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/lit/ - Literature

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1989058 No.1989058 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/. Do you know any atmospheric films set in pre-industrial times, or the wilderness? Basically like LOTR minus the plot and overdone orchestral score. I'm asking here because you're smarter than /tv/ by a wide margin.

>> No.1989062

The film Baraka explores wilderness/natives/rituals, but it also compares it to post industrial society, so its not completely about wilderness, it's worth checking out though, it contains scenes shot almost everywhere in the world. It's pure cinema though, no plot, no characters, similar to a documentary but there's not even a narrator.

>> No.1989084

uhh braveheart

>> No.1989109
File: 45 KB, 630x390, rae dawn chong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seconding this, OP. It's a really lovely, interesting film.

The rec we should get out of the way is Koyaanisqatsi. It could fit, although it alternates between landscape and cityscape.

And I'm gonna plug my favorite movie. Quest for Fire, or La Guerre du feu. It's not exactly "atmospheric". It's anthropological/prehistorical fiction, and it as a plot, though not a very demanding one. It's the story of some cavemen whose fire goes out in a disaster and, as the title suggests, they go on a quest to find more fire. There is no dialogue--well, there is a small amount of gibberish (actually it's a conlang, but dont worry 'bout that) but overall it's just people dressed as neandertals and early humans wandering through various landscapes. Also, Tommy Chong's daughter is naked for half of it, pic related.

>> No.1989111

Valhalla Rising is exactly what you are looking for I believe

>> No.1989113
File: 225 KB, 425x426, Robert McCall does not think so.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Last Samurai

>> No.1989120

...and you could also watch Planet Earth on mute.

>> No.1989125

Brofist for seconding baraka, you are my new favourite namefag. I haven't ,amaged tp check out koyaanisqatsi yet. I've noted quest for fire also.

>> No.1989128

conan the barbarian has some great scenery
and it's not CGI like lotr

>> No.1989142

Oh hells yes! It sounds perfect.


>> No.1989222

The New World sounds like exactly what you're looking for.

>> No.1989232

Into The Wild.
>The plot is very basic
>Great scenery
>Dat soundtrack

>> No.1989235

>I'm asking here because you're smarter than /tv/ by a wide margin.

you must be new here

>> No.1989238

Even with all the pretension, triptrolling and fantasy threads, lit is smarter than tv.

>> No.1989239

Aguirre, the Wrath of God. Amazing everything and Kinski's is one of the best leadings performances I've ever watched.

>> No.1989240

No, not really.

>> No.1989292

Lots of pretension and kids too lazy to do their own homework, but you have to admit this is the smart board. 'Atmospheric' would probably translate to 'Scary' in /tv/-speak, since most of them are there to talk about t.v. series and blockbusters.

>> No.1989294

There are plenty of good tv series and blockbusters.

/lit/ is not smarter, they are more pretentious. Which is what I would wager you are.

>> No.1989301

>There are plenty of good tv series and blockbusters.

You do realise we're talking about /tv/ the board right? /lit/ isn't the smartest board but it's definitely, definitely smarter than /tv/

>> No.1989311

>There are plenty of good tv series and blockbusters.
Well, enjoy your formulaic plots and heroes without characteristics. I wonder will Everyman get the girl? Or repeat a line from the start of the film in a new context at the very end, providing closure to the audience? Will the uptight guy learn to be more like Everyman? Will the man with disturbingly un-average traits turn out to be a villain? So much tension!

>> No.1989334

Transformers in't the only blockbuster bro...

>> No.1989346

Most movies by Werner Herzog.

>> No.1989356
File: 33 KB, 500x88, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Re: /tv/

RIP, board that was, briefly, my internet home. You have become a monstrous fiend that I no longer recognize--such is the way of message boards, I know. But still, my life, as it passes without you, is hateful to me, and it is during sleep alone that I can taste joy: for in sleep I see the board you once were, and this fleeting repose lulls me to rapture before I am in my waking swallowed up by the whirlwinds of rage

>> No.1989357

Name one blockbuster that isn't some form of the hero's journey.

>> No.1989359

I haven't even seen that. Goes to show, the Hollywood formula sticks around.

>> No.1989361

Grizzly Adams

>> No.1989362

That quote makes me think of masturbation. Not even in a vulgar way.

>> No.1989369

Rain Man and Jaws.

You could say that any book/movie/tv show is about a "hero's" journey almost though.

>> No.1989372
File: 95 KB, 500x415, erotical frenzy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha wow, it really fits, doesn't it?

I'll remember that association forever now, especially when touching myself. Props, anon. You have positively affected my life this day.

>> No.1989378

I've only seen Grizzly Man, because I used to be real into the Timothy Treadwell story. What would you recommend of his?

>> No.1989494

Aguirre, the Wrath of God and Fitzcarraldo are his most well known films I believe. Both are Heart of Darkness type films - man's struggle with nature.

Terrance Malik has some good stuff too. Someone pointed out The New World, and also The Thin Red Line. Mostly philosophical movies of young men mixed with good cinematography.

>> No.1990750


valhalla rising is just about murdering people as savagely as possible

>> No.1990762

Confirmed for mislead by the trailer.

>> No.1990767

Valhalla Rising is all atmosphere and no plot. Don't bother watching it.

>> No.1990785

a lot of good options have been mentioned so far
Anything by Terrence Malick will have scene reminiscent of that (The New World basically is that. I prefer the Malick's later cut, but it's often debated which is best.)
Aguirre, Wrath of God (his documentaries give off the impression your looking for in a non-surreal way)
Koyaanisqatsi (much better than Baraka and it has one of the best scores of all-time)
Che: Part Two (You should probably see the first part before though.)
Several of Kiarostami's films have this, but they take place in Iran. Taste of Cherry would probably be the best example of his.
Planet Earth
Earth (Dovzhenko, I'm not sure if you're into silent films, but it applies)
Miyazaki's often fits, but it's animated.

>> No.1990789

>All atmosphere
>No plot
Did you read OPs post?

>> No.1990791


I have no idea why I included Kiarostami in this.

>> No.1990798

Gibson's Apocalypto fits the bill, but it was mediocre at best

>> No.1990812


Koyaanisqatsi was the first film I watched stoned back in '89, mind=blown. Followed it up with Logan's Run same night mind also = blown.