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19865459 No.19865459[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lit like this?

>> No.19865465
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Swerve, peasants

>> No.19865491

>stone age hunter
>ripe age of 100

I don't think so bro

>> No.19865496

Are you asking for Divine right literature?

>> No.19865502


>> No.19865503
File: 126 KB, 720x480, faggot identified.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I bet that people who didn't have plumbing, piped water, electricity, even the most mid-level technologies for production of goods and services, modern healthcare, basic standards of a scientific method, believed in four humors and in demonic possession, lived among hundreds of ethnic groups rubbing shoulders nearby each other always frothing to go to war and died of any plague or pets sure had much superior lives to my pampered Ifunny meme-making, doritos eating, porn watching bitching and moaning existence
>I'm sure that people who had zero forms of healthcare, did trepanning extremely often for some reason, were subject to be killed by the forces of the environment, every disease, every remotely dangerous bug, herb or animal, had to physically hunt their food, were entirely dependent on the sway of the environmental trends for sustenance since they didn't have agriculture, were incapable of establishing non-superstitious forms of cause and effect and barely had spoken language sure lived much better than we did, I mean, they didn't even had jobs and shit, right?

Woes that betide the average 20 years old fag who discovers that work exists.

>> No.19865509

>thread gets deleted
>iToddler OP remakes thread immediately
Rangeban when?

>> No.19865510

Work made me slightly communist.

>> No.19865520

If you are not a plot fag, than Growth of the Soil. If you are a plot fag, try Zola's Les Rougon-Macquart. Most any of naturalists from that time should do.

>> No.19865548

You're either a midwit or have had a prosperous life. It is pure hell if you need to work to live. The distractions you list make it even worse. Modern medicine increases the survival of the old, unfit, useless and stupid who consume more resources and make life even worse for the rest of us. Life was objectively better for the healthy man from the Paleolithic to the Feudal Era. If I had to choose between a sub 120k wageslave with $0 generational wealth and being a peasant in the 1140s, I'd pick the latter a thousand lives over. Kill yourself.

>> No.19865561

More like dies at the ripe age of 30. Still 100 times more glorious than living to 75 wagecucking and paying taxes of course.

>> No.19865566

Bonjour, reddit. You lived longer than that if you made it to adulthood. Childhood mortality brings the average lifespan down. This is a good thing and nature's design so the healthiest survive and thrive.

>> No.19865571

Most hunter gatherer humans die before they reach 2.

>> No.19865580 [DELETED] 

Dude. Just accept the retarded jannies deleting good threads.
We need more Waldun.

>> No.19865597

Good. Imagine how much better society would be if we let healthlets perish. No more asthma coofers. No more congential heart problem kids. No more beetus. No immunelets. Quite frankly they're better off because it spares them a miserable life. The hunter gatherers who survived had objectively better lives, even more so without peanut allergy jimbo fucking things up. I fail to see your point and mentioning it serves only to validate such times as being rightfully, objectively, truly, idealyic and enjoyable for men who made it to adulthood.

>> No.19865603

Theres no such thing as stone age hunters. They were just rural plebs that got isolated during cataclysmic events when their civilization collapsed.

>> No.19865610

If you want to be an uneducated serf go smash your head against the wall and huff industrial grade chemicals. You'd then have no problem moving out to the middle of nowhere and living without electricity.

>> No.19865611

I am Brazilian, while you are a first world princess having a mental breakdown while shitposting your faggy hissy fits on the internet at the leisure of a computer from dusk till dawn on a work day, spouting basic bitch baby's first Nietzsche elitism of "the weak and old are consoooming" while you want nothing more than to consume without having to work for it, terrified of doing any work to produce goods and services and exchange them for these of another in a society, like a spiritual parasite who can't stomach any other form of being than this of a tapeworm. You have the leisure of being an autistic faggot jacking off to anime porn, spending 16 hours a day on the internet, waking up at noon and reading gaylord novels written by other schizos to cope with the inability to talk to a woman. Shut the fuck up and go to work, it is the only thing that makes you less pathetic.

>> No.19865616

I completely agree but OP's pic is idealized nonsense. Literally no one reading this would be alive in a hunter gatherer society.

>> No.19865625

Pictures like these make modern people extremely seethe. Even slightly implying that a medieval peasant had a life in some respects better than the modern wagecuck's is enough to have them frothing.

>> No.19865629

I work 60 hours a week and watch and do nothing. I hate porn. Modern life is worse. Society is bad. Contributing to it is bad. I want to go back to the feudal era where I work 20 hours a week and have time to devote to spiritual matters. Sounds like some big league projection on your part.

>> No.19865630

Brazil isn't comparable to America. Post again when you no longer have a mommy to suckle on. Vamanos!
An easy life of consumption is not the same as any easy life of prosperity. Not to mention that the absence of death from the life of the modern man makes him raw to it, and more terrified and dominated by it as a consequence. Ask the average thirty year old if they think they're going to die, they'll only admit it as a concession, saying:
>But who can say what science will solve in the next fifty years?
They don't think they'll ever die, they don't think pain exists, and such a people cannot ever be happy or even satisfied as no matter what, their false dream will be interrupted.

>> No.19865653

>Brazil isn't comparable to America
Indeed, when a dollar is worth six of your currency, you have some solid 80,000 murders a year of which 98% go scott-free, you get taxed out the ass to sustain openly corrupt politicians and you have nothing to show for it and criminality is Detroit levels on all cities, I'd say it's hard to properly compare.

>An easy life of consumption is not the same as any easy life of prosperity.
It is precisely what it is, almost by definition. An abundance of goods that are easily accessible with less work (automation and technology considered) done for it.

>we need death or people may get so comfortable that death becomes an alien concept to them
Only a first worlder can with a straight-face complain that they don't have enough famine, disease and death in their civilizations and that by consequence people live lives so comfortable they don't have to think about it. Plz come to Brazil, we had a black death outbreak in 2018 in the northeast.

>> No.19865655

Kek, literally me

>> No.19865662

>speaking in simple mantras once mind has been properly broken
>I want to go back to when we did much more work for much less goods of a much more shit quality and you could die of a foot fungus aged 25, a meme on the internet told me there would be better hours

>> No.19865667

As a person that can trace his peasant ancestry a couple generations back I can tell you you worked from sunup to sundown on the field and if the weather was unfavorable you ate shit. Of course, the image is bait and retarded in many other ways, I'm just saying.

>> No.19865691

imagine being this much of a wagie

>> No.19865697

I am Ukranian, and you are a materialistic faggot taking pride in how meaninglessly hard and low-tier your life is.

>> No.19865707

Talking so much shit for someone who'd shit themselves if someone knocked on their door a bit too hard thinking the cheeki breekis finally came for him

>> No.19865716

speak for yourself peanut allergy boy

>> No.19865717

>Only a first worlder can with a straight-face complain that they don't have enough famine, disease and death in their civilizations and that by consequence people live lives so comfortable they don't have to think about it. Plz come to Brazil, we had a black death outbreak in 2018 in the northeast.
I don't think I will. I think I'll keep exploiting your country while your people sweat and die for my sake. Inflicting famine, disease, and death is far different than being on the other end of it. Winning is better than losing. As someone from Brazil you can contribute nothing to this conversation because you only know slavery, and thus, can say nothing of import.

>> No.19865719

>I want to go back to the feudal era where I work 20 hours a week and have time to devote to spiritual matters
You wouldnt bother with 'spiritual matters'. Consider that you only have an attraction to such things because of your current life. And nothing is stopping you from putting that 60 hours towards spiritual matters right now. If you lack the will to do it now youd have no chance 1000 years ago.
Put your money where your mouth is. Go join a monastery.

>> No.19865750

How cute, tried so hard to play the role of the suffering martyr and got easily suffering-mogged, (what a concept) very effortlessly by real men with real contact with the real world, and now tries to play the role of a superior princess with the dainty uncalloused hands who never saw real work, thus reinforcing the original point of being just a pampered kiddy whose first contact with labor (at a McDonald's or what will have you) traumatized them.

And to speak of exploitation: it is our massive export of onions that made you and your men into fags, and now your country is on its knees committing harakiri, making your life more shit and pathetic, while Brazil becomes closer and closer with Russia and China.

>> No.19865756

>worked from sunup to sundown
doing what? winter

>> No.19865800

>As a person that can trace his peasant ancestry a couple generations back
that's really cool. I wish I can also trace back my ancestry a couple generations. I would so love to pass down heirlooms and philosophies and that sort of thing.

I'm such a sentimental person, yet it seems the past generations of mine may not have been if they did not pass down anything. Who knows, were they even literate? The furthest ancestors I can traced pretty much all died in WW1 or the Balkan wars.

>> No.19865810

>I am Brazilian
Dropped. My sufferings over the lack of an anime girl gf are infinitely nobler and more meaningful than your thirdie inconveniences

>> No.19865814

Back to r/neoliberal.

>> No.19865845

>go to work and contribute to society
>society is horrible and I svffer
Choose one wagie

>> No.19865908

Adam lived to be like 900

>> No.19865932
File: 24 KB, 550x503, images_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when did it go wrong, bros?

>> No.19865938

KEK what a wagie cope. Even ends with the classic "work sets you free" meme, very Lutheran.
...Is this a pasta?

>> No.19865952

When we didn't range ban all south Americans

>> No.19865973

Don't even try to argue with that anon, he is retarded.

>> No.19866143

and Superman can fly

>> No.19866154

>Stone age hunter
>Died at 100
Nigga what are you smoking

I wouldn't listen to anyone that describes a life of making memes, eating doritos and watching porn as 'superior'

>> No.19866172

No one is disputing whether superman can fly or not.

>> No.19866178

1 out of 44 responses are on topic. Keep up the good work /lit/.

>> No.19866192

>your kid should die for the good of society
I think you should die for the good of society.

>> No.19866261
File: 211 KB, 1064x708, afghan-farmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize there still are many places in the world where people live off subsistence farming? Just join them.

>> No.19866275

there are still aboriginal tribes that eat kangaroos and lizards and crocodiles. the only thing they get from modern society is beer.

>> No.19866278

Tbh beer is the only invention of modern society that’s worth anything

>> No.19866286

You just proved his point.

>> No.19866287
File: 38 KB, 531x800, Jünger,_Ernst_-Auf_den_Marmorklippen,1939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. It is great. In thoroughly enjoy Jüngers writings in general.

Honourable mention would be everything written by Tolkien.

>> No.19866361

Oh? You're a real man now, amigo? A big beefy man? ;)

>> No.19866405

Wait but Brazil is just doing the same system worse. Nothing about your suffering says anything about the left images in the OP. I'm not sure what your point is. Like yeah, you're doing it poorly and you're suffering more than countries that did it first, and better. You'd specifically probably be better off in a scarcely populated Brazilian jungle. And how you've managed to reconcile supporting a society you yourself have identified as extremely corrupt is beyond me. But yes, work hard, I'm sure it'll pay off. That's what the people who ruled over you did. They worked hard. Nothing else was involved that separates them from the business owners that spend 80 hours per week keeping their businesses afloat. And before you use the tired old dialectics and label me as some retvrn to tradition moron think again.

>> No.19866456

>while you want nothing more than to consume without having to work for it, terrified of doing any work to produce goods and services and exchange them for these of another in a society, like a spiritual parasite who can't stomach any other form of being than this of a tapeworm
No, most modern 'work' in the first world countries already literally boils down to this, that is why people are going crazy.

>> No.19866472

Depends on if you get past your 20s or not. If you lived long enough to not hit the high death rate in childhood or the deaths as you reach your 20s, then you would be likely to make it to around 62 years, give or take a few of them and forbidding a pandemic hitting.

>> No.19866711

That is the technology being better, not the system. I'd take a drop in tech, somewhat, for a better way of organising ourselves than the current technocrat hellscape we live in.

>> No.19866925
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>> No.19866960

>Stone Age hunter
>Died peacefully beside his loving tribe at the ripe age of 100
Hahahahaha no. Hilarious. More like:
>14 year old wife dies in childbirth after baby gets stuck in small frame
>hunter dies at the ripe age of 25 from an infected cut

>> No.19866977

These memes are funny but the idea that anybody from antiquity would decline the conveniences of modern life is laughable. The author desires a new world because there is no place for him in this one.

>> No.19866983
