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19855498 No.19855498 [Reply] [Original]

I’ll start:
It’s a YA novel.

>> No.19855502

Female author

>> No.19855514


>> No.19855519

green book

>> No.19855521


>> No.19855538

bland cover with sparkling lights and weird figures photoshoped in

>> No.19855561
File: 175 KB, 750x449, 1D79C96A-178E-49C7-B431-9D2D18C07B25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the first sentence and leave the rest.

>> No.19855567

Has f*ck in title

>> No.19855576

The protagonist is a black woman

>> No.19855607

characters earn XP and deal numerical damage

>> No.19855618

Isekai in a videogame world
meets actual pop culture characters

>> No.19855624

A baby is born and they call her Hope

>> No.19855636

Protagonist is confused about xer sexuality and sleeps around a lot to find out what xe likes

>> No.19855643

When I see shit like this and remember how bad the average person is at writing prose I feel a little more hopeful for my myself.

>> No.19855677

Thine protagonist speaketh in style of a King James Bible reading.

>> No.19855681

That pic is pretty good ngl famalam

>> No.19855685

That's one of the best opening sentences I've ever seen, the rest is shit though.

>> No.19855695

and has a rare genetic defect like downs syndrome or waardenburg syndrome... and everyone is very cool with that! In fact, it's a good thing

>> No.19855697

protagonist posts in this thread

>> No.19855706

First chapter is inundated with nonsense like made-up names of things, places, and people.

>> No.19855730

protagonist watches a generico vs steen match

>> No.19855737

People speak like XXI century West Coast teenagers
Two hot boys are competing for the female, fat, Black nonbinary main character's attention, every other character is a lesbian just in case
One adverb in every sentence
Ebonics and Twitter acronyms spread throughout the text
Every character uses the same language
Characters acting as a political mouthpiece for the author, explaining why what someone is doing is bad and he should feel bad
Meandering, lengthy descriptions in simple English completely deprived of impact and lyricism
It's announced from day 1 as a series of 7 books
Author has a Patreon and accepts feedback from paypigs
Highest tier allows paypig to insert his OC in the novel
Tumblranime style illustrations spread throughout, as well as the cover
Author introduces herself with her pronouns in the jacket interior blurb
Character introduces xerself with xer pronouns in the book, other characters understand and reply in kind, even the villains, who are all lesbians as well and aren't really evil after all
One of the side characters is a Muslim girl with vitiligo on a wheelchair who is completely fine hanging around with the rest of the characters
Insufferable compliment written by Patrick Rothfuss in back coer blurb

I think I've dumped all the cancer off the top of my head

>> No.19855759

Main character is blatant author self-insert

>> No.19855777

MC must beat seven villains or trials based on the capital sins

>> No.19855829

Wisecracking talking rabbit with a brutal past.

>> No.19855928

Take a famous story from classic greek mythology and rewrite it so that a woman is now the real hero. If that doesn’t work just retcon a hero into being a fag.

>> No.19855946

"If you kill him, you'll be just like him!"
"Comedy relief" character
"No man can kill me" - "I am not a man! In fact your use of 'man' to mean personkind is bad and you should feel bad. You have a bigoted, binary view of gender..." (cont.)
Use of "totally", "literally"
Children speak in the same tone as adults and say valuable things
Main God of setting is revealed to be a woman, MC smirks and says "Of course she is"
Most intelligent character says she is on the spectrum, acts exactly like everyone else
Intelligent character never gives any insight on her reasoning except "according to my calculations/research"
Character whose main asset is her seductiveness is morbidly obese. She is a dancer and moves with umatched grace.
There's a talking cat or dog who says quippy one-liners
Said cat or dog is designed to be prominent in merchandise and branding
Author lists the trigger warnings at the start of every chapter

>> No.19855948

There is a character constantly running around naked as a running gag

>> No.19855954

Post your prose then

>> No.19855965

E-celebrities and famous Youtubers have cameos in the book

>> No.19855996

Forbidden love between two teenagers dying of cancer

>> No.19856012

During imprisonment in Auschwitz!

>> No.19856018

And shill their sponsors mid text.

>> No.19856035

15 page long unpunctuated sentence detailing the inner-monologue of the heroine as she eats a man's ass out and how, if you look at it from the right angle, it's empowering.

>> No.19856066

>"There's absolutely nothing wrong with sex work", she thought as she probed Count Barnacle's anus with her tongue. "People who try to shame me are just jealous of how much money I am making. I feel nothing for this man so I'm not cheating on my boyfriend either."

>> No.19856097

The writer has to be ESL.

>> No.19856104

Protagonist undergoes a male-to-female operation in the prologue and a female-to-male operation in the epilogue

>> No.19856109

>I feel nothing for this man so I'm not cheating on my boyfriend either
Kek, roasties are always like this

>> No.19856186

It is (insert language) translated into English.

>> No.19856228

This doesn't allow for all the pozzed globolingo language. English is in the most advanced stage of decay, so if you want the worst result you'd have to translate from English into a language from a country that is both Americanized and linguistically distant from English.

>> No.19856613

translated from korean
bonus: all the characters are named impossible to remember shit like soo-jeong and young-hyae

>> No.19857809

it's published as a tiktok storytime and you have to scroll to read each page, with unskippable ads

>> No.19857840
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