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19860788 No.19860788 [Reply] [Original]

Book vs Sex. Discuss.

>> No.19860793 [DELETED] 

both at the same time

>> No.19860821

Sex, then once I’ve had my fill, books.

>> No.19860868

Fuck yeah. I love reading the Bible while my trad wife sucks mehoff

>> No.19860871

I'd certainly rather read for 6 hours than have sex for 6 hours.

>> No.19860872 [DELETED] 

I would say sex but I've turned down sex to stay at home and read, so perhaps books.

>> No.19860900

Books are great and sex is also probably great, I assume

>> No.19860905

By exposing her nethers with nought but a cloth between them and the ambient air she's letting her naturally occurring pheromones concentrated and emanated by the estuarine folds of her sex waft freely about, thereby literally filling the room with her intangible but otherwise highly determinative and determined feminine presence vis a vis the man or men in question.

>> No.19860910

made for BBC

>> No.19860920

me on the left

>> No.19860921

I've read a lot of books, and I've had a lot of sex. It's a very close battle, but sex wins by a hair's margin. If I could never reead a book again, there are many other forms of art I can consume or be engaged with to fill the void. There's really no replacement for sex.

>> No.19860929

Only if it's with a variety of partners, otherwise it gets old fast.

>> No.19860939

well this triggers my agp

>> No.19860941

>Prove you're not
Kys stupid faggot

>> No.19860956

I'm monogamous and have never tired of a partner, and even during moments when my libido was lower than normal, the thought of finding 'variety' to reignite my sex drive never ever crossed my mind. But I'm also misanthropic which is why that's probably the case for me, and also why I'm monogamous. I can only take some much bull shit that comes along with relationships.

>> No.19860972

brainlet take

>> No.19860979

Sounds like you haven't lived much.

>> No.19860981

it sounds like you haven't since you have the opinion of a virginal teenager

>> No.19860984 [DELETED] 

You're a spiritual midget incapable of forming long term fulfilling intimate relationships. Your brain is literally broken.

>> No.19861083

Non procreational sex acts are perversions against natural law, and are of themselves mortal sins, and accordingly merit hell if one does them with full consent and has no intention to repent. They violate the old and the new Law. It is a violation of the second and seventh commandments. St. Paul also speaks directly on it in second Corinthians. Christ himself mentions the disorder of lustful thoughts, even their planning and says repeatedly to be clean. How can one be clean with such impurities? They cannot. You joke because you're motivated by wickedness. We read not one account of the Savior laughing his entire life, which was marked only by 33 years of suffering. As he said for people like you, woe to you that now laugh: for you shall mourn and weep.

>> No.19861091

That's just nonsensical projection

>> No.19861097

Is someone paying you to be this dense?

>> No.19861108

>Non procreational sex acts are perversions against natural law
yet animals do it all the time
>merit hell if one does them [...] and has no intention to repent.
is this the famous christcuck loophole: i'll sin and just ask for forgiveness later?
>St. Paul
A literal neurotic jew
>Christ himself
A schizo jew, unlawfully defied legitimate religious authorities. simple brigand and heretic

>> No.19861114

Based, this kills the twitter catholic

>> No.19861120
File: 54 KB, 900x624, 2-beautiful-girl-reading-book-at-bedroom-nguyen-truc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shutterstock have some weird stuff in their catalogue
also who has wheels like that on a sofa?
and who wears a shirt and tie and suit jacket with jeans?
>nought but a cloth between them and the ambient air
dude that's generally how clothes work

>> No.19861136

Like underclothes and nothing else you mean?

>> No.19861228

>also who has wheels like that on a sofa?
Photo and video studios that need to easily move the set pieces around.
>and who wears a shirt and tie and suit jacket with jeans?
Models who show up to the shoot to do a job and wear whatever the stylist tells them to wear.

>> No.19861265
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>> No.19861277

Sex first, then books, and sex once again. Anything is is gay as fuck.

>> No.19861280

Books are better overall but real sex is better than reading sex scenes.

>> No.19861306

I once had a girl suck my dick for almost 2 hours and I could not get an erection. The same happens when I read. They are therefore the same. Based on this I would rather pursue the feminine in abstracto as it is actually interesting

>> No.19861317

Don't believe a word of this.

>> No.19861322


No way she tried for over 2 hours. Was she on the clock?

>> No.19861330

Every since getting into marxism, I've had this growing interesting in Blacked porn. I just can't help myself, I love watching big Black men fucking little white chicks. Anyone else feel this way?

>> No.19861591

Book. I experience strong postcoital tristesse.
Honestly, if my wife and I never have sex again, then I'd be fine with that. I just would not tolerate her cucking me though. She doesn't have a high sex drive thankfully because I married her as a virgin.

>> No.19861637

>She doesn't have a high sex drive thankfully because I married her as a virgin.

Makes no sense

>> No.19861661

If I never had sex id probably choose that, but honestly in most cases id rather read

>> No.19861667

It happened. It was genuinely horrible. She would take breaks because of exhaustion and I could tell she was disgusted. I was extremely drunk and found her unattractive which might be why I could not get erect
She would like stop for 10 minutes and then do it again. The dumb cunt had taken my friend's phone and he called me and was like wtf why do you have my phone. Then he came over in a cab and I excused myself, saying I would be back, and then I took off. God it was so bad. It was the first time I had real sex too

>> No.19861670

I feel bad for her but she badmouthed me to every girl there so she for back at me for my impotence

>> No.19861691

Also, no, she was not a prostituere. Just some girl I met at a party. My friends had continuously made fun of me for being a virgin so I felt pressured to go with it

>> No.19861699

Fucking autocorrect

>> No.19861703


How old were you?

>> No.19861704


>> No.19861706


>> No.19861723

>gentile cope

>> No.19861735

She was a virgin.#

>> No.19861746

>yet animals do it all the time
Not a justification. They eat shit too.
>is this the famous christcuck loophole: i'll sin and just ask for forgiveness later?
That would be a sacrilegious confessions itself a sin.

'He that sins with the hope of pardon, saying: "I will afterwards repent, and God will pardon me:" is, according to St. Augustine, "not a penitent, but a scoffer."
>ad hominems against christ and paul
Scraping the bottom of the barrel.

>> No.19861758

Kek. Good image.

>> No.19861767

>what is sola fide

>> No.19861774

Heretical nonsense. If one had true faith, they would go and sin no more. Christ even warns of a worse punishment than before if one relapses.

>> No.19861777
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Absolute protestant nonsense.

All consensual acts of sex are permitted between a man and his wife. Yes, even anal sex. Sodomy was described under the act of the men of Sodom raping the male angels. The act of inserting the penis into the buttocks of a woman was only later interpreted by Protestants as sodomy, which is wrong.

Consensual anal sex between a man and his wife is perfectly permitted by God. As is any kind of oral sex.

The real definition of sodomy is either non-consensual sex and/or any sex happening that is not between a man and his wife.

>> No.19861811


Anal and oral sex is taboo due to disease propagation so it would make sense :*(

>> No.19861817

>Absolute protestant nonsense.
Protestants are the ones where anything goes, moron.
>All consensual acts of sex are permitted between a man and his wife. Yes, even anal sex. Sodomy was described under the act of the men of Sodom raping the male angels. The act of inserting the penis into the buttocks of a woman was only later interpreted by Protestants as sodomy, which is wrong.
Wrong, it was always held by the church fathers and doctors of the church as anathema and abomination, some go as far as saying sodomy and incomplete sodomy are worse than murder.

>Consensual anal sex between a man and his wife is perfectly permitted by God. As is any kind of oral sex.
No it isn't. God gave use sexual organs and reasons to put them to proper use.
>The real definition of sodomy is either non-consensual sex and/or any sex happening that is not between a man and his wife.
That's the modern definition. Theologians regard it as the same or if they separate them, it is sodomy vs incomplete sodomy, the latter pertaining to male female "anal".

>> No.19861875

>Protestants are the ones where anything goes, moron.
This isn't even remotely true. Can't bring myself to read the rest of your post when you post something so radically untrue it has to be posted in bad faith.

>> No.19861900
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Neither. Games.

>> No.19861979

sex fuck books desu

>> No.19862032

Why did you let it go on so long…? I’ve had this happen before and I say “sorry I’m really drunk, this never happens (it does), it’s not your fault (it probably is), I hope this doesn’t make things awkward (pls don’t tell other girls I know)” etc. then shoo her out the door, have a quick wank and pass out

>> No.19862043

There's no such thing as natural law.

>> No.19862074

Lex talionis est lex naturalis

>> No.19862215

>this isn't remotely true but I can't elaborate as to why
You're the retard arguing in bad faith. The entire idea of Sola Fide, a core Tennant of protestants, is quite literally all sins go provided you've "accepted" Jesus, and rejects the very concept of repentance. You provided no theological justification of anything. You're a smoothbrain pretending your perversion is justifiable and have a strawman setup for both what you mistakenly believe protestantism and catholicism are.

>> No.19862395

>ad hominems against christ and paul
he started by appealing to their authority - which I don't recognize

>> No.19862574

We were at her place so I could not tell her to go away. I was also determined to fuck her

>> No.19862935

That’s even easier then “sorry I’m just really distracted, I need to get home and take care of something” that way you don’t even have to get her out. Either way though awkward sexual situations happen to everyone and I hope this experience didn’t set you back. You’re probably pretty attractive if she was willing to have your soft cock in her mouth for two hours, and she probably felt really bad about herself for not being able to get you hard, so overall I’m going to diagnose you as decidedly based

>> No.19862951
File: 48 KB, 783x606, 1624324731968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 25 and have never had sex, is it over?

>> No.19862965

What do you look like?

>> No.19863010

Yeah, probably. 25 year old girls already have a full decade of dating and fucking experience.

Just get a whore if you get absolutely desperate (between 30-35), that's always ben the /lit/ way.

>> No.19863196

I'm white, /fit/, at least somewhat attractive face because a cute girl I went on a few dates with a couple years ago told me she didn't believe I liked her because she thought I was attractive enough to get any girl I wanted.

>> No.19863197

This debate is missing a third position, that being "writing".

If sex and writing are acts of creation, reading is cuckoldry.

>> No.19863223

>Yeah, probably. 25 year old girls already have a full decade of dating and fucking experience.
I'm not a fat greasy nerd or anything and neither are my friends, mostly /fit/ guys all with college degrees making decent money. At least like 1/3 of my friends, a cross-section of people from high school, college, and past corporate jobs around my age, are literal virgins and another 1/3 are chronically single. The 1/3 who aren't seem to just kind of randomly stumble into relationships every so often with no clue how to get girls in between. I'm in the Northeast, is this what it's like everywhere? When I go visit people I know in places like LA it's pretty much the same. Where are girls my age? What do they do all day? How do I meet them?

>> No.19863272

they're having sex with niggers they meet on tinder unironically, it's over

>> No.19863579

>once I've had my fill
Have you never remarked what the ivy does to the oak? It first creeps over the outside of the bark, and as it gets stronger, it grows into the oak and forms but one tree with it. Try now to separate them from each other, and you will find that you cannot tear down the ivy without bringing away the bark of the oak, and so killing it. So it is with carnal pleasures. The desires of them increase with continued indulgence, until they become a second nature, so that it is easier to separate the soul from the body, than to take them out of the heart.

>> No.19863583


>> No.19863600

Then it sounds like you’re doing just fine and just need to learn how to make “the move” whether that means asking girls out or getting them to sleep with you once they go out with you. Have you ever kissed a girl?

>> No.19863616

You probably surround yourself with men who have repugnant personalities and you might have one yourself. How closely do you align with the general 4chan worldview?

>> No.19863621

She was lying to you, she was disappointed because you weren't BLACK

>> No.19863878

I've kissed a lot of girls and even fingered one once but none of it led to sex. And I haven't kissed a girl in years.

Most of my friends are normies. I'm pretty based but the few dates I've been on when I've revealed my power level the girls laughed at my jokes despite being liberal hippy types and wanted to go on another. My failure with them was never anything to do with my views but more just general autism. I haven't been on a real date in years though, I don't know any women.

>> No.19863892

Idk it sounds like you shouldn’t be a virgin idk what’s holding you back. In my experience a girl that’s willing to kiss you is willing to fuck you 75% or more of the time, maybe some of them require another date or two but if they like you enough to kiss they’ll probably be open to the rest.

>> No.19863895

for me? honestly? it's sex

>> No.19863899

Who’s Mehoff?

>> No.19863901

Their bull

>> No.19863911

I don't understand the social protocol for what happens after like 2 or 3 dates after you start getting along but before you fuck. I've figured out everything else by watching other people but this is obviously and area where you can't just watch other people.

>> No.19863977

Only ever experienced book. So I pick book.

>> No.19863982

Restoration Hardware puts wheels on everything they can, it is fairly popular these days, industrial look. Lots of people dress like that, do you never leave the house?
>Photo and video studios that need to easily move the set pieces around.
Nah, they rarely bother to assemble sets for these sort of things, they just go somewhere that is already suitable. Far cheaper than having a building filled with stuff for sets, gets expensive to buy and store all that shit, even renting the furniture gets expensive and will eat an entire day to unload, setup, break down, reload. There are a great number of places to shoot for free and a great number which are nearly free.

>> No.19864142

>Non procreational sex acts are perversions against natural law
>"It occurs in nature therefore it's not unnatural"
>N-no doesn't count animals are gross
why did you even bring up "natural law" then retard

>> No.19864165

Well if you really want sex you probably don’t have to wait that long these days. But generally if you’re kissing just try a little more, like feeling her up a bit and gauge her response. If she’s into it you’re in there. If you’re not in a place where PDA is appropriate, ask her to come back to your place or ask if you can go to hers.

>> No.19864610

poor little white boy

>> No.19865135


>> No.19865153

Please post more images like this one. Preferably with more emphasis on toes. Thank you.

>> No.19865685
File: 134 KB, 957x707, toy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many dozens of girls rejected u? poor son of a bitch....

>> No.19866560

>core tenent of "prostestants"
this literal retard still hasn't clued in on the fact that protestants are 100s of different denominations, some flat out Islamic-tier in their heresy

last reply you get from me, you baiting maggot

>> No.19866579

Both are disgusting and immoral

>> No.19866631
File: 39 KB, 512x512, 88E5BDE6-FD8D-4569-A386-F8D45FEA0D58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>25 year old girls already have a full decade of dating and fucking experience.
This is a crushing blackpill as a 24 year KHV. Fuck

>> No.19866648

someone post that picture of nabokov reading with the girl standing in front of him

>> No.19866667

Yes, but not due to your age.

> 25 year old girls
How do I know you are a virgin?

>> No.19866668

Actually many are starting at around twelves now. https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna29184929

Chantal (14) had been having boys over for sometime before young Alfie (12) got to play the preggers game with her too. See article.

>> No.19866671

>How do I know you are a virgin?
Because he literally states that in his post?

>> No.19866683


>> No.19866688
File: 63 KB, 1080x771, 1606501963768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dont read actual books dont you.

>> No.19866693

Sorry thought you where replying to >>19866631

>> No.19866695

Not surprising. I am fundamentally defective

>> No.19866713

checked and blessed

>> No.19866728

I lost my virginity at 24 bro. That shit doesn't count for all girls either, maybe widen your horizons and consider ugly girls.
Also hit the gym

>> No.19866741

>ugly girls
Unless they're mentally ill, chances are that ugly girls are equally (if not more) used up than hot ones because of lower standards

>> No.19866751

both. they're not mutually exclusive. plenty of people read before having sex. plenty of books feature discussions of sex or sex scenes. intelligent people have more sex. etc.

>> No.19866764


Any attempt to refute your post is the work of Satano-Protestantism.

>> No.19867387
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>> No.19867978

Based truthspeaker pissing off the weak.

>> No.19868032

>sticking your dick in random diseased wet holes is "living"
Want me to explain how I know you're an NPC?

>> No.19868056

Women being historical vice is part of both male and female instinct. The fact if the matter is that the hardships that made marriage solvent are now gone and females genetic predisposition to use mating to improve their circumstances has no use of it.

>> No.19869658

t. Amerilard

>> No.19869845

Boohoo stfu life is what you make it crywank. 24 is young af, young enough to turn everything around. You can always date younger as nature inclines. But boohoohoo am I right? Poor you. So sad.

Faggot. Act like a man snd take control of your life.

>> No.19871019

Not at all. I had to wait until 27. I put no effort in at all and just had a female friend talk me up to one of her friends. We fucked after maybe an hour of conversation and drinking.

>> No.19871138

I didn't get laid until last year on my 30th birthday. and then I got a girlfriend a month later.

This "you have to have sex by X age" is child tier logic.

>> No.19871192

I am 26 and on the same boat. It is so incredibly difficult to meet attractive women, and then even more to fuck them. It discourages me honestly.

But I want to live and have sexual experiences, so I have decided to chase tail for a few years while I am young. It seems that time and instinct have overcome my reason.

>> No.19871209

Sex with moderately attractive women shouldn't be such a problem if you put enough effort into your appearance and don't shy away from insincere routines/larps.

However, maintaining a steady relationship with decent looking woman is far more difficult. She'll see through your larping soon enough, not to mention it's a brutal sinkhole of time, money and emotion.

>> No.19871224

I am not gonna lie. I have had my share of opportunities. I did not take them because I just wanted a relationship with a girl I liked (I also had phimosis until 23, making sex impossible). But now that I am older and time is running out, I want casual sex.

Usually women wont say anything directly though, which somewhat bothers me and puts me off. But I have decided to take action when possible.

But as you sai, larping and pretending I care about what she says is not enjoyable.

>> No.19872239
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I'm a 37 year old virgin. So at this point the books chose me, I didn't choose the books.

>> No.19872659

>female friend
I've never had one of those where did you get one? All of my friends are guys.


I feel this, I don't know where you meet women.

How? I don't understand what world people who say stuff like this live in. Where do you magically have normal looking women to sleep with? I've always put effort into my appearance and I haven't been on a date in years.

>> No.19872703

Zooommutt's law.