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/lit/ - Literature

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19830821 No.19830821[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19830829
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I watched the whole video yesterday.

>> No.19830837

What did you think
I think that Kat has mental retardation

>> No.19830849

What I like most about Kat and her lovely sister is their endearing personalities.

>> No.19830853

She reads the book while listening to the audiobook, what is that about?

>> No.19830975

most of these booktubers actually just listen to audiobooks
thats why their bookshelves look entirely untouched

and they should kill themselves for it

>> No.19830992

what's wrong with audiobooks?

>> No.19830994

A Little Life is filthy fujoshi trash. Straight woman conjures up a few homosexual men and tortures them for 400 pages. Just read BLs instead.

>> No.19830998

You're not reading the book. You're listening to someone else reading the book. Same difference as between having sex with a woman and jerking off to porn.

>> No.19831003

literally everything. It's a different, more evolved form of speedreading.
You are maybe remembering 10% of what you would if you actually took the time to sit down and properly read it yourself.

>> No.19831031

What's worse is that there's a clear difference between the regular books being sold and the audiobooks being streamed. The latter are a fair bit simpler in just about every say, language included. I doubt this'll have a positive effect on publisher practices.

>> No.19831054

why do all these people on social media and zoomers love to flaunt their depwession to their family and the world?

I was borderline suicidal for 3 years and never told a soul because I'm a fucking man and just dealt with it myself. But nowadays people seem almost proud of it.

>> No.19831062

active engagement vs passive consumption

>> No.19831067

Kat isn't depressive, she's very cheerful. She likes to read books that make her cry precisely because she's not sad. Crying is just another bit of fun. My fave Kat anecdote is when she admitted she reads YA during university lectures.

>> No.19831080
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Is it sad? Will I cry?
For the record the last time I cried was Made in Abyss with the robot and the immortal bunny thing.

>> No.19831083


She IS a woman.

>> No.19831088

Sounds psycho

>> No.19831106
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i'd give her something to cry about

>> No.19831125

You might, but it won't feel earned. It's basically a farce where they neglect this main character for 200 or so pages and then spend 1000 talking about how absurdly depressing his life is.

EVERYONE rapes him, everyone hates him, everyone tries to make his life as hellish as possible for literally no reason. It's stupid and you get nothing out of the book except annoyance that you had to read it in full and a shit mood.

>> No.19831148

Ah. Like uselessly killing a pretty lady on screen just to kick up your "What a waste, who would do that?" emotion.

>> No.19831204

Made in Abyss is fucking terrible

>> No.19831218

It's neat. I like the artifacts and the lore.
It's better than everything I've watched as anime I'd say, except the obvious exclusion for Bebop.
So far it's the only manga that's got me reading instead of watching, but I never got into Berserk so you'd probably say that's better but I wouldn't know.

>> No.19831219

Boy would I love this biatch to toss my salad before getting her face fucked. Hnnng, let me split that ass till my nuts are empty and I'm gucci for this weekend.
Sperg-tastic post. You're so brave

>> No.19831222

you're not special for feeling depwessed -

>> No.19831234

It really is trash, sorry to tell you.
The only point of interest is its mystery and world building yet there is no actual lore, it's surface lvl worldbuilding. You know nothing about who, what or why.
And what you DO know is just delived to you in a convenient infodump when that info happens to be relevant three seconds later.
What even are the characters? A 12 yo who wants to see her mami but has nothing else going on. Second one is a robot who wants to help the girl he met. That's it, he has no motivation, jsut a plot device.

Doesn't help that the last episodes were JUST torture porn with zero point to it. It's shock-form storytelling. Chibi characters but the show is DARK? HOLY FUCK SO GOOD

>> No.19831236

I'm not

>> No.19831255

>It's shock-form storytelling.
Sounds like anon would love A Little Life then, which is just torture-yaoi in the shroud of literature.

>> No.19831258

Yeah but unironically.
I like being shown all the neat things, simple as. Bondrewd was a very neat villain. By your logic I should read Naruto because the characters grow, when really I can shit all over it and just say, "Why are they fighting? Everyone has enough food, there doesn't seem to be a classic war over border disputes." They just fight because some faggots are edgy.

What's your favorite then? If it's Berserk, give me your #2. I'm sure Berserk is fine.

>> No.19831284
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I can tell you're just getting into writing because you revert to shitting on Naruto, which is what all /a/fags and other anime fans do who haven't really grasped the concepts of a well written story.
You probably think Sasuke is a terrible character as well. In reality he is the most interesting character in naruto.
Now not to say Naruto is amazing, but it's world building is actually decent. To answer your question for example the ninja world was in a sort of cold war with constant disputes happening behind the scenes (remember neji's father being killed in a diplomatic dispute over an assassination or the many amount of covered up killings and disputes with other villages). It's world is in a state of city-states with loose territorial claims. Cities are not old and tensions are still high. That's the entire point of the show, the endless repetition of wars. Characters are more than just a cardboard cutout with one motivation and most importantly the story actually TRIES to implement large, broad themes that are the point of the story.
Not that there's anything wrong with liking Made in Abyss but your arguments need to be fair. Generally speaking the anime community is also not really the place where you'll find the best critical commentaries.

pic related are my favorite manga
in order; Vagabond, Shigurui, Berserk, Aria and Otoyomegatari

fav anime are;
Ashita no Joe, Ping Pong the animation, Mushishi, Angel's Egg, Legend of the galactic heroes and Monster

>> No.19831286

its** im ESL

>> No.19831299

This one made me laugh

>> No.19831305

Women are really gay, gotta say

>> No.19831308

Must be why I love them so much

>> No.19831318

I'm not writing at all. Also I haven't finished it yet but man. It just seems so good. A good mystery is good. How are they going to safely ascend? What's down there? Why did all of the white whistles go down there? I know the point of the manga isn't to explore the world above and what nations all think about this hole that has magical items in it and maybe you see that as a flaw but I like I said. I just really really like the cool trinkets and rules. I've had my fill for now of political and moral posturing with someone getting so angry that they enter a murderous clarity in their giant robot kill their problems. Nothing wrong with killing bad guys. We should all be so lucky as to get a giant robot to solve problems with.
Sure it seems a little big for it's britches as I'm not sure what the point of having the MC be stillborn was other than to have more horrible things happen.
Is it all torture porn? Ehhh... Is it really that bad if it is? It's nice to read something different to be introduced to new and wild ways to have fates worse than death. To point and look and go, they died. They probably died screaming and no one could have possibly helped them. It was for nothing. Also look what he had, this mask let him see everything around him. How'd he die with that on?

>> No.19831319

Isn't this the book about the gay kid who gets raped by everyone?

>> No.19831322

Should I read this book?

>> No.19831430

This. I've had some night time walks in my time. No one will ever know, and no one needs to know. I'd never have seen a therapist anyways, this pathology of all things, as if there's some other third wrong with me other than not having a job, being fed up with my education, having essentially no life and no promise of a future. The human psychology is of the individual and mostly somatic.
Only the fewest cases have direct inherent biological underlying factors, such as schizophrenia and other inherited conditions, which should be and can only be treated by a psychiatrist.

Most common people (gentiles) in the west are just bored and distraught a multitude of things, mostly not being brilliant, the best, being a common person to begin with, and thus having to seriously work for things while still under the prospect of this may only ever yield a living wage and some vague sense of purpose with all doubts drowned in somewhat conscious consumerism. People are confronted with the nature that most dreams are magical thinking if they are not directly ambition and in sight. You're not at all a writer until writing constitutes the vast majority of your life, for example. These are expert professions no can just chance upon because of some hidden talent as a hobby.
I don't mean this in the sense some /k/tard would tell you, that after he went to the army to become a man, he bought property and now works as a police officer or whatever, that only this the *the way* to become a man, to live happily or whatever. No, this is simply about having to deal with extended self consciousness and the incessant reasoning, weighing, wagering of all things.

>> No.19831442

How come women feel such strong emotions reading their literature?
I only ever feel something along the lines of: "Hm, yes, that's how it's done. Nice, very nice. Good prose. That was smart. Very impactful."

It's all done under this umbrella of cold affect and reasoning. I will relate to a book, but if someone dies or something tragic happens I'll just get excited about how smart the book was written to make it impactful, but besides feeling that "this is impactful" I don't really feel anything about that.
Is fem-lit just written in a way or are they honestly retarded?

>> No.19831473

imagine how tight her butthole is brehs

>> No.19831558

Imagine how pink it is...