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19887097 No.19887097 [Reply] [Original]

Post poems, rate and critique poems, post favorite poems. you know the drill.

>> No.19887105

only when In the mirror you see pride
I tell you the truth far more unified
is the mind with malkuth, for on her ring
is a disk from the most high conquering
king to which she cry’s out “give in with me
to the opulence of divinity.”
hark! your mind is a wheel, one spin you twist
into darker forms each continuous
in sorrow endless for none know they pick
from evil’s tessellated mosaic,
as one who bows to glycon they will be
bound to mammet miseries mazily,
as for the righteous whose numb limbs ensoul
each mental image with subliminal
symbols of salvation that his acts won,
he the Christ will be their satisfaction.

>> No.19887116

Only Started the thread because I wished to reply to the anon who posted the Turkish poem.

Most of this is explained in the first few pages of multiple of his books but I’ll reiterate to the best of my ability.

>sufficient reason?

The answer to this is also the answer to the rest, to Hegel he says the following, all that is rational is actual, all that is actual is rational, that which doesn’t have actuality cannot be said to have determination (in the sense of a dasein, a a manifest existence) but can be said fo subsist and can be said to have qualities (sosein) so in this regard, all that is actual in any particular moment is the totality of being and nature, but that which is beyond the reason hasn’t any actual existence; thus to say it has being or that there is an irrational, well This is simply to say it has, as of yet, to gain determination within the phenomena of being, which is resolved via the passing of time in history.

>what in his system makes the rational necessary as to be a limit on reality?

To be actual is to be rational, to be rational is to have determinant qualities that are perceivable, and to be perceivable it must have determinable qualities, thus if it is said to have any existence or experience that we can speak of, it must have a determinant even if that determinant is having no determination whatsoever; of which he says is no different whatsoever from having pure-being as the determinant. (See science of logic.)

>why can't the irrational be?

For to be irrational is to lack determinants; if you could divide it into experiential qualities and aspects that have actual existence, then it would be a rational portion of nature that obeys a logical form. In this regard there is nothing in experience that can be said is irrational, and this is where the big divide between begrif and idea comes, as he says in philosophy of right it is like the nirguna Brahman of the Hindus this nirguna; subsisting but not having any existence in nature. But being fully revealed as the opulence of nature, or as he said in phenomenology of spirit the overflowing of the chalice of spirit with God’s own infinitude, each moment then contains the infinity and totality of what is while every next moment does the same but expands the nature of being.

>whats the ground/reason for the absolute

In itself it is God as the ungrund/abyss, see either Hegel’s theology writing or his history of philosophy lecture upon jakob boehm,


>> No.19887124

God is uncaused being infinite yet fully on account of his actuality manifests all of time, thus unveiling the totality of his attributes in nature via the aufheben process; which is to say, the nature of God to know itself produces all at once in eternity, and in the eternity this manifestation of all makes God recognize himself as the absolute idea, thus God was always the creator always the father and all aspects of nature to the end of time itself demonstrate all of what God is, meanwhile phenomenologically from the view in time, we only ever view a slice of this totality, though each slice of analyzed contains the entirety of the divinity of God in his perfect simplicity, thus God is groundless and is his own ground And fully manifests his nature through himself. This is reflected in how the transcendental ego is groundless in the nature of man, but as a conscious it empties itself in the otherness/objects, in order to create a self-other dichotomy which allows the establishment of an empirical ego, thus the transcendental ego both being i and immediately gains the ability to say I, akin to a mirror and a man seeing himself within it, the man is God, the mirror is nature, the man reflected is the totality of his attributes which are the glory and spirit in nature, each idea.

>couldnt the irrational bypass anything keeping it from being through irrational means?

All that is irrational will be rational, and in the view of God, is already so.

>> No.19887974


>> No.19888001

Ever since the controversial law had passed eliminating controversy, people seemed strange. All pent up.
Their steps a little more
A little more
you know?
Like factory recall tin toys.
Like home-video rodent death.
Like their teeth were clenched, all the way up to the base of their noses.
Tiny muscle spasms,
imperceptible to the partially clothed eye. Small eyelid-barks.

There was a sweater itch stab in every thank you.
A bone-sore twitch in every good morning

>> No.19888008

Build the blankets again
Softly lay them to rest and tireless
They breathe as though your own
And bathe draped firmly, sealed about the edges
By their own weight though soundly unwearable
And soundly will she asleep

>> No.19888093

Conceived of as a riddle:

Go see the poisoner
He's a popular man
mixing up toxins
for self, family, friends
They burn your throat
and cross your eyes
and only the pastor
is afraid he may die

>> No.19888188

But isnt all THAT just rationality? Couldnt the irrational be despite all that, irrationally? Im not sure if what i mean by irrational is the indeterminate, since even if the irrational was the indeterminate, the irrational could be determinate too, again, in an irrational way. Couldnt god make a stone he couldnt lift and lift it? All im asking is, is there a boundary to god or what could be? If god is self grounding, couldnt the not-god self ground and be too? I cant see why any “necessity” is fundementally necessary

>> No.19888232

“We’re rolling down to India, boys”—,
And with those words,
All the brine fizzed and whirled
About the keel of the vessel,
A-bubblin’ by the bow,
A bending bow of old Rama.
I like your use of sparse capitalisation. Is there a significance to using lower case for some names other than Christ? It gave me an impression only the “I” and “Christ” were divine, but I’m not sure if that’s what you wanted to convey. Some of the diction was fantastic, particularly the phrase of many turns “evil’s tessellated mosaic”.

>> No.19888377

I will never forget the hardship of the past.
The success of these days, it is all done in remembrance of those days.
I had said once before, "I wish to make the old me proud."
Glory, my glory! I have done this!
I tell you, there is so little left in this world that I even care to take.
And so today will be a day of celebration - to victory. To the great victory I have won.

>> No.19888426

>But isnt all THAT just rationality?

You must remember that the logos, logic; reason and God are effectively one in this model, there is nothing else.

>couldnt the irrational be despite all that, irrationally?

Nah since irrational doesn’t really exist in the level of divinity only from the phenomenal perception in Time/history, now I have my own models that elaborate on the nuances but like no place to bring them up in this topic.

>Im not sure if what i mean by irrational is the indeterminate, since even if the irrational was the indeterminate, the irrational could be determinate too, again, in an irrational way.

Even the indeterminate is just a determination, and if it could be determined in any manner it could not be irrational; you’re saying that it could do it because it’s an illogical force that can do whatever it wants, but in absolute there is no illogical force truly.

>Couldnt god make a stone he couldnt lift and lift it?

Well paradoxical/paraconsistent logics exist, I personally have a synthesis of meingong, Hegel and various kabbalistic strands to deal with “impossible worlds” via the aussersein, but to hegel himself, such questions are nonsense; if it could not manifest and exist it could not rationally be, so it would be like saying “Could God stop being God” which is an illogical statement based on language and not an actual analysis of being, would be his reply.

>All im asking is, is there a boundary to god or what could be?

Nothing, being and becoming are just revelations of the qualities of god, both the irrational and rational are just a process to unveil god.

>If god is self grounding, couldnt the not-god self ground and be too?

There is no such godless self, broadly.

Thanks! I often play around with the capitalizations either for an I/God divinity focus or for gematric reasons.

>> No.19888561

Things I've shoved up my ass

Tall and wide or objects that are minute
Are things I enjoy inside my butt chute
Articles of this earth or those man made
They all have a home inside my ass cave
Butt stimulation make my head flutter
I want everything in my turd cutter

>> No.19888731

>Nah since irrational doesn’t really exist
>but in absolute there is no illogical force truly
>There is no such godless self, broadly.
excuse moi but i dont feel like WHY this is the case is answered
>which is an illogical statement
kinda my point hegel. i know illogic originates in language, but what exactly is stopping it from being is the question?
>I personally have a synthesis of meingong, Hegel and various kabbalistic strands to deal with “impossible worlds”
hows it working out for you? can impossible worlds exist? if one can, whats stopping any other?
>Nothing, being and becoming are just revelations of the qualities of god, both the irrational and rational are just a process to unveil god.
k is god boundaryless or no?
>and or
bit wonky. both being "and" or "or" could be better
>that are
feel like this is only there to make the line scan.
>Articles of this earth or those man made
are man made articles not of this earth?

>> No.19889619
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>> No.19890739


>> No.19891909
File: 18 KB, 720x405, ronald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Mine eyes have seen the glory of the Ronald of McDonald
> He is scooping out the fryer where the chicken tendies boiled
> He hath loosed the flabby elbows of his frycook, ever loyal
> His lard is scooting on

> Lardy, Lardy Supersize-me
> Lardy, Lardy Supersize-me
> Lardy, Lardy Supersize-me
> His lard is scooting on

> I have seen Him in the scooters on a hundred walmart ramps
> They have builded him an altar in their coronary plaques
> I can feel his salty essence coming out of my Big Mac
> His lard is scooting on

> Lardy, Lardy Supersize-me
> Lardy, Lardy Supersize-me
> Lardy, Lardy Supersize-me
> His lard is scooting on

> I have read a shaming trigger writ in ink upon the screen:
> "As you read this menu balance what you do with what you eat"
> Let the tubbies, full of blubber, eat until they lose their feet
> Since Ron is scooting on

> Lardy, Lardy Supersize-me
> Lardy, Lardy Supersize-me
> Lardy, Lardy Supersize-me
> Our Ron is scooting on

> He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat:
> He is brapping out the remnants of a fry into his seat
> Oh, be swift, my tongue to slobber him, his onion-scented meat
> Our Ron is scooting on

> Lardy, Lardy Supersize-me
> Lardy, Lardy Supersize-me
> Lardy, Lardy Supersize-me
> Our Ron is scooting on

> In the fields of potatoes Ron had sought obesity
> With a french-fry in his bosom that transfigures you and me
> As he fried to make men fatties, let us eat 'til we can't see
> That Ron is scooting on!

> Lardy, Lardy Supersize-me
> Lardy, Lardy Supersize-me
> Lardy, Lardy Supersize-me
> Our Ron is scooting on!

>> No.19892049

Girls just want to vent
No reply is expected
Maybe a girl needs a tree
It always listens, unaffected

>> No.19893170

going to coom



>> No.19893747

Woe! Woel

There be two woes:
Now cometh the first woe!
The dragon standeth on the earth !
His wing o'ershadoweth it, he rules the hour !
A time and time and half a time the second woe.
The woe of woes, the woe devouring all woes shall come.

Woe! Woe!

https://archive.org/details/herodiasadramat01heywgoog/page/n178/mode/2up (p. 179)

>> No.19894636
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He was just a lonely hunter,
and he surely took his time.
He set up all his traps
making sure to leave no sign.
He should of sat and listened a couple minutes more.

He ain’t gonna hunt no more.

"Is everybody dead yet?"
Asked the hunter reading maps.
His partner answered quickly,
with a reassuring tap.
But a mile away a shot rang out,
with a crooked roar.

He ain’t gonna hunt no more.

Some three come out of hiding,
returning slowly to the light.
Two relax when one calls out
"There's no soul we missed in sight"!
They left those grounds for good,
tripping a trap from before.

He ain’t gonna hunt no more.

>> No.19894914

The Frog
Filthy, smelly
Mean, dumb and lonely
The green thing has another name

>> No.19895147

Uau u are still alive. Im the anon who years ago i said i love Poe and only Poe and u suggested me others like Lord Dunsany. Anyway, why you are gnostic? I suggest to you to look for Rabbi Yaron on yt, he talks very well, so you can enjoy judaism, and than to look to Outis /lit/ threads so you can enjoy quran and islam

>> No.19895650

How the fuck do you guys write such good shit? I can't really critique any of the poems on here because I feel like they are in a different dimension of poetry that I can't reach. Was I born a pseud, destined to die a pseud? Here's my stuff

Deaths coming is only a few days away
Have to hit the gym and the library
On my way to decay
Have to jog every morning
Be in perfect shape to fade

Death is coming so close
I must go to the mall
Get a new set of clothes
For the funeral hall
I must get in a good shave
Before being lowered into a grave

Death's arrival on the horizon
Heading straight towards me
I can see its grim mizen
Poking up from the sea

>> No.19895654

basically, what kind of practices/reading should I look into to improve my poetry?

>> No.19895668

also I've never really been educated in the basics of poetry. rhyme, meter, metrical patterns, whatever. where do I start with that stuff? I also have some stuff in russian if anyone here can read it and is interested

>> No.19895977

well if you like something, say it, it's always a joy for the dude who wrote it
>what kind of practices/reading should I look into to improve my poetry?
lot of poetry, from all time and also translated poetry from the big guys (like if you can't read Italian or French, reading Leopardi or Rimbaud is still a good idea)
read aloud
mimicking poets you like is also a good idea
some poets wrote about poetry, Pound's ABC of Reading is not a bad starting point for instance, I know Mandelstam and Jakobson also wrote about poetry since you're Russian (I haven't read either)
it will slowly but surely come together
as for you poem I'd say it's too conventional, it lacks in imagery and the versification isn't super interesting, in short nothing justifies it being a poem and not a more conventional text

>> No.19896545

I don't really have anything to say apart from that I like it, in different flavours, so I feel like I'll look stupid but if it makes a difference then sure

liked this one, especially the imagery, but I have a hard time grasping what it's about beyond a very vague idea

loved everything about this one

No idea what this is about

Neat little thing

made me chuckle for some reason

despite the exclamation of "glory! my glory!" It feels really weary, like someone trying to convince themselves that everything's alright

nice and simple, pure fun

very confused about what this one is supposed to be but appreciate the imagery none the less. feels like I'm succumbing to heat stroke

nice shitpost. how long did this take you?

I liked it, I don't know what else to say

just lazy

doesn't really excite any reaction out if me, I just don't get the point of it

poor hunter

I love you

>> No.19897366

i want to cut my face off
and wear another
or better yet
none at all

>> No.19897418

A new kind of man
A goblin kind of man
He comes in the day
To eat and to pray

But none can be certain

>> No.19897424

This is the best one so far

>> No.19897444

I can't reach its peak
but I can dress the mountain
in a rain-cloud hat

>> No.19897510

Damn anon, thank you. I'm gonna submit this piece now.

>> No.19897615

Bee Bee Boo Boo's Big Day Out (starring Gee Gee)

The poem is just the title

>> No.19897747

"Promise me that you'll bury me in blood-starved leeches"
I had walked past this tombstone every day,
but had never noticed the inscription.

I had to make sure

I had definitely never noticed this inscription before.

>> No.19897754

Yeah, I DEFINITELY never noticed it

>> No.19897769

You're right. Thank you.

>> No.19897816
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>> No.19898118

to say a true thing
in a simple way
is a skill few attain.

i just tell lies with
and attribute the rain.

>> No.19898141

Bee Bee Boo Boo is
On a big day out today
Starring friend: Gee Gee

>> No.19898209

recently i learned of this concept popularized by ts elliot called the Objective correlative

>Objective correlative is a technique where the character never tells the reader what she is feeling. Instead she evokes that feeling through sensory experiences and description of her environment.

>> No.19898358

I am this anon >>19895147 and I love you too.
Thank you for commenting on so many poems, you are making this website a better place. I don't have much knowledge in poetry but you inspired me to contribute instead of only posting my stuff.

Short and sweet I love poems like this one
This is the first time I see "goblin" used as an adjective. I like the poem but I can't really figure out what kind of man it is describing.
The image of the mountain and it's rain-cloud hat is very cute.
Is this really a poem ?
This feels more like the hook of a story than a poem
I like the first paragraph, but I didn't really get the "and attribute the rain" verse. Care to explain it ?
Oddly this now feels more like a poem

>> No.19898363

I am not this anon >>19895147 I am this anon >>19894914

>> No.19898370

Literally a goblin
And the revamped edition feels more like a poem because it's a haiku

>> No.19898390

Okay exactly what I was picturing then. I got a bit confused as to why a goblin would pray and over analyzed it.

>> No.19899505

they changed the menu
again at taco bell
where do we go now
there isn’t any protein
after this protein
my twenty year old car
idling overpriced gas
my town on fire
just grill me something
fucking delicious
all the trucks are stopping
idling overpriced gas
all the windows broken
except your camera
full of every complicated
thing I don’t understand
but what I don’t understand
most of all
is when I was priced out of
taco bell

>> No.19899601

> nice shitpost. how long did this take you?

About 20 minutes maybe. As long as I have a good prompt and a catchy poem to spoof (with regular enough meter and rhyme) I can go pretty quickly.

>> No.19899799

All I know is that people do not see me, that I could stab my heart in the middle of a busy street and everyone would just walk by.

Not bad

>> No.19900063

I like this one

>> No.19900073

Unironically nice.

>> No.19900150

I many times thought peace had come,
When peace was far away;
As wrecked men deem they sight the land
At centre of the sea,

And struggle slacker, but to prove,
As hopelessly as I,
How many the fictitious shores
Before the harbor lie

>> No.19900271
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>needs a title and I will be rating next post

so another day
cuck pay
here to stay

Doing pills
Red white
Still blue

Till the night
Kill myself
Just might

>> No.19900282
File: 510 KB, 1125x1862, D1BA71C6-8137-433B-9641-3F6D697E0A63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A friend of mine wrote this poem. How is it?
>I for one, really liked it :D

>> No.19900288

short stories exist
its ok
how is life being 14?

>> No.19900470

Like this one a lot anon, it's neat and to the point.

>> No.19900478

Comfy. Breathe/bathe is a nice comparison. Is the last word supposed to be sleep rather than asleep?

>> No.19900510

I like the little touch of magical realism, it conveys the excitement of exploration. Old timey language like "A-bubblin'" make it sound as if it's set in past like a folk tale or something. Not sure if that's what you were going for, if so, it might be good to pepper a few more old fashioned words to make it clearer. But I might have just got the wrong end of the stick. Nice job in any case.

>> No.19900538

It's a nice concept anon but a bit surface level. I bet there's tastier ways you could word some of this.
"there is so little left in this world that I even care to take". is the standout line and very well written. Maybe you could focus a bit more on this aspect

>> No.19900575

Brilliant anon. Love how closely you to the atmosphere of the setting in your descriptions. Should the last word of the first stanza not be "stand" rather than "strand"? Apologies if not, I must have missed something. Best part is the repetition of the sun and sea lines feeding in like a kind of tribal chant. Well done.

>> No.19900581

Ain't that the truth.

>> No.19900608

Clever how "He ain't gonna hunt no more" reads shorter than the rest of the lines and seems to interrupt the flow, doing what it's describing.

>> No.19900619

It's purposeful anon but feel you could do more with it. The last two lines are better than the first two imo

>> No.19900627

Simple, cryptic. Basically does what it sets out to do.

>> No.19900641

I do love a haiku. Sticks to the rules and says something less simple and more bittersweet than it seems. Nice job

>> No.19900647

I feel like there's some hidden meaning the reader is supposed to infer by the last line but I can't figure out what it is.

>> No.19900688

Thanks for the feedback anon. This >>19898118 is my one. It's just a way of saying it's intimidating to write things unless I disguise them in flowery language. The rain is meant to be a metaphor for bad times, depression, etc which causes the inability to be straightforward. Ironically I might have to work to make that clearer. Thanks mate

>> No.19900700

This is bleak as fuck anon. Superb use of imagery and atmosphere. Like a post apocalyptic Camus.

>> No.19900722

I posted a frog
And mom has cooked tendies
Why is she crying

>> No.19900775

Conveys a hopeless feeling of modern life very well. Lack of punctuation and capitalisation accentuates the idea. It might read better as "just fucking grill me something delicious" making it more about the tragic effort itself rather than highlighting how delicious the food is. Or even better, to use a less descriptive word for the food, which would underscore the sense of despair in the rest of the poem. But I'm nitpicking, nice job anon.

>> No.19901155
File: 82 KB, 640x480, 5BFA6B13-1B9B-42F9-AB2E-427AEB6FAFE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prose poem; Golden axe or a silver one.

“did you lose a golden axe? or a silver one?” asked me mighty mercury many winged, the veins of his hands filled with fire and his eyes a happy ember, “I have lost nothing and I am without an axe, give to me the golden axe, I ask, if argeiphontes be thy epithet rightly.” “giant of pride giant of lies giant disguised are you he of many eyes each iridescent like an opal pleasant?” hesitant I spoke “peacock plumes peristalsis from palace to palace my paralyse, I have walked from place to place as one whose face was marked by the crucified black letter.” the form of the psychopomp became as bonnacon born leviathan’s son the galatian, massy his mass spiked with horns upon horns the body the face bulldog like, the slime of the thing its nose leaking profusely a sicklyickyichor that slicked each slant of his tree-trunk neck, God the typhonian brilliance of it!


>> No.19901165

the movement like some python the hair black and flecked silver cobra-hooded his hair each wire metallic like iron flecked with silver his eyes of ember, “know not I am the great of the great? know not I am terrible of the terrible” his presence unbearable I tremble I tremble! “did you lose a golden axe or a silver one” asked me the head biting beast his head upon mine jaws about me his tongue of black the black of a wrinkled sea inky, I am marked as if by a black letter, I speak. “dashed upon the wheel! lo I stand still! crucified I thirst! for cursed is he who hangs on a tree, yet behold my thumb the emblem of eternity, separated from the four yet the essential master of them, through which the grasp is impossible without, I ask! I ask! behead me thou being of brass with thy blazing golden axe!” and as with a bite I bit til burst the molten blood boiling I blessed me my forehead and my chest with a crest I anointed the black letter with a rose of blood it bloomed the world effervescent a bubble among bubbles each the quintessence each the epitome each the ultimate mirror of rainbow feathers they flurry they flame they reflect, each bubble bursting the biomes of empty desert, roaring sea, fertile earth, a devil his idol broke and incensed, in each sense of these the bursting and barrages of bubbles foamed as a face and a form, enthroned upon the biome bubbles there is Oberon his throne a lake, he takes on the form and face of some proserpine whose drooping purple face and verdant body ruffled as a dress seem as if a giant wolfsbane the center of whose petals was a human face and she float upon the lake like some lily of the valley, I stained as red appearing as some rose a rose of Sharon save my blood bodily pooling as an apple, the very ash-apple of sodom that Adam had known and Eve had known once, and she asked me “did you lose a golden axe or a silver one” and I throw to her in offering and petition the ash apple, and asked “grant me a boon! goddess splendorous as the moon! grant to me the axe of Gold so I may have your silver one!” and she spake “it is right, it is right” then I plunged into the lake and gained infinite golden light.

>> No.19901350 [DELETED] 

Contemplating Aleph

who can know of human fragility,
when the illusion of immortal youth
will lie each day of your abilities,
and leave when death has shown itself as Truth.

for Death is writ in Hebrew script as “MeTh”
which is to say, bondage and the dark waves
of time which wash over us til the grave
is burst by aleph, for truth is writ “AMeTh”

and God is Truth and Christ is truth yet man
is clay to say “DaM” yet more divinely
for man is “ADaM” the clay made wisely
by breath which is reason, to understand.

so Aleph is thy breath and is thy mind,
its numerical value being one
reflects the unity of God in kind,
as God and man are unified by Christ.

and the true Aleph is Jesus.

>> No.19901358

Contemplating Aleph

who can know of human fragility,
when the illusion of immortal youth
will lie each day of your abilities,
and leave when death has shown itself as Truth.

for Death is writ in Hebrew script as “MeTh”
which is to say, bondage and the dark waves
of time which wash over us til the grave
is burst by aleph, for truth is writ “AMeTh”

and God is Truth and Christ is truth yet man
is clay to say “DaM” yet more divinely
for man is “ADaM” the clay made wisely
by breath which is reason, to understand.

so Aleph is thy breath and is thy mind,
its numerical value being one
reflects the unity of God in kind,
as God and man are made one by the son.

the true Aleph is Christ Jesus.

>> No.19902687


>> No.19903521
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Damn where did everyone go, this thread had potential

>> No.19905049

Poetry sucks

>> No.19905257

Palot Santo Jenga

A local art gallery had a new exhibition featuring works involving nothing but velvet rope and stanchions. Nobody quite knew where to stand.
A man looks down and notices the words "BREAK IN CASE OF EMERGENCY" printed at his feet as he walks across the glass bottom bridge. At the museum, the toxiornithologist collapses in the middle of tracing wing-shapes for the new poisonous bird exhibit. Vision fading, they mouth the word "penetrates latex". The new janitor had been paid extra to make sure all of the cleaning supplies were in pristine condition. He appreciated the hours, but the cons seemed to outweigh the benefits more and more, with each ensuing day. People working at the obsessive compulsive research centre never seemed to last long, but he was compelled to quit after exactly 888 days, it just seemed like a nice round number. The library where the Arsonists Anonymous support groups were held had mysteriously burned down the day after their first meeting. The bus stops had become breeding grounds for commuters, according the the local no-home owners association. "Wherever they congregate, you'll find reusable coffee cups and small talk" argued Samson, the most revered amongst the group. He had most of his bones removed after the calcium shortage a few years back, and had to be carted around in a wheelbarrow. It seemed as though things were always on the verge of changing radically, for years and years and years now, for as long as anybody could remember.

>> No.19905382

Hymn to the Dope
Goddess of the studious courts,
Caffeine, my caffeine,
Myrmidon to capricious sports,
Bathed in flowing nectarine,
Sibilant queen of the sails,
Guiding grace through all travails,
Though beckoning, ever beckoning,
And blood of Hermes through thee coursing
Red, orange, and white of wind
Caffeine, soul-guide, pleasant-grinned.

>> No.19905466

could u answer me plisu? im still curious

>> No.19905819

Thank you. That means a lot anon.

>> No.19905971

Look at this dummy
Mocking poetry
He's just a retard
Cucked by a bard

>> No.19906055

I can wake to your words
Not a single shitpost
Of an incel sex jokes
Breaks my buck. so it goes

Worthy of repeating: come, sneed on
Express that which is there
beyond calculators
computers, free floating dada lines
flights to truth made with rhymes
claim a 4chan pass
re-animated by a death drive
suppressed cries
unto joys of shitposts
latest Alchemy
drop of mercury to this well

drinking coffee through my day
end up having jitters and jet-lags
walk around wearing a jet pack
fly away, sussy ball sack.

I confess: all good ideas I have stolen
rearranging words to invoke a revelatory golem
Herbert North purveying poor one's with ways to roll it
thread solemnly, dignity of little things makes one worthy.

>> No.19906407

>too much like lyrics?

So another day
With cuck pay
Here to stay

I'm doing pills
That are red, white
Still blue

By night
Kill myself

>> No.19907309

I don't want to let it die bump

>> No.19907430

Hey Frater why don't you ever post in poem of the day generals? You should analyze the poems to draw in more posters

>> No.19908192

> should of

>> No.19908203
File: 199 KB, 340x340, 5678523974123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I softly kiss your neck,
And then your breast,
And nibble on your nipple.
You suck my cock.
I come down your throat.
You suck it all
And beg for more.
I slap you with enough of force
To shudder a man down,
And I beat your face into a pulp
And kiss it after, gently.

>> No.19908377

Title: "I freaked it, I really really did it this time. God. God this might be over."
Burn, the embers of memory
said to me, momento mori
hold quickly your dreams.
how soon it seems
that time's windstream
reduces me
to a writhing thing
begging, thirsting
For a single second
One last gasp
One last dance on bleeding feet
Birth's bookend a make me a wretch
No dignity in my final breath

>> No.19908607

Held as a hostage in grim life’s taint
Say the smells down here ain’t all too great

>> No.19908884


>> No.19908937

This is an in-universe poem of an abandoned fantasy novel.

Her breath stilled
The cries called to promise
sanctuary blanketed in soot
Her breath plunged
to join the sky
to trail the stars
A curtain drawn past
of flame and ruin
Her eyes obscured
'Behold', they cry,
'An eclipse of the heavens'

>> No.19909069

No particular reason, Maybe i will.
No problem G.

> excuse moi but i dont feel like WHY this is the case is answered

The answer would be that, even if there was it wouldn’t be actual and thus wouldn’t be experiential/phenomenal from our perspective, thus in the same way the noumena of kant is cut away, so also is the actual-irrational effectively non existent.

> kinda my point hegel. i know illogic originates in language, but what exactly is stopping it from being is the question?

Because to be a very specific thing which has determination already, if it wasn’t logically determined it wouldn’t “be” thus not be phenomenal.

> hows it working out for you? can impossible worlds exist? if one can, whats stopping any other?

I’ll post some breakdowns explaining my model. Apologies if they seem schizo-ranting but they are from my diaries.

THE THREE FOLD Phenomenological reduction of the states of the ego and its corollary to the heart of differentiation found in the experience of all things:

Phenomenological reduction inducing discovery of a transcendental-immanent God by raw analysis.

Analyzing my own self and consciousness, I can say about consciousness that all consciousness is consciousness of something. Whenever I am conscious, I am aware of something, some object or some characteristics. I am always aware of some object.

Analyzing the contents of my awareness, I see objects, all objects seemingly share the following characteristics without exception. The characteristic of having a characteristic. (Encoding data, denoting something, the object makes me aware of certain qualities/data.) the Characteristic of sharing the same basic structure and the characteristic of difference (the objects seem different to each other and over time are changed due to the nature of time.)

The quality of Characteristic seems to be universal to all objects, everything has something which one can say of it, even if what one can say is precisely that they cannot accurately communicate it. As such things like lack and void appear to be characterized by the lack of other characteristics for example.

What then can I say about the characteristics of various objects in my perception? I can say they all seem to adhere to the same basic structure.

By structure I mean, I can look at an object and say it has position, shape, length, fundamentally this means we can measure mathematical data of any object before my eyes, as such we can say that all things give us data as to its basic structure (which is chiefly mathematical/extension based) analyzing data further however reveals there are structures which are not just existent to me as size, height, etc, but rather have a existence according to a mental structure.


>> No.19909077

When I look at red I materially/physically see this color but mentally, my mind associates red with power, or love or color or honesty. As such we can now see that there are principally two structures by which we are aware of objects, the material exist as it appears before us according to mathematical data, and the mental existence as it appears before us which has qualities which do not necessarily equate to the possible mathematical structures whatsoever but seem to have their own divisions, counting methods dividing methods and so forth.

This seems to reveal that all that is actual/real within the material/mathematic seems to be necessarily existent within the Mental world, whereas my mental structures have a much greater range and size(I can imagine people and things which do not exist materially , objects and ideas which have no material being+all material being)

The mental structure being able to contain the mathematical data/materially/empirically experienceable tells us that there appears to be multiple structuring methods of perceiving and interacting with objects. In my experience neither the mental world nor material perception have precedence to each other, they seem to occur at once and aren’t really separate in my awareness of any particular material object.

Since we can perceive of structures which are non-existent within the material experience, which are real structures, and we can contemplate other forms of material which are not coherent with the material structure, we seem to find that there are seemingly nigh-endless and inexhaustible combinations of material into uniquely existing mental structures.

If I were to learn some mental discipline, such as math and physics, or philosophy or the arts, I would find my mental world changed and its capacity and even structure as now seemingly different and its range of contents and principles also seem changed. As there are seemingly inexhaustible material data recombinations which can exist within the mental world, and the mental world can seemingly be changed in its basic principles, we must logically conclude there are inexhaustible potential mental structures which would mean there are potentially endless ways of mentally structuring the connotations and characteristics of material objects and endless ways of arranging mental constructs, this my own contemplation demonstrates the mental capacity for the mental world to contain boundless mental-structures. As such the characteristics and specific data any object gives can be conceived of and interacted with in potentially endless mental ways, as the mental world and material sense are one thing in any experience I hold, it is necessarily true that this structure, this logical-structure must be endless. The structure itself being one unfolding of self-similar patterns unveiling in a process by this I mean,


>> No.19909084

the structure as a whole never divides from itself but rather shows its same principles and qualities over and over, for it is one thing always.

Now, what can I say about difference? Though the structure always reveals the same qualities it always reveals it by showing its diversity, the multiplicity of material objects all reveal the uniformity of mathematical coordinates via their differences in expression, in relation to each other.

Going further, any object I perceive of is inherently different in data/qualities which it encodes from one moment to the next, as time itself is a variable, so the very existence in time means that from on moment to the next, every single object becomes different in some characteristic or another. Analyzing time, I can only perceive of a future which is oncoming, and a past which has occurred. I cannot find any stability in the present because it is constantly passing into past-future. Therefore present itself is the difference/change of characteristic between past-future.

As all characteristics demonstrate themselves via their difference from each other, and each thing’s characteristic is changed instantly, where then can we locate the location of difference itself, difference as it exists purely in both material and mental experience?

If I look at all objects and characteristics the thing within my consciousness which naturally gives the data/encodes that it is different, is me, myself. Specifically my conception of self(my empirical ego, my identity) its very nature seems to be in experience the quality of being different from all other objects. It says “ this is not I, that is not I, I am I and nothing else is I” therefore the Ego itself appears to be difference as it exists purely within my experience, it is Uniqueness itself.

Analyzing further, this seems to reveal that all objects within my consciousness are a dynamic moving difference, dynamic because my mental structures and mental perception can change towards them, and their material conditions are constantly always changing via the nature of the present.

Meanwhile the Core characteristic of my identity/ego remains perpetually within Stasis, its sole quality being that it is unique and different from all objects.

As such analyzing the ego further, we find that the object of difference-in-itself is the Ego, since we have located difference and ego we can now clearly say that all objects within perception and the subject/ego in perception are both just aspects of perception/consciousness, neither being prior or after the other, they are both necessary characteristics of consciousness which is Pure(neither subject nor any specific object but the totality of consciousness is married as such.)

Therefore we can say logically via analysis that phenomena itself depicts characteristic, structure and difference.


>> No.19909091

As previously stated we can clearly demonstrate a material structure, even if we were to not consider the consciousness and not consider the subject, If objects exist they necessarily must have a structure, that structure must logically unveil via a pattern-process, that pattern process necessitates the existence of difference, difference necessitates the existence of that which is uniquely different to all else, that uniquely existent object which is non-separate to the material-structuring force is agreed upon by all religions to be God, which has, necessarily via the existence of difference, been proven to logically occur as the difference as it exists within itself.

This existence, which we call The unique difference, is inherently non-separate to the entirety of the structuring principles, for examining my own unique difference, I notice my own qualities as existent as separate yet as my own and of me and my own nature. Therefore the material/mental structure as it exists outside of me, must also logically contain an “I” who refers to the entirety of the structuring principles as theirs, and of themselves and of their power, all objects being objects of their perception.

However just as I determined that my own Ego/identity is necessarily a reflection of the consciousness, so must it also be with the ego of the structures. The Identity of the structure must have a non-conceptual existence which it itself reflects, these two, the fully transcendent (above identity, above difference, containing all difference) must logically co-contemplate/dwell with each other, the normative Ego of the structure being the sentience of difference itself, whereas the transcendental Ego is the sentience of characteristic as a whole, for all differences are simply aspects of characteristic itself.

Contemplating my own self once more, my own physical body, my bodily-self, my sense of self, I seem to also have within my consciousness a ego which has no identity, my physical body reacting to object stimuli as if it was itself a non-subject aspect, acting automatically and without reference to the identity. And as previously established there is logically no separation between my perception of objects and my consciousness, as consciousness is awareness and awareness is awareness of objects, rather, awareness of the dynamic process of the unfolding characteristics of Not-I, of objects. My identity and my actual consciousness reflect each other solely by the relationship they have via their shared static nature in contrast to the dynamism of object/not-I.


>> No.19909100

As demonstrated before, the Ego of the difference and transcendental person of the characteristic itself share this same arrangement, which necessitates the existence of one such not-I of transcendental characteristic, this must logically fill the entirety of material/mental structure world, as it is truly non-separate from the transcendental Person, it necessarily must have sentience and consciousness of equal level also.

As such, we can demonstrate the perpetual co-existence and co-dependence of a Triune-Being who is identical to the structuring principle controlling force of all which exists, who contains all possible characteristics therefore all attributes, is necessarily boundless for he is all structure, is necessarily in all points of time via the identification of time with difference, and is necessarily having three persons which are of one divine essence yet three distinct persons who, mutually reflecting each other are never mingled into a fourth person or essence.

Thus, a fully Transcendental immanent Trinitarian Godhead is Necessary.
And with that I enter into another essay which elaborates further, apologies for jargon.

he Aporiatic-Perichoretic YHVH Map of the Aussersein
Was and is and is to come

Was=God as universal most

Is=God as particular most

Is to come=God as Becoming

The universal which is like nothing, the particular which is a specific thing are one.

The universal most is a particular thing, the universal considered as a whole is a particular.

The particulars as a whole are the universal.

The particular showcases the entire property. The property of particular. As the universal is a bundle of the particular, which is only made of the multiplication of particulars, the sole component of the universal is the particular, and the sole component of the particular is the universal.

Becoming is simply the act and movement of the universal-particular-Aporia. It is not a dialectic, for the dialectic aspect occurs at a lower level. The particular most and the universal most are one and the same yet contradict utterly. This is not the union of opposites as they are not opposite. The fullness of one is the emptiness of the other.

Dasein follows sosein and is simply the particularization of Sosein.

The tree is a quality of the forest.

A being is a property of being

The universe As a whole then is a particular but of what sosein?

If we accept that the Most universal is the most particular, then we must accept that the nature of Sosein, sosein-in-itself is Perichoretic Aporeia


The characteristic of characteristic is the characteristic of all characteristics and its being is the being of all characteristics, intersecting, puzzling, interpenetrating, self contradicting, within dasein it is the dialectic of becoming, within sosein it is pure Perichoretic Aporia.


>> No.19909106

The particular temporally manifests the most universal aspect and then particularizes within the dialectic, so that first the universal quality characteristic is first manifested (sosein), then it particularizes into Sein/pure being and then it manifests into a more particular form temporally and as it does so it gradually expands gaining more and more particularization, logically this becoming process ends with complete particularization which is the entire universal (absolute as monad) manifest as a singular totality (absolute as All/multiplicity) and these never separate from each other, and logically once this particularization process completes it must also complete the other characteristics whether by fulfillment of being or via Denial as the lack of being is still a sosein. The same process must logically occur within the divine attributes but since they occur in divine time under spiral differentiation it is instant thus the divine universal facets and particular facets are identical in all parts.

God in his essence=Supreme Aporia

Omni-consistent logic of Aporia(Logos)

Reflective Antinomy systems (Entire systems made of contradictory ideas and laws, this is a specific logos-form)

Total-reflective particular antinomy (logoi in their particular form as principles/laws and specific ideas within the System in question)

Our particular antinomy (Which manifests as the dialectic of being and non being as the unfolding of becoming and the transcendental Ego)

Gods essence, the sosein-in-itself of it can be defined by Four terms which have no difference, they are truly one. Person (his identity and nature and differential qualities as a whole, his uniqueness.) Aporia(self-consistent Contradictory-puzzle, The essence of god being his persons and his persons being his essence) Perichoretic Love(Interpenetrative self relation on all levels from which divine simplicity is produced.) supreme Sosein(the characteristic/property for which the whole particular-universal Nonduality and the filling of boundless characteristics and simulacra based on the virtual interactions of such arise)

The person of God is the great contradiction for his simplistic identity is his entire nature, he is who he is, he is the divine, the supreme, the I am, the great God. The personhood of god is not a appearance of the absolute, but rather the fullness of the absolute is simply the person of who is god, it is his characteristic.

This nature of being absolutely characteristic of himself, his identity and appearance, the sum total of his characteristics being his personhood and characteristic is the supreme contradiction, for The essence is the threefold persons of God and the persons of God are the essence, there is no divine attribute beyond The personhood of God, there is no part of God except his essence. This aporia nature of the personhood of God produces the boundless antinomies.


>> No.19909109

Within the Aussersein space, the Aporia of The divine personhood shines like a jewel with it’s uncreated light boundlessly, particularizing and universalizing itself by reflection of characteristic/Haecceities, this occurs because the person of god in his boundlessness is boundless Logical structure of Said omni-form yet utterly singular characteristic of personhood. This produces a boundless Logic structure which is internally self consistent but every logoi/law within this supreme logic structure is contradictory to the other Laws by manner of their differences. For each law is boundless and must fill the other parts, thus each characteristic fully fills the logos structure within the aussersein and needs nothing, but as these are necessarily boundless they contradict and thus as their root is contradiction they experience interpenetration and disjunctive synthesis upon all parts. The interpenetration causes all such Logoi to be perpetually of the same nature. The starts of the Logoi upon this stage are four fold.

The Four Fold Logos Strata

First structure, the quantum logos: the divine nature as a structure of Pure characteristic beyond universal and characteristic, pure self relational aporia.

The Second structure, Xeno Logoi: from the relations of characteristic arise nondualistically difference in itself, difference in relation to itself produces the tension between the boundless laws, the difference of these have primacy in identity to each other, thus arise as relationally alien to each other in order to allow for disjunctive synthesis between an infinite amount of alien structures.

Third structure, Mauve Zone contradictory Logoi:arising non-separate from the Xeno Logoi and as the fruition of the inherent relationship of the Xeno Logoi is the contradiction between the Xenoi Logoi, thus contradictory Logos reflects the relations of all xenoi Logoi (within a universe mauve zone) and any particular xenoi logoi (which is reconciled into a particular mauve zone, these zones ultimately being non-separate) reconciling them into an inherent Aporiatic nature.

Fourth structure, Arcane Logos: the mauve zone Logoi in question centered upon themselves and considered as having primacy within themselves have their own internal relations which are the interrelations and disjunctive synthesis of the parts and essence and laws of the interior parts of the previously unified mauve zone logos. From within this intermingling does arise the experience of dialectic (which is not instantly unified into Aporia) and the being non-being relationship, for in its universality it is an Aporia but within its particular nature it produces time and time-like characteristics within itself which it enfolds internally, thus its nature is both aporia and its dasein is a true process of experiential dialectic.


>> No.19909117

This fourfold structure exists in all of the Logoi and these like a mirror shine into each other. The more ground level the strata/structure the more basic and universal it is, the more developed, the more particular it becomes and thus much more rich in the unveiling of characteristic, both however are fundamentally just unveiling of characteristic.

To Phenomenologically analyze with the maximal results we must analyze the arcane logos for though it is the weakest, most transient, bound to dasein, it is also the most richly expressed in its act of movement within time.

we first analyze the unity of the arcane structure phenomenologically, to analyze this the unified universal most which is also utterly Invisible is the structure of the transcendental Ego, as all that we experience must be bound to the selfs experience of it, phenomenologically speaking we must reduce the experience of being to this transcendental ego, and experientially the transcendental ego has no determination except its own nature (inherent-Aporia nature) since it has no determination except itself and all things are bound to it, this must be the true identity and internal identification of the arcane Logos. By this logic we can extract that all of the mauve zone Logoi analyzed from their own center contain at root the transcendental self nature or a comparable cognate, this is the eternal boundless interpenetrative differentiation of the Godhead which manifests as the transcendental Self-Unity of all persons, objects, properties and otherwise which exist within the aussersein. This is the transcendental root of the Lebenswelt as it exists within the aussersein.

The transcendental Ego as the ground can be divided into Four Strata also going from base simplicity to rich complexity.

The Four Fold Strata of The Transcendental Ego and the pure immanence of Life implied by it.

First structure, Raw unconditioned undifferentiated consciousness (atziluth) which is the nature of Pure being, the most absolute and universal quality in all existence, that which is experientially is simply the experience of ones own consciousness which is empty of any other characteristic other than its being, its being is pure becoming (movement) for all consciousness is consciousness of something, as such consciousness is not simply static but rather a static unity which dynamically unfolds. This consciousness folds upon and unfolds upon itself, consciousness empties itself and fills itself with itself, for all consciousness is consciousness of an outside, the consciousness cleaves to outside of the consciousness and in that is cleaving to more consciousness which fills it internally via reflection/copy of the data is given. Thus the consciousness in its purity becomes ouroboric, consciousness being consciousness of itself and exterior itself towards itself unveils itself of itself. This is done through through the arising of the next structure.


>> No.19909121

Second structure, Difference in itself and its implication(Briah): the unfolding and of consciousness to consciousness particularizes raw consciousness into a series of discrete points/concepts which gain relational existence towards each other, consciousness cognizing its particular aspects dynamically produces base principles/properties/characteristics/laws/ideas which express the inherent dynamism of consciousness, each particular dynamic expression of consciousness being of the same universal being of raw becoming, but differing in dynamic expression of form. (The sosein is consciousness, its manner of being is the multitude of cognized information and data points) this dynamism and particularization which is in truth the arising of difference-in-itself, difference and dynamism are one. This differentiation principle coalesces in the phenomenological center producing a heart of Utter unique difference within the center of consciousness, correlating all of the particularizations via disjunctive synthesis, as such all such categories such as being, becoming, one, many, cause etc as characteristics within consciousness dialectically synthesize within, coalescing into a heart of difference, producing the third strata.

Third structure: The Dual-form (truly trigorm) Ego(yetzirah): this coalesced heart of differentiation divides itself and confirms itself by a dialectical process which it is the Aporia of, for this center of consciousness says half of it “I am this” while the other half says ( I am not that) thus via negative of the particularized concepts does the pure ego arise, and this pure ego’s empirical Ego arises by the denial of identification with objects, and the objects affirm their difference by their denial of union with the subject within consciousness. Thus arises the Ego in its two forms which primarily shall intermix and further particularize the categories of the characteristic differences of consciousness. This works by producing a virtual plane between the raw relational characteristic-categories which intermixes them and automatically submerges them into a “I” and “not-I” division which automatically morphs the conception of i(by introduction and re-admixture of data) and not i(by the same) but also produces eidetic structures and frameworks, this ideation of the particulars of consciousness produce the multitude of mental richness, conceptual differences, novelty and newness of ideas and through disjunctive synthesis continually expand the boundaries of phenomenological experience. These associations automatically load any perception with a base amount of characteristics and meanings(I, not-I, Being, etc) which are foundational and from the intermingling of all of these arises the fourth stratum


>> No.19909125

Fourth structure, The World as perceived(assiah):the intermingling of all of the previous is through intentionality infused with basic basic perception, the intermingling ground of the eidetic intuition and empirical intuition with the active world in its intermixtures as it seems to exist in its inter-subjective reality is this Zone, phenomenologically all worlds, forms and ideas are coalesced and synthesized by their difference, whether they dwell in the difference of non-being, difference, illogical, unconsidered, not-yet-cognized or what have you, all of this fundamentally is infused into a pure immanent-transcendent experience which has no barriers or breaks or hard lines or structures between it.

The Four Fold Object Strata of The World As Perceived.

We can further divide the world as perceived into categorization of the Strata of its object content. This material world being prior to perception void like and having the form of raw consciousness, we must analyze matter to understand the formless nature of the form of consciousness as the world as perceived.

First structure: Raw inorganic matter/spatial-temporal stratum, for all objects have space, extension, dimensionality, and so forth. This raw nature of spatial structure logically must contain its own series of categories (see mathematics as a whole for the varieties of spatial-temporal-numeric categories ) This space provides the environment, substance, form and sustainment and the conditions necessary for the arising of the next structure.

Second Structure: The Organic: those objects and modes of becoming which have biological existence, multitude of movements, shapes, physical bodies, modes of being, relation in perception, etc. this is the arising of simplistic life out of matter such as plant matter or basic animal mind. Each of these have their own complex categories and have within them the ground categories of mathematical levels still in tact. Organic biological life coalesces and multiplies itself via particularization (species and members of species, plants and specific plants, cell types and specific cells, the sosein of the organic type naturally requires the Dasein particularization or being such in a process of Time) this particularization produces a third structure within the individual’s dasein, which is

Third structure: The psychic/conscious creature. (The individual consciousness considered as a structure itself) and each individual creature within these ways of being have their one interior nature, seemingly their own manner of consciousness, perception, ideas, categorization methods, identities, etc. these individual enrich the group by filling it with a multitude of dynamic consciousness modes and structuring methods(individual creatures), these interact and dialectically as individuals grouping through proximity and dividing themselves along a “similar-dissimilar” self division unify and produce the fourth structure.


>> No.19909135
File: 328 KB, 464x1635, 395AD66E-0C2C-478C-B218-1F94E7DDDA70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fourth structure: The Spirit/Cultural Spirit. Those which share proximity and similarities bind together and particularize into a culture (whether this is the simplistic culture of a pack of apes or of the complex culture of a singular state or even the world as a whole, doesn’t matter) this culture unifies the modes of being into a smaller more particular selection of modes of being, conception, experience and thought. This forcibly enriches the phenomenological experience of each individual via the shared cultural space, all of these cultures dialectically move towards the coalescing into a perfect reflection of the entirety, their dialectic movement will resolve eventually (given a unforeseen amount of finite years) into a uniform singular particular culture and particular spirit. The primary agent towards this goal is technology which by its nature maximizes the proximity of man and phenomenologically dissolves any differences between them by re-coagulating them into a purely self constructed culture-spirit whos sole basis is the unification of the most: communication maximization and acceleration of the dialectic of the cultural spirit being its entire nature, by this process eventually shall the entire fourth strata reach the ultimate particularization which paradoxically requires the hybridization with in-animate matter (technology) resulting in a spiritual-cultural One thing, the absolute of the fourth structure having maximal richness of diversity and yet absolutely uniform in its particular nature. Which would cause a chain reaction in which The Four Fold Object Strata of The World As Perceived would through harmonization be reunified as a whole experientially with The Four Fold Strata of The Transcendental Ego, as the particularization of the world as perceived would reconfigure the experience of the transcendental Ego’s invisible unity, but since it has been particularized and unveiled the unity would be experientially magnified, unifying all of the transcendental Ego and cognate conceptions which exist thus reunifying the transcendental Ego with its mirror reflections within the The Four Fold Logos Strata, thus the four fold logos strata would be experientially married resulting in the experiential re-appearance of the Sosein in itself and its Aporiatic Perichoretic nature which is the re-appearance WITHIN experience of the Person of the Supreme God.
Now a final one, again apologies for the jargon

The Aporiatic Terza rima of Sosein and Dasein, the emergence-recapitulation of universality cycle, multiplicity of the same repeated through difference as the key to the entirety;

Line one Y rhyme 1

Line two H rhyme 2

Line three V rhyme 1

Line four H rhyme 2

Line five Y rhyme 3


>> No.19909140

Particulars emerge as a multiplicity of universals which then recapitulate their universality, this re-universalization process occurs through a rationalization Division identical to the process by which the Begriff becomes the Idea. In this regard each category is filled with a multiplicity of objects and each object is itself a category which repeats different the same previous category and this repetition causes the emergence of new qualities from the same by rational unfolding of the same. This is because the recapitulated universal is an auto-position of the previous universal thus its revealing and its concealing are an identical movement.

If this is applied to the sosein database model we may analyze the sum of our model thus far

Line 1 Sosein as Begriff

Line 2 Dasein as the idea of Sosein

Line 3 Dasein as auto-position of Sosein as Begriff

Line 4 auto-positioned Dasein acting as Sosein

Line 5 Dasein of auto-positioned Sosein

line 6 Auto-position of the dasein of the autopositioned sosein


This schema can be used in reverse in order to extend phenomenological reduction to an even further extreme than previously attained in the following way.

Line 10=the Giveness of the Arcane logos as the particular idea of

Line 9 the Sum of all possible giveness of all logoi as the universal concept of logos

Line 8 the sum of all giveness of all logoi as the particular dasein of all sides of the gives-without giveness

Line 7 the gives-without-giveness as the most abstract category

Line 6 the gives-without-giveness as the particular dasein of Pure sosein in itself (The Real=totality of properties, note this is where Laruelle’s model reaches Aporia)

Line 5 sosein as the most abstract category(The Holy Aporia, The jewel of contradiction) the sum of the without-giveness which need or needn’t give

Line 4 sosein as the particular dasein of the purely Ungiven

Line 3 The Purely Ungiven as the most abstract category (that which is not in phenomena, that which is neither self nor not self, neither noumena nor Soma, the vast regions of darkness Beyond the Jewel, the mirror and abyss of the trinity) which neither philosophy nor non-philosophy can communicate due to the bondage of the jewel of contradiction and gives-without-giveness

Line 2 the Purely Ungiven as the particular nature of the darkness of Godhead(not necessarily Godhead, it can be the void prior to the Big Bang, the outside of the range of the universe which the universe unfolds into but is not ever, that which no consciousness can perceive and shall not ever perceive)


>> No.19909149

Line 1 The Godhead as ultimate category but also the break down of universality and particularity

Line 0 the universality of the most universal is its particular nature, the particular nature of it is its universality, by extension the most particular of the particular is the universal most and vice versa. This is the Person of the Godhead, this contradiction creates the entirety of the schema and is the entire schema.

Demonstration through phenomenological-ontological-theological reduction.

Beginning with the Normative perception of the world as the process of the intermingling of various empirical-eidetic constructs

These root in the relations/dasein of eidetic structures

This itself roots out of the sosein of eidetic structure, the capacity to have eidetic structures.

The eidetic structure capacity is the capacity to have processes of rectification/solidification of the various elements that arise by the intermingling of perceptions of self and other

These root in the rectification/solidification of self and other

Both of these arise at once through perception of phenomena, otherness arising out of perception of gross external matter and perception of self from a subtle sense of self which pervades experience. The self conception and conception of other arise at once, designing each other, the self knows it is self by seeing it is not-self by seeing the other. The sense of other knows otherness by sense of self. These occur at once.

Both of the sense of self and other root out of the phenomenological experience of experience itself

Experience arises as particular and solidified elements of the capacity called perception, perception is general, the particular being of perception is experience, the substance of experience is perception.

Perception is a product of and arises at once with consciousness, this is because perception is the capacity of the consciousness to perceive. However consciousness must always be conscious of something.

Consciousness then is the substance/determination/sosein of perception and perception is the dasein of consciousness

Consciousness and being are for all practical purposes from the phenomenological perspective identical, to be is to be consciousness and to be conscious is to be conscious of something. (Thus being=consciousness and consciousness=perception of being)

That which pervades consciousness/ones being is the transcendental ego, this is simply that which determines that this being is this particular being, this consciousness is this particular consciousness.

Thus the substance/determination/sosein of the consciousness is Transcendental ego (the true self, absolute I.)


>> No.19909155

The consciousness(and by extension being) can only know being by dividing its own being from its perception of other things, thus the process of intentionality is identical to the process of emptying being of its harmonious self-unity, which is the birth of self-other, perception is consciousness emptying/blinding itself of its singular substance of being in order to perceive a multiplicity of beings and thus experience its own being and the aspects of these beings through experience.

The transcendental ego likewise is the determinant of the consciousness which can only know itself by such a process of division, by this I mean to say, prior to consciousness there is no substantial difference between the material substance/determination of the transcendental ego and all that is not one’s own being, as the transcendental Ego in itself is the determinant of Particular beings and not particular beings, we can thus say that the multiplicity of Being is identical to the unity which we refer to by the term transcendental Ego.

The transcendental ego however does not exist within itself without relation to being, prior to the multiplicity of being it is simply the Real, it only becomes the transcendental ego when it becomes a determinant of being.

The Transcendental ego then is the process by which the Real becomes being, thus the transcendental ego is identical to the becoming/manifesting of Being

But the same pattern exists here also, the Being gains determination from the transcendental ego, the transcendental ego gains determination from the field of all determinants/real substances known as the Real, but is not divided from the real within itself. Rather it knows itself as being Through the process of auto-position.

The Real by mirroring itself, recognizing itself, the one by seeing itself as one, creates the process of becoming-one which is the transcendental ego which is by its nature necessarily arising with consciousness.

Thus auto-position is consciousness.

The determinants of the real undergo auto-position which necessarily must induce intentionality, or to word it without jargon, the Real by realizing it is the Real loses its reality as the real and thus becomes consciousness of its reality by its lack of reality which necessarily must be consciousness of itself and others.

The Real therefore determines/gives but is itself is not given, it is thus the gives-without-giveness, the Determines-without-being-determined, which is to say, the Nondual unity which is called Sunyata and Ain.


>> No.19909168

However this nature of giving without being given/giving data determinants without being determined itself once more reveals our same process, the determining without being determined/gives-without-giveness must logically be the particular determination/dasein of its own higher substance, its own higher substance is logically the Ungiven, that purely undetermined of which all that is and is not determined is but a particular fragment and by no means the entire genus.

Beyond this I can think of nothing higher than the ungiven than the root of the ungiven, which must be the divine darkness, the unknowability of Godhead, and by this I mean to say, the Ungiven must be the membrane through which the power of God(which due to divine simplicity is Nondual to all of his other ineffable attributes) manifests into the totality of reality and by reality I mean that dasein nature of gives-without-giveness,

Thus the ungiven is a boundless database, a genus, whereas the entirety of the gives-without-giveness is but a singular particular within that broader category.

The broader category of the Ungiven being the membrane through which the ineffable godhead interacts with the Real.
And a final much shorter explanation reconciling the above with aesthetics.

When I see the remnants of a thing, I see at once all that it is not, what it is no longer, what it was and I see the infinite potential of what was and is now hidden.

A vestige is that which remains, a vestige is that which has been changed, it is the most essential and necessarily must be changed, to define it, it is A = "A = Not A" in a statement, for to call a thing a vestige is to say “this thing is this but its primary defining characteristic is not being that thing.” The Vestige is beyond and prior to the bifurcation and post the bifurcation of bivalence, the vestige is knowledge of the infinite, the vestige is a mark of ignorance, as Moses seeing but the back of God in a moment saw a finite glory of divinity yet in that same moment understood the totality and infinity of deity by the least part, and inverse, the least part and the infinity of deity are one. The vestige is neither Being for to define it by stasis or change is both incorrect, it is not nothing (neither lacking nor unspeakable) because it must remain and must be seeable. My soul cries out what is this vestige of vestiges, vastness among the vast, smallness among the small, form among the forms, essence among the essences, nothing among nothing, and through all of these it does not change whatsoever and in each of these it is definitional atom. The sosein and dasein are but the opulence of this vestige, and yet they are not the least part.


>> No.19909181

For the being in nature of this and the being of being in itself being nothing and the nothing in itself being being are unified herein, and the sosein, the determinations of these are likewise unified, therefore the determination as determining remains, and this pure determination is that it is given, therefore the unification of ain and yesh as simply revelation, the given, but beyond this is god as the Ungiven, but even these remain as a vestige.

This vestige, It is the rhythm of the tzimtzum and it is the luster of atzmus, it gives and gives nothing, it is the Ungiven and Given harmonized at once. Whenever you see a vestige, you see all that the phenomena gives, but you see all that is hidden as Ungiven, The Great Vestige of Vestiges is God.
And to finish this disgusting amount of spam I’ve posted, I will post poems I’ve written on the topic.
Writhing vestige

Writhing Vestige

Thou the vestige of vestiges, vanity is but a blessed bridge to a crest ridge span as thee,
For the hosts of the goblins and ghosts and gaunt creatures aghast that haunt thy mask are thy features,
They lure the quick and their sick to the slime of the emulous suchness of devilish horror,
And this writhing skein that binds the signs demurs me my hiding fain that would blind my mind thither.

Soon as the moon wan and aboon as a rune hewn on high has strewn colors on my cloth the boons
Stained as the skin’s hue lets when your pus runs rife with the red which has come like the rust creeping threat
Batters my breath with a bate like a baboon’s chatter doth fret the straight with his babbling swoon,
Surely those holy and meet only need know the spasm of nectar and know not of chasms.

Vestige of vestiges;

a vestige perhaps but a footprint or some memory of emptiness but surviving through transience a sigh of permanence or perhaps change among the changes not of temperance and free of gradience for vestiges are remnants changeless but this, changeless change, a death of death, away passes passing leaving but a vestige, world what in you is a vestige ? is difference forever difference, is Law forever law? and more is one the one beyond me seeing one? the doctrines unify in this;this world is but the vestige of the vestiges.

vestige of vestiges this vanity
between the welkin pied with dying clouds
and many dappled earth’s idolatry
wildering with whirring repetitions
of weir and jeer and fear and entropy
the destiny both great and terrible,
death of temporary eternity;
the marriage veil unveiled as a vestige.

>> No.19909185

Vision of a vestige;

Forlorn I saw the dragon in his gyre
Weeping coronachs with damnations choir,
With the enchanted rill of hells pyre
Rose the dirges shrill with perdition’s fire.

“Being bound I bind by octinomos
My name as conquering prince omphalos,
Crowned I grind the rind of qlippha-cosmos
As serpent-Christ upon the Cross of Los”

With ebon gloom and deeper gloom the black
Cross had plumed with incandescence inverse,
The torch of iridescence cold and black
Scorched with night the flesh of devils inverse.

The vision and the voice subside and yet remain as priest and prince and prison guard and warden and the dragon and the Lord are rendered vestiges of a vestige.

>> No.19909419


>> No.19910135

>this cringe? it feels a bit cringe to me.

We rent to live
Own and die
Where's the lie


>> No.19910388

>it wouldn’t be actual
>Because to be a very specific thing which has determination already...
is this grammatical? i dont get it
>thus in the same way the noumena of kant is cut away
i never got that either. seemed like a cope move to me
>you’re saying that it could do it because it’s an illogical force that can do whatever it wants
couldnt this bypass any problem? so that not being actual wasnt a problem for the irrational and it could be actual and determined and anything else despite it

>> No.19911764


>> No.19911931

Reading your poems, Frater Asemlen, (especially Contemplating Aleph - holy shit, dude) has inspired me to post. Started a YT channel on lit and promised myself to write a limerick for every vid because I fear the fate of a non-writing writer. Curious what y'all might think. Here's a few:

A limerick a vid is my gimmick,
And if anyone tries to mimic,
I'll find your address,
Buy a bag for the mess,
So take care - or I swear I'll go limbic.

Here's another shout in the void
To my homies and humanoids -
To that one holy viewer
Living in cave or sewer -
Please watch - I'm getting paranoid.

[3] (On Chaos Masquerading as Order)
Don't listen to what they tell you -
They've only got rot to sell you:
Today it's word games, -
Then Tomorrow exclaims,
'I've no souls to say farewell to.'

Their voice whispers songs in your ear
Which shape your soul's inner sphere
The way that they like it -
They know you won't fight it -
As they scalp you and hand you your gear.

Though the art overshadows each prof,
The gaggle will scuttle and scoff
In the face of their gods -
The singers and sods -
Unless mortals tell profs to piss off.

[6] (On the Western Canon)
The natural selection of lists
Straightens nature's infinite twists,
But to scuttle this hull
Would render us dull,
As if Master said, 'Break his wrists.'

The translator of atoms, Time,
Can translate all matter but rhyme -
Nor flaming poesis
Or singing mimesis -
For the language of gods is sublime.

(Here's channel if anyone's bored https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8ijgSx6ZX9gJkr8wwmlNVA )

>> No.19912474

Soft you fall to sit and wait
You're not that permanent
You're not that firmament

Pale and glowing
Pale and glittering
Pale and


You've fallen far
To grace
To melt

To be trampled on
To be worshiped on
To be the snow glittering in the wind

>> No.19912542

The Liberty of Wizardry

My voice is fiery flame and blizzardly
With ivory horn binaries figure me
A blur of forms from a balmy liquory
Lake to storms eddying an elixir sea,
My ecstasy adorns all of history
Its centuries each pregnant deliver me
As the bornless speck the spark of mystery
Whether mornings beck and hark or river’s Lee,
Each contorts whether thorns prick or hickory
Each reforms from mourn to scornless vigor see
The forlorn things by trickster tongue silvery
Transformed from the sickly, by my whisper trees
Of whorish knowledge give delivery
To life flourishing for they will vicar thee
For their lore will speak of Christ, your misery
Will be a thing of yore for the inner key
Is but the liberty of my wizardry.

Sick, while I’m busy I will return and critique your poems when I get back.

>> No.19913177

At that point I hate to say it but you need to read (if you haven’t ) science of logic with a good annotation. to get his definitions, I think your complaints occur on the definitional level of terms, like I could just spam paragraphs from it but it won’t be nearly as logical as just diving head first into it.

The noumena is cut away because it refers to nothing and nothing is dealt with, the non-determined is non rational according to his definitions, and to say the irrational could be actual is saying to Hegel “the irrational could be rational” now my own model holds that there are a multitude of logoi and each is rational-actual to itself, but Hegel does not share the opinion.

Oh I’ve actually seen your YouTube channel, funny seeing you around! If I was you I’d try to switch to like, short 10 line iambics or the like just to grind better and not force yourself into the specific requirements of the limerick.

The first limerick falls apart at the fourth line imo.

Second one is pretty cute in the Ending,

The third one feels like you wanted to make a longer serious poem but bound yourself to the structure.

Fourth I can definitely feel you’re more interested in making this more akin to quatrains or epigrammatic stuff, here’s some J. V. Cunningham

This Humanist whom no beliefs constrained
Grew so broad-minded he was scatter-brained.

After some years Bohemian came to this—
This Maenad with hair down and gaping kiss
Wild on the barren edge of under fifty.
She would finance his art if he were thrifty.

Speak to her heart!
That manic force
When wits depart
Forbids remorse.

Dream with her dreaming
Until her lust
Seems to her seeming
An act of trust!

Do without doing!
Love’s wilful potion
Veils the ensuing,
And brief, commotion.

If you like this very small short style he’s very good.

5th has a good deflation but I can’t help but feel like you’d have preferred to keep it going.

6 you went too hard on the concept that the execution didn’t have much room for the humor.

7 again feels like you just want a short poem, which again aren’t bad. My biggest recommendation because while the meter isn’t perfect or the like but it sounds good enough and you have some sense of humor, is to just write a bit longer poems, even just adding 3 lines to make it and give yourself a solid 80 syllables, it’ll help you grind at the skill much better imo.

>> No.19914245


>> No.19915168


>> No.19915210

Wow, thank you for taking the time, man, really. Also super uncanny you've seen me around. Your criticism is oddly spot-on and really clears the brain-fog I have for my lines (I must check out Cunningham also - that first two-line epigram is especially great). First time using anapests and dactyls too: I'm more used to writing in iambs like you, but I thought that pentameter or Dickinsonian common metre would be too 'stiff' (?) for a common audience and honestly too difficult to keep up regularly for myself, whereas I don't feel so guilty throwing out a limerick that I haven't endlessly revised now and again. Your suggestion to write longer is too right, but I have to sharpen my limerick skills lol - I'll keep the longer poem practices to paper.

Question: Why don't you publish your poetry in book form, or if you have what is it? Your poems are actually deep and actually daring unlike what you read through mainstream poetry (The Liberty of Wizardry's continuous single rhyme is a poetic flex if I've ever seen one, the sustained assonance of the sound 'or' makes me quite jealous, and its Blakean/incantatory quality make it delicious to the lips). You can't tell me that no big publisher of poetry would pass this up, no?

>> No.19915300

>I 'm more used to writing in iambs like you, but I thought that pentameter or Dickinsonian common metre would be too 'stiff'

A tip, you can replace unstressed syllables with any number of stressed and it doesn’t really lose any musical quality, we can see this historically in the rhetoric of Demosthenes but also in contemporary rap stuff that they use this technique, likewise as long as you’re sticking to a roughly iambic structure you can throw in a lot of anapests, it’s good to remember meter has no purpose but to make what you say sound better, thus can be broken for this same goal.

>Why don't you publish your poetry in book form, or if you have what is it?

I’ve no interest in publishing or being a poet would be why! I see poetry writing as a spiritual practice, a means of contemplation, some friends twisted my arm to let them publish my works, I agreed on conditions of anonymity and that I receive no payment for it, though I don’t recommend it, since imo my poetry has significantly increased in quality since writing, here’s a libgen link to it.


And Amazon.


But yeah I don’t really have any desires with my poetry other than spiritual contemplations and technical experiments.

>Your poems are actually deep and actually daring unlike what you read through mainstream poetry

Thanks a ton! My stuff is more based on religious poetry from various traditions but also decadent poetry, I’m not sure if they would be accepted by a big publisher but I also like the idea of my work fading with me, you know?

Even feel rather dirty shilling the libgen link! In any case here have two more poems, first something I call “stress rhyme” on which all of the stresses of a couplet ought rhyme, second just a normal poem which others have considered good.

Stress rhyme experiment

I seal the wheel with zeal, reveal the real,
I kneel to feel his weal concealed I peel
The shell that held the swell and welt of spells
That dwell in wells of hells and welkin bells.

God of Gods, Lord of Lords, Rod among Rods,
You brought the horde to sword and corded ropes
Of fretting breath you set to threat with death,
This debt you let be swept if depths they stepped.

“My ears can hear the sere of fearful years,
My spears of spheres each fierce and peerless pierced
The base, debased their place defaced they raced
From waste to trace with haste a taste of grace.”

“Each come” by thunder wondrous none was numb
To hum and drum or plumbline strum though some
were lost each tossed in frost exhausted, paused,
The flawed and dross were drawn, the cause? the cross.

>> No.19915309

Walking in Winter frost

I being lost had strayed upon the frost,
I, starveling, frail and under knells of hail
Was tossed about and frayed my flesh was flayed,
Afraid each wove of ice had drove and sliced
My face its place debased I braced onwards.

Torn and torchless enkindled the ravin
Passionless its tempest trembled shameless,
Shorn as formless and dwindled i raving
Fell forlorn to fray my clay its plaything,
Clad with wrath it had hath gathereth mad.

In quiet quelled the welt of winter dire,
Charged I saw a charréd place to retire,
A pinnacle where peaked a raging pyre
Where the mire of dreary dun turns fire,
Where man is given every desire.

>> No.19915338
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I HATE the pentameter

>> No.19915345
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>> No.19915352
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>> No.19915371

Kek, here have a free verse then I’ll stop spamming with my poetry.

faring far across the river-narrow,
in the distance the monkeys scream,
I hear the kakkle of the sparrow,
for a moment I am lost in dream.

crackle crackle sere and supple,
as a drunk man the vision tumbles,
rumble bubble rumble burst,
as a drunk man I quench my thirst.

bumbling a mumbled song of mirth,
I murmur along with the earth,
twitching and twisting still I go speaking
witless as a weir-less creek in its creeking.

rest, peace to my breast, yes, This is the best,
to be quiet though riot the four winds,
to sigh “its silent” and see all vibrant,
the small bird and the roaring beast at peace.

>> No.19915424
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I like it more than the other two, but I think you should refrain from flooding your poems with alliteration and assonance. It is similar to rhyme in that it quickly becomes boring.

>> No.19915431

Based take. Could I see some of your poetry if you're comfortable with that?

>> No.19915454
File: 28 KB, 2717x1056, dumb poem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was a "write a poem & share it" thread.

>> No.19915457

ah shit i fucked it up

>> No.19915487

Wow. I usually hate rhyming but this was fun. Read it twice. Honestly great job anon, made me happy to read.

>> No.19915531

I opened the parcel

You'd gifted me a set of syringes shaped like crayons
"What the hell am I supposed to do with these?"
"Draw some blood"

>> No.19915763

Can we agree that saying ‘“the irrational is rational” is wrong’ is pressupposing rationality and that irrationality could get away with it just by being irrational???

>> No.19915963

thank you <3

>> No.19916025

>it’s good to remember meter has no purpose but to make what you say sound better

Agreed, it seems most people think of metre as a top-down tyranny when it's merely an emergent quality of the natural stresses in words. No good pentameter is strictly pentameter; I mean if I remember correctly King Lear is a right old metric mess - probably due to everyone being insane.

(Also pulling from Demosthenes to rap is a move: any thoughts on MF Doom?)

>I’ve no interest in publishing or being a poet would be why! I see poetry writing as a spiritual practice, a means of contemplation

That's quite admirable, I respect it. But this might be the exact flavour of poetry that many are hungering for in our age's society-wide disconnect from spirit and ideas of spirit? That flavour being 'spiritual contemplation' and the exuberance of your 'experiments'. But then again you could also face the indifference that Blake faced, which is depressing to think about. Anyway thanks for posting the libgen link! Downloaded the pdf and will read some in the coming days. I'm grateful for the shill - wipe the dirt from your sleeve. And while the idea of your work fading with you is romantic, I think the opposite might be an arm-reach away, possibly.

Your two poems (while some moments might be deemed too decadent) I marvel at your balancing on the knife-edge between sound and sense, the high energy is just great.

>> No.19916106

New here?

>> No.19916138

New poster and relatively new to the board, but long-time lurker, why?

>> No.19916810

I can’t agree on the taste level, I am a hater of modernism onward and a lover of anglo-Saxon tier alliteration, I’ve actually tried to model my heavily alliteration stuff on Gawain and Awntyrs off Arthure, here’s a paragraph of it.

In the tyme of Arthur an aunter bytydde,
By the Turne Wathelan, as the boke telles,
Whan he to Carlele was comen, that conquerour kydde,
With dukes and dussiperes that with the dere dwelles.
To hunte at the herdes that longe had ben hydde,
On a day thei hem dight to the depe delles,
To fall of the femailes in forest were frydde,
Fayre by the fermesones in frithes and felles.
Thus to wode arn thei went, the wlonkest in wedes,
Bothe the Kyng and the Quene,
And al the doughti bydene.
Sir Gawayn, gayest on grene,
Dame Gaynour he ledes.

Likewise I am a lover of dudes like mf doom.

Already woke, spared a joke, barely spoke, rarely smoke
Stared at folks when properly provoked, mirror broke
Here, share strawberry morinin', gone an more important spawnin'
Torn in, poor men sworn in
Cornish hens switchin' positions, auditionin' mortitions
Saw it in a vision, ignorin' prison
Ignoramuses enlist and sound dumb
Found 'em drowned in cows dung, crowds flung
Rings a tinkerbell, sing for things that's frail as a fingernail.

I wouldn’t because it depends on what rational means, to Hegel the word actual and rational have to be definitionally identical therefore the irrational can’t be, as if it were actual it would be rational.

I’m a big fan of MF-doom, but on the metrical patterns of Elizabethan and Jacobean plays and poetry, people without reason seem to think perfect iambic pentameter was the norm, when all of Shakespeare is littered with metrical oddities, as is Edmund Spenser, even Ben Jonson, Philip Sidney, etc. the idea that iambic pentameter was ever some demiurge over the creative process doesn’t hold up to the history of poets, It was always as you say, a means of just keeping a normal pattern which has no tyrannical power inherently.

And thanks for the words! But I genuinely do not feel the Will in me for that direction, and the overly self indulgent is very enjoyable for me, if you want another rapper check out Freddie gibbs.

>> No.19917044
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"Faeces floating, stinking. I am shit. When will I sink?"


>> No.19917067

Pretty sure MF Doom came after modernism

>> No.19917152

Your chuckle-worthy use of the word 'demiurge' combined with 'Contemplating Aleph' makes me conclude that you must be deep into kabbalah. One thing I thought I'd never see in my life is a kabbalistic MF Doom fan - dude that's pretty cool. One last thing I'd add is that it doesn't seem to me your lines are overly self-indulgent because they still carry sense, but when sense is lost purely for the pleasures of sound that's when we might apply that radioactive term. Anyway your lines were inspiring, bro, know that. (Freddie Gibbs noted.)

>> No.19917197


An eye who has been influenced so
I won too, since I was there
From end to here, franchise born
Franchise ends, hear me roar

>> No.19917244

but you HAVE to be seeing that thats exactly the thing in question. something irrational is basically something going against its own definition.when youre supporting the exclusivity of rationality by definitional logic, its just rationality supporting rationality. and if circularity is allowed, irrationality could support itself too irrationally.

>> No.19918446


>> No.19919015

Different literary canon, modernism, its innovations and the lit it’s based on have no real influence on hip-hop/rap, disco and gospel stuff has more direct lines of influence on hip-hop. During modernism you had other art movements such as weird fiction which while occurring at the same time, had utterly different principles and a different canon of who to read and how to write, you wouldn’t ever class clark Ashton smith with modernism for example, likewise, dudes like biggie, inspectah deck, doom, lil-Wayne or what have you can’t actually be said to be related to modernism, instead being a part of their own movement of music and verse.

Thanks bro, it’s not as uncommon as you think for people to be into esotericism and rap though! Listen to these three if you ever get the chance.




Once more, as my autistic ranting above shows, I don’t actually agree with Hegel having a different nuance to how I deal with irrationality, however to him again you’d have to deal with it in his method to understand his position on the topic.

>> No.19919217

Have you ever thoughr about compiling Dooms lyrics into an inspo doc?

>> No.19920513

Nah; it’s more productive to just listen widely, watch these.




>> No.19920783

(Bee Bee Boo Boo Returns)

Bee Bee Boo Boo's defunct
He used to ride a watersmooth silver
And shoot


He was a handsome man
And what I'd like to know is
How do you like your blue eyed boy
Mr janny?

>> No.19920922

I remember the merry-go-round
I spun myself for years and found
the colors paled, the paints faded
the smiles fell, the hearts jaded
the light dimmed, the gilding rusted
the hedges withered, the chainlink thrusted
like prison walls about the park
through the gnarled barbed wire
the scene was dark
In the jagged frame, a concrete wasteland
I ventured into the no-man's land
From behind came voices, pleading with me
demons, wurms, witches and bogeys
that I play the part of the brave, gallant knight
but I turned my heart and my eyes to the night
and in the last bands of dismal gloaming
I saw the prize of my quest, the path of my roaming
The Dark Tower waited, ruined and rubbled
brooding over all, and all were troubled
I began alone, and so I will end
with only childish memories to keep as my friend

>> No.19921062

I have nothing but my sorrow and I want nothing more.
It has been, it still is, faithful to me.

Why should I begrudge it, since during the hours
when my soul crushed the depths of my heart,
it was seated there beside me?

O sorrow, I have ended, you see, by respecting you,
because I am certain you will never leave me.

Ah! I realize it: your beauty lies in the force of your being.
You are like those who never left
the sad fireside corner of my poor black heart.

O my sorrow, you are better than a well-beloved:
because I know that on the day of my final agony,
you will be there, lying in my sheets, O sorrow,
so that you might once again attempt to enter my heart.

>> No.19921256

I love when we have our fireside chat
First as gentlemen, and then a drowned rat
Sinking into matters of this and that
arguments becoming tit for tat
A swing and a miss! We step up to bat
We don't play by the rules
we batter and cudgel
like cannibals
we embrace and cuddle
I am round, you are flat
I am a fly, you are a gnat
I am a boot, you are a hat
I am a dog, you are a cat

>> No.19921365

Chapter 27

All the previous pages are smudged and tattered
The story rambles, stumbles, and shatters
Rebuilding itself, over and over
The meandering meaning of a wandering rover
Now I enter the twenty-seventh year
the forest looks thicker and much darker here
but on the wind, I faintly hear
the winding river, yes! it is near
I spy its shimmer through the thorn-laden trees
the waters that carry all to their destinies
but as I make my attempt, I find myself lost
tangled in vines, every step at a cost
Must I turn aside, as others have gone?
Never! Stubborn and spiteful, I must struggle on

>> No.19921624

okay so do you agree that he as wrong and the irrational is possible?????????

>> No.19921698

Good one

>> No.19921733

Thanks anon.

>> No.19923018
File: 147 KB, 470x437, Liquid Snake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stinger shits which care not for solidarity with solidity, fluidity or the
bussy gasesous erotically
sherry shingle just give me a single signal
its boogly ooglies good riddance to the unions
drawn forth a plan for transfiguring by aesthetic invasion
contributing to this fecund lands penance
i'm just breathing and i'm just igniting my dingleberry dangle
because at the end of the day it was dangling
dynamite, embers, cascades of fire and shit i don't fucking know
but under my veil of dissilusion, chasing, fireworks up my ass, HOT... FUCK.. OW OW OW..
chasing erratic shadows around in circles,
yet never, never ever a breaching of the forlorn comes to pass
I've got buckets and buckets of half-baked dogshit
overflowing with expressive turgidities
ignited upon the crusty grillobe chasing the definitive direction.
ascension, nay, self-defeating agent orange onager.

>> No.19924617

The last two are great