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19874713 No.19874713 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any other writer that rips at christianity in the same vein as Nietzsche?
The only one I can recall that kinda comes close is perhaps Yarvin, but he gives Catholicism a pass for some reason.

>> No.19874724
File: 199 KB, 907x1360, 71HmlyGF3yL (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related rips Yisus a new asshole.

>> No.19874829

Porphyry, Celsus, and Julian

>> No.19875192

Guess I'll have to read them to find out. Was de Benoist a lib?

>> No.19876740

yes. The utmost adherent proponent of classical liberalism.

>> No.19876815

Julian’s only criticism of Christianity seems to be ‘it’s Judaism but they’re doing it all wrong.’ I mean yeah that’s the whole point of Christianity, idiot.

>> No.19877080

Is there a middle way between retarded jewish fairytales like christianity and dogmatic atheism? I'm not a materialist but I don't believe in the rabbi yeshua zombie theory either

>> No.19877125

How was Jesus a rabbi if he wasn’t ordained as a rabbi and the destruction of the second temple hadn’t happened so rabbinical Judaism didn’t yet exist?

>> No.19877128

>It is clear from the gospels that Jesus had a reputation as a Jewish rabbi (Mark 14:45; John 1:38). Peter (in Mark 9:5) and Mary Magdalene (in John 20:16) both referred to Jesus as “Rabbi.” Moreover, the Jewish ruler Nicodemus thought that this title was appropriate for Jesus: “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him” (John 3:2).

>> No.19877140

> The social structure of the rabbinic movement in Roman Palestine, 1997, page 59 "b – Rabbi as an Honorary Address ... Since Jesus was called "Rabbi" but did not conform to the traditional image of post-70 Jewish rabbis, and since pre-70 sages do not bear the title "Rabbi" in the Mishnah, 29 most scholars assume that the meaning and usage of the term "Rabbi" at the time of Jesus differed from the meaning which it acquired after the destruction of the Temple: in pre-70 times, "Rabbi" was used as an unofficial honorary address for any person held in high esteem; after 70 it was almost exclusively applied to ordained teachers of the Law."

>> No.19877143

>cope and pilpul
yeah I get it neokike
Now if anyone could answer my question >>19877080

>> No.19877148

Just read Evola's critique of Christianity in Revolt. Pretty devistating. He says the last genuinely holy ruler was Frederick I, after that the church became more of a state apparatus and lost its traditional spirit.

His attack on protestantism was brutal too, but the people most aggressive against protestantism are ironically catholics and orthos

>> No.19877629

>the people most aggressive against protestantism are ironically catholics and orthos
I never got that shit. It seems to be mostly a matter of aesthetics and the specifics of what should be going through your mind when you cannibalize jesus nowadays. Tradcaths are the worst because they don't even follow the doctrine of their church, they just want to dunk on prots and blame them for everything wrong in the world and ignore the pope's progressivism.

>> No.19878282

Richard dawkins and r/atheism

>> No.19878304

>man rejects his family's religion
>starts window shopping for his new religion that is totally based and redpilled
>at best he finds a random group of adult men in their 20s who are into this religion and he can go into the woods and larp with them
>at worst his religion has no roots, no rites, just internet arguments and seething about christianity

>> No.19878874

what would you say you're looking for?

>> No.19878894

If I knew exactly what it was I was looking for, I wouldn't ask. I'm looking for an alternative, as I'm not an atheist but the desert demon doesn't do much for me either

>> No.19880091

>but he gives Catholicism a pass for some reason.
Explain further

>> No.19880094


>> No.19880105

Imagine being a neckbeard in the year of our Lord 2022

>> No.19880107

>west rapidly circling the drain the less religious it gets
>we must heckin attack religerino because I hate my dad!!!

>> No.19880111

Mencius Moldbug, I think.

>> No.19880118

You don't get it vro the VVest vvill become Pagan if we burn down more Churches and totally not just continue to become more of an atheist hellhole

>> No.19880166

according to N:
-the west is going down the drain precisely because of Christianity
-this was inevitable since the inception of a "Christian" europe
-Christianity has in it a self-sublimation program
-has been activated in modernity, Nietzsche guessed that it would fully kick in somewhere around the 21st century
-Nietzsche believes Christianity's collapse will lead to suffering
-from this suffering a new vitality will be born

read a book, neeeegr

>> No.19880197

>-from this suffering a new vitality will be born
Except Nietzsche advocates constant suffering. Basically like the Viltrumites from Invincible when they created a society of constantly killing each other and going to war.

>> No.19880210

Forgot to add:
-Atheism is the most direct consequence of Christianity

Please don't talk to me in your retarded video game terms - suffering is a poor translation of what Nietzsche literally writes as "Elend": Misery. Vitality is not the opposite of suffering, I never claimed that.

>> No.19880227

I know what hes saying, I just think history is sort of refuting him. The moral and philosophical underpinnings plauging the west right now I do not see as christian at all, except maybe in that they are a negative reaction to christianity. Self creation as opposed to essentialism has led straight to fags and trannies parading around in public for example. Utilitarianism is a way bigger force behind the victim opressor dynamic and ideas about equity than christianity ever was. The enlightenment was unironically the disaster, I think if this guy was alive today he would still hate christianity, but probably no longer blame it for everything wrong with the world.

>> No.19880237
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Evola, see pic
No, the opposite

>> No.19880248

You sound Jordan Petersonpilled (not good!). Nietzsche would have no problem with fags, trannies, and what not (I actually suspect Nietzsche was homosexual himself). I think you have a caricature of Nietzsche in your mind, someone who is based and adheres to noble, ie 'traditional' virtues in opposition to degeneracy. This is not at all an "accurate" Nietzsche.

>> No.19880253

Klages u. Schuler

>> No.19880298

I do think he was in support of a strong, life affirming world view that let a civilisation believe in itself, expand and create. I am not saying muh degenerates, even though that is my opinion, I am saying that the same sort of world view and philosophical viewpoint that enables deviants is the one which encourages almost suicidal passivity and selfishness in the sense of not contributing to the project of your people or humanity in any way. Atheists don't even fucking breed, in fact they are obsessed with killing babies. It reminds me of that greek historian who said eventually people were so bored they just waited for barbarians to sack their towns, thats the west today. Creatively and spiritually exhausted, no fire for anything but picking apart the good shit humanity managed to create and twisting it to relfect their own warped, narcissistic world view out of jealousy and spite. He might support trannies and fags insisting everyone make sex their new God, whatever, but he wouldnt support the limping pathetic little society they thrive in. It seems to me that most anti christians today are just anti communal life and pro pissing away a solipsistic life. I doubt he would like that

>> No.19880347

I see nothing in your post that tells me what Nietzsche would or should have abhorred (your caricature of) modern day western life more than he abhorred circumstances during his lifetime. Nietzsche aims to explicate how culture is decaying around him, has been decaying and "decomposing" since the early days of Christianity - bourgeois life must have appeared as degenerate to Nietzsche as trannies appear degenerate to you.

Your fundamental misconceptions about Nietzsche (idk about the state of the world and what not, I have little patience for this banal as fuck /pol/ lamenting of fags and trannies and niggers ruining muh gamer society) is that he just wanted Christianity to go away, and that Christianity has gone away, so Nietzsche must have been wrong since everything suxx. In fact Nietzsche writes in The Gay Science that it would take at least 200 years for people to become even aware of the "divine decomposition" of God's death etc. - we are still in the intermediary phase, still in the middle of Kali Yuga or whatever the Evola LARPers like to call it.

>> No.19880367

> suffering is a poor translation of what Nietzsche literally writes as "Elend": Misery
What are you talking about? You're being disingenuous about what Nietzsche advocates. If you affirm that killing your brothers, all the torments in the world, and going to war constantly is not evil, then that's going to include "suffering". He affirms that all the greatest "evils" that Christianity condemns are not actually evil and that they should happen, including "suffering".

>> No.19880424

You seem fixated on the fact I don't like gay people to the point of ignoring the main point I was making. It is unarguable that he did not like a philosophy that did not affirm living. I am saying that modern, western secularism, feigns weakly at affirming life while being the most life hating system humanity has thought of so far. Not many people, if they are honest, even believe life has any fundamental value at this point. The genocidial ideologies of the 20th century, need anyone be reminded, were all fundamentally utilitarian and materialist. "Life affirming" now means affirming whatever you are told you want for the sake of our consumption driven society and existence. Self improvement has gone because any standard of perfection is seethed at by the weak and insecure, so self complaceny now rules and this is for some reason called life affirming. Not ever trying to learn or change or even fucking reproduce, to believe in the future of your species and society, is apparently life affirming because gurl you were born that way you do you or whatever. Its such a pathetic, soulless little platitude masquerading as life affirming. I am sorry, but when the average person exists to consume, thinks its not worth reproducing because they fundamentally feel they have no stake in the world or its future, when people are encouraged to stay in their little stagnant comfort box while they passively absorb the braindead, repetitive and unoriginal media around them, that is not a philosophy that affrims anything important about life. Western art is reflective, aka derivative, and exists to pick its past self apart. Nothing is moving in any particular direction, and what motivates most politics is childish little fantasises about everyone agreeing and somehow that will instantly fix the fact that nobody can barely motivate themselves to live in an authentic way, your average person might never once act on beleifs they never shut up about in a sincere way. All modern atheism does is encourage complacany, excusing our lazy and selfish impulses because if everyone is pacified and lazy and agrees thats good for them apparently everything will be good. No honest person defends this shit. Like all the other vermin you just eat the juicy bits of the western corpse before its too rotted to sustain you

>> No.19880487
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>The great educational value of the war against Christendom lies in the absolute truthlessness of the priest. Such purity is rare enough. The 'man of God' is entirely incapable of honesty, and only arises at the point where truth is defaced beyond all legibility. Lies are his entire metabolism, the air he breathes, his bread and his wine. He cannot comment upon the weather without a secret agenda of deceit. No word, no gesture, or perception is slight enough to escape his extravagant reflex of falsification, and of the lies in circulation he will instinctively seize on the grossest, the most obscene and oppressive travesty. Any proposition passing the lips of a priest is necessarily totally false, excepting only insidiouses whose message is momentarily misunderstood. It is impossible to deny him without discovering some buried fragment of reality.
>There is no truth that is not a war against theology, and even the word 'truth' has been plastered by the spittle of priestcraft. It cannot be attachment to some alternative conviction that cuts here, but only relentless refusal of what has been told. The dangerous infidels bypass dialectics. It is the sceptic who assassinates the lie.

>> No.19880542

>just a really long winded way of saying "I dont think priests are honest"
Ok? I would trust a priest who actively does shit in his actual life for the community around him over some pseud who has done quite literally nothing to replicate his supposed deep convictions in actual action in the world. Dishonesty is not based on what people say, but what they say compared to how they live. People seem to have convieniently forgotten that in a world which is obsessed with justifying inaction. What actual difference is there between nick land and some medieval scribe who wrote volumes of shit that may as well be irrelevent to his actual life?

>> No.19880623

>a world which is obsessed with justifying inaction.
There's a reason for this obsession. It's because there is no longer anything to do. We live in a post-human world. We exist only to produce desire for capital.

>> No.19880631

>Dishonesty is not based on what people say, but what they say compared to how they live
Based and true.

>> No.19880957
File: 94 KB, 664x1024, fagans24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anybody listen to a wigger?
>>The prime anti-Western fantasy for our age, however, was expressed by Nietzsche. Two years after hearing the piano score of Wagner's epoch-making opera Tristan and Isolde, Nietzsche made a lifelong commitment to sexual revolution by deliberately infecting himself with syphilis in a Leipzig brothel. Thomas Mann saw in that gesture an act of "demonic consecration." Whatever the motivation, Nietzsche was outraged when Wagner had second thoughts. When Wagner "prostrated himself before the cross" by writing Parsifal, Nietzsche flew into a rage not only against Wagner but against German music and all of Europe as well. Turning his disease-damaged eyes southward, he began to discern what he termed the "lewd melancholy" across the Mediterranean. As an antidote to Wagner's prostration before the cross, Nietzsche discovered Africa. "This music," Nietzsche writes, describing his impression of Bizet's Carmen, "is lively, but its liveliness is neither French nor German. Its liveliness is African. It has this destiny; its happiness is short, sudden, and without pardon. I envy Bizet, therefore, because he has the courage to give impression to this sensibility, a sensibility which up 'til this time had no expression in European music, a more southern, browner, more burned sensibility. ... How the yellow afternoons of this happiness give us pleasure! We look out and believe that we have never seen the sea calmer. And how this moorish dance speaks to us so tranquilly! How even our insatiability learns satiety from its lewd melancholy! Finally we have a love that has been transposed back to nature. Not the love for of some "higher virgin"! No Senta sentimentality! Rather love as fate, as fatality, cynical, without guilt, cruel - and as a result just like nature. That love which is war in its means, and at its basis the deadly hatred of the sexes" [my translation]

-E. Michael Jones "Degenerate Moderns"

Well, pagans sure know about ripping assholes.

>> No.19880966
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Wasn't gay enough for him, I guess.

>> No.19880975
File: 296 KB, 1024x1024, jews_islamization.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how atheists hate Christianity so much they will listen to actual jews.

>> No.19880986

>you are... LE GAY
Wow, I'm convinced.

>> No.19880995
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Well, you are.

>> No.19881021

>What actual difference is there between nick land and some medieval scribe who wrote volumes of shit that may as well be irrelevent to his actual life?
Nick Land is an edgy faggot, and the monks were actually trying to enlighten people. The Rule of St. Benedict was necessary for agricultural reform.

>> No.19881041
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>Priests are wrong because...THEY JUST ARE OKAY!
I can just as easily imagine this guy typing all that.

>> No.19881048

>we are still in the intermediary phase
Just 200 more years, bro.

>> No.19881096

>someone who is based and adheres to noble, ie 'traditional' virtues in opposition to degeneracy. This is not at all an "accurate" Nietzsche.
Holy fucking shit, read a book you dumb nigger. Read the GOM, Nietzsche on Theognis, his commentaries on Burckhardt's Greece. Of course he did not condemn homosexuality in Ancient Greece, but he would condemn with all his forces these moralistic identitarianism as what they are: moralistic, nihilistic, life-denying.
And where do you think he got his idea of ''nobility'' from? The guy literally has a book on this. Seriously, people like you should be banned from this board.

>> No.19881118

Good post. The guy you are talking to is a complete idiot. Nietzsche would probably see our times as one of the darkest humanity has been into, a real spiritual void (not even sickness anymore), with all this materialistic utilitarianism, this moralism of oppressed/victim consciousness imbued in social institutions and relations.

>> No.19881200
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