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19868017 No.19868017 [Reply] [Original]

Evolasisters, I don't feel so good.

>> No.19868064

Homosexuality itself doesn't matter, it's the haxzing of homosexuals that is important.

>> No.19868077

Based Evola. Where is this from?

>> No.19868098

The context is more complicated. He isn't saying homosexuality is purely "natural," he's explaining how it is a natural occurrence within the traditional understanding of gender based on polarity.

"It is not worth investigating here the problem of homosexuality itself. In
one of my works,13 I have conducted a systematic study of every possible
form of eroticism, not confining myself to ‘normal’ forms but also drawing
attention to all those which distinguished other ages and civilisations.
However, this book hardly makes any mention of homosexuality at all. The
reason for this is that starting from the very concept of sexuality, even in its
broader sense, and leaving aside all social prejudices, it is not easy to
elucidate the phenomenon of homosexuality. It essentially falls within the
category of ‘pathology’ understood in a broad and objective sense, and not
merely for its opposition to what current ideas of bourgeois morality take to
be ‘healthy’ ...

In the work just mentioned, I set out from the idea that all ‘normal’
sexuality derives from the psycho-physical states engendered by the
opposition of two principles operating like magnetic poles, the masculine and
the feminine. I am speaking here of ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ in an
absolute sense, meaning two principles governing what is ultimately a
metaphysical — and not just a physical — order. These principles may be
present to widely varying degrees in men and women. Indeed, in real life
‘absolute’ men and women are found just about as often as the abstract
triangle of pure geometry. We rather find beings in whom either the
masculine quality is predominant (‘men’) or the feminine one is (‘women’),
but in whom the opposite quality is never completely absent. The basic law
of sexual attraction, already presented by Plato and Schopenhauer, and later
clearly formulated by Weininger,14 is that sexual attraction in its most typical
forms stems from the encounter between a man and a woman such that the
sum of the masculine and feminine parts contained in each makes up an
absolute man and an absolute woman.

To illustrate this with an example, a
man who is three quarters man and one quarter woman will find himself
irresistibly, magnetically attracted to a woman who is three quarters woman
and one quarter man: for the sum in this case would be precisely one absolute
man and one absolute woman, combined into one. This law applies to every
intense, deep and ‘elementary’ eroticism between the two sexes; it does not
concern degraded, watered-down, bourgeois or merely ‘ideal’ and
sentimental forms of love and sexuality.
(more in next post)

>> No.19868104

>OP's pic goes here ...
... believe that such measures are capable of altering what in biology is
referred to as the constitutional type, the individual’s congenital psycho-physical
constitution. If one were to formulate a moral judgement with regard to the
corresponding state of affairs in these extreme cases, one ought to censure
chiefly male homosexuality, since it entails the degradation of one of the two
men as a ‘person’ and his sexual use as a woman. This is not the case with
lesbians: if it is true that, as the ancients used to say, tota mulier sexus15
— if, that is, sexuality is the essential undercurrent of feminine nature — then a
relation between two women is not quite as degrading, provided it is a
relationship between two equally feminine women and not the grotesque
caricature of a normal heterosexual relationship, with one woman playing the
part of the man.

If this general picture does not explain all cases of homosexuality, this is
due to the fact that a fair share of them fall within a different category, that of
abnormal forms in the precise sense: they are determined by extrinsic factors,
which require a different evaluation. If we were to take a broader look at the
phenomenon, as it presents itself from a historical perspective and among
other peoples, in many cases we would have to take into account a different
range of factors. I mean to say that such phenomena can no longer be
explained by invoking the sexual attraction engendered by any sort of
polarity between the masculine principle and the feminine one (considered in
themselves that is, independently of the different degrees to which they may
be present in individual men and women).


Generally speaking, none of these phenomena can be explained as extreme
examples of the above-mentioned law of sexual complementarity, for the
condition of a weakly differentiated sex in both partners does not occur in
them. In homosexual couples, we might find one partner who is markedly
virile for example (i.e. who might show the ‘masculine’ quality to a high
degree), rather than a relationship between two representatives of the
intermediate hybrid form of the ‘third sex’.

The phenomenon of the deflection of erotic love, which makes its
emergence possible outside the normal conditions of sexual attraction (the
polarity and hence magnetism between the two sexes) — and therefore in a
way also the phenomenon of its displacement, or transfer, onto a different
object (a phenomenon clearly established by psychoanalysis) — can therefore
provide an ‘additive’ explanation of homosexuality. But a few considerations
of a different sort are also necessary here.

The Bow and the Club, "The Third Sex."

>> No.19868115

>Concerning Amrita and its applications, it is our opinion that the Negroid sperm has some animalistic magical potency inherent in it which cannot be baulked; thus we see the subconscious longing of white virginal European women lusting after the African male. Hermetic union of opposites, the unification of the bestial and the pure Elements that man constituteth of – body and spirit – black and white, respectively. Of this perfect medicine, it is said that a single dew-drop sufficeth – and this may be true. Yet it is humbly and with all deference and worship our opinion that every drop generated (so far as may be possible) should be consumed as a sacrament. In the same fashion, the Greeks talked of the minotaur, which is a mythological creature half bull and half man. The aim of the priests of that cult seems principally to have been the production of a temporary incarnation of this beast by sending select women of the community every year into the jungle or forest, to mingle with all bestial creatures imaginable; thus to produce a miraculous birth upon returning to the community.

>> No.19868123

This is fake.