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/lit/ - Literature

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19866188 No.19866188 [Reply] [Original]

Books for people like me?

>> No.19866201
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>> No.19866301
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Political Parties - Duverger
'A Directional Theory of Issue Voting' - Rabinowitz & Macdonald
The American Voter - Campbell
Left and Right - Bobbio

>> No.19866442

What even is the left or right. Feels like each side just labels things they disagree with as left or right. It made sense in the French parliament or whatever, but in modern contexts, what's even the distinction? Is there a single broad stroke you can make about every right wing and left wing ideology?

>> No.19866461

It is good cop, bad cop. The Soviet Union fell, the world needed a villain, and one politician is as good as another.

>> No.19866476

It is a bunch of nothing, since it changes every 50 years or so

>> No.19867658
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You should be vertical/radical, and, whenever you can, strive to match the versality of your nondominant right/left side with that of its respective dominant counterpart.

>> No.19868868


>> No.19869160

>It is good
>cop, bad cop.
More like cope.
>The Soviet Union fell,
>the world needed a villain
literally quoting Batman movies
>and one politician
muh politician
>is as good as

>> No.19869235

>3rd grade level comprehension and does not know what a comma signifies.
I have never actually seen a batman movie but that sentiment i considerably older. I did enjoy the old Adam West tv series when I was little.

>> No.19869390

'The Righteous Mind' by Jonathan Haidt

>> No.19869438

is this a shitty AI?

>> No.19869460

Just a /pol/tard. They are easy to confuse.

>> No.19869578

Literally just read more opinions from either side. Particularly stuff near the fringes. You learn mostly nothing from mainstream culture wars. Honestly, blogs and substacks can be good resources, as much as it pains me to say. They are short and punchy and it's an easy step to take if you spend a fair bit of time on your computer.

>> No.19869655

>either side
They are the same side.

>> No.19869767

High school tier take

>> No.19871124

*leaves without explaining*

>> No.19871147

Read history

>> No.19871157

Everybody Poops would've been a better title

>> No.19871193

I think reading someone like Macintyre or Nietzsche will quickly dispel this worldview, if that's what you're asking for.

>> No.19871216

I always remembered it as that