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19867563 No.19867563[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which books deserve to be burned?

>> No.19867568

I wish you were a book for making this useless spam thread.

>> No.19867569

>I disagree with something so it should be censored

Fuck off totalitarian

>> No.19867584
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burning books is LE FASCIST

>> No.19867587

Your diary, desu

>> No.19867589

Whatever pseuds like

>> No.19867600

Why aren't we burning servers?

>> No.19867605

All sophistic literature from the fragments we have of ancient sophists but also modern sophists like Hegel, Nietzsche, Heidegger, poststructuralism, postmodernism, any and all kinds of relativism; all materialist literature like Marx and neomarxists, Freud and his followes, anglo empiricism from Locke to Quine to contemporary analytics; and all degeneratte modernist literature, which is almost all prominent 20th century novelists and poets; and also all pagan idolatrous literature like Hindu polytheistic works and also Greek and Roman mythology.

Trust me the world would be a much much better place without these.

>> No.19867607

it's good to see deep america fighting back, really.

>> No.19867611

The proper term is the heartlands

>> No.19867616

That kind of make communism more sinister, the other two its right on the tin what to expect.

>> No.19867621

we're not talking about eurasia, Mackinder

>> No.19867667

Those self help books with swears in the title like in that one picture that has a whole shelf of them
Otherwise no books should be burned

>> No.19867678

Anything that incorporates dialectics, semiotics, or psychoanalysis.

>> No.19867697

Just about any "pop" books. History science you name it

>> No.19867719

Unironically this.

>> No.19867720
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Isn't book burning, with the rise of online books and databasing, more metaphorical than actually burning a book? It's not like it's the only copy, if I printed out a shitty news article and burned it, would it be the same as this printed book? Pretty similar, book is literally just longer and sometimes fiction, as if modern news articles are even non fiction. I'de say it's fine to burn books, its fine to burn flags, its a form of free speech, expression, and protest. And I bet you can google any of the books they're burning and buy a new copy for 10.99 on amazon.

>> No.19867740

Books don't deserve to be burned. People deserve to be burned. Like Jordan Peterson and his fans would look great in a coat of fire.

>> No.19867752

Pride and Prejudice
Jane Eyre
Wuthering Heights
To the Lighthouse
The Golden Notebook
The Ice Age
White Teeth

>> No.19867757

Unironically quite a few.

>> No.19867789

I'd like to burn the warehouses of remainder books used to prop up political and cultural figures. Don't you know they sell these books to themselves to drive politics?

>> No.19867790

1984 I am tired of illiterate retards unable to understand HS lit and it will annoy retards who get offended by burning a few copies of a book that sold millions of copies.

>> No.19867793

Most ya paperbacks, romances, and Stephen king

>> No.19867796

kys lolbertarian, you will be a woke slave with your shit mentality

>> No.19867799

With the Internet you can't really censor that easily. Book burning today is symbolic; a rejection of the ideas contained therein.

>> No.19867801

Agreed, but also dean Koontz and patchet and Jodi picoult

>> No.19867809

I have no issue with those

>> No.19867814

Stephen king was pretty entertaining when he was druggie.

>> No.19867852

All of them. The world needs a new start.

>> No.19867899

There's nothing wrong with censorship or fascism, although the two aren't necessarily related.

I think we should burn more books, pretty much anything written by a woman, a black, or a gay.

>> No.19867911

Tranny books, anti-White books

>> No.19867919

Getting rid of semiotics and works related to it is the most important part. The extent that discourse would be improved by destroying any work which uses the terms “signifier” or “signified” in s so great that it is beyond comprehension.

>> No.19867920

Total retard doesnt understand fascism and monarchy are way more moral since they are not materialist ideologies like communism, which is a-moral at best.
Typical reddit pseudo-intellectual.

>> No.19867948

Is that a book being burned?
Ahhh, I am losing my mind!

>> No.19867956

>CoMmUnIsM iS aBoUt WoRkEr cOnTrOl
Also leddit:
>A society where one must work to survive is fascist!

>> No.19867959

It takes a pretty high power level to actively burn books tho. That's not a normal political move.

>> No.19867994
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>communist caring about morality
>materialists feeling the need to justify their views with """morality""'
Oh Karl, if only you could see how badly your followers have fallen lmao.

>> No.19868001

Fundies have been burning Harry Potter for decades. It’s the right thing to do even though it was done for the wrong reasons.

>> No.19868024

I don’t think it would bother him that much. The one book he wrote for actual workers is full of such appeals.

>> No.19868075

are you retarded?

>> No.19868094

Me. I deserve to be burned.

>> No.19868095

Anything published in the last 50 years. Anything that normalizes gender dysphoria or advocates genital mutilation. Anything that advocates communism, socialism, anarchism, progressivism. Any works on critical race theory. Burn it all.
>inb4 “lol ur edgy”

>> No.19868127

boring and played-out, get back to us when we start burning people
t. CEO of /lit/

>> No.19868130
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>Which books deserve to be burned?
Phenomenology of Spirit.
The Talmud is a distant second.

>> No.19868138

t. Reads 3 books a year

>> No.19868142
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books that has no philosophical intentions behinds it , books that doesn't make the reader think.
meaning every book about a rich fag fucking a retarded hillbilly or any horror book.was going to say comedy but most of the times its just a way to deliver a message.

>> No.19868241

>Also leave the cultists alone, they're victims in a cult
>But every single Nazi and/or Confederate conscript should be publicly hanged

>> No.19868255

im confused how people are acting like this is some rising fascist movement. haven't churches been doing these harry potter book burnings for years? i remember hearing about these things like 20 years ago and nobody paid it any attention

>> No.19868268

Censoring things YOU don't like is literally the highest form of individual freedom. If I hate a book I don't care if it burns.

>> No.19868276

>or any horror book
BASED. Horror is the shittiest, lowbrow genre.

>> No.19868280

The god delusion by Dawkins
Anything by Andrea Dworkin

>> No.19868296

Because people are connecting it to recent book bans in schools. I don't know if they're burning the same books that are being banned in schools, but if they aren't it's a silly overreaction to something that has been happening for years.

>> No.19868321

Mental illness of the charts itt

>> No.19868336

Please tell me what benefits dialectical philosophy, semiotics, and psychoanalysis provide. I can tell you for certain that it won't make up for the way in which those subjects have degraded the discourse around almost everything they've been applied to.

>> No.19868372

Everytime someone hold’s these things as boogeymen it’s because they only know what they’ve been told about them.

>> No.19868388

All books need burning...

>> No.19868389

based, the only right answer to this shitty thread

>> No.19868416

>ooooh ooooooooh I'm going to read your mind oooooh beware oooooh you must burn those books

>> No.19868424


oh no they burned a popular book i cam buy online in seconds

>> No.19868434

These things pervade all aspects our discourse today. Every living person who is not totally disconnected from society knows them intimately and is degraded by them whether they've heard of them or not. They don't need to have people tell them things.
The only people who defend them are those who know how to use them to actively harm others.

>> No.19868438

Fiery but mostly peaceful book burning

>> No.19868468

>America has a famous historical event where a widely available commercial good was destroyed as a symbolic protest
>they ignore that and just do le nazi book burning
What did they mean by this?

>> No.19868475

>>America has a famous historical event where a widely available commercial good was destroyed as a symbolic protest
What are you referring to. Disco Demolition Night?

>> No.19868482

Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.19868493

They fear that which has filtered them. Tale as old as time.

>> No.19868495

>Hace 3h
Hola Jose!

>> No.19868499

The boston tea party

>> No.19868509

Lmao do they realise that all books are being constantly shared online?
I like physical copies of my books but unless they're planning a global blackout, burning shit won't make any difference.

>> No.19868536

It's a symbolic burning, the actual pyre was mostly comprised of wooden rafters to make it look bigger. They had like 100 books max. They didn't even go all out!

>> No.19868589

You are wrong. If you want to make a world a better place burn discriminatory and religious books. Start there and build from it.

>> No.19868673

It wouldn't be hard to wipe out a book from public consumption on the internet. There are many, many things which rot in obscurity and barely exist on the net, let alone in print.

>> No.19868682

those mills and boons romance novels lets be honest its the only way to get rid of them

>> No.19868847

You can go back there with your "bIg AnD sMaLl" talk.

>> No.19868869

>burning books is unconscionable
fucking irrelevant in 2022 whether some podunk town school burns books
>big tech companies working together ban ideas off of every corner of the internet
this is fine

>> No.19868886

OP's mom's diary

>> No.19868943

It’s so cool how we’re literally watching a psyop develop in real time to reinforce liberal ideology while America declines on the world stage, what a fucking pathetic country

>> No.19869076

The guy in the OP pic is a BASED counter-protester throwing in a copy of the Bible.

>> No.19869255
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Reddit is only pretending to be outraged about censorship because it’s right wingers doing it. If this were a crowd of people burning books like culture of critique, they’d be applauding. It’s obvious because they regularly clap like retarded seals whenever our corporate tech overlords censor someone for holding even moderately right wing opinions. For Christ’s sake, just this week redditors have been cooming in their pants over celebrities removing their music from Spotify in an attempt to get Joe Rogan deplatformed.

>> No.19869276

I wish we could have a thread burning.

>> No.19869298

I'm currently reading la comedies humaine in french. The proliferation of cheap ya fiction has infantalized and corrupted two generations of potential.

>> No.19869305

>Reddit is only pretending to be outraged about censorship because it’s right wingers doing it. If this were a crowd of people burning books like culture of critique, they’d be applauding.

There were some book burnings in Canada not long ago that confirm this thought.

>> No.19869308
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Imagine being so pathetic that you're concerned with how high school history teachers will talk about in the future.

>> No.19869310
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I used to think that Nazi book burnings were evil until I saw what books they were destroying.

>> No.19869321

This kills the Redditor.

>> No.19869333

>Whereas monarchy requires violent enforcement of a monarch's will
So has every fucking system since the beginning of time. I hate Redditards so much it's unreal.

>> No.19869338
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>I disagree with something so it should be censored

>> No.19869343


>> No.19869356

I'm almost certain the only history book that guy has read is Gun Germs and Steel.

>> No.19869374

I hope they start burning witches again, too. Society really took a turn for the worse when we stopped doing that.

>> No.19869381

Boomerwaffen rising

>> No.19869396

bait thread and everyone is biting.
telltale signs:
>using reddit post to mock the common opinion here, in an attempt to associate the obvious with "that's a reddit opinion"
you should be burned OP

>> No.19869415

How would one achieve total "worker control over industry"? Purely peaceful methods methinks

>> No.19869762

>Because the French Revolution went so well.

>> No.19869796

Holy basado

>> No.19869806

I don't agree with burning the ancient sophists or Greco-Roman mythology but agree with everything else.

>> No.19869822


>> No.19869832

literal textbook cognitive dissonance

>> No.19869858

Non-mutt here, what books are they burning and why are they burning them?

>> No.19869865

Anti-white and tranny shit. At that, only the worst of the worst I would assume. Even when I was in school we read a ton of pozzed garbage.

>> No.19869874

>poststructuralism, postmodernism, any and all kinds of relativism; all materialist literature like Marx and neomarxists, Freud and his followes, anglo empiricism from Locke to Quine to contemporary analytics; and all degeneratte modernist literature, which is almost all prominent 20th century novelists and poets
The only based part of this post everything else outs you as a nigger faggot

>> No.19869905
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inconceivably based

>> No.19869949

Remember the reason we only have fragments of ancient sophists is that ancient Platonists burned their works.

>> No.19869969

Philosophy peaked with Neoplatonism. It was literally the perfect condensation of Classical thought in a way that was also applicable to monotheism and other non-Hellenic systems as well.

>> No.19870044

Only good post in the thread

>> No.19870055

None; he who thinks otherwise belong in any other board but /LIT/; although, nah, they belong right here. The place where no one reads.

>> No.19870075

Based. Words are meant to be ephemeral

>> No.19870085

Ready Player One
Fifty Shades of Grey
All Harry Potter fanfic
Zoomer humor books
Anything written by an ‘influencer’

>> No.19870125


>> No.19870143

>Seething about Prots in the year of our lord 2022

>> No.19870185

Oh, this is because of the critical race theory shit right? I thought it may have been 1984 and catcher in the rye etc, those kinds of books.

>> No.19870195

it sounds like Maus was banned by one school district for dumb reasons, and then some church is burning harry potter/twilight, which isnt that special since some churches always do that dumb shit. as with everyone else this seems like a dumb overreaction. book burning is lame but this is not some ominous movement

>> No.19870198

>pedo hates protestantism

>> No.19870207

You mean protetsatanic?

>> No.19870215

Trans-Fundamentalist Alliance against Harry Potter

>> No.19870232

Entirely peaceful, actually. You can actually protest without assaulting people and destroying property