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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 158 KB, 1000x682, objectivism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1988249 No.1988249 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1988257

What is this, Kindergarten?

>> No.1988259


>> No.1988260

did you smoke weed in kindergarten?

>> No.1988261

No, in Kindergarten we ate glass shards and nothing else.

Please go pursue your crappy agenda somewhere else, this is a board about literature and not crappy pseudo-philosophy / anti-drugs mission / tripfag incest.

>> No.1988263

>I don't care about others.
>I'm trying to get others to adopt my philosophy so they can be better off.

>> No.1988264

That's very amusing. Now please leave.

>> No.1988265

Quentin where is your fabulous watermark?
It is conspicuously absent. Somebody might steal your original content without it! The watermark was the only thing protecting you!

I'm amused at how you posit that you are everything that /lit/ that hates.

So when are you going to make a comic about how Tao Lin is your favorite author?

>> No.1988267

i have another way of marking my stuff it is part of quentin corp now

>> No.1988271


>> No.1988272

Two lousy chapters of my short story get nothing useful and a Quentin comic flares up with responses.

I don't want to hear any complaining about the quality of the board from now on, /lit/. You do it to yourself.

>> No.1988273

Your story: tl;dr.

>> No.1988274

With the help of people like you. Please, if you're going to post in one of these cancerous threads, don't give it any undue respect; sage it to hell

>> No.1988279

so what

>> No.1988284
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>Quentin corp

Tis the nature of Tripfags to get undeserved responses.

>> No.1988288

Honestly, how can objectivists claim not to do things for the benefit of others when they put so much effort into converting others to objectivism (presumably for the benefit of the converts).

>> No.1988289

Quentin, thank you for this, I hope your comics spread outside of 4chan so everyone can partake in your wisdom.

>> No.1988290

Are you dumb? I mean, come on. He tries to start a genuine literary discussion thread, but nobody pays attention to him because of flagrant, annoying attention-whoring. You're everything that is wrong with this board. What is the point of starting a thread like this? All you did was strawman the shit out the people with whom you disagree to elicit a response. Are you so lonely that you have to come here of all places to receive attention? Why don't you go out and do something productive instead?
Please, Quentin, leave this board.

>> No.1988291

They just don't want to pay for others as they are rich and greedy as fuck.

>> No.1988292

chill dude

>> No.1988293

A well reasoned foe doesn't do near as much damage to an argument as much as an ignorant supporter.

That said, Quentin, you're a provocateur.

>> No.1988295

Hell no. I'm not going to "chill dude." This isn't the time to chill; this is the time to stand up and put an end to your tomfoolery.
Does anybody know where I can find the extension that blocks tripfags?

>> No.1988296


Apparently, the CEO of BBT donated money to some university to educate students about Ayn Rand's books. I guess he never actually read them.

>> No.1988298

My interesting story with Objectivists:

I was on the mailing list for the Ayn Rand Institute. I put myself on it, because when I was a teenager I was interested and wanted more information about Rand/Objectivism. The Ayn Rand Institute sent me a brochure detailing how I could fly to their HQ (in California, somewhere) and spend a week learning about Rand and talking with other Objectivists--an excursion that would only cost me over 2,000 dollars.

I never received anything else from them at all.

>> No.1988299

He's a CEO, so he probably just wants to make those poor students feel as though their failure to find a job amidst our faltering economy is solely their fault.

>> No.1988301

>corporate social responsibility
haha as if

>> No.1988303 [DELETED] 
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Namefags too.

>> No.1988307

May which ever god, if any, you choose to serve bless you.
It's too bad that you too will probably be blocked.

>> No.1988310

I actually had the pleasure of attending a lecture by John Allison a while back. He seemed to me to be very articular and well spoken. How do you figure he isn't familiar with what he's contributing money towards?

>> No.1988311

What insightful commentary.

>> No.1988313

I deleted the post because apparently it's no longer there. I guess will have to look elsewhere.

>> No.1988314

I used to kind of like you, Quentin, but now that I know you're just another Rand-sheep, I'm kind of upset. Oh, well.

>> No.1988316

im no sheep

>> No.1988317

Try this one.
I have problem being blocked, only thing you'd miss is my comments to other tripfags,

>> No.1988318

*no problem

>> No.1988320

No, you are a Randroid.

>> No.1988324

Objectivism is nice if there was work available


>> No.1988325


>> No.1988327

Objectivist here.

Objectivism is selfish Quentin don't try to make it into something it is not. The problem is that most follow crude and damaging viewpoints on selfishness.

Aren't you religious anyways Quentin? That isn't compatible with objectivism.

I loved the ending by the way, it was golden and I got a good laugh.

>> No.1988328

Ayn Rand's 'philosophy' is nothing other than living to suit one's own needs. Why bring Rand into it at all?

You're a sheep, Quentin. If you weren't, you would just live as well as you could, taking care of yourself and doing what you could to support yourself.

Instead, you have to summon the name of Rand to justify living as you do - you find it impossible to live as you want to, on your own terms, but can only live as you want, under Rand's terms.

You can intellectualize it all you like, but that doesn't change the fact that you are scared to live life on an individual basis. You have to call forth an entire philosophical system to live your life.

Sad. Really, sad.

>> No.1988331

I get it - a satire. The dialogue is almost as poor as Rand's

>> No.1988332

damn i thought quent was a cool christian like tolstoy or something

didn't think he was one of those fountainhead freaks

goddamnit, another hero destroyed

>> No.1988334

>Honestly, how can objectivists claim not to do things for the benefit of others when they put so much effort into converting others to objectivism (presumably for the benefit of the converts).

I've never met an objectivist who claims he "doesn't do things for others". Nor do I believe that holding your fellow man in contempt is a tenet of objectivism.

The idea that objectivists are all misanthropes is a pretty poor straw man not unlike the "hipster" in this comic.

>> No.1988335

>Why bring Rand into it at all?
where did i bring her into it?

>> No.1988336

>mfw I realize Quentin is making fun of Objectivists in this comic

Goddamnit, Quentin, your're a goddamn genius

>> No.1988341

Whether or not you brought Rand into it is, quite frankly, beside the point. You still felt the need to bring Rand's philosophy into it - why not just live as you do, without calling upon Objectivism to justify your lifestyle? That makes you a fucking faggot.

>> No.1988342

>Whether or not you brought Rand into it is, quite frankly, beside the point.
then why did your entire post revolve around me supposedly bringing her into it lol

>> No.1988345

Urgghhh . . because Ayn Rand IS Objectivism - people don't think about Rand without thinking about Objectivism, and vice versa. Why are you being so dense? I thought you were smart. Used to think, rather. Are you stoned or something?

>> No.1988350

no i don't do drugs

>> No.1988354

Why not? They help you expand your mind.

>> No.1988357

if by expand you mean destroy i agree
if not you're probably delusional from whatever high you're experiencing right now

>> No.1988360

Yeah! I mean, look at all those insightful meth-heads you meet on the street

>> No.1988361

Well you are obviously on the Objectivist drug.

If you want to be selfish, just . . be. That's all that's required. We are naturally selfish creatures. There's no need to summon Rand / Objectivism to 'prove' our selfishness to each other.

Stop being such a bah-bah-bah-bah fucking sheep, Quentin.

>> No.1988366

Do you drink Quentin?

I don't drink or do drugs Quentin how about that? And I constantly berate those around me for drinking.

Sounds like I'm more of a douche/stoic than you.

Maybe I should make my own copyrighted images and post them all over 4chan.

>> No.1988367

I'm sober right now, actually, not that it really matters.
How do you get off saying that every sort of drug taken in any amount will destroy your mind? That's quite ignorant.
>implying meth is the only drug

>> No.1988368

please no

>> No.1988369


That must be Quentin posing as anon desperately trying to ensure that no one steals his spotlight.

>> No.1988370

Quentin you know you can't be a christian and an objectivist right?

Sorry but you're going to have to reevaluate what it means to be both and then choose.

>> No.1988376
File: 407 KB, 1000x1000, 1305695927635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wow, it's the famous quentin.

i love your weed pic.

>> No.1988375

What do you mean? Objectivism is obviously what Jesus wanted. I mean, Jesus doesn't really seem like the kind of person who would want you to give away something that was yours just to help somebody who probably never help you in return, right?
Oh shi-

>> No.1988380

I smoke weed quite frequently and I find this offensive.
Quentin, have you ever even tried marijuana?

>> No.1988381

assume your own tripfag for writing purposes?

>> No.1988384

how are -you- offended by it?

>> No.1988386

Quentin's obviously making fun of anti-weed people in this comic.

Quentin is much more subtle than anyone gives him credit for.

>> No.1988388

I think its a pretty good indication of whether someone is a summer fag if they don't get Quentins subtle irony.

>> No.1988389
File: 278 KB, 1459x1094, 1309417186345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


he can, but it will result in internal conflict, which should usually give way to his selfish objectivist side

>> No.1988390

Really? Then why did he pick a picture of the most pretentious looking man I've ever seen for his own, and why did he deliver all of the horribly flawed arguments himself? Is he self-flagellating while mocking anti-marijuana folks?
Either I'm too tired to understand, or Quentin doesn't know how to do satire.

>> No.1988392

lol, summerfag doesn't get it
wish you would've known quentin two years ago when he proposed his 'tirades'

>> No.1988394

Quentin is a character, created by whoever makes these awful straw man comics, and is used to defend and advocate causes in such an impotent fashion as to do more harm to the causes he advocates than good. Kind of like a poor man's Stephen Colbert--not that Colbert is all that good at it in his own right.

>> No.1988399

Then please, do help me "get it." Believe it or not, everybody who now browses this board was at one time or another a "summerfag," "autumnfag," or a "wheneverthefuckfag." Just because I'm new here doesn't mean you should be a dick.
Also, what were his tirades?
That makes sense, I suppose. I still see don't understand why he has to propagate that stuff here, though. I'm all trying to get my discussion on and them BAMM! Tripfags and anons go to war on one another. It's really quite unpleasant.

>> No.1988400

shut the fuck up defending some tripfag for his shoddy whatever the fuck.

>> No.1988401

don't worry, anyone who likes this tripfag or thinks that it's worth explaining one way or the other is a dumbfuck. fuck this thread. would rather have 10 pages of ayn rand than this

i mad

>> No.1988409

Yeah, it's rather irritating. Especially so considering I count myself as an Objectivist. Also, it really has nothing to do with literature.

Not defending him. Merely calling his bullshit as I see it. Stop Frothing.

>> No.1988410

Another fucking child with an inferiority complex.

i look forward to seeing you become a hard-line leftie once you enter the real world.

>> No.1988415
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so much mad in here

>> No.1988417
File: 79 KB, 1610x234, 1306077630692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quentin/Stagolee/Poppalagio/that other name are all him being authentic.

While this is a decent troll you are doing, you are still Quentin way too much credit.

He's just some angsty 15-16yr old who was recently having conversations with Fabulous about how fucking scary it is learning how to drive.

He is exactly what he appears to be.