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/lit/ - Literature

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19868168 No.19868168 [Reply] [Original]

What has been your most impactful contribution to /lit/?

>> No.19868182

I report off topic threads

>> No.19868207

I bring down the level of discourse with my awful posts.

>> No.19868215
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i once wrote a funny post based on If On a Winter's Night a Traveller which got me lots of (You)s
i saw it reposted on another thread a few days later

>> No.19868260
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>> No.19868339
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I introduced Eriugena to /lit/.

>> No.19868353


>> No.19868395

i once told a guy to end himself

>> No.19868444

My first thread reached the bum limit, only posted a pic of zemmour and asked what do you think of him

>> No.19868453

Spamming the fuck out of Shakespeare since I started coming back and noticing other people are making threads about him. It may had already been happening, but my self-centered worldview tells me I was part of that.

>> No.19868662

I showed up at the start and decided it would never be any good.
Stared reading it again late last year and saw I was right.

>> No.19868747

I made a post that should be in the /lit/ hall of fame, except nobody bothered to screenshot it or share it.

>> No.19868759

literally me

>> No.19868764
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I remember London Frog and Oxfordanon and continually remind people that /lit/ used to be better.

>> No.19868777
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>> No.19868822

I only reply when I have something to add to the discussion. I try to be helpful when I can, and strive to be kind and indulgent.
Also, I report every thread that fucking 26reads faggot makes about his shitty website.

>> No.19869133
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i drew 2 dune characters with giga chad

>> No.19869145

A book search thread. Also to the anon who contributed to the trivium thread amazing job.

>> No.19869174


>> No.19869302
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I derail threads, mostly by mentioning that Foucault without a doubt would have accepted mandatory vaccines in the case of a global pandemic

>> No.19869369

He refused to stop anal fisting in response to the global HIV epidemic

>> No.19869708
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I tired to redeem this board but i failed

>> No.19869730

I try to tell the CIA I know they're into telepathy and mind reading and mind control experiments, but they just won't listen. Might have to take my insights to the Europeans or Chinese.

>> No.19869741

I've often seen anons post about random obscure books after I mention them on here. I like to think at least a couple of those were down to my recommendations.

>> No.19869773

I post juden peterstein in every kermit thread

>> No.19869774

i wrote two realitively funny shitposts that got reposted a couple of times

>> No.19869810
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I read all 10 volumes of Pliny's Natural History and made a thread about it one time. I also did a contest where the first 5 dubs decided which books I'd buy off Amazon, and I subsequently read them all and wrote lengthy reviews.

>> No.19869984

Published on &amp

>> No.19869995

I recommend lesser known books for specific requests, effort post about the handful of things I have speciality knowledge in, and bump good threads and report offtopic ones. Not a lot to show for a decade on this board but that's ok.

>> No.19870242

Drew a pepe with a book that gets reposted once in a while

>> No.19870253

>fought didacticists
>fought tradcath larping
>exposed shills to newcomers
>made several threads outlining the hidden intricacies of a book
>shilled an underrated author
>reviewed most of the books i read, picking apart details
>cautioned anons against trash
>critiqued writing and poetry
>supported publications
>created two memes

>> No.19870338
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I wrote this semiprecious gem.

>> No.19870379

Years ago I seeded a few small mistruths/misinterpretations just to see if I could get them to stick. They are minor enough that most would not notice and if they did they would at most question their memory for a second and move on because they are ultimately inconsequential details. They still get repeated from time to time.

Beyond that I effort post on a few topics and a few times a year I respond in alliteration which people seem to really like.

>> No.19870418


>> No.19870427
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I've made quite a few pictures that have gained traction on 4chan. I've seen some of them reposted on normie Facebook groups. Sometimes people I am arguing with use my own OC against me. It's a strange feeling.

>> No.19870438 [DELETED] 

I respond "because capitalism" to any post even tangentially related to politics. Any day now, capitalism will fall thanks to my efforts. You're welcome, proles.

>> No.19870444

I've shilled a few books here for the past 6 years

>> No.19870793
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Fat deleuze

>> No.19870802

one time I made a joke using a quote from Hemingway but changed it to be about LN authors
some anon then recognized me using the same image I'd used in that post and sent me a screencap of my post, saying good post

>> No.19870803

Fairly certain I am to blame for the Carson McCullers schizo.

>> No.19870915

refuted guenon. also I make shitposts that radiate blessed energy. those who read and tune in to them get spiritual IQ buffs. yeah you might say I'm a sort of an rpg cleric

>> No.19870926

My posts are the only thing that can be salvaged from the WWOYM threads.

>> No.19870930

Such as?

>> No.19870959

I don't shitpost here. I just come in, get the new rec charts and get back to reading.

>> No.19871108

I have exercised great restraint in my enthusiasm for Sloterdijk so that I don't drive him into meme territory and enter lit's awful habit of cycling authors through unknown>niche>obsession>meme>pleb

>> No.19871862

criticizing excerpts that people post

>> No.19871912

I regularly call christcucks faggots

>> No.19871984
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This is the one people have used against me

>> No.19872024
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>> No.19872351

I kneel

>> No.19873194
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this one
im too lazy to get the original from my harddrive. Also its made for krautchan actually.

>> No.19873234
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I make quality shitposts. I bet everyone gets entertenaided by my posts

>> No.19874285

my all poetry threads and my iliad threads
I'll be doing odyssey ones soon

>> No.19875235

I have three shitposts which are regularly reposted in humour threads. And five issues of the lit quarterly.

>> No.19875288

Nothing I contribute is of value and if I were to die nothing on this board would seem any different.

>> No.19875303

I would miss you.

>> No.19875568

I made a Goosebumps thread recently and connected with a lot of anons. :)

>> No.19875576

I made progress in the Jewish Question.