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/lit/ - Literature

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19848564 No.19848564 [Reply] [Original]

Post what you recently acquired and plan on reading soon

>> No.19848567

Maybe mein kampf

>> No.19848577
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I received it today.

>> No.19848588

are you a girl? post feet

>> No.19848617

Nice McCarthy and Faulkner...
But Berserk is trash.

>> No.19848618
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>> No.19848645

lmao look at this gay ass nigga

>> No.19848648

blessed thread. also post feet, preferably resting on top of your volumes of jane austen

>> No.19848790

Based, Austen's works are all good

>> No.19848804

Augustus is great. Enjoy.

>> No.19848829
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Calm your tits you sodomites.

>> No.19848874

Based Summer 2005 Faulkner collection. Those were the first Faulkners I bought and read.

>> No.19848909
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I will be going to Istanbul for a couple of months soon and these + The Lord of the Rings are what I plan on bringing with me

Is Augustus a good read?

>> No.19848996

Based. I got a lot of those Faulkner books lately and although his short stories are alright, the novels are shocking. Youre going to love Sound and the Fury. Blood Meridian has a vivid, twisted voice which is great, and pay attention as there are some repeating similar images in the story often pages apart that reveal alot.
I'll be getting into John Williams next year he didnt make it onto my reading list but Im getting his Library of America novel collection.

>> No.19849011
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Shameful collection of tbr. It really is a huge problem. Told my girlfriend that I wouldn’t buy a new book until I finished shakespeare, and then it’s a required ratio of reading three to buy one until I work through all of this.

>> No.19849023
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>> No.19849035

hey you got more, nice anon
anyway I still summon FUCK HENRY JAMES poster
may he return soon

>> No.19849046

>I will be going to Istanbul
my condolences

>> No.19849059
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>> No.19849077

how are they
i've only read Madame Bovary

>> No.19849084

I haven't read them yet

>> No.19849092
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Well, I do say: those are very womanly slippers indeed. And I am pleasantly surprised to have discovered, upon your acceptance of my kind inquiry, that you are of the masculine persuasion. Does the dainty envelope match the contents of the letter? I seek twink feet.

>> No.19849097

The Wings to Awakening by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.

>> No.19849191

based stack, more or less my taste and what I have in my shelf except I don't really care abou Pynchon at all. I've loved Coin locker babies, will read more ryu too.
I actually already read satf, lia and aild (loved them all), I just bought them again because I like this specific edition better. Will read Absalom next since it supposedly involves Quentin Compson who's probably my favorite fictional character ever. And yeah blood meridian seemed obligatory given that he was supposedly influenced by faulkner a lot, and I also just want to know what the fuzz is all about.
yeah I like the cover art a lot. Found it for 20$ on ebay so I had to grab it. Though I had no idea that it was part of Oprah's book club lol, sounds like she's based.

>> No.19849209

Are you saying that everything in that shelf is also still unread? If so, post read shelf.

>> No.19849214

zizek and beard? pseud

>> No.19849258
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Yes. I worked as a bookseller a few years ago and accumulated a bunch. I got a new job fairly recently that’s made me much more financially stable, so continuing to buy was my “balling out of control”. It’s better than buying a new car or getting addicted to heroine, but we live in a fairly small space so we don’t have much more room for another shelf or two.

>> No.19849263
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The girlfriend wasn’t hounding me about it, but merely concerned because it seemed like it was nervous compulsion to lead me to buy. I told her I would start working through it not so much to appease her but to hold myself accountable.

>> No.19849276
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She gets it though. She works as an editor is pretty literary herself.

Thanks for letting me share.

>> No.19849282

>It’s better than buying a new car or getting addicted to heroine
why the fuck are you telling us this like these are the only options?
dear god, ever your midwit girlfriend is embarrassed by this travesty

>> No.19849287

You don’t need to be mean.

>> No.19849293

>posts picture of stack
>half picture is grey wall
>other half from such a perspective that you can't even read the spines
Not sure if woman photographer or 50IQ retard.

>> No.19849298

It’s right next to the bed, hence the reading light. There’s no way to get proper framing unless I move the bed.

>> No.19849344
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It has nothing to do with light or "framing", I will illustrate. Pic related is you:

>> No.19849349
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While pic related is actually readable.

>> No.19849352
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Trying to stay away from pdf’s for a month or two.

>> No.19849367
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I’m already taking up way too much space in this thread, but look:

I can’t get a frontal here. I’d like to, because then other people can talk to me about the books, but I wasn’t really expecting this much direct engagement.

Working from home gets pretty lonely, so I appreciate this. Wish it was a little less adversarial but it is better than nothing.

>> No.19849368

I hope you enjoy that Faulkner as much as I did anon, possible the best summer I ever had was reading those 4 back to back to back to back. He has such a grasp of the language and of the conventions of the human consciousness it’s an amazing bunch of reads.

>> No.19849390

This post & especially picrel beats your adversary’s previous post & picrel, congrats. Have a nice day, anon.

>> No.19849393


>> No.19849419

We read books here not crappy manga.

>> No.19849420
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It is not difficult, but it might require 51IQ to accomplish, I've made a pictorial guide for you.

>> No.19849426

I can see the influence by Faulkner where it has a mix of short, punchy words and sentences in some parts and then breathlessly long sentences with intimidating words, but Blood Meridian reads more like Moby Dick in my opinion. It feels mythical, mysterious and dangerous.

>> No.19849510

you won the argument
>Enough money to buy as many books as you want
>Cool literary gf
You're living my dream life anon. Hopefully i'll have that too when im done being a broke college student

>> No.19849807

>A couple of Stanislaw Lem books (mostly detectives like Katar)
>King in Yellow (I wanted more Poe like things)
>Brave New World (I heard it has Native Americans in it)

>> No.19849825
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>> No.19851233

No one gives 2dicks about your opinion, (butt)erfly

>> No.19851312

>Tsundoku (Japanese: 積ん読) is acquiring reading materials but letting them pile up in one's home without reading them.
>The term originated in the Meiji era (1868–1912) as Japanese slang.[5] It combines elements of tsunde-oku (積んでおく, to pile things up ready for later and leave) and dokusho (読書, reading books)

>> No.19851788
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>Mysteries of Udolpho by Ann Radcliffe
>Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
>Brothers Karamazov
First two because I wanted to revisit Gothic and interested in it as a reaction to rationalism. Brothers Karamazov because I read C&P last year and loved it, almost everyone recommended it.

>> No.19852013
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Lots of new books today

>> No.19852027
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>> No.19852064

I love pattie highsmith and her bra snails.

>> No.19852133
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Friday’s haul

>> No.19852410

Get a new stack, you fag

>> No.19852418
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>> No.19852513
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Finished the dream-quest not long ago, started on the count of monte cristo and got 600 pages in. Had house of leaves and picked up the witcher at superstore and now I'm reading between those. I gotta focus on one thing at a time.

>> No.19853387

Are these sewn?

>> No.19853688
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>> No.19853715

>thin novellas on policy
>big tome on apparent enemies

Stalin never changes

>> No.19853755
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Pickups from thrifting earlier this week. Was literally looking at The Road in a bookstore debating on the price, but decided against it and then found it for a dollar at the last thrift store i went to. Thank you Mr. God.

>> No.19853789

fucking kek

>> No.19853795

Is this your picture? If so, very based anon

>> No.19854388

it obviously isn't.

>> No.19854505

pls post more pictures of your cute face.uhgh im so horny pls

>> No.19854610

Great collection bro. Many great titles.

>> No.19854620
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Here's my current stack. I bought majority of them last year. TBK and LOTR are my current favorite reads.

>> No.19854632

How is that Napoleon book? I’m always skeptical of contemporary accounts of historical figures.

>> No.19854659

These are atrocious for reading comfort, but they fit in your pockets, which can be useful.
Short stories and poetry works well in my opinion, but I can't imagine reading an entire Austen novel in that format.

>> No.19854758
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I love these little blue niggas.

>> No.19855168
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My pleiades number 4 now