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File: 84 KB, 640x762, 70e5vwlRQuQfaSPvw8CY_Nietzsche (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19835127 No.19835127 [Reply] [Original]

>The erotic relation of men to youths was the necessary and sole preparation, to a degree unattainable to our comprehension, of all manly education (pretty much as for a long time all higher education of women was only attainable through love and marriage). All idealism of the strength of the Greek nature threw itself into that relation, and it is probable that never since have young men been treated so attentively, so lovingly, so entirely with a view to their welfare (virtus) as in the fifth and sixth centuries B.C.
—Friedrich Nietzche, Human, All Too Human 259

>What does our chatter about the Greeks amount to! What do we understand of their art, the soul of which is passion for naked male beauty!
—Friedrich Nietzsche, Daybreak, Aphorism 170

>> No.19835225

reminder, the only reason he's well known today is because of jewish influence.

>> No.19835251

but he's antisemetic

>> No.19835837

Nietzsche was crazy. It's as simple as that. He said many brilliant things, but most of it is food for thought, not facts. The best way to use Nietzsche is to build on him for one's one thought and writings, like Ernst Jünger.

>> No.19835915

Yes, that homophobic Christians are projecting homos who are mentally incapable of understanding the Greeks, who were true hetero men capable of appreciating the naked male form in an artistic and divine sense without feeling lust.

>> No.19835924
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>> No.19835941

A male mentoring system which existed in many historical and tribal cultures which has been destroyed by industrial society.

>> No.19835946

> without feeling lust
Ermm, anon, the Greeks literally never shut up about how pretty the boys they’re teaching are. They even called their teacher-student relationship paiderastia — erotic love of boys…

>> No.19835958
File: 50 KB, 474x647, BB0DFBCD-F404-42E8-B9B9-51A207565729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even the boldest remained still before Holbein's self-portrait in the hall of drawings! And I now struggled futilely in Nietzsche's presence to define the magical attraction of that wonderful portrait. It did not help that I so-to-speak traced line after line of that face. This approach was powerless to describe the expression of fully developed manhood combined with the charm of fresh youth (Holbein's self-portrait, as is known, presents him without a beard). And I failed to capture even the individual traits in their full value. I faltered when I came to the mouth. I could see the lips before me. So fully rounded yet so energetically closed! Not avid, yet as if created for pleasure!
>"A mouth . . .," I stammered bewilderedly.
>"A mouth to kiss!"
>Disconcertedly I looked aside. Truly, it was Nietzsche who had spoken, in an attitude and a tone which seemed to contrast most strangely with the mildly sensual coloration of his words. For leaning far back in his armchair, his head bowed onto his chest and his arms hanging limply on the armrests, he seemed to have spoken out of a dream rather than as a comment on my report.
Conversations with Nietzsche: A Life in the Words of His Contemporaries p. 232 (Ludwig von Schefller)

Uhhhhh …. Nietzsche…. ?

>> No.19835961

>erotic love
love love?

>> No.19835969
File: 42 KB, 412x702, Georgiades-Myth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fell for homophobe propaganda.

>> No.19835973

Yeah, precisely this. I have the suspicion that even encorporating pederasty into the male mentoring system, however it offends our modern/Christian senses, would be preferrable to what we have today.

>> No.19835979
File: 594 KB, 872x1642, F9B3DE07-317D-4C48-A517-C8BFDCD78501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would homophobes want to claim that the best periods and personalities of classical antiquity had homosexual relations?

>> No.19835993

They don't want the world to discover what those best periods and personalities were really about. They're homosexuals who fear themselves, after all.

>> No.19836040

do you want to argue and wrestle with me anon? ;3

>> No.19836081

Do you think the ancient Greeks ever had tickle fights? Are there any literary or visual references to tickling in Ancient Greece?

>> No.19836194
File: 37 KB, 960x946, 1635470303837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>homophobic Christians are projecting homos
>They're homosexuals who fear themselves
Nice fag narrative. Do you often fantasize about "converting" straight Christians?

>> No.19836757

Kek, as always, christcucks are on suicide watch. Praise hebephillia.

>> No.19836785
File: 17 KB, 220x250, 7C749356-BE57-43CF-A62F-85BEFDC17F50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sisyphus with Syphilis

>> No.19836788

low quality bait

>> No.19836795

kek saved

>> No.19836809

are there any books on why this is not pedophilia-lite? my normie friend once said it should be totally acceptable and I asked him why. he said "if she bleeds she breeds, that's it."

>> No.19837175

>no u
Here's that projection.

>> No.19837226

Your friend is based and youre the npc normie

>> No.19837275
File: 282 KB, 600x1772, 1628383315678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was inb4ed by Jews to try and mangle his philosophy into something that sounds like its pro tranny, pro gay "becoming who you are", or pro degeneracy.
Friedrich Nietsche is very autistic, and therefore needed to have a perfectly logical and defined meaning of life, and he sort of did it but not great.
The meaning of life, is to be an animal. The reason were all miserable is because everything humanity does, is only to further remove us from our amazing animal experience. If you want to see the meaning of life, open you heart, your balls, and your eyes. Be the animal you are inside. There is no good, no bad, no laws, no anything. You are, who you are. Show the world your true animal face, and not your goofy made up one because you are afraid of who you are.

>> No.19838346

Nietzsche was a socialist. Read Cuck philosophy's book : Philosophizing with a hammer and sickle

>> No.19838524

i dunno, do you believe words have meaning? teenagers are legal everywhere, for some reason, even though people think it's weird

>> No.19838530

>Read Cuck philosophy
i'd rather let you do it for me

>> No.19838928

>no bad,
I would say there were some things he considered bad.

>> No.19840573

>TRUTH: He means this non-sexually

>> No.19840589

>be English
>legal age is 16
>there are unironically Americans who would consider me a paedophile for fucking a 16 y/o