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/lit/ - Literature

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19838156 No.19838156 [Reply] [Original]

I have to confess that I miss the atmosphere of studying literature at my (prestigious, largely woke) university. I only talk to right-wingers these days because I can't stand woke shit and lefties my age have just become vax obsessed, PoC/tranny obsessed authoritarian freaks for the most part. But I miss going to my old, liberal, Ivy-educated white male professors' office hours and having actual intelligent discussions, actually learning something from listening to them. Or the really I'm-tenured-and-I-don't-give-a-fuck ones just straight up ignoring whatever the plan for the day's lecture was to debate random shit with the students and then shrugging and chuckling when they realize class is over. I haven't talked to anyone even half as smart, as engaging to talk to, as those guys since I graduated. Half of them have probably retired by now and been replaced by diversity hires so I'm sure it would never be the same. But trying to talk about literature IRL with the right-wing, much more "based" people I hang around with these days is disappointing. They might be fun to chill with at a barbecue or play video games with but the sad truth is that virtually all conservatives are idiots when it comes to literature and anything that requires thinking beyond simple talking points. They'll gladly talk about how they're planning on reading Mishima or something but they don't and if they did it would be like hieroglyphics to them.

>> No.19838284

Sorry to hear that, anon. I'm a chud and I read all the time. I doubt I'll ever have a worthwhile conversation about lit again either.

>> No.19838308

The only "right wing" people that actually read large amounts of literature are literal national socialists

>> No.19838309

Yeah, you have to choose between retarded people and insufferable people now. Sad.

>> No.19838321

My grandpa has read more books than I probably ever will and he was a conservative/capitalist.

>> No.19838342

Literally the dumbest post I've ever seen on this site. NatSocs don't read .

>> No.19838353

>misfit, mentally ill losers who are at the bottom of white society are the actual intellectuals
of course buddy

>> No.19838383

EXACTLY. The insufferable ones advocate for sex conversions and infanticide btw!!

>> No.19838389

>NatSocs don't read .

>> No.19838406

Anon, why would they need to read? They already know what the best society is and they'll kill people to get there.

>> No.19838448

I'm just glad I got through undergrad and grad school before this woke shit exploded.

>> No.19838458

I'm currently doing a master's and in my country this shit barely exists outside of sociology.

>> No.19838459

Patricians read for pleasure you silly striver.

>> No.19838465

OP good discussion groups exist they're just extremely underground. You won't find them. You have to be invited.

>> No.19838490

Which is precisely why NatSocs don't.

>> No.19838507

NatSocs read Henry James for the prose.

>> No.19838601
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>The only "right wing" people that actually read large amounts of literature are literal national socialists

>> No.19838606

here comes the schizo to spam his pics

>> No.19838618

This Chestertonian gent owns a complete leatherbound set of the works of Walter Pater.

>> No.19838643

Is this how smart pagans felt during the rise of Christianity? One side is smart zealots who hate your culture, and want to brainwash you.
The other side is retards who just want to burn a goat for Zeus on the weekend and drink wine. They're only sane because they're too dumb to understand the Jewish god exists without seeing a statue of him. Once they see a drawing of Jesus they'll convert on the spot.
And you're just sitting in the middle wanting to talk about Plato with someone, and the closest thing you can find is Gnostics who are the craziest of the crazy.

>> No.19838661

No, it's nothing like that at all.

>> No.19838704
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From what I gather for me it's been the opposite. Like I think most dudes in 80s punk bands didn't read. None of those people would be able to correctly identify what fascism is and for them its basically anyone named Nixon, Trump or Reagan which basically shows they have a kindergarten notion of what "fascism" entails. None of them have read works by Schmitt, Gentile, or Evola so it's useless trying to get through to them, nevermind discussing the metaphysical works of Hegel or Nietzsche or taking it a few centuries back Berleleys idea of the "eye of God". Pity.

>> No.19838720

Yes, it's exactly like that.

>> No.19838737

Odd reason to read James as his prose is annoying and stale.

>> No.19838805

wanted to add that the only exception was The Germs' Darby Crash who allegedly read "Decline Of The West.

>> No.19840022


>> No.19840051

Get a job at your old university, email some of your old professors.
>They'll gladly talk about how they're planning on reading Mishima or something
I've chatted with people who say similar things, and if it's a book that I love, I'll usually shoot them a link with the pdf of the book they mentioned and they'll message me back with a thousand excuses as to why they can't or won't read it. And I'm always like ?! I don't care, this isn't school, I'm not your fucking 8th grade language arts teacher. Just say thanks for the link and move on with your life.

>> No.19840066

you should lend them your physical copy instead. it is not realistic to read long texts on the computer for most people.

>> No.19840080

People kind of suck at returning things, stresses me out whenever I lend something to someone. I've even had instances where I borrowed shit from people and it just happened to break while I'm using it so then I feel guilty and have to replace it so now I don't borrow shit from people. Anyway most people have phones, and tablets that they're usually glued to so I assume if it's something they really want to read then they can cut ten minutes out of doom scrolling through tiktok or arguing about vaccines on twitter to do it.

>> No.19840539

I have a belief that people's thought processes don't just diverge in terms of "left" and "right" however you define those, but also diverge in terms of "orthodoxy" and "creativity". I think right wingers generally don't fall into the creative camp as much, and if they do they aren't conservatives but other various schools of right wing thought (traditionalists, natsoc, reactionaries, etc.). Conservatism is somewhat of a meme ideology that's dictated by the times and they aren't even aware of it. They're progressives driving the speed limit sort of speak, as they don't conserve anything but simply gradually acquiesce to the constantly shifting overton window. Truthfully I find it difficult to find people who are open to creative and intellectual discussions who also don't have their heads completely in the clowds. It seems everyone is either a boring sports bro who just wants to grill and shoot guns, or they're a delusional hippie who thinks White Supremacy and the patriarchy are the only things stopping world peace

>> No.19841395

>Conservatism is somewhat of a meme ideology that's dictated by the times and they aren't even aware of it
Agree, but all ideologies are memes

>> No.19841661

All the genuinely smart people I've ever met I have done so in the Internet. Most of them would also fall into the category of right wing. If you try to hang out with Tucker watching conservatives you're obviously gonna be disappointed at their intellectual capacity. Interesting discussions are being had but if you haven't been able to found them by now you're probably not fit to join anyway.