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19876362 No.19876362 [Reply] [Original]

The notion of freedom we all inherited from slave owners such as pic related is not a general freedom, a freedom-to do anything, it's not even a freedom-from. All we have left is a freedom to wield the power of private property over others and if you don't have any, sucks to be you. Private property is the only natural law we have left, meaning no matter what side of the cultural divide you are on, you believe in it. Every alternative has been snuffed out via colonization. You can't even imagine a world without it.

>> No.19876370

I like having things and will continue to have things.

>> No.19876371

What's the alternative when people are shit and only give a duck about what's theirs?

>> No.19876385

But this is perfectly natural. Everything has a beginning and an end. Not all problems can be solved, or should be. The human race will grow old and eventually die and the struggles will be over.

>> No.19876392

>and will continue to have things
This is cope. The day may not come in your lifetime but your children will have to rent everything from the property owning class. If you think that's going to be you, that's also cope

>> No.19876393

...until evolution brings us back.

>> No.19876395

> your children will have to rent everything from the property owning class
So we're going back to feudalism? Finally, a return to tradition.

>> No.19876402

No no no. Slavery where the slaves are given just enough money to supply their own food and shelter since the slaveowners decided that would be cheaper than providing it themselves. Serfs have rights. Slaves do not.

>> No.19876412

There will be an uprising before communism sweeps over the entire planet.

>> No.19876416

We are literally going back to feudalism, yes. Getting a job is becoming more and more similar to finding someone who owns more capital than you and doing whatever they ask so that you can pretend you're still part of the "middle class" which soon will not exist anymore. It sucked for the peasants, which was 99.9% of the people btw, in case you forgot. But sure yeah BASED tradition

>> No.19876420
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I don’t believe in it, but what matters is that this empty husk of a man, Larry Fink, does.

>> No.19876421

I want to be a Freiherr. How do I be a Freiherr?

>> No.19876423

>middle class owning houses is bad
>billionaire owning multiple mansions is good
Functionally is what you're advocating for.

>> No.19876424

Private property has always existed, seethe on bunkertranny. There is no alternative because the alternative to reality doesn't exist.

>> No.19876436

I have a tremendous amount more respect for slave owners than the average person alive today, especially faggots like OP.

>> No.19876441


>> No.19876444

It's nice to have an idealized version of some "Public" owning everything but it really just comes down to the government owning all the property and the housing they build is usually... not great

>> No.19876449

Kys bootlicker

>> No.19876454

That'd be you

>> No.19876458
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>You can't even imagine a world without Liberalism

That's right.

>> No.19876462

Self actualization.

The irony.

>> No.19876467

Ur bein weird I don't even know what that is, you should touch some grass instead of scrolling 4chan all day bro

>> No.19876469

>Self actualization.

>> No.19876476

Depends on the nature of government.
If we find ourselves in a representative democracy then the government is responsible to the electors, and the electors are responsible for the government so you'll get what you asked for or demand.

>> No.19876477

That’s nice sweetie, now turn around and face the wall please.

>> No.19876478

>be a literal bootlicker
>get called out for being a bootlicker
>tell them “no u!” unironically

>Tucker Carlson perplexoid.gif

>> No.19876489

What are you talking about irony? He/said “I have more respect” for the boots than the trod upon

>> No.19876490

The people are retarded. Therefore government by the people is retarded.

>> No.19876504

You don't think it's possible for there to be a non-retarded populace?

>> No.19876514

The government (and private enterprises) makes the people retarded. Therefore the government and the privateers need to fuck off

>> No.19876520

I'd love to see whole cities try to go completely autonomous, Would be entertaining to see

>> No.19876524
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>> No.19876525

Naw we’ll be alright

>> No.19876526

Possible? Sure. But take a look around. For every person you nonretard educated twenty retard niglets are born to parents who think reading is white peepo shit.

>> No.19876530

The people were already retarded. Thats how government and privateers got power in the first place nincompoop

>> No.19876554

No you're a cuck for the neo-liberal system without a single original thought.

>Tucker Carlson
Even your insults are ordained. KEK. Hopefully, you're baiting me.

>> No.19876560

Yeah people definitely weren't retarded back when they were goat herders and hunter gatherers and peasants. People were SMART back then man.

>> No.19876563

No, they weren’t. And they got them by force and coercion.

Can I ask what politics you prescribe to

>> No.19876566

Oh, fuck this faggot. Bought the End of History and the Last Man bc its the most badass title ever and got complete horseshit between the covers
>we did it reddit! We solved politics! liberal democracy is perfect and will live forever and nothing notable is ever gonna happen ever again!
fuck off baby brain

>> No.19876568

Shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.19876570

Jews use trickery not force, Stupid Goyim.

>prescribe to
You are retarded

>> No.19876574

How do you get this neoliberal thing? I wasn’t even insulting you there. You show yourself to be the neoliberal.

>> No.19876577

Seethe more cuck. Go to your BLM protests and vote for your favorite goy candidate! That'll show them!

>> No.19876578

>nothing notable is ever gonna happen ever again

that's not even what the book says, you're the dishonest baby brain

>> No.19876579

Ahhh. You are just an ignorant and/or inebriated troll.

>> No.19876581

They got coerced bc they are retarded.

Absolute monarchy of a god-realized king while the people remain retarded.

Once people are no longer retarded they will now Dharma or cosmic law and follow it of their own will without the need of external coercion.

>> No.19876585

im exaggerating but you know its retarded
you have to know

>> No.19876586


>> No.19876587

No you're a useless goyim. What am I 'ignorant' about? Your retard propaganda I don't take in up my asshole.

>> No.19876597

>hey you can't sleep here this is private property. If you want, I'll loan you a place to sleep for a small fee.
>Sorry pal but I've achieved nirvana, I follow my own laws
>get beaten with a nightstick

>> No.19876602

Suit yourself retard. Enjoy your government by retards.

>> No.19876607


>> No.19876610

You have neo-liberal millionaire politicans saying the same thing as you. You are a cuck for the establishement, what will happen is middle class will be destroy and feudal lords will basically run the US. People rent now, almost entirely you fucking idiot.

>import the third world to consume
>take away houses from the host population
Your death would honestly be a good thing for this world you sadistic cretin.

>> No.19876615

There is no private property in the perfect state because there are no personal egos to which such a right could belong. Every is merely a mode of the Absolute performing it's function as part of the whole.

>> No.19876628

Because you're basically obligate to live in cities now, we probably could build up small towns and shit that have been abandoned but that's to much work for modern man so he'd honestly rather just be a rentoid

>> No.19876636

us two? No, the people love the suburban life. Small-town America is dying.

>> No.19876643

thank god for you, I almost clicked on this shit

>> No.19876646

>us two?

>> No.19876688

>The obsession with private property is going to eradicate life on earth

>> No.19876764

And that's a good thing! There is no problem with private property by the way. The problem is greed.

>> No.19876773

But greed and private property are bad mix. And since we can't get rid of greed or private property we're basically fucked for now.

>> No.19876820
File: 28 KB, 556x556, GettyImages-50694879-3ef5dda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its the inverse of coveting other mens property like pic related also

>> No.19876885

>Private property has always existed, seethe on bunkertranny. There is no alternative because the alternative to reality doesn't exist.

Neanderthals had private property

>> No.19876907

Why are you unable to defend your views?

>> No.19876913


>> No.19876933

Posing as what?

>> No.19876948
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