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19874292 No.19874292 [Reply] [Original]

Why read the books of someone who failed at life?

>> No.19874322

To learn from their mistakes.

>> No.19874324

Most writers did

>> No.19874330

>wrote incredible books
>made lots of money
>had lots of sex
>died due to illness

How is that failing at life?

>> No.19874350

why does it matter?

>> No.19874371

No children and left his magnum opus unfinished

>> No.19875188

Why not ?

>> No.19875193

He was a mentally weak faggot who killed himself

>> No.19875232


With whom?

>> No.19875238

Audience pussy

>> No.19875240

With tons of young qties.
He had clinical depression.

>> No.19875247

What does your definition of winning at life look like?

>> No.19875248

>clinical depression
Made up “illness” by Big Pharma

>> No.19875256
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>> No.19875261

>Wallace's father said that David had suffered from major depressive disorder for more than 20 years and that antidepressant medication had allowed him to be productive.[19] Wallace experienced what was believed to be a severe interaction of the medication with the food he had eaten one day at a restaurant,[20][63] and in June 2007, he stopped taking phenelzine, his primary antidepressant drug, on his doctor's advice.[19] His depression recurred, and he tried other treatments, including electroconvulsive therapy. Eventually he went back on phenelzine but found it ineffective.[20] On September 12, 2008, at age 46, Wallace wrote a private two-page suicide note to his wife, arranged part of the manuscript for The Pale King, and hanged himself from a rafter in his house.[3]

>> No.19875268

I just love Wallace's non-fiction. If you know any other authors like him please let me know.

>> No.19875274

>audience pussy
>young qties

How u know this anons? I thought he had a dear wife?

>> No.19875279

Literally just Google audience pussy. DFW will come up as the first result

>> No.19875284

Gass was very influential on his non-fiction.

>> No.19875311

So this isn't a DFW thing but I really do not like the implication that anyone would engage in art because it's "useful" in any way. Important and meaningful, yeah, but useful is like... no... no no no no no no no no no no

>> No.19875325

Name 3 writers who are chads in real life.

>> No.19875465

Franz Kafka
Sylvia Plath
Bruno Schulz

>> No.19875511

Wallace was known for fucking his students kek

>> No.19876178

Me, DFW, and Norm Macdonald

>> No.19876262

this. this board needs to be reeducated.

>> No.19876459

everyone worthwhile failed at life, like napoleon and hitler

>> No.19876474

Nah it's real. Loads of people die from it.

Touch grass.

>> No.19876605

>Why read the books of someone who failed at life?
>Why read books that aren't morally didactic?
>Why read books that aren't immediately practical in the quotidian?
>Why read anything other than mechanical engineering textbooks, chicken soup for the soul and jocko willink grindset posts?

>> No.19876658

Because if he's a lot smarter than you (which he is) than u gotta whole lotta thinking or choosing to not think at all to do

>> No.19876662

meant to add "and he still killed himself" after "than u"
just clarifying so i dont sound more schiz than am

>> No.19876800
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Big Pharma switched his meds because The Pale King was going to show how the IRS was taken over by Drug Reps. Look into it.

>> No.19876834

Did he regularly wash his headgear?

>> No.19877239

he succeeded at writing good books

>> No.19877259

>No children
Artificial measure of success
>left his magnum opus unfinished

>> No.19877274

I agree completely. The guy was very succcessful. His downfall was simply a bad diet. He ate too much salt and drank too much alcohol and killed all the good bacteria in his gut resulting in depression (two types of bacteria have been identified as missing from people with depression). And his diet wasn't even chosen. He just ate what everyone else was eating.

>> No.19877305

Arts useful? Reading Proust can make a man stop simping over the wrong woman, reading dosto can help soothe a troubled soul, reading poetry can get you out of bed in the morning. This idea that art is useless in life shows a arbitrary dichotomy that mistakes use. If our interpersonal relationships (or lack of them) constitute the main challenge of our lives then a medium which records these misadventures necessary has a use. If our minds are tormented by metaphysical fears (all fears are equal illusions veiling the presentiment of death therefore fear in a metaphysical god weights the same as fear of not being able to pay rent) then art that can effect these ailments, not fix, effect has a use. If you value you internal subjective reality (not asking if it exists just if you endow it with importance) then you understand art as the most useful prism to interface with.

>> No.19877325

>The meaning of USEFULNESS is the quality of having utility and especially practical worth or applicability
art has been more useful in my life than a lot of technology

>> No.19877343

Is IJ a book that I can just read a chapter per week? Or is it something I should concentrate properly?

>> No.19877374
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>> No.19877389

>two types of bacteria have been identified as missing from people with depression
where did you learn this thing?

>> No.19877411

I used my guitar skill to impress a girl in HS and fucked her later. Your point?

>> No.19877422

it's a book that you should finish in one sitting

>> No.19877492
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Because success in postmodern society is an act of compromise characterized by cowardice. For some people, "succeeding" means giving up parts of yourself that you're just not willing to part with. I don't know how anyone could look at the living poster-boy of success, Jeff Bezos, and go, "Yeah, I want what he has." I'm only really interested in the failures, because the failures have a much better chance of being the kind of independent, original thinkers I like to spend my time with. You can keep your supplicants and panderers, your chasers-after and charismatics. DFW was a rare fucker, and he brushed up against the Sublime more than a couple times in his writing, that stuff which shines lightless in the dark and burns without heat. He knew something you didn't, and something you'll probably never know until you've got a mouthful of ash, at your deathbed looking back on a life chasing material and status like a pillar of salt.

Fuck success, fuck this dull, inhuman world of material and economics covered in its thin veneer of sparkling cell phone screens. Fuck you.

>> No.19877499

Blah blah weak cope

>> No.19877506

Weakness is going with the flow. It's participation in the world that has been arranged for you in its intended capacity. Strength is something else.

>> No.19877509

Ask Mark Fisher fanatics the same question

>> No.19877515

What zero pussy does to a mf

>> No.19877607

>implying suicide isn't actually a sign of mental strength

>> No.19877620
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he didn't like Vineland so fuck this guy

>> No.19877635

he was playing on hard mode

>> No.19878195

No. You’re just a mentally weak pussy.

>> No.19878321

You're right. Don't listen to those other jews

>> No.19878528


>> No.19879079


>> No.19879364
File: 235 KB, 1920x1080, 226-2265254_dwarf-fortress-wallpaper-page-1-data-src-free.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Artificial measure of success
It's the most natural form of success in the world, Anon.

>> No.19879371

You are projecting your own insecurity and weakness, faggot

>> No.19879408

Because he's a genius

>> No.19880408

>Wallace experienced what was believed to be a severe interaction of the medication with the food he had eaten one day at a restaurant

sorry what? how could you fathom that food is interacting specifically with your medication in that way? just stop eating that food then? funny how when you abuse your body with chemicals for long enough one day it turns on you and makes your irrational long enough to self-destruct.

>> No.19880603

>inhuman world of material and economics
it's always been so. Or you have this foul image in your mind that back then it was Lord of The Rings and chill ?

>> No.19881264

"There is a false saying, 'Whoever cannot save himself - how can he save others? ' But if I have the key to your chains, why should your and my lock be the same."
