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/lit/ - Literature

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1988726 No.1988726 [Reply] [Original]

In Waterstones, where I either window or actually shop, once a week.

>hand him the 3 books I'm buying
>"You always buy a lot of interesting books"
>mfw people in shops remember me, and think I have decent taste
>books are mostly Hispanic
>we talk about our shared love of Mario Vargas Llosa, and how awesome The Feast of the Goat and The War of the End of the World are

Wow. I like talking to the Waterstones staff, but I didn't realise they knew me on sight. He also thought my purchases (Love in the Time of Cholera, Sunset Park, Labyrinths) were cool. I felt kind of pleased when I walked home.

>> No.1988730

That sounds like a great feel.

>> No.1988731

sunhawk's gonna get laaaaid

>> No.1988732

Well, today I woke up and I brushed my teeth, had some breakfast, you know the usual, browsed lit for a while and here I am now.

>> No.1988744

I also thought because of all the complaints here about book shops and their staff, I should say this.

Perhaps me life is petty and small.

>> No.1988781

I kinda apreciate this Sunhawk fellow

>> No.1988793

I know that feel. I go to local used book stores for all my needs, so I know most of the owners and the employees all recognize me. Nice having people to chat literature with on a regular basis.

>> No.1988794

>chatting about literature

>> No.1988802

you're a tripfag so that your life is petty and small should be pretty fucking obvious

>> No.1988842

>not your personal blog

>> No.1989471

The last time I bought an issue of McSweeney's the cashier at the bookstore struck up a conversation with me, but the only reason I was buying a fancy, expensive new issue of McSweeney's was that I was very drunk on payday, so my side of the conversation was pretty much 90 seconds of slurring "AHauRHURhurhurHAHA"

>> No.1989490

Fictions would be a better place to start than Labyrinths. But was the guy cute? Did you get his number?