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19867268 No.19867268 [Reply] [Original]

What is the literary de-incel pill?

>> No.19867275

Have sex

>> No.19867283

Get a head shrink

>> No.19867285

Ok let's have sex anon

>> No.19867286


>> No.19867289

Become confident in yourself so you don’t have to find meaning in others/your surroundings.

Meet people, engage with their ideas.

Develop a cosmopolitan attitude and insatiable curiosity. Explore the arts and the ideas that build the foundation of their culture.

Become strong through physical activity. See what your body is capable of.

Adopt a magnanimous attitude, embrace the jouissance that comes from your own self-actualization.

Read Shakespeare.

>> No.19867305

Are you a beautiful woman?

>> No.19867309

Depends on your definition of "woman" and "beautiful "

>> No.19867329


>> No.19867443

The solution to involuntary celibacy is voluntary incelibacy? Which would then become voluntary involuntary celibacy?

We’re going to need some dialectics in here.

>> No.19867460

Just have sex incel

>> No.19867508
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I lost my virginity young, so I don't share your problem... unless you want the recs I was reading at the time (I read a lot of Frederick Forsyth at the time); but the two books that most define how I view and relate to woman are Bowlby's Attachment trilogy and a book called The Women Who Knew Too Much: Hitchcock and Feminist Theory By Tania Modleski, a book of film theory oddly. The problem with 'incels' is the contradictory view of holding women in contempt for being shallow while requiring some kind of deep probing analysis into their depths. You need to read simple shit in order to understand and apply your understanding to your interactions with women because pretty basic lack of self awareness issues (coupled with man's useless self-torture trying to understand their 'mysteries' in order to feel less insecure) are their whole matrix.

>> No.19867510

The Complete Manual of Suicide

>> No.19867522

Letters from a Stoic
On the other hand, Forbidden Colours is the incel maker

>> No.19867556

Psychology/self-help/depression books. Basically consciously learn how to change your core beliefs “nobody will love me because i’m ugly and a loser”. Start changing the identity that you’ve been given. As you change your identity, you will be able to see more possibilities in your life. This probably sounds like cliché bullshit to you, which is part of the problem as to why you’re completely stuck. You also have to look at the reason why you got stuck into this state in the first place.. if you find yourself doubling down on your beliefs then you aren’t ready to change anything yet. This will take work but it’s the only thing you can do for meaningful change this isn’t “get a haircut and lift”

>> No.19867630
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I used to date this girl who broke up with me before we got to have sex (we were young, still in high school). I was heartbroken, eventually ended up hitting the gym and getting stronger. I ended up insanely strong after a few years compared to my early twerp self. I found my ex (now we were college aged). I followed her to her dorm room, pinned her down and brutally raped her. I threatened her that I will murder every single member of her family as I know where they all live and it seems it worked. She hasn't reported anything.
Sometimes when the good Lord closes the door on you, he opens a window. The most obvious solution is not always the best.

>> No.19867644

Quality post right here, the only books that can help are workbooks that follow a CBT approach

>> No.19867893
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Unironically Schopenhauer. Once you internalise how sexuality is the most powerful expression of the world principle, you drop all the inceldom cope-outs and seething. Afterwards, hitting the gym, going out more, going for different self-help guides that are not peterson/pua and other kinds of trash will help put you on track faster than anything.

>> No.19868019

>Have sex, go to gym, be yourself, seek a therapist , take your meds, meditate, go for walks, learn a trade, get off social media, read, listen to audiobooks, invest, write a journal, write 3 things you are grateful for everyday, make your bed in the morning, leave motivational quotes around the house, walk with your head and chest up and shoulders back, stop playing vidya, sneed, stop eating fast food, stop drinking/smoking/doing drugs, maintain a proper diet, keep a routine, compliment at least 1 stranger per day, travel, volunteer, have hobbies involving members of the opposite sex, limit time on phone/internet (especially pornography), dopamine fast, sleep at least 8 hours a night, drink water, pray the rosary 3x a day, think like a winner :)

There you go OP. I've summarized the modern self-help field for you and whatever generic response internet-friends have come up with.

>> No.19868999

Thanks fren

>> No.19869010

Thanks for the advice fren

>> No.19869033

nice gut. funny belly button

>> No.19869183

Is it weird I found this larp genuinely encouraging?

>> No.19869348
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not sure if de-incel but I stopped hating women and looking for stupid reactionary content on youtube after reading pic related and fully internalizing that they are not my equal and I shouldn't expect much from them.

>> No.19869429

I agree, Kierkegaard helped me out too. I knew I’d never fit in but that doesn’t mean I should be miserable and alone acting like I’m somehow better than the vulgar aesthetes. I need to live dangerously as it were, to hell with the incel talk you see here admonishing “degenerates.” I didn’t live a good life, I don’t have friends, I don’t have a girlfriend/wife, I don’t have a career. I was never going to be normal from the outset. So why not? Why not just go crazy?

>> No.19869456

Unironically the Q'uran.

>> No.19869513
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Avatamsaka sutra

>> No.19869515

By having sex and touching grass.

>> No.19870359

become gay (no seriously)

>> No.19870402

>Develop a cosmopolitan attitude and insatiable curiosity.

>> No.19870411

Online self help culture is retarded. Just the same dozen bits of secularized "mindfulness" advice and obvious shit like eat well. In truth, I'd monkmaxx.

>> No.19870450

either have sex or become a volcel

>> No.19870630

You dont have to be confident in yourself to cure inceldom. Just be confident in the Lord and all shall be given unto you following.
So, the Holy Bible is what you should probably read.

>> No.19870687

Started similar, now I collect cut off female genitalia.

>> No.19870985

Women you've never met before don't know that you're an incel unless you're monstrously ugly. You just have to conceal your horrible personality for an hour or so and then you can have sex.

>> No.19871109
