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19858078 No.19858078[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Being an incel is impossible.

My grandfather had hoes until his death, that guy was like 5'5, some sort of mutt/brown, had loads of debt both private and with the state, was a refugee, addicted to alcohol and cigarettes (died to liver failure), some sort of mental issues, fashionwise stuck in the 70's and more.

>> No.19858082

Stop making low-effort threads?

>> No.19858085

bad boy halo. many such cases

>> No.19858087

Different times different minds

>> No.19858088

I have schizoid personality disorder.

>> No.19858245

I love short stacks

>> No.19858260

her feet are unbelievably shit like it's actually impressive

>> No.19858263

dark triad/mental illness halo clearly

>> No.19858265

Those are good feet.

>> No.19858266

what do you think she reads?

>> No.19858278

1 the internet ruined dating
2 if you have woman magnet personality and decent face it's easy to score bitches regardless of your height, financial status and race

>> No.19858284

Wrong board but OP is actually right. Same story for my grandfather, dude was a short, old, ugly, poor, career criminal with substance abuse issues but he always had a gf and they were always younger than him and decent looking. They weren't sugar babies because he had no money, he had kids with them too. My aunts and uncles are younger than me. Not sure what's wrong with the incels but if my crappy grandfather can remain in the game until his death then they have no excuses.

>> No.19858292

For most its a problem of being timid, shy and somewhat effeminate in behavior.

>> No.19858299

you fucking dumb nigger i'm not even gonna waste my time btfoing you, just know that I could, idiot

>> No.19858304

I don't think incels are real in the technical sense, except for people who can't leave the house or have a lifestyle which prevents them from meeting girls i.e. don't drive, no job, and live with mom and dad in your 30s. For every who doesn't reach this criteria, their "inceldom" is simply them coming into highter consciouness in their 20s and reazling they missed out on stuff. It's sad, but doesn't make them "incel." Most admit that they could see escorts and get sex, but to them it doesn't count. They are fake.

>> No.19858324

Her own droppings, they're like tea leaves for her.

>> No.19858333

You literally just have to treat them like shit

>> No.19858387

>Most admit that they could see escorts and get sex, but to them it doesn't count.
What if it's illegal and you have no connections? The logical conclusion to your argument is "you could always rape somebody and so incels aren't real" anyway

>> No.19858394

Go to Vegas

>> No.19858399

I’m all three of those things and have had sex before. Granted, I have an attractive face and they were all bisexual.

>> No.19858401


>> No.19858406

ok but im truecel. debunked

>> No.19858413

>its illegal
nobody cares about the law its a meme. you could have a prostitute outside but you still aren't going to see her because you guys are weird spergs.

>> No.19858425

Good for you. Though I forgot to mention perhaps the most important factors, being boring and very closed off.

The fixation on looks is really just a way to cope with the fact that a bad personality is more or less completely unfixable and the result of very complex processes.