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File: 31 KB, 982x726, Three Jews walk into a bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19869782 No.19869782 [Reply] [Original]

What are some recommended books on Jews?

I'm interested in their history and development, not the holocaust.

>> No.19869947

The Thirteenth Tribe. It hypothesises that Ashkenazi Jews are descendants of Khazars from the Khazar Empire in the Caucasus, which converted to Judaism in the 8th century. When the Khazar Empire began to collapse in the Middle Ages, the Khazars migrated West into East Europe and eventually came to form the European Jewry. The Khazars were a Turkic people who interbred with Europeans, hence why Ashkenazi Jews have pale skin today and are virtually indistinguishable from whites. That’s the book’s thesis anyway.

The book was viciously attacked for being an “anti semitic conspiracy theory” because obviously if it’s true then it delegitimises the Ashkenazi claim to Israel. It does make sense though from a racial perspective; I’ve always found it odd that Jews, who apparently come from the Middle East, should look like white people.

>> No.19870609
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>virtually indistinguishable from whites

>> No.19870629

Trifles for a Massacre - Louis-Ferdinand Celine

>> No.19870661

The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit EMJ

>> No.19870677
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The Story of the Jews (two volumes) by Simon Schama

>> No.19870691
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The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage by Arthur Koestler

>> No.19870697
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Genius & Anxiety: How Jews Changed the World, 1847-1947 by Norman Lebrecht

>> No.19871204

>A People That Shall Dwell Alone
>Separation and Its Discontents
>The Culture of Critique
>Suicide Note

>> No.19871243

>Protocols of The Elders of Zion
>The International Jew

>> No.19871545
File: 26 KB, 300x451, arguing-with-god (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm jewish and this is one my favourite books about us

>> No.19871555

Unironically /pol/ has the best books on this toppic. They are consistently wrong about literaly everything except for the merchants.

>> No.19871564
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>>>19869782 (OP) Unironically /pol/ has the best books on this toppic. They are consistently wrong about literaly everything except for the merchants.

>> No.19871568

I don't go to /pol/ but I have read quotes about the goyim that are fucking disgusting. I think the fastest way to hate Jews is to read what they themselves have written.

>> No.19871571

i don't think you're disgusting goy-kun

>> No.19871577

Yes Steven fry has white skin what’s your point

>> No.19871588

>A Jew who murders a goy will not suffer a penalty. What a Jew stole from a goy he can keep for himself
>A Jew can do with a goy woman as he wishes. She is as a piece of meat
Why are you like that

>> No.19871592

i didn't write that, i wasn't alive 1000 years ago

>> No.19871602

All signs suggest that the general mindset has not changed. Then the goyim eventually snap and banish you or exterminate you and you go boo-hoo we dindu nuffin. It's kind of astonishing that you've been like this for millennia and learned nothing. Not even God himself managed to teach you.

>> No.19871610

>or exterminate you

yeah okay, good luck with that lol

>> No.19871614

The Culture of Critique series by Kevin B. MacDonald

>> No.19871617

Why can't you just stop being racist assholes? I'm sure there is a prominent Jew somewhere who told you that you should love the goyim too...

>> No.19871620
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will trade this anti-jew guide for pro-jewish books

>> No.19871622

a heretic jew once said that, and got himself a crucifixion.

>> No.19871638

why can't you? do you think i'm in charge of every jew everywhere?

>> No.19871692

It isn't racist to criticize Jews as they aren't a "race". Number one - they are white. Number two - race is an antiquated concept from the Colonial Powers and thus shouldn't factor into any discussion about anything. It only has to right now to dismantle the old racist system. After that, you won't even be able to call a movement "Black" lives matter. Ethnicity is real, race is not.

>> No.19871702


Whites aren't a Rrace?

>> No.19871709


>> No.19871726

What exactly is "white"? Anglo Saxon? Even modern day Anglos share next to nothing of the defining features of the classical culture. I know supremacists don't include meds (Romans and Greeks) or Slavs. Without those two groups, you've lost your claim to fame. Anglos had power for around 300 years and didn't even keep it in total for that long. They didn't do anything a Roman had not already done. Its disingenuous. Also, most claiming to be "white" today share little of the traits of the pseudo science that invented the caucasoid group. Phrenology wouldn't agree you are "white". So stop being proud of something that doesn't exist.

>> No.19871747

I don't understand, then why do I keep getting told the white race is the evil behind everything.

>> No.19871749

No. But the concept is useful because everyone uses it. Realizing it is mostly an abstraction is fine, but I distrust people who say that this is a reason to abandon it, because it is like being the first person to throw their gun away in a shoot out.

>> No.19871750


>> No.19871751

>Its disingenuous.
Like your post.

>> No.19871762

You can believe whatever you want. As far as discourse goes, its simply wrong to allow Jewish people to own "racist" as their victimized call to arms.

>> No.19872128
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>> No.19872135

White isn't an Identity; it's a formless category to deconstruct Anglo or Old English, Protestant Identity;

The Jews would never be able to "hello fellow whites" if you invoked your correct Identity.

Now you have that Jewish Comedian sayin " America was built by immigrants" and nobody does anything to him; now "America" is nothing but a Brand for the Powerful In-group to control and frame.

>> No.19872157

>your correct Identity.
identityTM? imposed by the 'Powerful to control and frame.' lamao. 'white' is emerging identity of the post-cultural world. it is an egregore, if you will. and genuinely an anarchic one, perfectly fitting for the future people that are coming. race=meta-codes

>> No.19872158

garbage revisionist zionst propaganda

>> No.19872844

>whites aren't a race
but Aryans are :)

>> No.19872870

Yeah Europeans form a cluster on PCA autosomal DNA plots and are the race. NW Euros and S Euros share the same ancestral components, but the former just has a bit more steppe ancestry. I prefer saying the word Europoid instead of white though because there are Caucasus and some ME people with very fair features who do not cluster with Euros at all. Race is real but not skin deep.

>> No.19872886 [DELETED] 

based smile posting toxic reddit-man

>> No.19872984

Sex and Character by Otto Weinienger. It explains the Jewish mindset so well that you would feel pity. If you really want to dog deep, try Robert Alter's commentary on the Bible if you want to know what they really believe.

>> No.19872995

Okay Whoopie "White infighting" Goldberg

>> No.19873008


I'm a Catholic and I read The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit, which is a huge book in this list
I give it a 3/10

The good things about it were the part about dangerous, fanatical, violent Jewish carnal messianism (trying to build the kingdom of heaven on earth, expecting a warrior conqueror messiah), like the Bar Kochba revolt, in which Jews massacred hundreds of thousands of people, to the point that Jews were banned from Cyprus for many decades.

The problem is Jews didn't do that much in human history from the destruction of Judaea by Hadria until Mendelsohn and Marx and Disraeli in the 1800s, with a few exceptions like their Messianic delusion with Savatai Sevi or Spinoza.
But it's a huge book that wants to track Jews causing havok every century, so he ends up like the Ancient Aliens guy who explains everything with Aliens, but with Jews instead of Aliens.
That is the problem of antisemites, Jews are their ancient aliens. They accidentally end up glorifying Jews and behaving like Jews, since Jews also like to claim every great thing was done by them, from Moses teaching Philosophy to the Greels in Hellenistic times, to recent claims like "Columbus was a Jewish converso, not Genoese" (they have many like that one)
E Michael Jones in this book wrote a long huge chapter about the Hussites, Taborites, Thomas Muntzer peasant war, very well written and educational, but his way of blaming it on the Jews was Ancient Aliens tier, something like "there were many Jews in Czech Republic, it must have been their influence"

If you want to read the traditional Christian belief about Jews, which is a love-hate relationship, try to get Salvation from the Jews by Leon Bloy, the greatest French writer Anglos don't know, which is a Pro Jewish book despite claiming that whoever feels sympathy for Jews is undeserving of the affection of a dog.

>> No.19873750

lol i saw pic related and immediately thought it was heisenberg

>> No.19875068

Any recommendations on secular vs orthodox adherence?

>> No.19875252

This has supposedly been debunked by genetic research. Which shows them as a levant group that is about half European.

>> No.19875292
File: 29 KB, 325x499, attali.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original French title is better: "the Jews, the world and money"...

>> No.19875315

What's the obsession with KJV?

>> No.19875338
File: 157 KB, 640x916, bernard-lazare-771286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quote from "Anti-semitism, its History and Causes".

Interesting quote, isn't it? No need to read specifically antisemitic literature to get an idea about what's wrong with Jews.

>> No.19876792

>Jacques Attali
Huh? Attali is Jewish and writing a book about the economic history of Jews? Well, I gonna put that book on my wishlist and do hope it does feed my hunger for further anti-semitism.

>> No.19877043

Every single thing I have read about them makes me a little bit more antisemitic. If nothing else, they are a pivotal cause of the advent of the soulless, materialistic world we inhabit today.
There are some pretty cool historical Jewish philosphers and authors though, the sole existence of Philo, Maimonides, Spinoza, Walter Benjamin, Kafka or Roth prevents me from going full on antisemite.

>> No.19877294
File: 697 KB, 824x1795, Alexandria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

culture of critique, secret powers behind revolution, Trail of the serpent - Miss Stoddard,International Jew - Henry Ford, Mein Kampf, Siege

>> No.19877297
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>> No.19877303 [DELETED] 

Why are opinions on Jews so polarized? It's always either "Jews are behind everything and faked the holocaust" or "Oy Vey, saying something slightly controversial about jews is antisemetic, just it down!"

>> No.19877317

Not a book but I find documentaries about ultra orthodox jews always fun to watch especially about anti-zionist groups

>> No.19877320
File: 376 KB, 1280x1707, Palenque_-_Maya-Porträt_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

expel em all 1567
the world is a tree

>> No.19877421

The Kabbalah

Read some Bellow/Roth's fictions

>> No.19877580

>It explains the Jewish mindset so well that you would feel pity.
Explain a bit?