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[SPOILER] No.19864563[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

if my sense of self is mostly constructed, then what books do I read to help construct it

>> No.19864577

How about you construct a self of getting some bitches?

>> No.19864618

Who constructed it?

>> No.19865048
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Whatever you want, you are who you are and you don't need NEETs and retards online to tell you what to read. That's the point of being able to construct yourself, YOU do it.

>> No.19865443

Wrong question anon because the answer is "Any book".
Most narratives, the obvious examples being Fables, Parables, and Fairy Tales, but the overwhelming majority of stories have embedded in them the values or social Mores of the intended audience. Crucially this includes urban legends, folklore, and even PR communications about the personal stories of athletes, celebrities, and politicians. From childhood we absorb through these narratives certain assumptions and expectations about the world which in turn influence the expectations to construct the story of our selves and the values and internalization of social expectations.
And some books do this without the narrative, like certain philosophical or political tomes.
Your question is basically
>help guys, who should I be?

>> No.19865675

Read your autobiography

>> No.19865680
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Don't let anyone tell you how to live your life. Nobody knows shit anyway

>> No.19865704

shit take. Humans have the power to discriminate, and with that they can adopt how much and whatever part of whatever they please. You're basically saying that the sum of the thousands of years of accumulated human culture, information, wisdom, techniques, etc. are just absolutely worthless. In reality, just a single one of the fruits of communication (of past OR present knowledge) is worth more than anything some loser could dream up in his life

>> No.19865784
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How the fuck did you get that from what I said? In summation I said, "Live your own life, make your own decisions, and look into what YOU want to" not, "nononono don't listen to nobodies xdxd" you babbling retard.

>> No.19865831

what do you think OP is doing? he's making the decision to research his options and make an informed choice. First, your peabrained advice of >whatever you want
yea, no shit retard, that's why the thread is here.
>you are who you are
flies in the face of the premise of purposeful self-construction
>you don't need NEETs and retards online to tell you what to read.
so basically, either don't read, or figure out what to read on your own, no outside sources, bootstraps, son, bootstraps!
>look into what YOU want to
you're basically accusing OP of not being competent enough to bear responsibility over his own decisions. As if, when reading a book based on a NEET's rec, the decision to read it were actually someone else's decision besides the OP. Maybe that makes sense for some
"spectrum" of people, but to everyone else it's nebulous, falsely self-important, and doesn't make any sense

>> No.19865874

>he's making the decision to research his options and make an informed choice.
NTA but OP has formulated the question wrong. He's asking how he can construct himself, well as I said >>19865443 anything adds to the constructs of self.
>you're basically accusing OP of not being competent enough to bear responsibility over his own decisions.
OP is because OP has asked an impossibly vague question. A tautologous answer is the only one anyone can give, otherwise it basically becomes a pissing match over "I like this book the best, because fuck you that's why" which isn't any more useful.
What does OP perceive a constructed self entails? What is the fullest possible being that OP believes he can be? Or perhaps more importantly, abstract ideas about values and constructs aside: what is OP actually capable of right now? What constrictions bound him financially, socially, physically, locomotively, what constrictions of knowledge does he have? What commitments or responsibilities has he undertaken?
Any answer based on the absolute void of information OP has given about himself will always be tautological because there is nothing concrete or specific to operate from.

>> No.19865920
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>he's making the decision to research his options and make an informed choice
No he isn't, an informed choice on self-construction would at least have some foundational points such as interests and desires. OP has expressed no such baseline, asking for one to be given instead.
>flies in the face of purposeful self-construction
One's own self-construction should be entirely self-determined as well, the problem is that OP is deciding to have other people make the decision for him without any heads or tails of what OP's interests or desires are.
>so basically, either don't read, or figure out what to read on your own, no outside sources, bootstraps, son, bootstraps!
Not what I said, if someone wants to further construct themselves it should start from their own interests and desires first and foremost. OP here isn't doing that and is instead asking others to find certain baselines for self-construction. The argument would be different if he were asking a question about a characteristic of himself he wants to work on or delving into a new area of interest because that presupposes OP has his own freely chosen path. This isn't "help me on the way" but "find a starting point for me."
>you're basically accusing OP of not being competent enough to bear responsibility over his own decisions.
I am and that's what he's doing.
>As if, when reading a book based on a NEET's rec, the decision to read it were actually someone else's decision besides the OP.
In this situation, OP is asking for ANYBODY to come up with books to formulate a baseline for self-construction INSTEAD OF HIMSELF. Yes, it's OP's decision to read the book. However, this decision stems from a fundamental lack of competence in one's self and lack of expressing one's own interests and desires.
>Maybe that makes sense for some "spectrum" of people, but to everyone else it's nebulous, falsely self-important, and doesn't make any sense
I just don't think you know how to read.

>> No.19865977
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As an addendum to this, I will say that OP is not fundamentally flawed or anything of the sort. I simply believe that OP should either find some things within himself that he wants to pursue and be apart of or write a more in depth question with more background. >>19865874 made the very good point that OP's question is incredibly vague, which exponentionally adds to the possibility of various interpretations and answers.