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19883177 No.19883177 [Reply] [Original]

I read the qu’ran. Completely blasphemous n retarded when it says god had never begotten a son, he did and btw do Muslims actually think Mohammed is a better role model? Fucking sand brains. Anyway that sucked but all the parts about slaughtering jews n driving em out was pretty based

>> No.19883182

Better role model than jesus I meant ***

>> No.19883187

Leading your people into war > letting yourself get killed painfully

>> No.19883196

>go sword fight in the desert
>fulfill god’s plan
Gee I wonder which one the true prophet would do

>> No.19883199

Also Muhammed was a pedo (probably an incel)

>> No.19883309
File: 29 KB, 306x423, رجل وسيم.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

هل أي منكم هنا يدخن الحشيش؟

>> No.19883314

Yes I do now seek Jesus

>> No.19883354

>christcuck reads a book from another religion and gets offended
the quran is trash but you're a fucking retard

>> No.19883359

Is it even possible to say somethings wrong anymore without people assuming you’re le offended??

>> No.19883363

Also you’d probably let Muhammad plow your daughter and eat all your food

>> No.19883414

The Quran perfected Abrahamic monotheism and if you "hate it" it means you are simply an aesthetic driven crypto polytheist/atheist like 99% of Christians

>> No.19883417

If Islam is wrong then why is it winning?

>> No.19883431

Because they are breeding retards like rabbits and infesting into Europe while pleading victim card

>> No.19883432

They breed like rabbits and refuse to stay in their own countries.

>> No.19883439

Why do children get childhood cancer if god is good. Same answer, you terribly misguided anon

>> No.19883440

seethe about it christranny

>> No.19883444

>Why do children get childhood cancer if god is good.
Because god isn't good and you got filtered

>> No.19883446

Nice trips but you’re wrong

>> No.19883449

Also if god isn’t good then why should I side with Islam, since that’s the side he is supposedly favoring?

>> No.19883451

The Qu’ran is a bumbling, disorganized, stupid book of war propaganda for desert people. It unironically says that Jesus was Moses’ direct biological nephew even though they lived thousands of years apart. Total stupidity.

>> No.19883454

Christcucks can have 10 children each and none of of would believe in that nonsense.
Christianity has failed and its only hope of lasting lies with sub saharan africans

>> No.19883461

no u
You shouldn't

>> No.19883466

>says that Jesus was Moses’ direct biological nephew even though they lived thousands of years apart.
Ahhhhh of course, unlike the Bible where people live hundreds of years amd have children that live hundreds of years
>bumbling disorganized
Imagine being Christian and accusing literally any other religion in existence of this
Please keep exposing yourself
>total stupidity
Like all religions

>> No.19883473

Based means high on crack you niggerloving christshit. Also God doesn't need a "son" to "sacrifice for our sins" you retarded christshit. The only reason you believe this is because it says it in the new testicle.

>> No.19883477

kek based
>bro you have to believe in me so I can save you from what I'm going to do to you if you don't believe in me
the mental gymnastics christianity requires makes me wonder how the fuck it can have so many adherents, it falls apart under the slightest scrutiny

>> No.19883526

Every religion is shit Abdul but Islam is the biggest threat to society at the moment.

>> No.19883541

>but all the parts about slaughtering jews n driving em out was pretty based
Larp detected

>> No.19883548

fuck your society libcuck

>> No.19883555

And the christcuck reveals himself

>> No.19883609

No traditional Christian families with many children still exist.

>> No.19883611

Bad grammar. I meant to say No! Traditional Christian families with many children still exist.
They will be the future of Christianity. Secularism is a dysgenic social trend that will soon die out.

>> No.19883615

Not a christcuck you pedo worshipper

>> No.19883687

underage leftypol kid.

>> No.19883705

I'm a former christcuck arab you imbecile
Religion is retarded, but the specific targeting of the Quran for those points is absurd. And I still believe it mastered the semite holy book genre. The Bible is a mess and is a cope polytheism

>> No.19883708

what you said applies to islam as well, you just omit the Jesus part but otherwise the religions are identical

>> No.19883800
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Im Guenonpilled

>> No.19883842

Are you the schizo in /his/ claiming islam and muho was made up by Coptic Christians against Nicene creed?

>> No.19883893

Of all the sacred books quran is shit tier

>> No.19885194

Monotheism is proto-atheism.

Honestly, Islam basically is atheism. Muhammed was basically just Richard Dawkins with a sword

>> No.19885600

The trinity demonstrates genuinely omnipotence through the transcendence of number. Muslims on the other hand have to spend tons of time going over all the things god cannot do while the first page of their book says that god can do anything.

>> No.19885625

The problem with monotheism is that the association of oneness and perfection is absurd and not that affirming it is a denial of the most important perfection required of a single, all powerful deity.

>> No.19886469

>going on welfare is winning

>> No.19886499

>Completely blasphemous n retarded when it says god had never begotten a son
according to whom? your book says God had a son as equally as theirs says he hasn't.

>> No.19886531

according to psalms, "“I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.”

>> No.19886537

>and all of you are children of the most High
Yeah exactly
so when Jesus says he's the son of God, he's just confirming this passage. All humans are "children" or sons "of the most high". Jesus wasn't necessarily claiming anything special, only reiterating that he was a child of the most HIgh just like everyone else. And Muslims reaffirm that interpretation.

>> No.19886618


>Why do children get childhood cancer if god is good

Because of the fall? But that was orchestrated by God too....

>> No.19886760

>Mohammed is a better role model
Look at how many people are muslim today vs how many are christian

>> No.19886766

>Mohammed is a better role model

Most people think this, even atheists.

>> No.19886812

>The Bible is a mess and is a cope polytheism
Imagine being brought up in a religion, being able to ask your wise priests everything you have questions about............. and still getting filtered this badly. At least produce some genuine criticism and not "lol polytheism xD".

>> No.19886899

Qur'an is the words of God, how can God say Blasphemy?

An image graven or imagined is creation, God is beyond limit and our minds and imaginations are limited. The third commandment forbids heathenism while the creed of the Trinity is contradicting it as Jesus is a prophet and a creature and thus he can't not be God. A creature by definition has a beginning and God is without beginning and end (Alpha and Omega). This illogical point in the Christian creed explains its decline also well as western society and culture and the growth Islam worldwide.

>> No.19886919


I love the story of the Jewess that poisoned Mohammed and ruinned his life

The bitch basically thought "I will poison his food, if he is a real prophet, God will tell him the food is poisoned and he won't eat it, if he is a false prophet, it will kill him"

Mohammed ate the food, and suddenly begun feeling really bad, asked her what did you give me, and she told her it was poisoned food.
He survived, but every now and then he would get serious pain in his guts after that event, and he would curse the Jewess

>> No.19886923

Sons are for weak mortals who die. God is perfect. He has no sons, no equal, no beginning and no end. He doesn't need any creature.

>> No.19886935

It gets even more complicated when you remember that the son is also God. God begat himself. I guess that complicates easy comparisons to human creatures.

>> No.19886969

Ranking mainstream Abrahamic sects:
Unitarianism > Hanafi Sunni > Catholicism and Protestantism > Shia > Judaism > Salafi or extremist Sunni

>> No.19886980

>wise priests
Shut the fuck up faggot. Bible is a ragtag random collection of heresay nonsense written about a horde of different west asian religions with the names changed and switched, batched together under some random "councils" picking and choosing what they like, and then centuries of coping by theologians after trying to make sense of the mess and put it into one coherent narrative.
It's fucking stupid
>"lol polytheism"
Correct. Figured that out quick even just reading the old testament texts where the existence of other gods and magical powers not from Yahweh is constantly acknowledged. Not even going to get into the trinity shitflining garbage. Heard it all a billion times

>> No.19886997

British Unitarianism makes more sense than both Islam and mainstream Christianity to me.

>> No.19887170

Being created or birth is a beginning, inherently a creature attribute, not a divine one.

To know God is to attribute perfection to God. "God begat himself." is an paradox. How can The Creator be created? Or how one create oneself? This implies He didn't exist before being created and that is not a divine trait.

God's existence is absolute, beyond time and space or place. Read Qur'an Chapter 112, contains assertion of attributing perfection to God.

I think this is logical and comprehensible.

>> No.19887201

>God has a son

Does God also have a father? An uncle? An aunt? - How dumb are you? What difference is there between you and those who believe Zeus and his half sons Hercules and all the other nonensense?

Pure monotheism is the only way to go. The way of Abraham. The way of Muhammad. The real way of Jesus. ;; not this wierd concoction you have of Jesus

>> No.19887202

Oneness in divinity, not oneness as limitation.

>> No.19887263

The problem is that the oneness as perfection/divinity is oneness of as a limitation. There's no getting around that. A being can't be perfectly omnipotent and constrained to being any number.

>> No.19887287

The Sonhood of Jesus can be understood in a variety of ways.
1. He adopted him as a symbol of the redemption of man and our reconciliation to God
2. Virgin birth caused by the Holy Spirit (who knows, it's a miracle!)
3. God since the beginning has been creating the world through a type of emanation called Logos, or the Word. Jesus being a miraculous manifestation of the Word in flesh makes his divine essence (being the same as that of God) as having existed as long as time itself.
None of these things contradict the Jewish Bible. You only have to perform, not gymnastics, but mental consideration for it to make sense. The Qur'an is a product of the over-rationalizing Man, as the Bible is the product of the God above rationalizing.

Reality as it exists is begotten of God's consciousness. We are limited by our scope being the world as we are able to comprehend it; God sees the world from a completely different perspective. As God helped us grow into Man as we exist today, he met us as we were in the day with exactly what was right for us.

>> No.19887357

Monotheism is to believe in the God, one is divinity and perfect.

In the times of prophet Muhammed peace be upon him, people in the Arabian peninsula where polytheism. Polytheism is obviously nonsense, ridiculous. Monotheism is the way of reason, freedom from myth, occult practices and nonsense. The growth of Islam in area and the Islamic Golden Age is proof during which science has prospered.

Dawkins is calling to disbelieve in God and abandon religion and scripture. He has a Christian background which isn't very solid on Monotheism. But he dismisses the divine wisdom in Islam, which I find unreasonable. Criticising the nature of belief and clinging to science as the sole path to truth. Leaving himself to egocentrism, moral relativism and nihilism.

Ignorance of Islam is very prevalent even in the Arab world. Islam is not unreasonable but to believe one need a good heart.

>> No.19887397

Perfection is unlimited, infinite and unfathomable to mind. The oneness is not from the kind of number to ascribe limitation but oneness of divinity as in 'No God but He', this oneness is perfection as the will of God in one undivided (not two gods or more) and is happening. The stability of universe is a sign.

>> No.19887413

Christianity, Judaism and Islam are an Anunnaki control and misdirection technique to get you to worship them and their royal lizard family. When you die you shed all such beliefs and realize they were mostly bullshit. God doesn't care about your religion nearly as much as religion would have you believe.

>> No.19887517

We did not create the heavens and the earth and what is between them in vain. That is the thinking of those who disbelieve. So, woe to the disbelievers because of the Fire (they have to face). - Quran 38:27

You are saying that God created the world in vain and doesn't matter what one does, Rick and Morty kind of nonsense, blasphemy.

>> No.19887626

Good to read hinduism (yoga) is monotheistic

>> No.19887671

Not strictly monotheistic I guess.

>> No.19887687

Yoga acknowledges many gods, probably an infinite number of gods, but not in the traditional sense of god. Sort of like the AA higher power, you get the chose anything you want and it could be a pebble on th ground if you desire.

>> No.19887825
File: 318 KB, 750x969, A9613F80-A9D6-409A-B8F5-9BBCE67C47A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Quran is a very boring and simple book. Most of it is ranting about hellfire and Muhammad’s self-fulfilling preaching, other parts are clearly meant as “proof” that God supports the Arab raiding and pillaging, and the rest is a mishmash of regional Christian/Jewish stories.

The Christian Bible is a far more interesting and beautiful book. Jesus’ sermon on the mount is more beautiful than literally anything found in the Quran. Hell, even a single psalm like psalm 23 wins that too.

St John of Damascus, who lived with early Muslims and worked for the Umayyad court, explains it better. Go read what he said about Islam

>> No.19888558

>Kufr pays jizya to you in their "own" countries
>Kufr is prohibited from blasphemy against Islam but blasphemy of his own pagan cults are there everyday in his "own" country
>Kufr's own country has entire psyop machine built to nudge people out of islamophobia, making jihad safer to ummah
>Islam supposedly hasn't won there yet

>> No.19888562

>le aesthetics
Nuchristcucks cannot stop embarrassing themselves

>> No.19889174

Yoga is the way of uniting (you) with God.
Also Yoga teachs that all the gods are projections of One and only God.
It is not happening. But you can always give examples that are easy to check.

>> No.19889261

Did you copypaste a YouTube comment

>> No.19889269

>The Christian Bible is a far more interesting and beautiful book. Jesus’ sermon on the mount is more beautiful than literally anything found in the Quran. Hell, even a single psalm like psalm 23 wins that too.


>St John of Damascus, who lived with early Muslims and worked for the Umayyad court, explains it better. Go read what he said about Islam

I guarantee you haven't read the Qur'an and neither has he.

>> No.19889272

No I wrote it. I made some grammatical mistakes in fact.

Correction: "People in the Arabian peninsula were following a polytheistic creed."

>> No.19889303

Brainwashed useful idiot.

>> No.19889322

Based on guess, not truth. I would say bluepilled.

>Brainwashed useful idiot
Keep you brain clean, your mind pure with Qur'an, it is healing to the hearts of believers.

>> No.19889326

You fell for a meme and built your life around it.

>> No.19889357

I keep mine brain clean, me mind pure with the hungry caterpillar, it is healing to the hearts of believers. And verily the caterpillar is the best of bulkers.

>> No.19889377

Mimicking is a human trait. Tradition is not always to dismantle, progress is not absolute. To believe is not to lose the sense of reason.

What are you building your life around?

>> No.19889409

If you disbelieve, you are prone to actual parasitic believes (like a liberal views per say). We as human are weak.
A free mind is lost, a big ego will make your brain bulky like a stone and it will crash. Believe and know where the edges are before you fall in the bottom of Hell. Save yourself.

>> No.19889415

>parasitic believes
The definition of abrahamism

>> No.19889436

I made a mistake. Don't mistake the truth for the person calling to it.

>> No.19889444

>be european
>quran is a piece of shit, not interesting at all, the most unappealing religious book i ever read, literally brayings about the hell of an disturbed person after a sunstroke in the desert.
>all the muslim i know are stinky pieces of shit, low iq pigs, the most disgusting people i can think of

does allah (if real) really think that anyone will convert under those conditions?

>> No.19889449

Allah doesn't think that ignorant creature do to solve a problem. Allah is all-knowing.

Ignorance and arrogance, the absolute state of humans.

>> No.19889453

Correction: Allah doesn't think, that's what ignorant creature do to solve a problem. Allah is all-knowing.

>> No.19889457

not an answer

>> No.19889460

>Believe and know where the edges are
Apparently not at slavery, wilful killing and paedophilia

>> No.19889494


I have studied Arabic in the Middle East and I spent several years in my 20’s studying Islam.

I’m sure I know more about the religion and history than you do

>> No.19889558

The Quran never says that the sun rotates the Earth, but it says the each ( sun and the moon) rotates in its own orbit.the Qur'an says they move in their prescribed courses, which they do.

Each one is travelling in an orbit with its own motion”(Sura 21: 33).
Do not misinterpret the Quran, if you do not know, you don't know. Just ask.

>> No.19889567

36:41 It is not for the sun to overtake the moon, nor can the night outstrip the day.All of them float in an orbit.

The bold portion in Arabic says “Kullu (all of them) falakin yasbahoon” falak refers to a rounded motion, and the most reliable saying on this portion of the verse is from Hazrat Ibn Abbas (ra) who said “like the rotation of the iron handmill”. That means it is a circular motion for each heavenly body, the sun, the moon, and for each individual object in the night sky.

>> No.19889578

You've just insulted Qur'an! Seek knowledge, ignorance is not an excuse.

We are free, we are responsible. God does not oppress.

In eternity, God destined that some will go to Heaven and some will go to Hell. By our own deeds, one must seek to save himself from Hell. God is gracious.

People say God created us and will throw us in Hell. They say God oppress.

He created, He does what He wills with His creation, everything you see is belongs to Him.

We do not own ourselves, yet we are in grace and ungrateful. We opress as use what we don't own, ourselves, not to the will of Our Owner, Our Creator.

>Muslim world
Don't mistake the truth for the person calling to it.

Islam called to diminishing slavery. The first country to abolish slavery is Tunisia where the first university in the world is The University of Ez-Zitouna, where many Muslim scholars have studied.

Killing is a crime in Islamic Sharia, but protecting the religion of higher priority than a life at the time that's why the penalty of apostasy was death. You can search and read Maqasid.

Rationally, women can get married when they reach puberty. It's just the world changed, people go to school and enjoy life and choose who to marry, etc.

Before in Arabia, arranged marriage is common, one can reserve his daughter to an other man form a very young age. Marriage can be official at a very young age but she would just live with the husband as a child (with his other children). Polygyny was common and age gap in marriage was present too in both ways. Intercourse only happens after puberty 13 to 14 years of age.

What was also common is incest and adultery which was forbidden by Islam.

>> No.19889700

>The various schools of Islamic jurisprudence have expressed differing views on FGM.[57] The Hanafi and Hanbali schools of Islamic jurisprudence view it as makruma for women ("noble", as opposed to obligatory).[3]

>> No.19889784

>Islamic Sharia
What does sharia say about apostasy?

>> No.19889954

No compulsion in religion.

In fact, many people in the Arab world say blasphemous words (ignorant of religion or unserious about religion) when they get angry. It counts as apostasy but religion is obviously a very individual matter. They don't apply the old penalty. It was a law to accentuate the seriousness of becoming a Muslim especially in the beginning of Islam as an apostate can cause weakness in the outnumbered Muslims back then also there were a couple of hypocrites within Muslims who were spies.

Muslim scholars do not call for applying the death penalty for an individual disbelieving (as a kid grows up and says "I'm very convinced anymore." Well he needs to learn or relearn). Those who actually spread disbelief and call to atheism, polytheism or heathenism, etc. with militant action. Those are viewed as the enemy of God, doing the biggest evil and calling to it, i.e.: to disbelieve in God and His prophet peace be upon him. (An evil considered in Islam as worst then to kill a human and worst then to commit adultery with ones mother in the holiest place.) Those enemy fall under the kind of apostates that would deserve to have the penalty applied on them. But no prominent Muslim scholar would release a fatwa on kind on killing one of the "Four Horsemen of the Non-Apocalypse". As the scholars are calling to teaching religion as the ignorance of religion is the biggest evil. Islam is a big religion in the world and is the highest growing religion, scholars are people the believe strongly and Islam is not in an insecure position. People should be seeking good for themselves and Islam is a great mercy from God.

>> No.19890015

liar liar pants on fire.

sharia law calls for death to apostates and even your scholars know it. If they are more liberal, they redefine the meaning of apostate. If not, you get the typical shithole tomfoolery.

>> No.19890175

>as a kid grows up and says "I'm very convinced anymore." Well he needs to learn or relearn


>> No.19890303

What if Mohammad and Jesus are the same person?

>> No.19890504

Correction: (as a kid grows up and says "I'm not very convinced anymore." Well he needs to learn or relearn.)

>> No.19890532

Can you specify where I lied please?

>> No.19890576

I will express more tolerance and acceptance of both Islam and muslims when they will learn to
1. Keep your religion to yourself or within places of holy worship instead of public or social situations
2. Act like civilized and educated humanbeing instead of an animal by obeying the laws within each nation they are currently living in

If you are muslim and you come to my country to perpetuate crime or be violent/antagonizing in any shape or form, you will immediately be tried and put down like an animal. Act like a human and earn respect for your religion or die like a dog with whatever ravings you believed in dying with you.

>> No.19890631
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>If you are muslim and you come to my country to perpetuate crime or be violent/antagonizing in any shape or form, you will immediately be tried and put down like an animal.

>> No.19892166

It is curious how many words Muslims use in order not to give a clear answer to any question.