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19865429 No.19865429[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Stop reading the bible, start reading the quran

>> No.19865433
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>> No.19865435

Go back to >>>/qa/ already, retard.

>> No.19865436

Actual Muslims would want you killed for disrespecting Jesus like that.

>> No.19865439

yep because they aint cucks

>> No.19865458

That’s like telling a Palestinian to go back to Palestine.

>> No.19865467

>Actual muslims
Where's that perception of the "real" muslim coming from? Islam is very balkanized, no?
Are Shias actual muslims or only ISIS?

>> No.19865487

I dont seriously get what Islam has to my advantage. Your post is disgusting though. Seek help

>> No.19865488

No, I like pork.

>> No.19865494

The rope is kinda unnecessary, no?

>> No.19865498

>stop reading The Bible, start reading Bible 2: Pedo Edition

>> No.19865499

isnt the suicide unecessary as well?

>> No.19865523

Does crucifixion even count as a "sacrifice" if Jeebus had a full knowledge of getting resurrected in a few days? Sacrifices involve giving something up without getting anything in return, rabbi Yeshua didn't give up shit, in fact he ascended to superpowers

>> No.19865526

he knew he was god but he didnt know he was god so just trust the plan chud

>> No.19865534

>t. Suicidal, tranny, wannabe muslim projection.

>> No.19865552

Shut the fuck up sandnigger

>> No.19865564

Christ suffered worse mockery while he was being whipped, then crucified
this pales in comparison

>> No.19865587

>Is crucified
>But also has a rope tied to his neck
The left both can't meme and kill themselves properly.