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19889492 No.19889492[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can someone please debunk this antisemitic nonsense? Thanks

>> No.19889540

There's over 50 books here, imagine how obsessed you have to be to read over 50 books on a topic of jews ruling the world.

>> No.19889547

You cant debunk the truth.

>"I have been found out!"

>> No.19889572
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jews are alien collaborators but they're being framed by the chinese

>> No.19889587

I love this kind of monomania. There's a series called the Holocaust Handbooks I see posted on here which is like 30 books all on that one topic and it cracks me up imagining the guy who clicks "add to cart" and then later on, hearing a knock on the door, thinks "oh boy my 30 books deboonking the holocaust have arrived".

>> No.19889605

>30 books
I'll have you know there are like 47. Although most of the time only 3 of them are shilled here since the rest go into detail on very specific topics

>> No.19889612

Jews are based and the rightful rulers of this earth

>> No.19889633

And eternity in hell awaits, kike

>> No.19889636

>implying the person who made the chart has even read all of them.

>> No.19889646

If you want to be convinced that's a great list.

>> No.19889648

Cope more goy cattle

>> No.19889666

you don't need to debunk it, you just need to read it and acknowledge it for what it is. think rationally and critically about their claims and you will see it's a load of lies with circumstantial bits of fact that hold together a larger narrative. antisemitic theories are held together by group consensus and split into millions of contradicting theories once the group diverges. it just goes to show the incoherence of it all

>> No.19889689

fabricated text, it is well known
some jews joined because socialists didn't support pogroms. The anti-bolshevik jewish bund had more members than the Bolshevik party itself before 1917.
>blaming capitalism, communism, transgender stuff, conservatism, Christian reforms on jews
Don't you feel that there are many contradictions here?
>slaveowner stuff
1.25% of the slaveowners were jewish despite the 78% /pol/ meme
You can read as many pseudo-historical texts as you want. I don't want to take away your freedom but you must understand that the people who write these things are usually weak, resentful, and have very little understanding of history.

>> No.19889696
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>> No.19889722
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That aside most of that list is actually solid.

>> No.19890283

>no Two Hundred Years Together
Shit list, imagine not including Solzhenitsyn's real masterpiece

>> No.19890287

It hasn't been translated yet.

>> No.19890321

I read somewhere that that book pretty much played down the Jewish role in the Bolshevik revolution and its cause. Is that true?

>> No.19890636

These are your average Jewish conspiracy schizos in action.

>> No.19890800
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>believes that 6 million jews died in the holohoax
>calls others schizo

>> No.19890828

>It hasn't been translated yet.
the guy you quoted linked to a translation wtf do you mean

>> No.19890836

no it's not true, the book is memory-holed precisely because it does the opposite of that

>> No.19890857

there is literally no real proof for antisemitism it's all speculation and schizoposting

>> No.19890964

An amateur translation.
It's not memoryholed, the English translation is due out 2024.

>> No.19892420

i simply don't have that much interest to read a huge fucking collage of half and quarter truths man seriously i am under the belief i know enough about the jewish kabal that i can remain healthy and safe

>> No.19892684
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here you go

>> No.19893083
File: 1.04 MB, 910x517, it certainly is.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19893142

lol that cracks me up too

>> No.19893587

List needs to be longer

>> No.19893623


Was Rockefeller a Jew?
Was Carnegie a Jew?
Was JP Morgan a Jew?
Was Ford a Jew?
How many Jewish Presidents are there?
How many Jewish Generals are there?
How many Jewish Plantations were there in the South?

Replace Jew with White Christian Male, and you may be on to something.

If you want to know who is distracting you, don't look to where the finger is pointing; look to who is pointing it.


>> No.19894527

Damn those white christians again! Fie! Fie! They should be properly dealt with!

>> No.19895144

I'm going to order them all just to be that guy.