The impact we leave on the world is not measured according to what age we are when we leave it. The earlier you peak, the longer you have to fall.

>> No.19893417
File: 144 KB, 1300x732, R[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wallace Stevens published his first book at 44 and hit his creative peak in his 50s & 60s. I think that this fact is why Stevens is so widely beloved by lit professors; they think they can be like him and start publishing their creative works once they've secured tenure/hit retirement.

>> No.19893427

You just caught a lucky break. Where I am all the office jobs NEED 3-5 years of experience plus a bachelors. Even for something as mundane as data entry you need years of experience.

>> No.19893432

Dated one. Best sex ever. They take to hatefucking like it's nothing.

>> No.19893433

Fuck man. Were you a drug addict or something. I doubt this just came out of nowhere

>> No.19893439

Imagine having the intellect for a Phd and ending up like this. Honestly just seems like societies fault for letting intellect go to waste

>> No.19893449

No, stuff that happened in my childhood though. Family involved stuff. They've already cut other family members off over it

>> No.19893480

By itself, what is academic achievement worth? You have studied the thoughts of other, completed tests created by others, you have revealed what you are really really good at is... following instructions.
Real intelligence is a man who can make himself, when nobody is around to tell him how

>> No.19893535

That's the combination of the two least attractive phenotypes. I rarely go for asians and black girls are a complete no go barring an 11/10 exception. Can't see a universe where I would ever get with a blasian girl.

>> No.19893572

Meh. It takes intellect to get a Phd. To do the tests and take in the amount of knowledge required to do it. Intellect alone isint conducive to success. You dont just simply achieve things and excel at life because you are intelligent. There are far more factors at play when it comes to achieving things.But your conception of intelligence is not important. My point is that everyone suffers when those who are intelligent arent utilized fully

>> No.19893580

Do you know what a dissertation involves? It requires you to develop a novel idea and provide extremely thorough research in order to support your novel idea. There's a reason that at most university less than 50% of people who start as PhD students end up getting a PhD (I'm speaking as one of those who failed). You get support from professors around you, but they definitely don't tell you how to make your ideas. You strike me as someone who hasn't spent a lot of time in university.

>> No.19893707

At 22 I am an over-educated retail-working literal faggot with no hope for the future god bless.

>> No.19893722

So far I have accomplished self sabotaging and realizing that A Clockwork Orange is more accurate than previously thought

>> No.19893732

what is a stranger on the internet going to do with your excuses??

>> No.19893741

my pet theory on him was that he had an endocannabinoid disorder
the Fresh Air interview is unlistenable
guy sounds like he was walking on pins & needles the whole time

>> No.19893742
File: 106 KB, 814x1398, EUCeJELU4AAZIB-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are esthetically retarded.

>> No.19893765


>physics expert
>killed by gravity

>> No.19893784

are you indian are chinese? only asking cos cutting you off for deviating from a chosen career path sounds indian. or chinese

>> No.19893861

>What have you accomplished so far?
>You're not wasting your youth, are you?
yes, I am. why you ask?

>> No.19893877

Comparing myself to literary giants is pointless. I’m obviously not as gifted as they are. I can only do my best with what I have.

>> No.19893898

>What have you accomplished so far?


>> No.19893904

You are still thinking inside of a structure provided for you. I'm not saying it doesn't take intelligence, but that the kind of intelligence it takes is only a hyper specific and limited aspect of the intelligence required for success.
Writing a dissertation can be very difficult, and at the same time be more approachable and easy to face than the problem of what to do with one's life and the compromises it demands of us.
Otherwise, how do you explain that someone is so smart, but can't figure out how to survive in a sociey that is supposedly full of people more stupid than he is?

>> No.19893906

people are at their peak in their early 20s. no surprise

>> No.19893931

checked and based

>> No.19893933

I'm 30 years old
Right i'm with my parents, no income, deleted all my social media and stopped leaving the house
I killed myself
But i'm still alive
Its like they buried me, but i was never dead

>> No.19893951
File: 13 KB, 240x240, kant2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but Kant was 57 when wrote the Critique of Pure Reason, so I've still got time.

>> No.19893984

>tfw I'm already beyond my physical and mental peak
>tfw I screwed up my education and will never have to opportunity to attain any of the academic goals I've had since I was young
What do I even do at this point? I can't go on waking up every morning feeling like a failure.

>> No.19894045
File: 130 KB, 819x1024, 916786BB-9403-43BD-8017-BEDA3465FF57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s time to be reborn anon

>> No.19894057

i think the only solution is either suicide, live the rest of my life like a parasite or learn to program and hope to get a job

>> No.19894070

Worrying about my life achievements has done nothing for me. Moreover, every time I feel like I should give up, someone points out my talents, and it seems I'm depriving the help of those talents form someone else by wasting my life in accepting mediocrity.

>> No.19894087

>Worrying about my life achievements has done nothing for me.
It's only made my life worse, but I cant stop now. The bitterness is now a fundamental part of my personality.

>> No.19894119

The skyrim mod I made at age 16 got 580,000 downloads

>> No.19894124

Which one

>> No.19894139

For whatever reason my real name became attached to it so I would rather not post it here. But it was a pretty popular quest mod/mini expansion. Still get messages from people asking for sequels and updates
Might end up turning it into a my own game since I already got confirmation at least some people are into the concept

>> No.19894151

It's Gödel, you piece of shit

>> No.19894158

Philosophy is a niche now a days, people only care about science. Makes it hard to pursue it as a career. I chose a physics degree over philosophy, only because of job prospects. I definitely like philosophy more.

>> No.19894223

Godspeed, anon. You are gonna make it.

>> No.19894234

learn javascript

>> No.19894316
File: 47 KB, 850x400, quote-do-what-you-can-with-what-you-have-where-you-are-theodore-roosevelt-25-9-0959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and teddypilled

>> No.19894327
File: 3.84 MB, 3000x2273, teddy-theodore-roosevelt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironically, TR himself was getting involved in the bowels of New York state politics when he was in his early 20s. It shocked his family and everyone else in the upper class of Manhattan, because gentlemen of his class did not typically get involved in the rough and tumble of state assembly politics in New York. But Roosevelt wanted to be in the thick of the hard-knuckle politics from an early age. A sign of what was to come.

>> No.19894331

Yeah, I really need to get over myself. If I want to achieve anything even close to resembling the goals I've had in my life, I have to just start now instead of constantly seething about all the time I've wasted.
It's just tough when I've been surrounded by highly successful people for my entire life.

>> No.19894336

Ive studied all these men but I live in a shed and my drinking water is frozen because there are no utilities

Also I just had the worst dream ive ever had

>> No.19894413

>niggers are stupid
>society is filled with niggers
>I am smarter than niggers
>I can't survive ina society filled with niggers
>Ergo, niggers are actually genius.
Have you heard of idiocracy?

>> No.19894446

They never had to contend with a single nigger in their entire lives

>> No.19894447

A thousand hearty keks.

That said: there are also plenty of examples of people who just sort of lived and fucked around for a while and then started working on what would be the ideas they became known for later in lyfe. There's no 1 size fits all type beat.

Anyway, this thread is ghey, >>19894336 tell us of your dream.

>> No.19894456

I bet was a walking bluepill, I hecking love science! type too. I love when normies have their entire dreams, petty though they are, crushed by harsh reality. Fucking nerd.

>> No.19894463

I would normally scorn such pitiful blackpill scoffing but anybody who studies physics and then settles for engineering is ngmi.

>> No.19894472

That's not the type of people that finish physics phds. People like that don't actually know shit about science.

>> No.19894479

>wanted to study physics
>didn't get the grades to get in unironically only because I was too lazy to study
>now studying engineering
It's over isn't it?

>> No.19894480

>Getting dick sucked in a church for some reason
>Instantly arrested on a shitload of terrible get shanked in prison charges but I didnt even do any of the things I was charged with
>The cops toss me out naked without glasses onto the street after all lawyers refuse to help
>Its a horrible big city ive never seen before
>Running for my life from an angry mob
>Hit by a bus and wake up

I mean what the fuck man that bitch wanted to suck it

>> No.19894494

I have karma

>> No.19894511

I believe that often dreams are some power in the universe trying to show us something. If it's fucked you up that much you should study it and see what it could mean. I think the apparent lack of connection between your arrest (for things you didn't do) and your wycked beej (which you did) is probably important, esp as the latter is still a rather immoral thing. Don't sleep on your dreams! Also: the universe may be trying to tell you that even in your dreams you're based, cuz that's some gangster shit.

I woke up this morning dreaming that I was fucking a chinese qt; i think this may be my destiny.

>> No.19894521

I predicted I would have a nightmare yesterday because I fucked up at work and didnt say shit and it bothered me the entire day

I suppose the prediction of that nightmare manifested into the worst thing I could imagine, some way to say that all sins are equal or something. Idk.

>> No.19894531

I get your point but i think you're still wrong. I think the point the other anons are making and which i believe is that:

In our society the value of a phd itself isn't enough. We also want to see them get certain practical skills like being charismatic and knowing how to get a job (I think they call it soft skills). However, the "soft skills" we are looking for in people we don't teach as directly as the ones needed to write a dissertation (hard skills then i guess) for example. So, people excel in the hard skills and do so on a very high level but never learned or realized that they need to learn the soft skills too. And the moment they realize that there is a thing like "soft skills" and how valuable they are to be able to apply your "hard skills" somewhere it's too late (or at least that's what they think i suppose). Making them feel scammed.

>> No.19894556

Subtle would be a better term than soft, as they are less obvious. I remember being told about the concept of TACT, and flippantly denying it's importance claiming "fuck that, if people cannot accept cold hard logic then they don't matter at all". I paid for that through my 20s.

>> No.19894569

>tom clancy wrote the hunt for red october by the time he was 37
>napoleon was considered average by his school teacher as a child and said that "napoleon would make a decent administrator"
>the duke of wellington was directionless in life until his early to mid 20s
>genghis khan only united mongolia by the time he was 40
>dale earnhardt took 6 years to win his first winston cup championship and 20 (TWENTY) years to win his first daytona 500
>lewis hamilton won his first championship in his 2nd year and then took another 6 years to start winning more championships (for some F1 drivers 10 years is an entire career)
too many more examples to post
everybody achieves things at different times

>> No.19894606

I think the contrast between inner and outer depictions of sin & punishment is telling. Your inner sin was not acting according to your principles by not speaking up at work (reflected by the "introibo ad altare fellatio" scene). The outer punishment in the dream was the arrest, of course. You may be anticipating (or manifesting) some retribution for this or another act. If this behaviour is part of a pattern it may be that it is going to catch up with you in some fashion you have yet to appreciate.

>I paid for that through my 20s.
Sad. Many such cases (including myself). But, at least this realisation speaks of a wisdom many never achieve.

I was with you until you brought up that wicked agent of evil, L*wis H*milton (may Allah forgive me). Fangio (pbuh) didn't even start racing until he was 25.

>> No.19894614

At the age of 21, Wittgenstein wrote the Tractatus and screw him for that. That book scares me. I never got past the first 6 or 7 pages and I pretended it was because I wasn't paying much attention that I understood nothing, not because I'm brainlet.

>> No.19894637

Yeah you're probably correct and I'm probably fucked because my subconsious tends to be good at predicting things, it was a minor fuck up at work, but something it telling me it will go nuclear. Too late to do anything about it now.

>> No.19894716
File: 509 KB, 1500x2407, 1632618880154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What have you accomplished so far?
Happiness and solitariness.
>You're not wasting your youth, are you?

>> No.19894746

>At around age 35 Gotama left the household life and became a Buddha, expounding the dhamma which is unsurpassed in wisdom, both in Beginning, Middle and End.
There's still hope for all of us.

>> No.19894766

this guy admitted it was fake, don't let nobodies frighten you away from your passion.

>> No.19894820

This is true, but I know I probably wouldn't achieve much anyway. Too lazy. I only stopped playing video games and decided to be more diligent 3 months ago. I am 26. I have zero hope

>> No.19894830

You couldn't write something half as good as sorrows of Young Wurther.

>> No.19894832

>I remember being told about the concept of TACT, and flippantly denying it's importance claiming "fuck that, if people cannot accept cold hard logic then they don't matter at all".

I had a similar attitude. I got rejected once because of it at 24 and realized my mistake. I mean, it only increased my contempt for people who cannot accept the truth, logic, etc, but at least now I know I am supposed to lie to that filth

>> No.19894844

Even if its just a mod, that many downloads for a story/level design addition signifies you have some talent in that pursuit. I would go for it

>> No.19894855
File: 271 KB, 1652x1216, Chuds Seething.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was with you until you brought up that wicked agent of evil, L*wis H*milton (may Allah forgive me

>> No.19894871

I mean... just become a school teacher or even private tutor at the very least. With a PhD you could probably get a gig in a decent school and STEM teachers are in demand pretty much everywhere. You can make bank tutoring immigrant kids desperate to get into good schools / colleges etc. I know that it is a massive downgrade compared to what he would have been wanting, but it is better than a call centre and its better than suicide.

>> No.19894875

>They take to hatefucking like it's nothing.

Aint this the truth. Where do they learn it?

>> No.19894876

The only mod that fits that description and has exactly that many downloads is "The forgotten city" which already had a game made about it. Are you larping

>> No.19894926

hamspammy??? we miss you faggot where have you gone?

>> No.19894950

Amx is champ, remember to never forget.

>> No.19895029

Pure undulturated cope. I suspect you were a fat ugly guy in high school who got bullied. Im afraid not enough

>> No.19895576

completely false. the peak is at age 40.

>> No.19895577

Yeah... the "smart" guy became president
So? That's exactly my point, they weren't smart enough to learn anything that wasn't explicitly in the curriculum. They might be intelligent at following directions, but need their hands held to succeed

>> No.19895594

The most schizo math post I've ever seen

>> No.19895649

The biggest shit was that he like pharaoh 1999.

>> No.19895752

I think that is also because some of them have been in the educational system for like 20 or so years and it worked out for them. They got praise for doing good work in the system and then when it finally ends they are just dropped pretty much.

And 'till a certain degree i agree with you. They really should look outside the box to succeed but it is very easy going for them to stay within it for a good part of their lives.

>> No.19895784

Is having top 1% networth for my age and 3 novels to my name as a 24 years old good?

>> No.19895794

Ill finish my philosophical magnum opus (Technikphilosophie) à la Schopenhauer by 25.

>> No.19895849

I think some people get laser focused on one outcome and when it doesn't happen they can't see the light at the end of the tunnel.

>> No.19895856 [DELETED] 

>What have you accomplished so far? Nothing because I'm 14 years old

>> No.19895922

>I was dean of my virginity at 30
pretty good burn. Have a (you).

>> No.19895940

>What have you accomplished so far?
My oeuvre is quite extensive. Dozens of essays and short stories, two books (one in progress, the other delayed indefinitely), hundreds upon hundreds of pages worth of philosophical notes, journaling and miscellany, and countless witty shitposts. I'd be much further along if I didn't have to work a job to subsist. An I had most of this done by the time I turned 30.

Flaubert didn't publish until he was 35 and what he did eventually is considered a literary masterpiece. It's not a race. Everything moves on its own accord.

>> No.19896071

This. He is probably also behind all the peterson threads

>> No.19896210
File: 74 KB, 471x750, 2ef4c7b3b51029d2fce8baf51ed3048b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am 25
>What have you accomplished so far?
In certain ways I have had a "shitty" life story but in spite of it I didn't kill myself, didn't go crazy, and learned to navigate through my clinical autism without anyone's help. So I can say that it is an accomplishment. Everything I went through was objectively painful but invaluable in making me develop my own understanding of the world. Now I feel a sense of power although all the psychological stakes were genetically and experientially against me. It is good.
I am constructing a work of art which is bringing a lot of joy to my life, it is a national epic. I know the entirety of its narrative and I have also learned technical drawing so as to be able to speak with pictures as well as with words when I tell this story. I know my intentions exactly, and I know exactly how it will look. I wrote a series of satirical platonic dialogues on the subject of cultural critique, and some essays on the Russian Silver Age. I know a shitload about Russian modernist art history. So overall I am not dissatisfied.

>> No.19896350

In that case it might be a failure of parenting, when the parents rely on the educational system to be the primary instructor of their children.

>> No.19896946

I think iq peaks around 25

>> No.19896966
File: 46 KB, 675x680, 1593543898022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made 200k in getting lucky with bitcoin. That's it

>> No.19897116
File: 105 KB, 1000x1541, Herbert_Spencer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to add a little nuance
>Herbert Spencer, started his writing career well into his 30's.
>Contributed extensively to political philosophy, theory of evolution, sociology and psychology.

>Henry George published his Progress and Poverty when he was around 40.
>Arguably one of the most successful books on economics in history.
>His later book Protection or Free Trade was one of the first books to be recited full in the American Congress

While it is good to use youth wisely and effectively as it gives you much advantages. This should motivate you to act early.
What it shouldn't do is discourage you from writing when you have reached a certain age. As it is not impossible to achieve success when in age.

>> No.19897206

I started my diary(blog), desu.

>> No.19897271

All these men also grew up in an age where there was alot of low hanging fruit to pick.

There are thousands of math PHDs today who would be a gigageniuses in the early 20th century. A big part of why you don't see that same productivity today is the people like von Neumann had alot of "lower hanging fruit" to pick.

That's not to be dismissive of people in the past, at all. It's just that the track you have to run to get to the frontier of research is ever increasing.

>> No.19897323
File: 3.70 MB, 2359x1484, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few highlights
Took pics for the president (2017)
Built a farnsworth fusion reactor (for the BSA)
Almost put bees in space (GoForLaunch2015)
Met and traded with over 132 nations (WSJ2019)

I'm 19, turing 20 in March
used to live in California, low middle class.
My dream is to become a creative director in sci-fi. What have you done OP?

>> No.19897346

I made 5mil and met a successful business woman who likes me even though I'm a lower class gronk

>> No.19897437

>reading university

>> No.19897735

yea agreed still sad that it happens

>> No.19897743

we're gonna make it fren

>> No.19898343

Jesus fucking christ I thought you were gonna be bitching about how women and POC are underprivileged and I was gonna laugh at you for copeing but then you're actually literally saying that men have it hard and the reason you're not successful is cause you're a guy.

This is the whiniest, most bitch-baby comment I have ever read. I've read probably about a million comments on the internet in the past 2 decades and I've never read one this weak hearted and pathetic. I hate the fact that someone like you even exists. Your line should have been genetically wiped out a long time ago, I can't imagine how you could even exist if evolution is true.

You're a more notable person than me or anyone else in this thread. We are all relative normies, not special in any way, but you are the very lowest of mankind that has survived this far. You're in the top 0.001% most pathetic pieces of shit to draw breath. I'm gonna go kill myself because reading your comment irreparably darkened my view of humanity.

>> No.19898461

Do you reckon they ever look at a man like that?
I reckon not. Not if they take pictures like that.

>> No.19899513

>I'm gonna go kill myself because reading your comment irreparably darkened my view of humanity.

>> No.19899535

Life has been a struggle up to this point, certainly not the worst, but enough that it staggered my life substantially. I'm only just now getting solid footing, but financial problems are making it an akward stance.
Now I'm faced with a seemingly imminent threat. The only reason I havent gone to school or invested myself in anything more is because I've been doing all I can to stockpile a small trove of supplies, nothong famcy though.
I'm terrified of imminent conflict, I feel that this is the only way I can have any kind of meaningful investment, economic investment seems unsound given how this like to fucking crash and burn, so Im making do.

Im not really living in the meantime, my regrets keep building, life keeps passing me by. I regularly have to fend off suicidal thoughts, I know I have to keep going, even if its the most dreadful aching thing imaginable.

>> No.19899546

I wrote an anime webnovel.

>> No.19899551

I duel enrolled in college at 16, courses felt fairly easy. Age discrimination was shit though.
>Mr. Annon, could you show the class your answer?
90% of my professors wanted to use me as an example of 'youthful naiveté' and got pissed when I did well in their class. Schools want kids to remain in their proper age ranks. Smart kids get shit on, stupid kids get participation stars. No one really wins, overachievers end up flunking after they realize that grade school barely matters anymore.

Yeah, its surprisingly common. Bosses want experience, not education. Sadly Phd's don't really get the chance to have those experiences. I met a chiropractor who worked at McDonalds, simply because he was cucked out of a job by some wagie without a degree.