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19889738 No.19889738 [Reply] [Original]

>I feel lonely
>>Speak to someone
>I want this conversation to end

Any books about this?

>> No.19889744


>> No.19889749

wanting human contact is not schizoid

>> No.19889764

My diary desu

>> No.19889773

No Exit, maybe idk.

>> No.19889778

you clearly dont want it

>> No.19889779

I’m the same but also
>miss my parents
>they come over
>I want them to leave
The same doesn’t happen with my gf because we mostly just cuddle silently or fuck.
I think it’s the human presence that we want, not necessarily verbal exchanges. People feel the need to fill the silence with small talk, which is unfortunate.

>> No.19889803

seeking out someone to talk to is a clear sign of wanting personal contact

>> No.19889806

rejecting conversation is a clear sign you dont want human contact

>> No.19889808

who the hell wants to engage in unfulfilling conversation? nobody.
you're misusing the term

>> No.19889818

I'm like this. I just want people to love and admire me and get frustrated when my incompetence prevents me from achieving that.

>> No.19889829

you're not being very precise first of all and then you act like a teenager who doesnt like small-talk, as if thats all there is to it; go speak to a psychologist if you want to have meaningful conversations; otherwise, unfulfilling conversations are a must to get to those meaningful ones

>> No.19889831

You should get a copy of 120 Days Of Sodom and discuss the graphic sex scenes slowly with anyone in earshot, in public

>> No.19889833
File: 156 KB, 750x749, ef22c5f6fd02f00371aa1be18a02679d-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am extremely lonely, but I don't want friends, especially male friends. I really don't like men. I want a girlfriend and a girlfriend only.

Book for this feel?

>> No.19889835

you're assuming i'm op--i'm not. i'm just here to tell you you're misusing the diagnosis for schizoid

anyone can get involved and like or dislike conversation, but the schizoid doesn't desire it to begin with. that is the diagnosis

>> No.19889840


>> No.19889843

aight, but still avoidant type personality disorder although i dont know shit about op but from his >

>> No.19889852

The Holy Quran teaches that all unmarried women are fair game and should be claimed for the glory of Allah. I happen to agree with this divine injunction, but alas live in an unbelieving nation.

>> No.19889854
File: 69 KB, 440x591, simp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There you go, no need to thank me ;)

>> No.19889855


>> No.19889958

Better being simp than gay.
Schopenhauer said that a man who has male friends are gay.

>> No.19889976

I tend to agree with that assessment.

>> No.19889994

Just get on tinder and find a girl to fuck
You'll feel better

>> No.19890004

I'm a reclusive dude and while I do miss sex I think I miss my best friend the most. The kind of satisfaction you get from a male friend is really stimulating. You don't get the same from a gf, you get the physical intimacy but finding one that isn't mentally distant from you is very rare.

>> No.19890057

You're clearly talking to wrong people

>> No.19890059

Persuasion and Rhetoric.

>> No.19890334
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>Don't like people
>Feel content being alone
pretty cool, bros

>> No.19890342

>want a relationship
> start dating
>realize relationships are a load bullshit
> become single
>hate the creeping existential loneliness

>> No.19890760

I did this and I still feel alone. Been dating her for 6 months now. I have everything I ever wanted in a relationship but I cant drop this feeling of existential loneliness. Basically what this anon >>19890342 said.

>> No.19890826

You didn’t say exactly what that anon said. He said he feels existential loneliness when he’s out of a relationship and you said you feel it while in a relationship. It’s an important distinction. I also feel something like an existential dread but not exactly loneliness while in a relationship, like there’s must be more to life than this. Thinking about picking up a hobby or a religion, but religion is retarded. People need to feel like their working towards a goal, a meaning in life, etc. but I can’t fool my own brain in believing in any ideology, cause or religion, so hobby it is.

>> No.19890861

I also thought about doing volunteer work or charity, which sounds good on paper, but because in my country poor people are ugly and unhygienic niggers and mutts it turns out that I don’t want to be near them.

>> No.19891034

>He said he feels existential loneliness when he’s out of a relationship and you said you feel it while in a relationship
My bad, anon. I was a bit distracted. But yes, you're right. The distinction is important and I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling it.
It's hard to describe, really. My gf wants to spend her life with me and loves me a lot. She was also a virgin when I met her and so was I. So we ended up bonding very closely.
But sometimes I feel like I was happier alone. I could do more. When you're in a relationship, there will always be ups and downs. When you're by yourself, you dictate the terms.
I think you're on the right track. I've been trying to pick up more hobbies and just keep myself busy/occupied. I recently started learning German so I can move out of my shithole country and also read the German literature.
Which country, anon?

>> No.19891157


>> No.19891284

I'm in the same boat, anon. I'm in India and trying to get out. Good luck to both of us.

>> No.19891322

Godspeed anon

>> No.19891338

Damn I hate Schopenhauer now

>> No.19891348

Did he? Where? I would've thought he'd say the opposite.

>> No.19892136

Picrel when you tell your mom you're gay.

>> No.19892178

Based and bropilled.

>> No.19893955

You're so dumb

>> No.19894068


So many people seem to be so miserable cause they don't have a bf/gf or whatever, but I've never wanted that. Friends are enough but being alone is nice too.

>> No.19894179


>> No.19894183

you WILL enjoy talking about the weather

>> No.19895282
