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19867741 No.19867741 [Reply] [Original]

>All this business about people committing suicide when they’re “severely depressed;” we say, “Holy cow, we must do something to stop them from killing themselves!” That’s wrong. Because all these people have, you see, by this time already killed themselves, where it really counts. By the time these people swallow entire medicine cabinets or take naps in the garage or whatever, they’ve already been killing themselves for ever so long. When they “commit suicide,” they’re just being orderly. They’re just giving external form to an event the substance of which already exists and has existed in them over time. Once you realize what’s going on, the event of self-destruction for all practical purposes exists. There’s not much a person is apt to do in this situation, except “formalize” it, or, if you don’t quite want to do that, maybe “E.C.T.” or a trip away from the Earth to some other planet, or something.

>> No.19867762

I fully believe that a person should be allowed to decide when and how they want to die, nearly all survivors of a suicide attempt don't try a second time.

>> No.19867804

>nearly all survivors of a suicide attempt don't try a second time
Source, your ass? Why is a previous suicide attempt considered an extreme risk factor for suicide?

>> No.19867805

source: trust me bro

and even if it's true it's not a good indicator of anything, if you survive a suicide attempt it was a half assed attempt

this kind of 'thinking' could only be useful if you could poll people who successfully killed themselves and ask if they'd do it again given the chance

>> No.19868011

>jump of golden gate bridge headfirst
>"Oh he half-assed it"
Not everyone is going to make a survival proof suicide device.

>> No.19868312

The overwhelming majority of suicide survivors didn't jump off the golden gate bridge. Your argument is misleading probably because you know you're wrong/retarded.

>> No.19868334

>suicides frfom the golden gate bridge are not 100% successful
>a shotgun directly aimed to my brain and touching my temple is 100% successful
>hurrdurr i m going to jump off the bridge
no wonder people who try suicide are dumb retards

>> No.19868355

This man killed himself in order to immortalize his books.

>> No.19868368

Pussy faggot. Even writes like a queer.

>> No.19868396

You know he only killed himself because he believed that.

>> No.19868410
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Good Old Neon is his suicide note.

>> No.19868617 [DELETED] 

You're a clown.
Didn't even take one google search.


>> No.19868631

lol not even one second on google lmfao dorks


>> No.19868661

Did you selectively lose the ability to read where it says "even if this is true" which demonstrates you're a retard, independent of your latest reply which corroborates the same?

>> No.19868674

>hurr durr STUDIES
>meanwhile the replication crisis is a fever pitch
This is worthless.

>> No.19868685

It's actually worse than that because it's a study of other studies, can't even imagine the level of cherrypicking involved

>> No.19868942

>t. has no idea of literature reviews work
Lmao nigger it's not a drug study by Pfizer

>> No.19869625

>Did you selectively lose the ability to read
lol the irony

>it's a metastudy therefore arbitrarily means it's wrong and cherry picking

very logic

>> No.19869652

Most scientific studies are horseshit and scientists admit this themselves (see replication crisis). Doing a meta-analysis basically guarantees that your result is false.

>> No.19869657

Instead of spending so much effort depriving suicidal people of their release from their torturous lives, we'd be better off helping people who are suffering well before they get to the point of wanting it ended by any means necessary.

It's never a surprise when someone kills themselves. Everyone around them KNOWS they're suffering, they just don't care enough to help. Then once it's done, they act like it's a shock so that nobody questions their own culpability, and they act like THEY'RE the victims to assuage their own guilt. Show me a suicide and I'll show you an entire community of assholes and bullies.

>> No.19869827

oops goalpost moved lol keep going

>> No.19869842

>if you survive a suicide attempt it was a half assed attempt
nigger shut the fuck up, people even survive gunshots to the head
>nooo bro if you don't go to the effort of obtain a fucking bazooka to REALLY make sure you vaporize your upper body it means you didn't really want to die!

>> No.19869849

Yes most of them are horseshit. A meta-analysis takes all studies on a given topic and tries to present a consensus out of them. But since most studies are bullshit presenting the consensus of all of them is like asking the average person complicated math questions instead of a genius.

>> No.19869866

>nooo bro if you don't go to the effort of obtain a fucking bazooka to REALLY make sure you vaporize your upper body it means you didn't really want to die!
Yeah that's what it means, at the very least shoot yourself while jumping off a cliff, if you survive this then it's divine intervention

>> No.19869877

The vast majority of attempts are not exactly serious, it is not difficult to kill yourself if you really want to. a great many are just making a cry for help or the like.

>> No.19869883

It's the same with people who drink and smoke everyday. They're just slowly killing themselves anyways. Actually committing suicide is one of the most based chad things you can do.

>> No.19869886

Retards learning the phrase "replication crisis" is not particularly compelling

>> No.19869890

Especially the ones that prove you wrong, I wager.

>> No.19869897

And nearly all people who are serious about killing themselves don't survive.

>> No.19869901

On the other hand, they make for great poker opponents, even if they'd be likely to go on a shooting spree when they lost.

>> No.19869924

Fuck you're so smart anon. Please go on.

>> No.19869950

Mentally ill psychopath preying on weak minded fools. Some people need help to survive, not retarded suicide cults.

>> No.19869973

>DFW is a mentally ill psychopath
I mean, he's sorta annoying in the realm of self-degradation but I wouldn't go quite that far.

>> No.19869977

he's = he was :(
RIP <3

>> No.19869980

From your own link:
>An international review of psychological autopsy studies found that approximately 40% of those dying by suicide had previously attempted (Cavanagh 2003).
Which is damning considering that anyone with a modicum of intelligence is not going to fail the first attempt (for example, by being stupid enough to point the barrel upwards under the chin for dramatic effect and not positioning it against the vital parts of the brain, which often results in a failed suicide).

>> No.19869989

>t. Seething sci cucks
I know it’s hard to swallow, but most scientific research is total horseshit. It’s just made up. Or some company bribes them to forge the desirable result. Or they get sloppy and don’t do things correctly. Or they do things correctly and still it’s bullshit because the scientific method is simply imperfect. This is why the technocracy and science worship which is so prevalent in our culture is so dangerous. Especially in medicine and psychology, almost all studies are just complete and utter horse shit. They can create any result they want and push whatever they want onto us. That’s why you shouldn’t trust science, only philosophy and mathematics and physics (barely a science; basically a branch of maths).

>> No.19870041

>if you survive a suicide attempt it was a half assed attempt

>> No.19870059


>> No.19870114

Yes? There are fail proof methods that would require an act of god to fail. Jumping in front of a train is half assed, hell what if the brakes work in time? What if it just breaks a few ribs? But suck starting a shotgun? That is is guaranteed.

>> No.19870224

most people don't want to die in agonizing pain or in a messy method or they're not gunnuts with shotguns on their mind all the time
this doesn't mean they weren't serious

Your definition of "serious" probably doesn't actually have to do with how serious they were, but rather how successful they were, which i hope you would realize are two entirely different things.