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1987902 No.1987902 [Reply] [Original]

>yfw you realise that after the wheel of time and asoiaf end, there will be no more epic fantasy worth reading

>> No.1987912
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>> No.1987915
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My face when I realized that the Wheel of Time was a complete waste of processor cycles around book 5

>> No.1987920

I agree, the mid-series lull was very long. But I read them anyway and they certainly make it an even more epic tale. The sub-plots got taken a bit too far, but having so much going on gives it a grand feel.

>> No.1987930
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But not really, fantasy it shit tier literature.

>> No.1987931

I'm really not sure how several crap volumes between a scant handful of decent ones somehow make for more epicness. My own opinion, humble though it is, is that you're a completist and reading ALL of it was at least as important to you as having an individual book be satisfying--this isn't a motivation for everyone. Certainly not for me.

>> No.1987938

I didn't mean epic as in it was good reading, I only meant that it made the scale of the story even larger since it kept up with so many characters' stories.

>> No.1987940

You know in Kafka, where it's like he talks to one guy who tells him to talk to another guy and then that guy can't be reached, so he has to talk to other guys and then he gets distracted by a girl and then he decides not to talk to one of the guys any more and to try and get help from a different guy, and this goes on and on and nothing is ever accomplished?

Yeah, The Wheel of Time is the realization of this idea in a book form.

But they're still pretty fun.

>> No.1987942

The Kingkiller Chronicle seems like it will continue to be good throughout several books at this rate.

>> No.1987947


Yeah, like I said. No fantasy worth reading.

>> No.1987955

>yfw you realize that fantasy was never worth reading in the first place

>> No.1987990

>yfw you realise people have differing opinions of things

>> No.1988010

Oh god, I just started reading eye of the world again. Fuck, why'd I make this thread. I don't have time to be reading addictive books.

>> No.1988008

>yfw when your opinion doesn't matter since you are tripfag

>yfw when I realize my opinion doesn't matter either.

>> No.1988022

Broadcast it as a stream? I'd listen for a couple of hours.

>> No.1988033

Nah, I don't want to read the whole thing. I've read the series twice already so I tend to skip huge amounts of text.

>> No.1988039

It is my personal opinion that the WoT series is terrible.
Read the series twice? Truly a monumental waste of time.

>> No.1988041

>I'd listen to some random guy whose voice I may hate for hours

lol ok

>> No.1988050


Alright so in 20 years? Surely something will come along and pick up the slack.

>> No.1988059


To each their own, I read pretty quickly and it took be about 5 weeks of reading for 3 or so hours each night to get through it the first time, and less the second time because I was on uni holidays so I got to read around going to work/going out.

But still, I tend to work on my car or other projects instead of read during the day when there's useful things to be done.

>> No.1988071

>actually thinking GRRM will be alive for more than 10-15 years tops

>> No.1988084

That didn't stop Jordan.

>> No.1988085

How do you feel about the WoT books that Sanderson has written?

>> No.1988094

The pacing is at least twice as good and the writing is more to my taste. I've read other Sanderson stuff and it's good, but he hasn't written anything as epic as WoT which is how I prefer my fantasy.

He does have some good and out-there magic systems though.

>> No.1988092

GRRM has said he doesn't want anyone else finishing ASOIAF if he dies. Dude has a burning hatred for fan fiction.

>> No.1988096

Oh okay. I only ever read the first book and lost interest, but I figured I'd include it because it's definitely fantasy that's worth reading.

>> No.1988098

The Way of Kings by Sanderson might be nice, especially since its going to be delving more into the story behind the Shards; albeit vaguely.

>> No.1988123
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>implying I won't write some for you in the next few years

Chin up, OP.

>> No.1988130

>implying I'm not writing some for my own sense of gratification

But I have no grand illusions of rising to WoT tier (or is it sinking to WoT tier?), or of ever getting it polished enough to send to a publisher.

But it's good fun to do anyway.

>> No.1988133

>implying hipsters will survive the next few years

>> No.1988148
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>there will never be epic fantasy worth reading

>> No.1988160

>reading for the enjoyment of prose
>not reading for the enjoyment of a story

fucking hipsters, they're everywhere

>> No.1988166

reading a book for the story is like eating cereal for the spoon

>> No.1988171

Your metaphor is wrong. The story is the substance, the prose is the vehicle. The cereal is the substance, the spoon is the vehicle.

Fuck off.

>> No.1988174
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>mfw I realise I can finally start reading asoiaf because there's no danger GRRM will die before it's done, and then realise I still have Chronicles of Amber, Elric, Gormenghast, Lankhmar and all these other epic fantasy books to read.

>> No.1988176

Pointless image where you are trying to use "a picture is worth a 1000 words" and failing.

I don't even know where to begin mocking this.

>> No.1988185

I'm bored and have given up doing uni work for the day.

Therefore, I'm going to fix some plot holes and write a few more random scenes in my novel. Downloaded some chapters of WoT on audiobook to see how I go at writing fantasy while listening to it.

This could be interesting.

>> No.1988189

In other words, you need a way to plagiarize where you don't consciously realized you are being influenced by the reading and are doing guilt-free plagiarism.

>> No.1988192

I wrote the plot outline for 5 out of 6 books a while after my last reading of WoT, so the plagiarism at that level should be minimal. But there aren't a lot of details set in stone and I suspect I'll have problems not borrowing details from Jordan if I do both at once.

>> No.1988207

>implying Joe Abercrombie's First Law trilogy and ongoing saga isn't already a better epic fantasy series than ASOIAF and that it won't run and run for years

>> No.1988213

I don't understand why Gurm wants to bury ASOIAF with him.

He could write the plot outline, characters he wants to introduce/discard etc. He could pick pretty much any fantasy author in the world.

He could lose 50 pounds and live to be 85.

>> No.1988215

>similar books to ASOIAF
>No Tyrion, Arya or Frey Pie.
>not worth reading

>> No.1988242

Probably an ego thing. Considering I only discovered and devoured WoT about 6 months before Jordan died, I probably would have cried a few manly tears if it was never going to be finished.

>> No.1988252

It's not an ego thing, he feels very strongly about people using his world and characters. He feels that ASOIAF and its universe is basically a part of him. Look up his views on fanfiction, it explains it pretty well.

>> No.1988266

lol writing fantasy and listening to it at the same time, how's that working for you?

>> No.1988277

It's fucking with my head man. It just so happens that I was going to write the very opening scene of the first book.

Decided to stop listening to the audio book anyway, the readers voice was annoying me.

>> No.1988294

The Black Company has more ta come too, fucking love that series.