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/lit/ - Literature

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19848121 No.19848121 [Reply] [Original]

As someone who spends 90% of his waking hours staring at a screen pic rel was a major reality check. I've wasted so much goddamn time on the internet. My brain is reduced to gold fish tier cognition. What should i read to cope?

>> No.19848123

Kys nigger

>> No.19848131

thanks m8

>> No.19848135

You should go outside first and you should read about whatever else interests you. Preferably while sitting on a park bench in good weather.

>> No.19848142

no it was always like that. that was what enabled you to be enthralled with nigger tier activities.

>> No.19848197

It might just be that it is unfathomable to you that in youth, people are conditioned to be whatever way their environment makes them. If you grow up around degenerate rednecks, your dormant proclivities will never see the light of day. At least not until you are an independent adult

>> No.19848202

Postman. Not this hack.

>> No.19848230

Why is DFW considered as a hack by /lit/?

>> No.19848327
File: 40 KB, 640x626, 1643469935362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw we hadn't good weather since October

>> No.19848670
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He used to be popular on here and because 4chan is a circlejerk where everyone have to be contrarian to fit in people started turning on him because he's popular.

>> No.19848693

There's no escape for you (ironically), you're hardwired to seek escapism and hide from the real world. Going outside will depress you and have you glued to your smartphone again in no time

>> No.19848694

The Pale King is a better book by orders of magnitude.