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/lit/ - Literature

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19863246 No.19863246 [Reply] [Original]

>Try starting a discord book club
>Open it up to /soc/ since that's the only board you can advertise on
>Every single person who joins talks about literally everything but books
>Try to get people focused on some sort of literature related discussion
>"Lmao, this nigga reads!"

Damn, this Book Club shit is harder than I thought it'd be

>> No.19863255

Why did you make this thread?

>> No.19863256

>advertise on 4chan
here are your problems

>> No.19863260

To see if any of yall have had similar book club woes

>> No.19863263

I feel like this problem applies to literally anywhere I could advertise

>advertise on Reddit
>Here are your problems

>> No.19863292

I had this problem and I solved it by becoming a homosexual and sucking cock regularly. You should definitely try it.

>> No.19864033

I've never understood the point of book clubs. I can't imagine anything more gay than sitting in a circle with other fags and saying to each other "REMEMBER WHEN?"

>> No.19864652

Lmao, this nigga reads!

>> No.19864737

Kekking out loud rn

>> No.19864741

What books were you planning on discussing?

>> No.19864764

no youre not

>> No.19864979

Just join the goodreads /lit/ club

>> No.19865002

You have a better chance at reasonable discussion on reddit

>> No.19865008

The idea of a book club is to discuss the themes and ideas. They don't really work if you're just reading terrible book bin trash or the members of the club are too stupid to read beyond the surface of a book, and most book clubs posess both traits, thus devolving into "REMEMBER WHEN?" circlejerks.
So if you want to start a book club you need to do some serious vetting.

>> No.19865021 [DELETED] 

Real book clubs are all made up of women discussing YA.

No one reads anymore.

>> No.19866266

I have some self-respect, sir

>> No.19866281

absolutely, even if you get reddit takes, it's infinitely preferable to fucking /soc/ sending dick pics

>> No.19866283

Hey, sorry, fell asleep and didn't realize the thread was up. For now there's no formal book-we-are-reading since the numbers are so low, we just discuss what we're each individually reading. As numbers go up, we might start a rotation.

>> No.19866294

add me

>> No.19866303 [DELETED] 

lmao only at miller grove

>> No.19866328

>anime picture

turn 18 already

>> No.19866336


>> No.19866342

You need to be very selective. To be a functional member, the requirements are to already be a profilic reader, and to recognize and dissect ideas and themes.
Someone who doesn't read for fun won't be able to keep up. Even someone who reads a little every day will end up taking more than one month discussing a book, by the time there's a meeting, they'll have forgottten most of it.
Someone who's not a deep thinker, or who doesn't connect emotionally with the stories, will not have much to contribute to discussions. Having one or two people like that is fine, as you can prod them them for guttural reactions, and get to watch them live analizing the book, and themselves.

>> No.19866346

the fact alone that OP thought he'd get any serious book discussions out of /soc/ is telling enough of his age

>> No.19866351

There is a pretty good /lit/ discord already with numerous reading clubs though. Not gonna share the invite, you can easily find it in the archive, if you can't even do that then you shouldn't be there anyway.

>> No.19866365
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>>anime picture
Where do you think you are?

>> No.19866708

Spotted the problem. Just use IRC.

>> No.19867414

I was told /lit/ would be reading Wuthering Heights together this month but nobody mentions it :(

>> No.19867423

Why the fuck would we read absolute garbage together?

>> No.19867679

because it's fun

>> No.19867692

Any good irc suggestions for reading or history or anything along these lines?? I miss using that shit so much

>> No.19868568

not your site anymore weeb boi

>> No.19868639

Invitations are expired, nigger.

>> No.19868665

Lying faggot

>> No.19869098


The /it/cord is full of shitty brainlets that don't read. Every imageboard discord is much worse than any single board itself. Mentally ill freaks compulsively spamming gibberish and posting porn and gore. Fuck off

>> No.19870225

Absolutely true, if you want to become even more based focus a month or so into discussing a single book, chapter by chapter. I made a commented read of Dante's inferno with two close friends and I have to say it works.

There was also a short story reading club that even had a calendar and shit, yet I don't know what happened to them.

>> No.19870306

>voluntarily using shitcord
you deserve it, go outside and touch grass. Now.

>> No.19870358

Someone make a new discord, so we can talk about books, but only cool books that I like. You'll be #1, because I don't have time to run a discord all day, but I'll be your #2 guy and help lay down the law. For example, Rule 1: You have to be sexy and badass to join our discord server

>> No.19870474

>implying shitcord is better

>> No.19871226

Why don’t you just find a husband already?

>> No.19871232

You deserve this for being an animeposter.

>> No.19872754

anime site

>> No.19872763

>you'll never discuss books with your bros
>the only (online) friend you have doesn't even read
what's the point?

>> No.19872784

>muh discord b-bad

>> No.19874331

To continue on even in the face of even in the face of despair

>> No.19874540

Just ban them for offtopic

>> No.19875633

It sucks. They read trite genre shit.

>> No.19875964

>using discord

>> No.19877081

And what would your rather read?

>> No.19877090

if you just get cookie cutter reddit takes whats even the point?

>> No.19877101

keep telling yourself that

>> No.19877106

>the internet

>> No.19877109

you seem like a guy who knows how to get. shit. done.

>> No.19877255
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Pic related desu

>> No.19877846

…is this gay? Most gay erotica says so on the cover

>> No.19877851

Geez anon, is the shirtless ripped muscle man erotica gay or not? I just can't tell!

>> No.19879086

Why? You into butt-loving? You wanna read about butt-lovibg? Fucking QUEER

>> No.19879090

>obviously a tranny
>off topic garbage thread
May you burn in hell, OP.

>> No.19879672
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I'm going to let you in on a secret, anon.

If you can't discourse internally about a book then you're a pseud.

>> No.19879780
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>discourse internally

>> No.19879786

I've had decent luck browsing Instagram for literature girls and joining their Discord

>> No.19879816

What exactly are you doing there? Can you give more info?

>> No.19879844

Searching hashtags like books or literature, browsing till I see a post that interests me, checking their profile for a linktree or direct link to discord

>> No.19879847

drop the link

>> No.19879876

But why girls specifically then?

>> No.19879880

I want to talk about books with girls. I guess that was irrelevant though.

>> No.19879883

>I want to talk about books with girls

>> No.19879886

Is this your first experience with men? If there are any spaces with women open to us at least some of us are going to get coomerbrain and try to impose ourselves on them.

>> No.19879905

I'm a man, but what tf are you trying to achieve? I get that it's an irrational behaviour but you are typing shit to people that could be in Hungary for all you know.

>> No.19879929

Men all have simp and coomer energy. Get 100 men together and 80 will be relatively normal guys who can keep their simp and coomer potential in check because of years of socialization and being generally decent people. Another 10 will be autistic or poorly socialized and thus have a shaky understanding of boundaries and appropriateness. The remaining 10 will be full blown freaks.

He's trying to achieve talking to girls. It's the same thing as when a girl joins a video game server and every guy goes "haha omg its a gurl" because women are inherently interesting and notable to men because men are horny. Most of the guys will stop there and only embarrass themselves slightly, but a few will always end up adding the girl and harassing her after that either out of deperation or horniness or insanity.

>> No.19879975
File: 444 KB, 1183x680, neolitvote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use neo-/lit/, silly. We're starting 100 Years of Solitude tomorrow.

>> No.19880047

I'm reading cien anos right now. What is neo-lit?

>> No.19880060
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>discord intellectuals

>> No.19880092

A silly /lit/ book club.

>> No.19880204

I am literally trying to socialize with women because I have never had female friends in my life (up until recently) and I wanted to become a well-adjusted human being who doesn't navigate normal, platonic interactions in extremely different ways, depending on the other person's sex.
I'm attracted to 1 of them, sure, but I'm also bisexual and have thought about fucking some male friends. So basically, yes you're right, but I'm working on it.

>> No.19880235

That seems like an alright motivation if you can really keep it in your pants

Not even for moral reasons but to avoid developing bad habits like being a creep, or otherwise humiliating yourself by being "that guy"

>> No.19880391

You guys struggle with Moby? Yeah, uh, I’ll pass…

>> No.19880399


>> No.19880648

do y'all have a discord or something?

>> No.19880698

I'm gay

>> No.19880719


Yo inv me to this shit I actually read and I do not smoke weed

>> No.19881762

invite me too lmao

>> No.19881928
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It was a joke because most of what we'd read before was 300 pages or less.
Here's an invite to the goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/group/invite/1145736-neo--lit?invite_token=OTMxMzc5MTMtNjkxMy00YTYxLWFkYzMtOTQ2NDUyMmMzM2Uz&utm_medium=email&utm_source=copypastegroup. You can find the discord on there if you want to join. Some people prefer to lurk solely in the goodreads to have easy access to a large pool of /lit/ users from whom they find new things to read.

>> No.19882315

Reading is kind of a me thing. I do it by myself in a quiet comfy place when I'm relaxing. I don't seek out conversations about books with other people and don't see a reason to. /lit/ scratches that itch.