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19885470 No.19885470 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19885490

>twitter kulturkritik eceleb thread: redux

>> No.19885491

>crypto/stock shit
Literally just gossip for losers and incels.

>> No.19885499

Did you faggots sage the thread? Why didn't it get bumped? BUMP

>> No.19885508


Say what you will but I will watch every singe one of his videos and enjoy them.

>> No.19885513

I don't actually care for most of his videos, I just enjoy watching them because I think he's attractive and I like his accent. This one is actually really good though.

>> No.19885517

>Say what you will but I always support my favorite creators on Patreon
I'm sorry about your AIDS diagnosis

>> No.19885530

>Mfw I take chewable tablets from https://bluechew.com/

>> No.19885548

While he brings up some interesting points, like the impact of technology on social movements, which is really not talked about enough, this video is ultimately another case of Keith not being as smart as he thinks he is. Ie first 10 minutes and he says
>CRT comes from the Frankfurt School
Really just not true. It comes from "whiteness studies" ie Ignatiev.

>> No.19885550

leftypol plz
You know...
It's just the Jews.

>> No.19885557

Redemption arc incoming.

>> No.19885566

Also he way overestimates how big of a liberalizing effect uni has on students.

>> No.19885587

Is he really a national bolshevik?

>> No.19885621

All over this town
They pull over
In their Citroen vans
Not to shake your hands

>> No.19885656

Redemption from what?

>> No.19885738
File: 409 KB, 801x580, D52F921D-2209-48B4-8CDB-AA975AAFBADD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s up

>> No.19885761

>Ignatiev was born Noel Saul Ignatin in Philadelphia, the son of Carrie, a homemaker, and Irv Ignatin, who delivered newspapers. His family's original surname, Ignatiev, was changed to Ignatin and later back to the original spelling.[1] His family was Jewish. His grandparents were from Russia.[
>He was best known for his theories on race and for his call to abolish "whiteness". Ignatiev was the co-founder of the New Abolitionist Society and co-editor of the journal Race Traitor, which promoted the idea that "treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity".[3
I'm surprised this guy isn't talked about more among /pol/ types

>> No.19885772

Who is this sissy and does she have an only fans?

>> No.19885778

you just know she got that gawk gawk 3000

>> No.19885782

only thing good about him? his mysterious twink feet

>> No.19885793

The only difference between stupid and smart conservatives is if they blame all of societies problems on Jews or if they blame them on "Bankers"

>> No.19885821

/pol/ doesn't do research, they just obsess over whatever fringe theories get posted by their alternative media outlets.

>> No.19885859

>their alternative media outlets.
Vaush and the young turks?

>> No.19885881

he's a natsoc traditionalist

>> No.19886993


>> No.19887057

40k subscribers, why does this merit a post? fucking self-shill

>> No.19887059

Why the FUCK are these self promoters allowed to keep placing stuff here without getting jannied? Moldbug is not /lit/, Kastrup is not /lit/, this fag YouTuber is not /lit/. You only post yourself here because you're a pseud who thinks "literature" is a "smart" place for your ideas.

>> No.19887068

Yeah piss off back to faggot Vaush, lefty

>> No.19887086


>> No.19887089

Dear God, is this the zoomer brain? Criticism must be coming from some other eceleb fanbase? Vaush is a faggot and you are a faggot. You suffer from essentially the same disease with slightly different symptoms.

>> No.19887133
File: 119 KB, 482x427, 1629434421145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watching this guy's videos blackpilled me on the left and how everything they do is in lockstep with the capitalists. only the right can resist capitalism now

>> No.19887157

>Kastrup is not /lit/,
Well I don't buy his monistic idealism but what does that have to do with politics ? Metaphysics is clearly philosophy and being discussed here all the time.

>> No.19887160

It would be better to step outside of the party system as it exists. Both sides play hands to the capitalists and only exodus would steer things otherwise.

>> No.19887168

>what does that have to do with politics ?
Nothing at all, he's just another self-promoter who posts here. As more of this stuff is let to slide, the site will become more and more just links to youtube videos from the people who make them. At that point you might as well be on reddit.

>> No.19887198

reported for advertising

>> No.19887282

Keith, please let me suck your cock.

>> No.19887283

I could destroy him with one punch

>> No.19887288

What's the difference?

>> No.19887299

Take a number. There are a lot of Keith fags on /lit/ and I'm first in line.
Post physique

>> No.19887320

post 23&me results

>> No.19887399

"Wokism" is literally just the newest iteration of Liberalism institutionally employed to maintain its hegemony and absorb different groups of people into American domination. If he doesn't explain this in the video, he is wrong.

>> No.19887403

I have this half baked notion in my head that the left-right delineation exists because of how personalities cluster. Leftists are usually empathic, idealistic collectivists whereas rightists are pragmatic and insensitive individualists. Both sides play into the hands of capital, as you say, but for different reasons. I'd find it very hard to believe the archetypal communist and the archetypal right libertarian could find any common ground because their personalities, and thus their ideologies, are so diametrically opposed.

>> No.19887432

honestly if the content is intellectual, I'm okay with it, much better than the booktuber simps and other crap content on /lit/

>> No.19887537

Good video especially in explaining how the orthodoxy evolved over time and how techonology feeds into it but I think you get better perspective on wokeness from dissident leftists since they've been in that social circle and are familiar with the people within.

Angela Nagle's appearance on Good Ol Boyz was really insightful, she frames wokeness as overproduced elites asserting their class interests by cancelling people so they can take their places within institutions. It's the 4th one down on this page (dated 2 Jul 2021):


>> No.19887569

He's explained this a number of times in different videos. You're not as smart as you think you are just for knowing liberalism and the American empire are bad.

>> No.19887573

>Angela Nagle's appearance on Good Ol Boyz was really insightful, she frames wokeness as overproduced elites asserting their class interests by cancelling people so they can take their places within institutions
Has this ever actually happened though? It sounds like a nice theory but I'd like some actual examples.

>> No.19887583

We need an alliance between the dissident right and the dissident left bros. All it takes is the left being more tolerant of the JQ instead of suddenly becoming lolbertarians arguing "muh individuals are different" when the ruling elite isn't playing by those same rules

>> No.19887585

i listened to it a while ago, iirc they give a few examples that i can't remember off the top of my head

>> No.19887593

This. They always have the most retarded copes that make it obvious they just don't want to talk about it. I.e; "You just wanna serve le white capitalists xd" as if we don't openly dislike them too.

>> No.19887597
File: 274 KB, 1148x835, fantasia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The far right has been reemerging in the West, which it does from time to time, as both a symptom of the decay of capitalism and also an accelerant of that decay. The protectionist turn recently for example is an attempt to throttle trade because the forces which global trade unleashed have run out of control. Also they want to overcome inner contradictions within the bourgeoisie by unifying them and the rest of society under a charismatic leader and so forth.

It's like Fantasia to use a metaphor. Mickey Mouse summons brooms to do work -- very useful --- but then the brooms multiply out of control, the contradictions run wild, until there are Too Many Fucking Brooms and they become very animated (and do all kinds of things which reactionaries don't like), so he summons the sorcerer (fascism) to turn the brooms back into unanimated, plain wood. Such contradictions today include the class orientation of economic liberalism and the inclusiveness of, or at least espoused by, political liberalism.


>> No.19887602

>le capitalism in decay in [current year]

>> No.19887619

I posted that before watching the video. Not trying to be smart, and it's not like most opponents of woke politics acknowledge that it's just liberalism repackaged. Most of them are literally liberals themselves, like Peterson.

>> No.19887621

Ok fair

>> No.19887622
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I'm a Leftie, but I love him and all of his videos. Watched every single one.

>> No.19887628

It's amazing how every time I see a random picture and a wall of text, I know it's going to be this fucking faggot who always writes essays about communism then posts a video of China at the end. You are predictable and boring.

>> No.19887630

>40k subscribers
>still not banned

is he a fed?

>> No.19887677

What would he get banned for? He rarely if ever talks about Jews, blacks, trannies, etc. on his YouTube channel. He did on his Twitter account, and that got banned a few months ago.

>> No.19887678

Well I thought it'd be appropriate since Keith Woods is a China appreciator.

But the way I look at it, Western capitalist societies and particularly the U.S., the U.K. and some other places, are very unequal with a lot of concentrated wealth and power in a tiny number of hands. That has a deeply corrosive effect on society. At the same time, the political ideology of liberalism's legitimacy is based on its professed inclusiveness. That's a contradiction. So I think the results we're seeing is, on the one hand, a desperate attempt by some people who support the existing state of things to shore up liberalism by some very desperate faux-inclusiveness. On the other hand, there are others who have decided that the inclusiveness was never worth pursuing in the first place.

>> No.19887716

He is 100% correct that this was all caused by the universal presence of smart phones and the Internet but I'm surprised he can't figure out why Tumblr especially contributed to it. Tumblr was the most democratic website on the Internet; you could post videos, images, gifs, blog posts, pornography, etc. It wasn't limited and it was easy to remain anonymous. Since democracy and liberalization inherently produces degeneracy, Tumblr is where a lot of the initial ressentiment caused by the Internet began and it quickly spread everywhere else. Of course, these liberal values were already ingrained in America to begin with and mandated by our ruling classes. Everything that has been said about race, gender and sexuality already comes from the 60s. But the Internet democratized it beyond just college campuses and activist circles, and the liberal system embraced it very quickly. By 2015 gay marriage was legalized and it was all downhill from there.

>> No.19887749

The point about newspaper paywalls was good, I haven't thought of that before. But he glosses over the core of the issue, you can't just say wokeness is popular because of X and Y, there's something latent in our society that makes wokeness possible, that was lying dormant for a really long time waiting for something like wokeness to come along and bring it to life. We can push this on the elites for thrusting it upon us, but there's a reason it's so effective and it's not just because we see it a lot. Something that lies unseen in the hearts of the average Westerner, waiting to be re-examined.

Is it Christian morality? Well, who am I to suggest that...

>> No.19887751

Do you know what specifically got him banned?

>> No.19887763

>muh Christianity
People only bitch about this after the secularization of culture. When we were actually Christian people weren't cucked libshits, and those that were, were explicitly revolting against Christianity.

>> No.19887768

Far right people who like China view it as fascist, not communist. Because there is wage labor and markets, no mass immigration, somewhat conservative socially etc.
>but it's actually le communist
I dont care, I'm just telling you why someone like this KW guy might like china. They absolutely don't like Maoist china because it didnt have the features I mentioned.

>> No.19887771

No, it seemed pretty random. He hadn’t tweeted anything that seemed van worthy in at least a few weeks leading up to his ban. He had been mostly just promoting his videos and livestreams and arguing with Aimee Terese. I know his friend Joel got banned for seemingly no reason just a few days before him.

>> No.19887787

People have pushed back massively against every step of the woke ratchet. Maybe 15% of people obsequiously obey and cheer for more; the rest are just beaten down.

Christian morality is not woke at all even if you read it as uber pacifism, which is not really orthodox. Woke are not pacifist or universally forgiving at all. There is another abrahamic religion that woke ideology actually does resemble: the righteous oppressed minority who hates the majority. I'm sure you can figure that out.

>> No.19887791

>I'm okay with [4chan becoming another social media aggregator site for people to market for their patreons]
Fuck off

>> No.19887800

Woke politics is just ressentiment. That's all it is. Nietzsche perfectly described how ressentiment works already and how it poisons everything in the modern world. He also pointed out that it comes from Christianity. So yes, the underpinnings come from Christian morality even if it's not entirely Christian anymore.

>> No.19887802

Fuck off. Coomers constantly make threads to share pics and videos of their favorite female book tubers to coom to and nobody has a problem with it. But someone makes a thread for Keith Woods or someone similar, and retards come out of the woodwork to sperg out about it.

>> No.19887809

I just pointed out to you which religion it actually resembles and why. Nietzsche is not an authority on christian morality whatsoever.

>> No.19887814

Twitter is really finnicky. I got banned, no joke, for saying you should be allowed to hit bikers with your car.

>> No.19887826

>Coomers constantly make threads to share pics and videos of their favorite female book tubers
I'm not ok with this either but at least those channels have fanbases. This is a 40k channel self-promoting what's essentially an opinion piece. If a new yorker opinion writer posted a link to their article, they'd get attacked and rightfully so. Remember to sage guys!
>Nietzsche is not an authority on christian morality whatsoever.
This, I don't get why he gets treated like his ubermensch, he was a mental guy. Not saying he's not interesting at times, but he's definitely not an authority on anything christian

>> No.19887834

>This is a 40k channel self-promoting what's essentially an opinion piece.
It’s not self promotion. I made the thread and I’m not Keith.
>Remember to sage guys!
That’s okay, I’ll bump the thread for you.

>> No.19887846

Admit it. You leftist faggots want to suck his twink dick.

>> No.19887848

I’m a rightoid faggot that wants to suck his twink dick.

>> No.19887865
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I think you have a good analysis of the situation, so let me ask you how do we push back? And I mean in a significant and smart way not like the soldier that continued to stand guard when Pompeii blew off.

>> No.19887889
File: 167 KB, 1110x382, tumblr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone in the comments had a good take on tumblr

>> No.19887919

You can't. I know that's not a good answer but it's the truth. Liberalism is the overarching philosophy of the modern world. If you want to stop woke shit, you have to get rid of Liberalism. That's not easy to do. There's also the fact that technological development inherently produces social liberalization; in illiberal countries like China and the UAE, they face a lot of the same issues with their populations becoming extremely individualistic and hedonistic. That's why recently you have China cracking down on K-pop, feminine men, and stuff like that.

I see all this as just the natural development of the values that created the modern world. They are inherently contradictory and false from the start. We will just have to live through the implosions of our systems since no one is willing to create anything new or reject the basic ideals of freedom -- not liberals, not socialists, no one. I have my own culture, religion and community which allows me to avoid most of this nihilism. But for everyone else, I have no idea.

>> No.19888199

one of his last post he talked about international Jewry with a shamrock replacing the e in jew

>> No.19888261

So I’m schizoid and really enjoy his videos. I was writing some fan fiction, but had one question. What kind of underwear do men in Ireland wear these days?

>> No.19888302

Oh, I didn’t see that

>> No.19888308

he is cute

>> No.19888312
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>> No.19888316

He lives in the US (in one of his videos he says he doesn't live in Ireland but Virginia)

>> No.19888321

Wait, for real? Do you know which video?

>> No.19888340


>> No.19888343

Why does Keith cause so much seethe here

>> No.19888349

I think it's "On Work and Free Time" or "Why I Quit my Job"

>> No.19888351

>left-right delineation exists
I dont think it's so simple as a one dimensional spectrum

>> No.19888357

Uhh, Keithbros?

>> No.19888384

>I'm surprised he can't figure out why
He talked about tumblr

>> No.19888402

He's made two other videos on the topic. His argument is that the West currently has a philosophy of mind that posits the Self to be something independent of and unique from the body. Combined witb the ethics of tolerance and advancements of science and technology, people attempting to liberate their self from the contraints of the body with body modification. He thinks identity politics and trannies are just a step on the way to full blown transhumanism which will take religious form

>> No.19888405

Why doesn't Keith lift? He literally looks like a twink.

>> No.19888409

When the new ceo of Twitter took over there was a massive twitter purge. The formal excuse was that he was evading a previous ban, which Keith said was untrue

>> No.19888421

yea it was so absurdly blatant I was surprised at how distraught he was when he got banned

>> No.19888422

>The West is undergoing the Revenge of the Nerds

>> No.19888429

Latina girls LOVE skinny, tall white boys

>> No.19888431

What’s wrong with being a twink? He’s cute.

>> No.19888623

>leftists when you say the names of the bankers

>> No.19888629

There is literally no common ground lol
>capitalism is evil and must be abolished
>capitalism is fine but a mafia has taken over our countries
How do you propose reconciling these things

>> No.19888634

Nobody on twitter is cooming over Keith but I come here and you're all homos. Also if you're a leftist watching him just accept the truth and become join the DR

>> No.19888648

I don't agree with all of his takes (his views on China or Covid for example), but he's undoubtedly an intelligent and enlightening commentator.

>> No.19888777

For sure. But as a first approximation I think it's adequate. Do you think it's too reductive?

>> No.19888813

He was wrong about all the coof shit and pissed off a lot of people.

>> No.19888818

Yeah it definitely is. Theres no real consistent metric for right and left. People will try to frame it as capitalism vs socialism, individualism vs collectivsm, or authoritarian vs libertarian. In American discourse at least if you take a position any more complicated than le big government vs small government people get extremely confused and dont know what you are. Hence why you have people like Dinesh D'Souza trying to reframe history by calling individuals like Hitler left wing. I remember back in 2015 one conservative radio show host, Mark Levin, called Trump a national populist and said his stances weren't consistent with free market, conservative values and is therefore left wing. Mainly because Trump was a protectionist, which is lefty economics apparently.
Because it's one dimensional it can only measure one trait at a time. If you deviate from Party orthodoxy and take a nuanced approach you enter this gray zone that just can't be marked down. Beyond merely topical issues or just labels of convenience relative to your culture the right/left paradigm is basically useless

>> No.19888828

He is known there, was present on some infographics.

>> No.19888864

>capitalism is fine but a mafia has taken over our countries
What do you mean by "capitalism is fine".
If you allow it, it''ll deconstruct everything that has hitherto given life meaning, value, and form, and reconstruct all that is so as to render it amenable to objectively and rationally quantifiable commodification. Capitalism has no inherent respect for your ethnicity, you nation state, you religion, or your cultural traditions. It's all just grist for the mill. Capitalism subordinates the spiritual to the material, quality to quantity, and all of nature, history and life to the logic of the market.

How can you people not see this? Everything you attribute to "kike meddling" is consistent with the logic of techno-capital. Unless you have the smoking gun that not only lays out that there is an organized effort by the elites to subvert your "real capitalism" for their own ends but moreover gives a reasonable explanation as to why on Earth they would do this, then as far as I'm concerned, a much better explanation of the crisis of the modern world is achieved by analyzing the structures and processes which underlie manifest social reality.

>> No.19888877

I tend to interpret the left/right distinction in terms of time. The left is future oriented, the right is past oriented. The left is progressive, the right is conservative. Although this falls apart once you start getting into fascist futurism.

>> No.19888894

Thats exactly the argument Dinesh D'Souza makes. He claimed Fascists were futurists and therefore progressive rather than conservative. And of course if you're not conservative you must be leftist.

>> No.19888908

>Theres no real consistent metric for right and left
There's no such thing as a simple and accurate model for any sort of sociological paradigm. You have a highly nonlinear, high-dimensional space of possible political view embedded into a low-dimensional linear space. Let's think about what you've listed
>capitalism vs socialism
>individualism vs collectivism
>authoritarian vs libertarian
To make a realistic and consistent model you have to scale these dimensions relative to one another, explore sub-dimensions, and you end up with something very messy and intractable unless you're a computer.

Although there's flaws in the political compass approach as you rightly point out, I don't think it's useless or even harmful to invoke.

>> No.19889064
File: 21 KB, 270x245, Unbenannt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A tip for any kind of Dissident Right figure like Keith Woods, who wants to use Twitter and keep it:
>never talk about transsexuals (there are people, who search for any tweet containing slurs like "tranny" or anything insulting and mass report it)
>don't talk about jews, blacks, other races in an inflammatory way
And then there is the most important thing, which sadly Keith Woods didn't do:
>you CANNOT interact with other Leftists on Twitter
>do not get into arguments with them
>it inevitably always leads to your account getting reported and banned

>> No.19889072

I don't mind keef but stop making e-celeb threads, go buy an ad or something