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19855585 No.19855585[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>actual working class uprising
>leftists hate it

>> No.19855600

We must sometimes help the proletariat avoid undermining the fruits of their own labor.

>> No.19855605

go suck a bag of dicks you retarded nigger kike

>> No.19855606

This guy is a stooge for the feds, anon. He’s been outted by Maupin already

>> No.19855609

Leftists have despised the working class for decades. Where have you been?

>> No.19855614

Leftism hasn't been a workers movement since the 1930s

>> No.19855616

Did he not literally admit to being a fed informant?

>> No.19855625

if the uprising is not related to the working class it's not a working class uprising.

>> No.19855633

This is why gatekeeping is a good thing

>> No.19855644
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>Working class whites

>> No.19855645

Liberals aren’t leftists

>> No.19855654

Yes they are, stop avoiding responsibility you fag.

>> No.19855674

Progressives are left of establishment liberals, but ultimately not even they are leftist.

For a snitch plant? He’s literally paid by rightwingers

>> No.19855690

Vaush is an anarchist/communist e-revolutionary.

>> No.19855693

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.19855694

Butters if you're right please post a link to leftists supporting the truckers.

>> No.19855698

Video games?

>> No.19855700

>true leftism has never been tried


>> No.19855701

Vaush is genuinely the worst political commentator I had the displeasure of listening to.
Even motherfucking, may Allah forgive me for uttering his name, Ben shapiro is less painful to listen to.

>> No.19855711

No he isn't. He's a run of the mill boring ass democrat. All of these phonies are.

>> No.19855715

Butterfly is a Jimmy Dore viewer she’s not very bright. I watched Jimmy Dore once. He said that America can afford all the social programs progressives advocate for because the federal reserve can simply print unlimited money and buy anything. He said we should still tax the rich though just as a “moral point”. That’s the level of IQ we’re dealing with.

>> No.19855723

anyone that considers tucker carlson intelligent should be euthanized, he is just your typical corporate mouth piece

>> No.19855725
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Well Vaush and his ilk are sponsored and directed by globalist-establishment intelligence agencies, so...

>> No.19855729

>"working class uprising" against... their right to prolong the pandemic, spread the virus to others, harm their own lives and family's
leftists care about the community, these people are actively harming the community. Plus the majority of the working class is vaccinated, these are the minority

>> No.19855731

>He said that America can afford all the social programs progressives advocate for because the federal reserve can simply print unlimited money and buy anything.
Find the flaw. We are the hegemon, we are the reserve currency, we should use that power while we still can.

>> No.19855741

99% of modern Western leftists worship the ground Xi walks on. There is no way this dude wants regime change in China.

>> No.19855745

Inflation obviously

>> No.19855754

Tucker does a good job fueling right wing populism. I don't really know why, I guess there is some faction of elites that believes populism is necessary to an extent, but they're still elites. I'll take it though.

>> No.19855755

Inflation only hurts the lower class who have no assets. Fuck them. We did 7% inflation 2021 lets get that shit up to 14% 2022.

>> No.19855756

Wouldn't the unvaccinated be the only people in danger?

>> No.19855757

>Whites can't be working class

Big yikes.

>> No.19855760

We printed 1/3 of all money ever last year and while inflation did go up, it didn’t break the system. Printing 100 billion or so for social programs won’t do anything.

>> No.19855764
File: 168 KB, 750x1092, Soros (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhmmm... Soros said he's a chud tho, and a danger to our democracy!!!

>> No.19855766

Anon it has been over two fucking years since everything on earth had to grind to a halt for the cough. I don't know how you aren't completely fucking exhausted and ready to go back to your life unless you weigh half a ton or are a decrepit old man and the virus is actually dangerous to you.

>> No.19855768
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Har har

I link you to me. I support them. Fuck Trudeau.

True leftism oppose the state and capitalism.

>> No.19855769

t. Coping white “leftist”
If you are part of the genetic bourgeoisie, you are an enemy of the genetic proletariat.

>> No.19855770

You do know there has been a spike in inflation, right? And that 50% of the USD in circulation was printed just in 2020?

You can't just print money to solve everything.

>> No.19855772

The republicans exist so people can be tricked into thinking they oppose the democrats. They exist as a false choice.

>> No.19855782

>99% of modern Western leftists worship the ground Xi
That’s going to change, as China is not entirely under the control of the Jewish financial system. Watch your master tell you that China is le bad and needs regime change because of some made-up cause soon. Just like Russia is le dangerous now.

>> No.19855784

Vaush is a cocksucking grifter who is like a flower blowing any which way in the wind, nothing he says is based on some internal political stance, he's just tryna make a living like the rest of us

>> No.19855788

>20 credit score has been deposited in your credit score account.

>> No.19855789


>> No.19855793

There ya go. Jimmy Dore supports the convoy.
And he’s makes it a point to say he’s just a dum guy in his garage, so spare us your neoclassical liberal take on economics. The richest nation could have provided a fucking social safety net . On purpose dummy

>> No.19855795

The average age of death from coronavirus is 80.
The average age of death generally is about 81.
Corona was never a dangerous virus.
They cooked it up in the Wuhan Lab of Virology, the US and China working in concert.
Leftist and liberal support of vaccines and lockdowns has nothing to do with “protecting the community”. They support is because they worship the technocratic establishment — academia, experts, “the science”. Obedience to technocrats is their religion. No matter that this same government and technocratic establishment slaughters millions of little babies every year and mutilates their limbs and organs. They don’t talk about that because they don’t give a shit about saving lives. It’s all about control.

>> No.19855800

It’s not a one time payment buddy

>> No.19855803

>0,50 shekels have been deposited in your account.

>> No.19855806

The most amazing part is that less than a week ago Vaush debated an economist on the issue of worker co-ops and he said straight up "I don't care if the data says that it will make things dramatically worse economically, I'd still make them mandatory above a certain number of employees, because I think they're just good". Not only would he lose a self-awareness test to a parrot, he'd lose a memory contest to a goldfish.

He includes this caveat because his youtube channel has several employees, but shockingly, is not a worker co-op.

>> No.19855808
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Actual working class leftism died out in the '30s and '40s. The working class was bought off with the New Deal and the slow creep of the ineffectual (neo)liberal welfare state, all of which is a neutered version of Huey Long's actual social welfare policies:
Huey Long was probably assassinated by the entrenched power elites for being too radical. He was collaborating with Father Coughlin, and both of them were fantastically popular and probably would have become a real third party in the United States, probably won the presidency too.

By the '50s and '60s, robust and authentic working class leftism was a dead letter. Like a healthy form of bacteria being eliminated, creating a vacuum that can then be occupied by an invasive bacteria, neurotic bourgeois "intellectuals" (always a major problem in leftist movements, since they narcissistically try to control them and make them into vehicles for their monomanias and, oddly, their personal sexual fetishes) then co-opted the trappings of leftism and turned it into the "New Left," which was an unbelievably psy-op'ed pseudo-movement entirely based on rich university pussies. Their radicalism was all the same kind of LARP familiar from today's astrotu-- I mean, antifa: the SDS and Weathermen basically doing the equivalent of adolescent suicide threats, "you don't think I'll do a radicalism dad?? You'll see!!! One of these days you'll push me TOO FAR and I'll.. I'll... set a mailbox on fire!!!" type shit.

If you want to see why the state co-opts and encourages antifa style violence (read: ineffectual violence that only hurts, confuses, and repels working class people), while discouraging any kind of banal or benign organising or demonstrating by actual workers, look at Sam Francis' concept of "anarcho-tyranny." To the elites, organisation is a predicate that is only appropriate for elites. If you are a normal person, you get the "anarcho-" part. Your cities should be rat-filled slums, your neighbours should be hostile aggrieved and uprooted minorities, and the only people talking about social change should be weird confused schizophrenic transvetites mixing recreational and prescription drugs, justifying prostitution and degeneracy, and secretly having their rent paid by their upper middle class dad.

There are no "leftists." The closest thing to leftists that still exist are third positionists and economic populists like Buchanan. The neoliberal welfare state is a compromise, a slavery matrix for perpetually confusing and containing serfs, while holding blacks in just enough poverty, illiteracy, and drug-addled insanity to be a constant "problem" for middle class communities.

The state is flailing because its own control mechanisms are failing, as there is a surprising (to the elites) shortage of anybody taking them seriously. A stupid trucker convoy today easily becomes a breakaway Trump movement tomorrow, and Huey Long next week.

>> No.19855823

>I link you to me. I support them. Fuck Trudeau.
I'm gonna need more than that. All you've established is you support the truckers, not leftists.

>> No.19855840

she claims to be an anarchist yet in a wwoym thread a couple threads ago she supported 'decency'-based censorship and refused to explain the contradiction even when confronted with authoritative quotes by founding fathers of anarchism. why would you bother engaging with someone that dishonest and inconsistent.

>> No.19855841

>the working class is the enemy of the working class
what a coincidence that your "radical leftism" happens to work to the benefit of the ruling class

>> No.19855847

>while inflation did go up, it didn’t break the system
Lmao. Inflation is the biggest issue in America right now. People are genuinely poorer because of Biden’s spending.

>> No.19855848

B-bros..? I don't know who to believe....

>> No.19855851

Believe me, he's obviously the bad guy!

>> No.19855857

And that's a good thing. Now rental conglomerates can buy all the housing and we will own nothing and pay them rent and be happy. This message was brought to you by pfizer.

>> No.19855865

Okay, here’s who I watch

>> No.19855866


>> No.19855868

That's why he says it's an anti-vax protest.

>> No.19855888

What was this? Oh, you were being a belligerent racist?
I don’t need a law telling me I have freedom to speak my mind, or kick/ban a racist off a website. Welcome to the wilds of freedom.

>> No.19855897

Alright. Never heard of him and not persuaded, but thanks.
>why would you bother engaging with someone that dishonest and inconsistent.
Because she is right that an old-school, proper leftist should unequivocally support the truckers. So it's easy to say that "real leftists" would. But if there are hardly any such leftists around, and the vast majority of self-described do not support the truckers, then that doesn't bode well for "leftism."

>> No.19855905

I hate this new brand of leftist streamer (Hasan, Vaush, and so on). Their egregious use of hyperbole, their hysterical, inflamed rhetoric, their apparent lust for violence and political intimidation, their ideological fanaticism, their blind faith in authority, their opposition to reading books, their specious moralising... They are the worst type of political fanatic, and yet they are allowed to preach to their young audiences who view political discourse as a bloodsport. I think Destiny is chiefly to blame for this style of "political analysis" online, and when he interacts with Vaush he looks as though he is horrified by his own creation. Yet Destiny still possesses a modicum of integrity despite his antics; these children of his are completely evil.

>> No.19855910

Yeah, clearly an anti-mandate protest. The media have gotten so bad.
Saw a decent RT report on it though.

How are you not persuaded? Check RT headline on it.

>> No.19855918
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Meant to repost this

>> No.19855931

>How are you not persuaded? Check RT headline on it.
I just need more evidence of unmistakably "real" left wingers giving a leftist case for the truckers. This guy and RT doesn't cut it for me when scions of leftism like Chomsky have totally shat the bed on this kind of issue.

>> No.19855941

Lefties are technocrats. They always have been. They generally worship “the science” and academic institutions, which are all pushing for vax mandates.

>> No.19855942

your failure to understand anarchism speaks for itself and needs no rebuke

the point is you're talking to an unprincipled attention seeker who will do and say anything to support a position for the sake of being seen to support it, you are not even talking to a real person

>> No.19855963

Likely Caleb Maupin
Glen Greenwald, Greyzone, Pushback, Kshama Sawant, probably Chris Hedges. There’s plenty of real leftists, but the media machine marginalizes them

>> No.19855972

Not enough heads on sticks.

>> No.19855974

If there was an actual organized protest in the Trucking industry it would shut down the entire country very quickly. Most people involved aren't Truckers and the industry is still operating basically normally

Inflation is a global issue right now, there's still real shortages in a ton of industries. Inflation isn't the primary issue in America, look at foreign countries like Turkey or someplace where inflation actually is a real primary issue

The anti-vax movement actually was just a few years ago majority old hippies. The highest rate of unvaxxed was in California and there was always outbreaks of diseases there from diseases that were stamped out in other states. You'll still find most anti-GMO nuts are anti-science "leftists", there's still a lot of wacko anti-nuclear old leftists as well. It's interesting if righttards will change that. It'll be cool if the left becomes majority pro-nuclear at least.

>> No.19855975

Hi Vaush. Fuck off now.

>> No.19855999

>its another modern leftists are le gay, useless and hypocrites!!!!! Episode

Yes we know, why are conservative so stuck on this shit

>> No.19856009

Nobody believes in your fake virus anymore mate. Get over it.

>> No.19856014

>the people I want to protect are so dumb that they should do what I tell them to do, essentially breaking free from capitalism tyranny and entering my own
Leftists can't be this retarded

>> No.19856019

I was wrong. Your not a liberal. Your a reactionary. I know your a retard who doesn't read but just watches YouTube outrage videos. These "truckers" are not workers, they are not "left" and they don't give a shit about workers rights. The unions have already denounced them. They don't want to raise workers pay. Or what anything like that. They just want to have a temper tantrum. If you understood anything about Canada you'd know that the Governor General cannot lift the restrictions. As that is not even within their power. This is all about grievance and attention. Vaush might be a disgusting liberal pedo. But you are just amazingly dumb.

>> No.19856023

Kys you politically iliterate cumguzzler

>> No.19856030

How is it a temper tantrum? The government is literally forcing them to undergo unwanted experimental medical procedures in order to keep their job. In response to a virus which has an average age of death of 80 no less.

>> No.19856031

Chris Hedges is a captalist. And isn't on the left. He is open about that. Greenwald is voting in the next election for a centre right party (he is a lib).

Maupin's book is just schizo nonsense. Bread tube isn't feds. They are just libs. Like almost the entire country. You are a liberal too BTW.

>> No.19856032

perceiving it as a red vs. blue fight is stupid, this isn't the "conservative team" scoring a "point" against the "leftist team," which is the only way it would be appropriate to say "why are you harping so much on the point you scored? fine, you scored it, move on"

move on from what, in this context? the lack of a coherent left response to the seeds of a labor response to government overreach? and move on how, exactly? artificially halt discourse on something that is a constant problem in the labor movement?

this is unmistakably a working class revolt against a managerial state that uses progressive slogans to justify biopolitical control over every aspect of people's lives. however imperfect it may be, it's the essence of praxis to work with the imperfect and give it structure, not reject and alienate it.

>52 year old childless woman argues in middle of working day about her preferred breadtube videos
>taking up whole thread for her uninformed tweetpost derailments yet again
>can't read actual books on anarchism throughout 30+ years of talking about it
you are one of the most vile people i've ever encountered

>> No.19856042


>> No.19856043

90% already got the shot. Also the boarder issue cannot be resolved by the Canadian government. As it is brought upon by the USA government. The restrictions are also done by each province. Not the priminister.

>> No.19856044
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>People are genuinely poorer because of Biden’s spending.

They're intentionally crashing the phony neoliberal economic order now that it has outlived its usefulness and plausibility.

>> No.19856050

The New Deal pretty much devalued Western Leftism and ended up absorbing whatever strains were left standing, topics and solutions like increase taxation, easier access to housing, education, and healthcare, better work place regulations, worker co-ops etc, these are liberal reforms and are still, ironically, the vangaurd for greater leftist ideological goals, ie “the abolishment of private property and muh stateless classless society where the workers own the means of production", and those greater ideological goals are STILL nothing more that a way to manufacture consent. They are speaking the the same lingo much like AOC would would in comes to reform, and i’m sure they would still call her liberal anyways; the only difference is that they bicker about whose intentions are more pure in the end with these reforms. There really is no difference because it’s different flavors of Gibs Me Dat, it’s all just mathematical measuring the plunder and trying to distribute this wealth.

>> No.19856060

Hahaha. Is english a second language for you?
>truckers are not left!
I don’t care. This is not a flashpoint for the revolution, but a symptom of dissatisfaction with the status quo that may go into the social revolution. You are barely coherent with this muddled and likely fake scientific socialist take. You take the side of big pharma, you ass hat.

Go away, Vaush.

>> No.19856061

"experimental medical procedures"

>> No.19856076

I swear, I sometimes think only 1% of the planet's population isn't actively deluding themselves into thinking that Corona is cancer in virus form. The virus is so incredibly, unbelievably low risk for the vast majority of demographics, especially as the virus has "adapted" to humans. I fucking despise how people want their government to play daddy over such benign shit. How people are willing to have violations on their rights in the name of this fucking useless thing. Infection rate was the only thing that was ever special about this virus, far as I know

>> No.19856083

Keep correcting spelling instead of addressing the issue. How about you go vague post about some books you pretend to read lib? Or poop your pants again.

>> No.19856086

Salut, tu es en où de ta lecture du Coran ?

>> No.19856090

i am not here to defend that walking corpse but holy FUCK the insular monoculture of burgers is so aggravating to witness. You do realize every other country in the world is facing significant inflation, right? You do realize that its not because of one mans single year in office over in the USA, right?

>> No.19856093

>actual book discussion
>r/lit/ hates it

>> No.19856094
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>> No.19856096

>99% of modern Western leftists worship the ground Xi walks on. There is no way this dude wants regime change in China.
They do not lmao. Go to one DSA meeting and bring up Xi.

>> No.19856105

Is that your pooping face?

>> No.19856110

>Unprecedented money-printing and government spending has no impact upon inflation
Wow, guess you’re right. Who knew that we literally have unlimited money? Why don’t we just print enough money to give everyone a mansion and a Lamborghini?

>> No.19856111

>/pol/ eceleb
kill yourself

>> No.19856117

>real leftists
>all libs
Telling on yourself.

>> No.19856119

The worst line I heard from him was when he compared himself to a third world sweatshop worker.

>> No.19856130

These are people that are supporting the anti-mandaters
You want me to name a bunch of genuine anarchist news outlets? Yeah, I don’t know of any. You?

>> No.19856132

Michael Malice

>> No.19856145
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>C'mon, do a worker uprising

>> No.19856149

You called them "real" leftists. When everyone there is a lib. I don't give a shit about you faggots weeping about the vaccine. Just funny how obviously politcally illiterate you are.

>> No.19856155

He’s definitely a liberal, but I’ll include him. He’s likely on the truckers side.

>> No.19856164
File: 52 KB, 640x640, 445EFDF8-AAB2-431F-88D7-05108F4E624D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a life

>> No.19856166

Who isn't on the truckers side? Everyone has already had covid. It's a cold. We can stop pretending this is a crisis and spending trillions of stollen tax dollars so corperations can get richer now.

>> No.19856169


>> No.19856185

I personally don't care about any political ideology or title, that's child's play in my opinion but to address your point, what has the right actually done to help the middle class ?

>> No.19856187

What do these words even mean? All of them lost its meaning

>> No.19856194
File: 466 KB, 1848x970, Chrystia Freeland nazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not any of the people you're responding to but

>biopolitical control
You're using postmodernist Foucaultian words. I don't really think it's possible to be a real leftist and against a public regime of vaccination, the only reason you'd end up on that position is either you're actually a lolbertarian who wants to abolish age of consent laws and everything else or you're going into weird germ theory denialist type pseudo-science either of which is putting you in a kind of problematic position

>the lack of a coherent left response to the seeds of a labor response to government overreach
Well you're starting from the false premise there's even majority opposition, which there isn't quite yet. What is going on is actually a lot of strange ideological transvestiture. The anti-vaccination movement is transforming away from fringe "natural health" hippy types into a more mainstream center right position. How do you interpret shit like the majority of people against nuclear energy are self described "leftists" and the most pro-nuclear people (on paper anyways) are conservative white men?

Also it sounds like you want to be a syndicalist.

Anarchists are reactionaries

The majority of the Canadian population oppose the protests, the problem is obviously the majority of conservatives support it and the limped dick conservative leader is getting ousted and is going to be replaced with someone more popular to the base but will lose the next election probably. I think Trudeau is going to get ousted by Chrystia Freeland soon and she'll win a majority liberal government by Russia baiting the cons

go full liberal nazi

>> No.19856198

>He’s likely on the truckers side.
>…even if he’s also on their bosses side to fire them, because he is just an anti-state liberal.*

>> No.19856219

Not by standard interpretations of the term, no.
We are what the reactionary reacts to.

>> No.19856246

>I don't really think it's possible to be a real leftist and against a public regime of vaccination, the only reason you'd end up on that position is either you're actually a lolbertarian who wants to abolish age of consent laws and everything else or you're going into weird germ theory denialist type pseudo-science either of which is putting you in a kind of problematic position
what about the pharmaceutical industry's history of pushing ineffective and harmful products? or the fact that the covid vaccines do not stop the spread of covid?

>> No.19856258

Or the fact that Covid is not and has never been dangerous?
And the fact that they created it in the Wuhan lab?
And the fact that this is a manufactured crisis through and through?

>> No.19856267

Hey, butters.
I either want to choke you out or cum in your ass, but I cant decide which. Post cock so I can make my mind up.

>> No.19856279

Dude, Monsanto, outlaw GMO's lol

>> No.19856281

Didnt most of the moneyprinting happen under trump? Besides, if its happening everywhere else, it doesnt make sense to place all the blame on one guy, it wouldve happened whether trump won his second term or not.

>> No.19856293

Its really cute seeing you so invested and excitable over something you're clearly illiterate about, its such a woman thing to do and its kinda hot

>> No.19856307

Implying you’re a Canadian trucker

>> No.19856314

Arent they sending troopa to ukraine now too, leftists protesting that one yet? Maybe go to the capital or somethin

>> No.19856363

>Who knew that we literally have unlimited money?
Basically anyone that's not a retard and realizes we don't live in a world that worked like the gold standard.

>Why don’t we just print enough money to give everyone a mansion and a Lamborghini?
Because those are real goods that have to be manufactured, obviously the price wouldn't be the same as what it is today if real demand exploded. Producing a bunch of shit is obviously very different than just preventing mass defaults on debt and having a great depression type deflationary situation

This country is completely controlled by the Ukrainian lobby