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/lit/ - Literature

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19878618 No.19878618 [Reply] [Original]

Why does nobody care for pic related authors on /lit/? I love them both (no homo).

>> No.19878680

too provincial in their concerns and topics. why would anyone who is not upper upper/upper-mid class american read someone like updike?

>> No.19878688

You could say the same on Fitzgerald

>> No.19878722

I've never read Roth, I enjoy Bellow though.
I really gave Updike a good amount of tries, but I just think he is a bad writer.

>> No.19878746

I'm not going to say why because that will get me banned.

>> No.19878773

I love Roth

>> No.19878819

I would say it's because they aren't the most prominent of the second half of the 20th century writers. Sure they're big names, but they're not the biggest names. You're really only going to read them if you go out of your way to read them. You have to remember, the reading population on this board is heavily focused on Dostoyevsky, philosophy, early 20th century modernism, and the major figures of postmodernism. Very rarely does active discussion take place on people who aren't the biggest name of a literary movement, or the biggest writer of country which is not the U.S. Again keep in mind most people using this board are between 16 and 19 and have just started taking reading more seriously than "ugh school assigned this gay book >:(" You honestly can't expect any discussion on this board past "entry level" writers for any given topic or movement.

>> No.19878832

I’ve only read Operation Shylock by Roth. It was so obsessed with Jewish identity that it ruined what was a very interesting premise. Not excited to read anything else by him. Chabon is the same way Yiddish Policeman’s Union, though I liked his Moonglow enough to read more of his works. It’s like Jewish Americans solely write for other Jews, so why should I care?

>> No.19879174

because /lit/ is Antisemitic and hates jews

>> No.19879242

/lit/ is a collaborative charity project by the white man to teach the nonwhites and nonmen to banter and become fully "white" and "male" (responsible adults able to take jokes and not cry about shit all the time like a gay faggot)

a jew or woman or whatever kind of freak can always post on /lit/ and if he doesn't cry like a faggot he is an honorary white man

/lit/'s charter states that it must remain an undiluted paradigm against which such faggoty cope behaviors can be tested

>> No.19879285

Why do people here know what authors look like?

>> No.19879289

>he doesn't memorize world flags from /int/ and authors' faces from /lit/ to impress his mom on their daily walks to the discount bookstore

>> No.19879298

Roth has been a prominent literary personality for a number of decades as THE New York Jew writer. I did not recognize Updike whatsoever though. It is quite annoying when the OP assumes people know who they are. Especially since we should all separate the artistic work from the author (even though it is impossible to do so with Roth because his entire modus operandi was his projecting his own vanity into his work)

>> No.19879313

Some friends were watching UFC and some Tajik was fighting and they were like what fucking country is that. One of the most sublime moments of my life was telling them it was Tajikistan’s flag based on my time on /int/ (which is shit now because of mass generals). They thought I was a god.

>> No.19879837

It's a mix of these - they're regional writers, hyper-focused on milieux that is foreign to many, and there's shallow reading experience here on /lit/ - but also their visibility and reputation have taken a hit since their deaths. They're no longer around to talk about their books or publish new ones, and although they remain in print (for now), new reviews of their books tend to be opportunities to attack the writers for their 20th century views: witness the London Review of Books' article about the Updike Library of America volumes, where the reviewer admits at the start that the LRB had hired her to do a hatchet job.

>> No.19880108
File: 19 KB, 240x355, 54d90d9cb75f3_-_john-updike-dead-012709-lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im a huge Updike fan, Roger's Version, The last 2 Rabbit books and In the Beauty of the Lilies are some of the best 20th century literature has to offer. He was also a great critic (as Roth wasn't), a terrific writer of short stories and essays on art. For a few years he had sort of taken over my life. I would pick my books based on his recommendations, I would try and imitate his prose style - a particularly hard task given it's so delicate and tight - and even try and pick up golf when an opportunity presented. Even his Poetry, which i stayed away from for years, is not bad.

He was perfect on religion (and atheism) , great on sex and women, and, as the best writers always are, a terrific noticer of things.

His obscurity is to me like private secret, my own author that i dont want to share with the world.

>> No.19880136

Generals killed /int/, it's so sad. Used to be a legendary board. Nothing beat the feel of it.