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19827645 No.19827645[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books that tackle Pornography, humiliation, and demoralization? Particularly the stuff that porn companies do to get people into it, and how it is used to prevent people from being the best of themselves. And I do not mean a surface tier analysis either. I mean an In depth analysis.

I'm an admittedly horny guy at times so I frequently visit /gif/. However there are countless threads that can only be described as demoralization and humiliation. Additionally, if you look at the ads, they are structured so quickly and flash in such a way that they feel almost like a psyop. I do not have the words to describe it properly, which is why I am asking for literatue on this topic.

Now that I see the threads in /gif/ for what they are, the more I understand that evil forces are at play, or that somebody is being paid or actively putting them up there for some reason. I admittedly used to have depraved fetishes but I no longer feel aroused by them now because I imagined I was doing vanilla when I orgasmed. (Meaning there is a way out of your fetishes for all who are black pilled on the topic).

But seriously, I need to know what books or what I need to study so I can understand pornography and sex as a tool of demoralization. More precisely about it in the modern day.

Anons, if you want to discuss personal things there is no shame in sharing. May we all make it, no matter how depraved we feel ourselves.

>> No.19827657

If anybody's nasty, just ignore them. They are most likely paid shills or here to waste your time.

Spread good vibes in this thread only.

>> No.19827735
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Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.19827739

talk to other human beings, grow a personality and be confident (get a job, hobbies, have fun in life) and porn will naturally no longer affect you

>> No.19827786

playing the job hunting monkey dance game is far more demoralizing than porn

>> No.19827806

both sides of the same coin but yeah there's nothing more suicide inducing than job interviews when you simply don't give a fuck. I would just like to say "I hate your company and everything it does, but I need to get paid. Train me at my job and I'll do it as long as I am employed with you" but no, I have to fucking pretend that working at your cancer company is the greatest achievement of my life, that I will get along with my peers and I will do 100% every fucking day because I love it so much.

>> No.19827815

I think they don't even actually care that you impress them with your enthusiasm, they probably know it's all fake. What they want is explicitly someone who is so pliable that he'll lie convincingly enough to get the job, because behind a convincing lie there's a pliability, some kind of nihilistic will that is a person who actually has a human soul cannot exist

>> No.19827836

just getting your resume though their scanner bullshit and not into a virtual trash bin is just as bad

>> No.19827884

I have never felt more offended than a time when someone told me I should be proud of a job I did. I told him to please not mention that I was responsible for it so nobody would know. I am ashamed of associating my name with corporate work. I have no idea how people can take pride in this shit, just because it made money. I'm only proud of the things I used to make as a hobby and eventually gave up on.

>> No.19827894

It doesn't have a strong affect on me anymore and I have done all these things. However, I want to figure out the mechanisms of how this porn and demoralization works.
They're practically the same thing. Only that one gives the illusion of accomplishment

>> No.19827907

the secular world seems depressing and hopeless reading these threads, thank God I found Torah

>> No.19827913

every single god died with the christian one, they just wait to be found dead

>> No.19827920


If normies didn't believe the bullshit, life would be a nothing but confusion, violence, and opportunism. And mass chimpouts and lynch mobs

>> No.19827955

uhm anon...

>> No.19827961

Haha no

>> No.19828046

>They're practically the same thing.
not at all
not only does job hunting bring no benefits to yourself, it often entails active rejection
whereas porn is at least pleasurable
actually is porn even demoralizing? Whenever I see porn I get motivated that there are so many women, seriously COUNTLESS attractive women out there willing to have sex, and not only willing to have sex, but with guys that don't look all that different from me. Sure they MIGHT be paying for it but I don't see that part on camera. Anyway it really makes you think yeah I have a chance too.

It's reality that's more demoralizing than anything else. What demoralizes me the most is looking back on on my past and present reality.

>> No.19828051

I quit porn and masturbation last year after becoming religious. I remember when I started in teen years, I just liked to watch solo videos of women. After sometime that wasn't satisfying enough so I turned to "vanilla" videos. Then vanilla turned into incest. Eventually, just a few weeks before I quit, even that was getting unsatisfying and I was (I ashamedly admit) getting into cuck stuff. That was the last stage before I cut it completely. Who knows how more depraved I would have become if I had kept going. The thing is if you don't stop, it keeps getting worse and worse. Sure it's difficult cutting at first, but after you quit it feels so liberating. It feels like removing a cancerous tumor from your soul. You feel so calm and at ease whereas before you were either agitated and horny or depleted and tired from cooming. People get addicted to porn at such a young age without knowing how destructive it is. You even hear from guys who were single for years and then found a gf or even wife but masturbating to porn for years made them completely unable to enjoy intimacy with their woman. I highly recommend anons to stop before it gets too late.

>> No.19828065

Houllebecq has some interesting insights in how the liberty ideologies of the second half of the 20th centuries devolved into materialistic hedonism,
but it's probably not what you're looking for.

What you probably wonder is: how does a someone end up as a discordtranny spamming BBC porn on an Laotian Juggling forum?
While nobody has written a book specifically about that, there have been books on mass media and the creation of desire.
Increasingly fetishist porn is about creating desire for things the porn watcher can't get IRL and therefore needs to get from porn, just like many other products.
As for the "pushing humiliating demoralizing stuff", I can only say that I'm pretty certain it's not a committee of rich Jews thinking of what plague to inflict next upon the goyim.

If you look at how the people that push this act, you'll notice it's similar to other pseudo-religions like anti-racism an the like.
They absolutely HAVE to convert others to their fetish/ideology/whatever. What the psychology behind that is, remains a mystery to me.
If someone could recommend me books that explain that, I would be very grateful.

>> No.19828073

>Sure they MIGHT be paying for it
they are most certainly paying for it

>> No.19828077

>What the psychology behind that is, remains a mystery to me.
Layman take here, but I think it's got something to do with the fact people feel more comfortable doing something when they can see that their actions are mirrored in others

>> No.19828092

You see this in formerly religious atheists too. They seethe so much at religious people and try to convert them as much as they can.

>> No.19828115

>You even hear from guys who were single for years and then found a gf or even wife but masturbating to porn for years made them completely unable to enjoy intimacy with their woman.
What made me unable to enjoy intimacy with women is having to put up with their "past" and decide to trust them, only to eventually get cheated on. I don't have the money so thankfully I never went down that route, but had I been richer I'd have probably just hired whores because I see almost no difference.
But yeah you're right on how bad porn is. Just be aware that porn isn't just about getting hooked and missing on opportunities, it's also a symptom that there's no real trust left between people. Many just give up. It's not just incels who can't get pussy, there's also a ton of people who just decided that paying a whore is just as good, and they're probably sort of right, or simply gave up and fill that void by jerking off, because all they see in romance is some kind of unpleasant excretion activity.

>> No.19828128

That's a reason but what interests me is that they actively seek to expose people to their bullshit.
The internet makes it easier than ever to have your private circlejerk with likeminded indivuals but no, the world NEEDS to know about petplay.
It used to be atheists but the most potent strain nowadays is of course the progressive/anti-racist/lgbt/intersectional movement.
Also some ordodoks sucking off Seraphim Rose but they're not that common and trying to convert people is kind of mandatory in Christianity.

>> No.19828152

In the same way, look at the furbaby people who get a dog instead of a child. Yes of course it's cringe to actively substitute a child with a dog, but what's the fucking point of having a child today? You won't raise your own child if you live anywhere urbanized. He's just fed brainwash bullshit and you can't do anything to change it because you will raise a miserable kid, or it's literally illegal. You will need to confirm the bullshit he's fed by the nanny state and give him the branded shit everyone else has or he'll be ostracized. This is since the most tender age and it gets worse later. By adolescence he's a stranger. Yeah sure there are your genes under all this shit but there's so much bullshit layered on top it doesn't even matter. Kids talk to you and they're like small radios playing ads, they just go their own way, most likely they hate you. Surely you have chances of raising a child you're happy with but in the majority of cases I see strangers. They're just as if they were adopted or squatting in their parents' home, completely divorced. It used to be very different when the family was the real center of someone's life. But the family now is some kind of umbilical cord you eventually sever and leave behind. I am not saying now that the furbaby people are right, they're cringe as fuck, but the existence of furbaby people doesn't just stem from "I want to be FREE and have a CAREER", it's also a symptom of complete loss of control over the family structure. People know it, everyone knows it. If you've seen people with children you've seen how it is. It's very very wrong and dysfunctional, and it's real. Many people are losing trust in things that used to be given for granted.

>> No.19828161

>What made me unable to enjoy intimacy with women is having to put up with their "past" and decide to trust them, only to eventually get cheated on.
If I had to settle with women like that, I would have preferred to remain single for life. Thankfully there seem to be genuinely chaste women in some religious circles. So I'm preparing myself financially for marriage and hoping that I find someone suitable for myself.

>> No.19828171

>Thankfully there seem to be genuinely chaste women in some religious circles.
Good luck anon. Of course I was speaking in general terms. Religions are tanking like crazy and belief is shakier than ever. The vast majority of women live in a shitty hedonistic world where they'll have been with dozens of people by the time they can drive.

>> No.19828173

Yeah. If you want to start a family you need to get out of urbanized places.

>> No.19828185

>I can only say that I'm pretty certain it's not a committee of rich Jews thinking of what plague to inflict next upon the goyim.

>> No.19828207

These people baffle me. Surely pornography is not permitted in Jewish law? I can't see the Torah permitting these stuff. Why do Jews keep doing decadent things like this?

>> No.19828224
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>When Palestinian residents of the besieged West Bank town of Ramallah turned on their TVs over the weekend, what they encountered was neither news nor any of the usual Palestinian Authority programming; they encountered pornographic movie clips.

>Three of the four TV stations in Ramallah, headquarters of Yasser Arafat, had been occupied by Israeli troops. The town’s remaining TV station was meanwhile running a crawl at the bottom of the screen explaining that the porn clips were the work of the occupying forces. “We urge parents to take precautions,” it read.

>Israel is not below exposing families and children to pornography against their will. I mean, what did we expect? They’re not below murdering children outright, so exposing them to graphic sexual images is a step up as far as Zionist morality is concerned.

>Replacing Palestinian news and other programming with such material also increases the stress and frustration of the populace. Remember, Ramallah’s residents were unable to leave their homes, even to buy groceries. Their need for information was intense. Israeli forces had the option of taking the TV stations off the air entirely. Instead, they left them operating, but broadcasting “replacement” imagery. The pornography may well have been even more demoralizing than no programming at all.

>George Soros and his charitable organization, Open Society Foundations (OSF), in advocating for the full decriminalization of the sex trade industry. Research finds that OSF spends only a small amount of money on grass roots “sex worker” groups around the world advocating for full decriminalization, but the foundation awards larger amounts of funds to large human rights groups whose reports and policies have a wider reach.

>Leaked files expose Syria psyops veteran astroturfing BreadTube star to counter Covid restriction critics
>Valent Projects staffer Hamish Falconer has disclosed that the “exciting” Challenging Pseudoscience campaign has also received “generous support” from the Open Society Foundations of CIA-adjacent billionaire George Soros.
tranny breadtube star philosophytube collaborated with adam ruins everything. xe also did videos about normalizing ''sex work''. the reason leftist propaganda makes you feel like you are at the receiving end of a root canal, its george soros and prince charles trying to buckbreak you into a fierce, fetanyl affirming trans sex worker.


>> No.19828244

I know that the porn industry is largely run by Jews, just like the regular film industry (that is the joke)
What I meant is that their goal is to make money by promoting things unattainable by the audience, therefore creating a NEED for porno.
They didn't sit in a room and decide that they would publish forced sissy hypno cuck porn in order to genocide white Americans.

>> No.19828254

I know exactly how you feel. I used to go there and as you said, I had a sensation of humiliation and demoralization when I saw the black male on white male threads, to the point that it has been one month without /gif/ and those videos still play in my mind, is like I have been traumatized. Actually, the irl stories on that thread were worse than the videos. I think that blacked porn is so demoralizing because it has become like a fetish which is meant to be seen as controversial by whites. Like there is no rational reason to feel more demoralized after watching a black on white gay porn than a white on white, is the whole perception which they created about interracial porn that makes us feel this way.

>> No.19828259
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>Synanon, the Brainwashing “Game” and Modern Transgender Activism: The Orwellian Implications of Transgender Politics.


>Perhaps one of the most disturbing attempts to undermine families can be seen in a slick video produced by LGBT in the City, a multi-media organization that produces talk shows and videos related to LGBT issues and is sponsored by such monster corporations as Telus and TD Bank. To say LGBT in the City has a hedonistic focus would be a grotesque understatement and it might be argued that at least one of their videos encourages the sexualization of children, specifically in the form of an eight year old boy mockingly named “Lactacia.”

>In a slick video released on Facebook with over one million views so far, a hyper-feminized/sexualized 8 year old boy (who some have compared to a drag version of JonBenét Ramsey) is featured partying in a hypersexual adult LGBT environment and telling kids watching that if their parents or friends do not support their desire to be drag (or trans), they need to get new parents and friends. Professional quality video and editing made this call to young children to the queer lifestyle all the more appealing. As “Lactatia” speaks to his peers, while an all too happy host leers, bold text leaps out at the viewer saying “YOU NEED NEW PARENTS! YOU NEED NEW FRIENDS!” You too can be a drag queen or transgender superstar and perhaps head out on the town to party with the wild LGBT boys and “Lactatia.” If your parents won’t get on board, they can simply be replaced with a new “glitter family.”

>More disturbingly, what we see in extreme transgender activism is what in previous generations would have been considered unthinkable: modern social outcasts, instead of being turned into the government and pop culture-abhorring Goths or punk rockers of the past, are instead now being repurposed to actually support official government lines and agendas regarding gender, the breakdown of families, and the erasure of sexual distinctions and associated protections. The aggression of the outcasts, which used to be turned against the state, is now being turned against enemies of the state and anybody that opposes its new reality warping transgender theories and laws. Trans-cultists are quickly beginning to resemble the brainwashed children in George Orwell’s 1984.

>> No.19828263

>don't watch porn
>masturbate if it serves purpose, you don't sit on the toilet and shit for fun you do so because holding the shit is more inconvenient than shitting. masturbation is the same
>socialise with strangers
>do not consider talking to people online as socialisation
>have something that makes you feel as if your day was well spent

>> No.19828281

Of course it's meant to demoralize. It's like watching a pretty girl fucking a dog or seeing a puppy getting eaten. When you see lovely or beautiful things in a grisly situation your whole trust in the world is destroyed. I am pretty sure that the pornographers intentionally push this shit harder than it would be organically because I can't explain why anyone would watch something that looks a lot like a girl eating a turd.

>> No.19828289
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>(get a job, hobbies, have fun in life) and porn will naturally no longer affect you
This is absolutely false. If you are an addict nothing can stop you and the things that you have and haven't listed are just second-hand activities compared to THAT. You are in a different state of mind at that time and it does not apply only to porn / cooming.
t. you know who.

>> No.19828303

Well yeah, if you noticed, the white girls or boys always look very feminine (sometimes blonde and coloured eyed), while the black looks as brutal as possible. You will never see some nerd black guy with a small penis and a strong white woman or male.

>> No.19828345

>Why do Jews keep doing decadent things like this?
Profit and Resentment against the West.
Sure, but some of them hold a lot of resentment against Europeans on account of their suffering in Europe.

>> No.19828358

>a multi-media organization
It looks like literally one guy does all the videos

>> No.19828371

The problem is that being more "racist" won't solve the interracial problem. There are a lot of "racists" on 4chan which develop a fetish of being dominated by blacks, this is what race playing really is after all, there can't be humiliation if you don't have a sense of superiority at first. The solution is to quit all porn and gay stuff and don't stay around people who are obsessed with sex.

>> No.19828381

is not one guy, be honest, if you read the text replies you will see that they are a few and some who are on their way to become sissies

>> No.19828383

the first thing that prompted me to stop looking at porn was that the brown thumbnails became more and more prominent and they were like stubbing your toe in the bathroom, except the toe was my dick
I can't even like a girl any longer if I see her in a thumbnail with brown in it, I'm not racist but black people really disgust me in a sexual context, on an instinctive level. I can't help it. I can't even watch black on black it looks like poo

>> No.19828393
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meanwhile, some black men are obsessed with buckbreaking, when white gay slavemasters raped their black slaves in front of their entire families. I feel like im close to craking the very code of american culture. Mr Johnson's plantation is called ''the great society'', Mr. Johnson his foreman, a wily bespectacled irishman by the name of mcnamara, on the floor picking cotton, we have the NI... we call them ''african americans'' now and they come in all colors.Apparently, Mcnamara and Mr Johnson are talking about ''breaking some bucks''.

Falconhurst Plantation novels


Donny the Jail Punk
>Donny’s voice, a touch tremulous to begin with, cracks as he recounts whathappened to him twenty-one years ago. During his first night in CB2, Donny’s virgin buns were dragged from cell to cell along the block, with an estimated
forty-five criminal cocks getting a poke at either his asshole or mouth.Submit…or die. Which would you choose? Precisely how many dicks need o be jammed up your ass before you bend down, pucker up, and let it in?There is a point within most individuals where immediate bodily pain overridesany indignities to the ego. Dick after dick was stabbing holes through Donny’s identity. At some point during nearly four hours of jail house gang rape, hestopped fighting.“I went through all kinds of changes during those hours.…I had some out-of-bodyexperiences. There were times when I was imagining what it felt like for the guysthat were on me, you know—what was motivating them, or what did it feel like forthem? There were times when I felt like I was paying for all the sins of the whiterace. There were times when I had very religious feelings, it was like this was God Almighty, to which I could only surrender. God was represented by this eternal bigblack dick. You know, because after a while, I couldn’t differentiate, really, betweenone person and the next. It was just this endless big black dick that was in me.Every last one of them. There was only one other white boy in the block, and he was getting fucked, too.…
“There were moments, for example, where I felt I was just dead, you know, allof my ego defenses had been totally demolished, and I had nothing left to live for, I had nothing left to fight about, there was just nothing left. And the amazing thing, was that, even through all the pain and theterror, you go into a state of total relaxation.You know, because there’s just nothing left to defend. You just give yourself up to the will of God, basically, you know, ‘Into thy hands Icommend my spirit’ and all that. And that was a very religious experience.”

>> No.19828402


>> No.19828411

>I feel like im close to craking the very code of american culture
taking it in the ass by the man?

>> No.19828419


>> No.19828422

buckbreaking this is a thing of the past but I agree that it will return in a way or another considering that black femboys have increased in the recent years, yet whites still dominate the "broken" side

>> No.19828431

its almost like its targeting a demographic

>> No.19828438

It's terrifying that I'm not even very sure that if gangs started assraping white men in the streets there would be some kind of civil war. It's more likely that buttplugs and lube sales would skyrocket

>> No.19828446

You should stop before someone gets hurt

>> No.19828447

religion is the cure, the only durable way to oppose sodomy and adultery

>> No.19828460

Did someone inform the gay interracial humiliation discord of this thread or are you guys this retarded?

>> No.19828473

the fact that we exist and what we wrote is real is much more important than us being retarded or not

>> No.19828482

>the stuff that porn companies do to get people into it

Absolutely nothing? Who do you think I learned about porn from? It wasn't porn advertisements, that's for sure.

>> No.19828585

I solved porn for me like this:

1)Bought an automatic masturbator from Japan;

2)Before going to sleep I would just attach it to my penis and let it run for as long as it need for me to cum. Since I didn't use any visual stimulation it takes a long time, so I would read or watch something meanwhile;

3) Did it on s couch to 5k style, going from doing it every night to about once a week nowadays.

This detached masturbating completely from porn to me, it's just a physiological need that feels good. I hope if I find a girlfriend I will be able to drop this system too and have a normal relation with sex finally.

>> No.19828628

They come in and try to derail this thread but give us bumps. That's why we ought to be positive and not respond to contraversial things. But also we must stay within the topic.
Excellent material guys.

>> No.19828719

Your uncle showed you porn?

>> No.19828827

Its weird. Whenever I mention the negative effects of porn I get replies seething that I'm talking about it. I honestly can't understand what would motivate a person to do that.

>> No.19829095

that's interesting
how long did it take you to cum with no visual stimulation

>> No.19829125

around 20 to 40 minutes, but nowadays It's very fast like 5 minutes due to abstinence and knowing how to use the masturbator well

>> No.19829137

man it'd probably be hours for me
takes like 30-40 mins for me to cum just using my imagination. I can't even imagine no visual stimuli. I don't even know how I'd stay hard.

>> No.19829193

Maybe you can get a masturbator with more agressive routines or even a sex doll. I can see fucking a silicone doll being healthier for you than porn, I just never tried because It looks like a hassle. The onahole thread on jp has a lot a about this, but everything is towards maximizing coom so I subverted the tech for my own goal.

>> No.19829203

>it often entails active rejection
Like going after women?

>> No.19829212

but not watching porn

>> No.19829293

Just two book recs, really /lit/, really?

>> No.19829310

The thing that clued me in about porn being a psy-op is how upset people get when you criticize porn or, what is worse, mention wanting to quit porn. The irrational outrage they show when you say that is proof enough for me that you should quit porn entirely. I mean, the question you should ask is why wouldn't it be a psy-op?

>> No.19829338

Lol ask for porn recs and see how many you get

>> No.19829371
File: 162 KB, 1000x1437, sadlyporn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19829376


>> No.19829397

"Sadly, Porn" is 1000+ pages and written by one of the best thinkers of our generation

>> No.19829423

Different things are at stake, but there is a common pathology, here it is in bullet form, along with its defense:

inability to love, manifesting precisely not as not loving but as loving someone without satisfying them;

a terror of growing older, manifesting precisely not as fear but rage — rage at how the world that once belonged to you, or should now belong to you, is being wasted on everyone else;

a disdain for the very idea of preparing the world for the next generation, manifesting precisely not as dismissing the future, but disconnecting the past from the present so the future starts today and the benefits are yours;

a fear of dependency, manifesting precisely not as off the grid individualism nor universalizing economic supports but as a demand for all manner of social/psychological controls all which must appear invisible;

the despising of peoples, manifesting either as a well reasoned desire for central planning or unsophisticated devotion to laissez-faire — both are admissions that outcomes can not be left to ordinary people=you;

an inability to be alone, manifesting not as loneliness but as a horror vacui — when you’re by yourself in a house with greater than two rooms, always will the TV be on.

>> No.19829428

Not him but I finished it a week ago.
You're expected to have read the greeks and the bible. Also need to have read, among other books, The Scarlet Letter, The Bostonians, Freud, several versions of Faust, and be familiar with Shakespeare. It contains two instances of outright cuck porn: one is erotic literature, the other is a screenplay with written musical accompaniment (I cannot judge the quality of the music). TLP will beat you over the head with rants about taking action and how porn teaches you to want so that you don't take action. In the end you realize the book is more TLP ranting about his perception of the decline of society and his projection (on the reader) of his clients' mediocre insanity (presenting as porn addiction). 10/10 wish I could force everyone to read it.

>> No.19829440

>I can only say that I'm pretty certain it's not a committee of rich Jews thinking of what plague to inflict next upon the goyim.


>> No.19829451

These points are so general that they could be attributed to almost any obvious social factor in today's world

>> No.19829515

Well the only thing in that list I read is the scarlet letter so I guess I can't read it

>> No.19829547

Holy shit, where can I read more about jews forcing porn on palenstinians?

>> No.19829572
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This thread is about a very specific type of porn, but I'm more interested in the 2D stuff (hentai and furry). The way people obsess over these and how people go very deep into it, how there are entire communities dedicated to it, and the power of the imaginary over the real.

I already read Beautiful Fighting Girl by Saito Tamaki, while it is very succinct in its core idea (that all anime women are products of frustrated sexual desires and otakus are all coomers) I think there's much more to it, especially the furry stuff.

Any books on 2D porn?

>> No.19829618

I hadn't read most of that stuff before I read Sadly, Porn but the only real loss was getting TLP's opinion and interpretation before I formed my own opinions and interpretations. He reviews the plot enough to make his point.

>> No.19829655

What's the alternative? Suburbanized clusters of single family zoning, with homes artificially stitched together via car-only roads into a simulacrum of community? Rural areas devastated by opiates, poverty and job prospects reduced to whatever shitty service/retail work there's left in your 500-2,000 middle of bumfuck nowhere town? This trad homesteader fantasy people on this board keep as a "if all else fails, there's this" crutch is nice, but in reality this country's social fabric is fucked and shredded regardless of urbanization. Same goes for Canada (lol) and Europe

>> No.19829937

They are paid to make you watch porn so you feel demoralized. Some good anons explain the demoralization, that it "makes you lose faith in the world," though he more precisely meant how that one doesn't see good because as other anons describe, they endure seeing horrible things happen to everybody around them whenever they see a person.

Depraved pornography and the propagation of depraved fetishes is cruel and anybody who seethes at you for saying what is true is either a payed shill, a coomer, or just a big meanie.

>> No.19829940

(I wanted to ask exactly this but didn't want to make it look like so, because the discordtrannies literally demoralize, derail, and say mean things).

>> No.19829945

It's almost as if people are derailing the thread.

>> No.19830969


>> No.19830977

Dr. E. Michael Jones's Libido Dominandi is a great tome of a book that explains how the Jews have weaponized pornography.

>In 2002, Israeli military forces took over Palestinian TV stations when they occupied Ramallah in the West Bank. Shortly after occupying the Al-Watan TV station, the Israeli forces began broadcasting pornography over its transmitter.

>> No.19830997

I often compare cumbrains to a cult. They have a very strange cult-like mentality and they always spew exactly the same things at you. If you say that anime is inherently pornographic they'll say that maybe *you* are the pedo cumbrain. Then they bring up that fat figurine from the Neolithic, Greek urns, etc. This thing with the Greeks that they were all degenerate coomers and not just the Dionysus cults. Implying there was a comparable amount and spread of pornography we have today at any point in the past. Then they say that "sex is normal" then they call you a Christian then a Muslim then they go silent.

>> No.19830999

Philosopher Byung Chul Han looks at porn and contemp life
>By the same token, the mere act of sex comes to replace seduction or procreation. “Porn is a matter of bare life on display,” Han writes. It stands in opposition to the erotic, which makes us slow down, engage, wait, and wonder. Porn is to sex what data are to wisdom. “The pornographic face says nothing,” writes Han. “It has no expressivity or mystery.” We see this, of course, in literal pornography—an industry that generates billions of dollars a year as it rewires viewers to become more susceptible to anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses.
There are several books by him.
Relevant to this topic:
The Transparency Society (Stanford: Stanford Briefs, 2015) ISBN 080479460X
The Agony of Eros (Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2017) ISBN 0262533375

>> No.19831004

based ISBN poster, checked

>> No.19831621

Professional porn made in studios = demoralization propaganda
Amateur porn = good for you

>> No.19831633


>> No.19831638


>> No.19831643

Dude install adblocker or brave what the fuck are you doing? What is this 2009?

>> No.19831664

Read Libido Dominandi by E Michael Jones. Legit the greatest book on porn as a form of cultural warfare

>> No.19831714

Has anyone ever applied Adorno's critique of the culture industry to the porn. I don't know how anyone can support the sort of industrialization of sexuality that porn represents today.

>> No.19831983

This Libido Dominandi is a good rec. Thanks to all who have recommended it.
I would be interested in this perspective too.

>> No.19832009

Jewish law especially as derived from the Talmud makes a distinction between "permissible against non-jews vs forbidden against jews"

>> No.19832098

I'm planning to get a remote job then move to a rural area. Sure there isn't any ideal option in the world right now, but I see this as better than all other alternatives.

>> No.19832158
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Some of them are metaphysical coomers who cannot seem to help but push it unto others. There's a few psychologists on twitter that spoke out about "nofap" being evil and nazi and that masturbating to porn is actually very good (although they didn't quite specify why).

>> No.19832170

Libido Dominandi?
While you're at it, take a look at the clique of lawmakers and activists who subverted the obscenity laws in the early 20th century.

>> No.19832190
File: 100 KB, 1183x804, 1-17-19-LEY-Its-truly-troubling-that-there-is-such-a-link-between-misogyny-anti-semitism-racism-and-fearing-hating-pornography-and-masturbation..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>David J. Ley is a clinical psychologist and author

>> No.19832203

sk any queer person and they will tell you pornography is a liberating force, a weapon in the war against the patriarchy. Marginalized folks have every reason to trust progressive bourgeoisie and managerial strata over fascist white settlers who want them dead.we have every right to deplatform fascists and reactionaries and class reductionists and science deniers and ensure safety for marginalized and vulnerable members of our communities. We have every right to demand the destigmatization and normalization of sex work, mental health, fat positivity, pornography, drug use, decolonization prison abolition police abolition family abolition the sexual enmancipation of children and an end to white supremacy and the gender binary.

Instead of pandering to the most backward secrors of the working class we should lead the way along with the most advanced ones, black and indigenous people, and queer/ trans sex workers. Sex workers not the straight male labour aristokkkracy who are at the vanguard of the proletarian movement, women and queer people taking the means of production into their own hands by refusing to perform unpaid sexual and emotional labor for white men. The real class struggle is not in factories but in womens bodies. Sexwork is a threat to patriarchy the capitalist system itself it is radically queer because it goes against the idea that sex is for the reproduction of the nuclear family and the patriarchal ideology of romantic love. Its a means for workers to take the means of production into their own hands here and now to abolish the distinction between the private sphere and the public, between work and pleasure and self expression. To break down the walls of lily white christian suburbia into a brave new world of pleasure rebellion and freedom. Yes it is true what they say about us queer postmodern neomarxists We are gonna groom all your daughters to be whores and your sons to be nympho trans sex workers.

>> No.19832210

This. I’m a horny ass 20 something and would always scour /b/ /s/ /hc/ and /gif/ when i’m not opening multiple tabs of porn. It’s nothing too depraved, just vanilla sex and feet stuff(just regular sex with being a focal point). However I feel absolutely disgusted with myself after cooming. I’m no Tom Cruise, but I do attract a significant amount of women wherever I go. Sometimes a girl will try to hit on me and i’ll just freeze up like a deer in the middle of a road. I feel like i’m rejecting life when moments like that happen.

It’s been a few months since I made the conscious decision to stop watching porn and I have been off an on since then. I’ll take 3-5 days off and it will be completely offset with a day or two of absolute jerking to the horniest degree. It’s a constant tug and pull and every iteration, I can feel the clutches of addiction fasten.

I tried something new as of the past few days though. I think my problem is that I see being constantly horny as something inherently bad when in reality it’s completely natural. So instead of watching porn, I just jack off to my imagination instead. I dampens my desire to watch porn and it honestly feels more intimate(imagining myself fucking these girls instead of seeing another man’s cock and balls).

>> No.19832219

By the by, maybe there's something off with me, but I've never experienced the sort of "escalation" that people describe happening to coomers, my (super normie) tastes have been practically the same since I started masturbating and I masturbate almost every day. Am I just so out of tune with normalcy that the psyop doesn't work on me?

>> No.19832257

>They didn't sit in a room and decide that they would publish forced sissy hypno cuck porn in order to genocide white Americans.
Just assuming they did, would you be able to tell the difference?

>> No.19832260

Fuck you niggers empty posting. If you're going to reply at least fucking write something. If you want to "like" or "upvote" something so goddamn much then go to those sites ffs.

>> No.19832263

Kek, perhaps. Your sexual preferences were probably influenced by your childhood experiences and the deviant rabbit hole wasn’t as dangerous for you as it was for other children. Not gonna lie I did have a fling with strap ons and subsequently shemales fucking regular woman when I was in middle school but I decided it was absolute degeneracy and never touched it again and to those who do get off of it, I have no qualms with you, we all have our problems and want to become better men; I’m here for you doggers.

>> No.19832279

A lot of the things people say about porn use are completely wrong and basically based on pop science.
Shit like death grip syndrome is incomprehensible to me: I'm an experienced masturbator and I don't need to strangle my dick to reach an orgasm.
I think people with certain behaviors are more likely to fall into porn addiction and they assume that everyone who watches porn experiences exactly the same thing.
Porn is kinda useless anyhow. The people that believe that porn actually enriches their lives probably have bigger issues than porn addiction.

>> No.19832280

I know this is satire, but I know of people who actually think like this.

>> No.19832294

Yes, it would be far more prevalent.
Even with shit like blacked being supposedly the biggest thing, the most popular searches are 'big boobs milf' and 'sexy girl hentai'.

>> No.19832308

The discord tranny thing is about closeted homosexuality mixed with schizophrenia. Some people are more sensitive to conditioning. You’d be surprised how suggestible the average person is. I know for example, there are groups of people who reupload pornography videos but add feminizing subliminal messaging into them. Be careful with pornography anons. It really is evil.

>> No.19832347

Porn has existed in Israel since Israel existed. They even had nazisploitation smut shit back in the 40s.

>> No.19832359

actually pity the trannies and anarchists, i see them as people who have fallen for coom and soros psyops to the point they loose any semblance of independent identity

>> No.19832375

the behaviour of these people is largely explained by sheltered upbringing, ''conservative'' suburban parents(''conservatism'' and ''christianity'' have long been mythologies constructed by the mass media and psychological warfare operatives). they are thinking in the same mythological binary terms, so they easily buy into anything that claims to be the opposite of what they grew up with without ever asking themselves were it comes from and end up with an identity as dependent on the mass media and institutions as that of their parents. one thinks of soros and the open societies foundation, with its 'anarchist friendly' program, actually an attempt to occupy the reflexive limit that separates the disciplinary society from the control society as a locus of power. hence interest in drugs and the management of addiction, preconscious neurological reflexes as opposed to conscious discursive thought, sexuality and gender identity, the limits of police power, disability, pornography, censorship and the limits of permissible speech more broadly, the various uses of the 'far right', dissidence in 'authoritarian' states, particularity as opposed to neutral liberal universality, the approach to the state of exception one encounters in borders or in the relation between the pimp or madam and the prostitute.

>> No.19832445

>people who spout stuff like >>19832203 are this way because of sheltered upbringing, ''conservative'' suburban parents
This is as much mythology as "homophobes tend to be gay themselves" and similar rubbish. Honestly I stopped reading your post there since I knew it was going to be full of some pseudoscientific psychoanalysis drivel. And to be clear: I'm not saying it's wrong because it's pseudoscience, it's wrong because it doesn't reflect observable reality. Those claims are an interpretation to fit a narrative and start with a presupposition and deduce causes from there.

>> No.19832491

Money/profit is just one goal. They have a racial goal as well. Not only might they feel spite or indifference towards Gentiles, but it is in the Jews' racial interest to promote sexual liberation in Gentile countries. This has multiple effects.
1)Gentiles will be too preoccupied with their sexual desires, preventing them from thinking about Jews.
2)As we all know, sexual liberation produces societal instability and broken individuals and families. When a majority Gentile population is weakened like this, they will be less likely to compete with Jews for power/influence (For example, individuals from broken families are more likely to have worse lives than those who come from cohesive and stable families)
3) The most important factor: if a Gentile is able to accept sexual liberation, they are less likely to have an authoritarian personality and therefore less likely to be antisemetic

>> No.19832520

For my own experience I can assure you the use of pornography has a similar effect to certain drugs and as time goes by, you start to develop certain tolerance, which forces you to search for stronger material. I was only capable of fighting my addiction after embracing a religious life.

Now this is where is gets interesting. I read the use of pornography is related to certain narcissistic attitude which only get worse after the constant use of pornographic material. Because the addict can constantly find this material everywhere and pleasure himself, little by little his connection with normal people start to deteriorate. There's also this acceptance of watching degrading material in the mainstream media and encouragement, which is genuinely horrible.
This is a myth and the use of drugs in the work environment is the best proof against this idea.

>> No.19832579


>> No.19832580
File: 105 KB, 818x784, 1616055842710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please explain how pic related and the existence of the Japanese porn industry fit inside your framework.
While it is an open secret that Jews are very involved in subversive movements, I'm not very convinced they're the masterminds behind it all.
American Jews have the highest intermarriage rates of any ethnic group and actively promote societal reform whilst living in what is perhaps the most philosemitic society in history.
If there is a shared racial goal then most of them are not doing a very good job.
"Sexual liberation" is mostly an effect of enormous improvements in anti-conception technology and economic emancipation and not by nepotistic Jewish porn producers making 'obese cumsluts 5'

>> No.19832581

Stop looking at pornography. Find God and repent, coomers.

>> No.19832587

false, bestiality is disgusting

>> No.19832590

I feel 2D stuff is related to the shintoism/buddishm culture of japan. In comparison with the christian background only humans have souls, man is created by God and there's only one God. In shintoism there's this perception everything has a spirit, there's deities related to almost everything and the relationship between man and god is completely different, to the point the creation of god and man is blent.
This 2D characters are elevated from just drawings to "idols" and just like idols they are worshipped in many different ways and as time goes by, certain "rituals" begin to appear.

Moving aside from the japanese culture, I think it is also related to the concept of hyperreality, and people start to lose (sometimes on purpose) the ability of consciously distinguish reality from a simulation of reality.

>> No.19832593

still havent read it yet
>1000 pages
who does this guy think he is? the NT is 600 pages. i could read 4 normalfag books for that pagecount.

>> No.19832724

Oh nice another schizo polthread

>> No.19832739

No-fap really is fascist in a way. Masturbation is filthy and disdained. Instead of moderation the goal is complete eradication or suppression. Masturbation becomes a scapegoat for all your personal problems.

>> No.19832760

>Please explain how pic related and the existence of the Japanese porn industry fit inside your framework
Not everything is executed perfectly. Life is not some comic book where literally every single Jew is coordinating with each other through earpieces. There are Jews who buy their own bullshit and fall victim to degeneracy propagated by other Jews. As for the Japanese porn industry, that is a result of American influence, and America, as you know, is run by Jews. After WW2, America made sure that Japan was liberalized. There was even some Jewish feminist who helped draft women's liberation laws in occupied Japan (her name escapes me now). Now, Japan is much more liberal which makes them less likely to threaten America's hegemony.
>American Jews have the highest intermarriage rates of any ethnic group
Jews in the West don't really see a contradiction between marrying Gentiles and affirming their Jewish identity, and there is a good chance that their children will identify as Jews. Just look at Sacha Baron Cohen as an example. He married a Gentile woman, but he is still Jewish as fuck. Also, intermarriage has become a concern among America's Jewish community.
>whilst living in what is perhaps the most philosemitic society in history.
Ok? They're still the ruling minority. Why would they stop promoting these social reforms? The fact that America is the most philosemetic society in history doesn't stop groups like the ADL from going after the people they deem antisemetic.
>Sexual liberation" is mostly an effect of enormous improvements in anti-conception technology and economic emancipation
And Jews were involved in the push to normalize abortion, contraceptives, and feminism as well. That's not to say that they are literally the only factor, but if you want to take a holistic approach to things, you need to admit their power/influence.

>> No.19832780

>He married a Gentile woman, but he is still Jewish as fuck.
Not only that but he is also part of the biggest masonic lodges in UK

>> No.19832786

He also has ties to the ADL and the CIA.

>> No.19832805

Did that, it does not. Honest fear and trembling of hellfire. I think it was easier to abstain when I'm jobless. When working, frequent exposure to colleagues who talk about dirty stuff, female staff that acts or dresses like whores and the prospect of making money makes me feel more confident in providing for a woman, so I pursue sex(ual fantasies) more often.

>> No.19832814

Are you telling me that there's a Jewish gf somewhere who'll roleplay as Anne Frank while I play Hitler?

>> No.19832824

What Houellebecq book? I've never read him?

>> No.19832842

and your point is?

>> No.19832856

this post terrifies me because i know it's sincere

>> No.19832868


>> No.19832919

Again, I fail to see how this is not a "progressive" elite thing.
Porn and sexual liberation are a progressive project, not a Jewish project.
The way I see it, Jews were converted to leftism and not vice versa.
The Jewish fertility rate is very low because they're among the most liberal groups. Jews are apparently outjewing themselves.
Why and how that happened is not really that difficult to understand if you know the historical position of Jews.

>> No.19832935

How? Lmao does he openly admit it or...?

>> No.19832942

>Jews are apparently outjewing themselves.
>Why and how that happened is not really that difficult to understand if you know the historical position of Jews
Do explain?

>> No.19832943

>actually is porn even demoralizing?
This guy overdose on the damn kool-aid and he is asking for seconds.

>> No.19832968

Went down the rabbit hole myself, but could never get into anything as bad as sissy shit or cuck porn. Always repulsed me, kek. Never even had a desire to click on those BBC videos or anything of the sort. How do people get to that level?

>> No.19832976

>Anyway it really makes you think yeah I have a chance too.
Delusional Andy.

>> No.19832977

The incest and cuck porn on the porn site front pages isn't there organically. It's being put there on purpose per admission of the katiepornhub AmA on reddit.

>> No.19832985

It's only a matter of time. You say this right now, but it will get worse even for you.

>> No.19833031

People on this site have this delusion that some diabolical force is behind porn when the reality is far more simple. People like sex. People like seeing people have sex. People like getting those things without much effort. Porn supplies that. When the technology enabling porn as we know it came into existence, porn became inevitable. No need for scheming Jews or whatever. It's just the natural state of things.

>> No.19833033

>Jews are apparently outjewing themselves
Like I said, Western Jews generally buy the liberal bullshit hook, line and sinker. If that shit was just made for dumb goys they themselves wouldn't participate in it
>historical position of Jews
Jews have always been outsiders in Western, Christian societies but they did have a function in society like moneylenders and merchants.
Elites (typically foreign rulers) have always used Jews as an intermediary between them and the people, giving them certain privileges but also throwing them under the bus when they're not needed anymore.
It's not hard to see how Jews in later periods became so integrated in subversive movements when you take in account that they have always been treated as useful but expendable tools.

>> No.19833039

You can find a video of him speaking at an ADL conference.
This article talks about his CIA contacts

>> No.19833041

Not him.

It's for the same reason that Jews support both Communism and Capitalism. Jews have a racial worldview, such that they see themselves as Jews, and everyone else as gentiles. This is the normal, natural state of man. Christianity warped Westerners out of this, so it seems very weird for us looking at them, but everyone else on the planet gets this. So, when a Jew says that he "is a Communist" or "supports Communism" what he really means is that he believes that Communism is the most beneficial thing for the Jews as a collective to do given their current state. Replace "Communism" with literally anything. Freemasonry, Capitalism, Liberalism, Porn, anti-Porn, whatever.

The problem is that Jews can't act openly, or the Goyim will get the picture. So, they can only act via these broad measures. It's not possible to, say, just openly castrate all Whites, so instead they setup social mechanisms that lead to Whites castrating themselves. But, those same social mechanisms can ALSO catch Jews. This is why people get hung up on "how can Jews be behind porn if I knew this one Jewish coomer?": like a virus, their mechanisms are distributed and uncoordinated. Every Jew is simultaneously doing whatever he personally thinks is best for the Jews as a collective. This means that two Jews can act in totally opposing ways. The counter to this is attempts at coordinating Jews (bnai brith is an extreme example in that its a Secret Society, but stuff like TabletMag also exists where they just openly say stuff in areas that gentiles don't look) and attempts at moving Jews physically away (Israel serves this purpose). The ability for The Jews to act as a unified collective, as opposed to a decentralized collective which can hurt itself, is only as good as its ability to coordinate Jews while also not letting gentiles catch wind of the fact that Jews are coordinating.

>> No.19833058

>natural state of things
Do disregard that about every society that ever existed put restrictions on sexuality.
Apparently it's simply natural progression when less people are having sex and more are watching porn.

>> No.19833069

>It's just the natural state of things.
Either this guy is deluded or he is glowing harder than a neon fluorescent bar

>> No.19833083

Anyways I personally have no idea how people find cuck porn appealing. I don't find watching another man have sex with a woman interesting, let alone this weird Jewish psychoanalysis bullshit. My pathway was titties>big tittites>breast expansion>butt expansion>lactation>pregnancy, and that's it. I finished this at like 16, and I'm well past that. I jerk off like, twice a month now when the GF is on the rag.

I want to see women, I want to touch them, I want to bite them, I want to grab them, I want to fuck them, and it's hot to see a woman get womanlier. I get people who want to see stuff that they can't experience in real life, like the sort of stuff that you see in lactation porn, or futas, or tentacle porn, or nipple fucking or whatever, but I just find all this weird brainwashing stuff or watching your life through a screen stuff to just be bizarre. I don't want to see White guys fucking pretty women, I want to be the White guy fucking pretty women, why the fuck would I want to see some ugly nigger fuck a woman with a dildo?

>> No.19833088
File: 280 KB, 1275x717, Cumbrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Porn being natural does not make it healthy, and does not mean it isn't an evil industry that objectifies and abuses women, and is trying to make you its slave

>> No.19833089

Good explanation. Wouldn't centralizing weaken their hold on their rivals, though? You could have smut peddlers and the like acting like "fellow whites" at every corner of the world but if they all retreat to Israel they'd have to have a middle man.

>> No.19833092

Also, SEX being natural/healthy, does not mean PORN is natural/healthy

So in short

Shut the fuck up coomer

>> No.19833096

In a world where internet/networking technology exists, it is indeed the natural state of things.

You make a fair point about porn's impact on society. My point isn't to say that porn is good or bad, but that blaming it on some Jewish conspiracy is retarded.

>> No.19833105

>world where internet/networking technology exists, it is indeed the natural state of things.
That's also not the natural state of things

>> No.19833111
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>> No.19833116

>Also, SEX being natural/healthy
See that's sort of the problem here is that a lot of the NoFap ("don't jerk off = hornier = more likely to man up and ask girls out") and Anti-Porn ("Jews use Porn as a tool to fuck over White people") gets wrapped up in Eastern Jing conservation stuff ("Not cooming gives you superpowers") and Christfag garbage ("I'm scared of my own penis :(").

Not specifying which you're referring to inevitably leads to confusion.

>> No.19833127

Read the Culture of Critique by Kevin Macdonald

>> No.19833140

>Christfag garbage
Heh. He finally reveals his true colors.

>> No.19833174

What makes you think they want all Jews to stay in Israel?

>> No.19833183

That was just what I derived from your post but I guess it indeed makes more sense to have some "soldiers" stay there as informants and subverters.

>> No.19833191

Read this article, it explains why Macdonald's central hypothesis (Jewish evolutionary strategy) is wrong and also highlight some of his most contradictory reasoning.
The book is not without merit but it has some glaring thinking errors.

>> No.19833244


>> No.19833286

Macdonald claims everything Jews do is group evolutionary strategy, even when it makes no sense.
Other groups NEVER use group evolutionary strategy since they're all individualists, unlike Jews.
Seriously just read it, we're not on /pol/, we're on the literature board. I expect you to be able to at least skim an article.
If you're the guy that told me to read culture of critique but won't read a medium length article then please kill yourself.

>> No.19833341

>Other groups NEVER use group evolutionary strategy since they're all individualists, unlike Jews.
Did he actually claim that? I thought, in his own defenses against the slanderers, that he makes the claim that all races do it but that Jews just do it better.

>> No.19833357

>I understand that evil forces are at play, or that somebody is being paid or actively putting them up there for some reason
I really don't think it's that insidious, man. Like, sissy hypno and cuck shit (I assume this is the kind of porn you mean when you talk about "demoralization") remains incredibly niche. It's a fetish for people who already have a confused relationship with masculinity or their sexuality. And if you like to imagine yourself being made into a bitch, why is that such a huge problem? I know plenty of people with weird fetishes who lead happy and fulfilled lives, real high-achieving types who like to wear diapers on the weekends, that sort of thing. It's a kind of recreation. Perhaps this belief that there's a conspiracy to undermine one's manhood sexual integrity is itself a fetish, where the resistance to perceived manipulation sharpens the erotic charge of the inevitable relapse. Like how people talk about the "thrill of the chase," or how often sex mostly consists of foreplay. But when your sexual acts are all undertaken alone, you have to imagine there are government jews whispering sweet nothings to you.

>> No.19833393

I just noticed that I paraphrased him incorrectly. He says elites don't practice a group evolutionary strategy but are simply like-minded individualists:

"The most common threat to hierarchic harmony has been the individualistic behaviour of elites – a tendency that hardly surprises an evolutionist. Thus the early phases of industrialization were characterized by the unravelling of the social fabric and high levels of exploitation and conflict among the social classes. As another example, the slavery of Africans was a short term benefit to an 'individualistic elite of southern aristocrats in the United States' [!], but it resulted in the exploitation of the slaves and has been a long-term calamity for the society as a whole. We have also seen that 'Western elites in traditional societies have often actively encouraged Jewish economic interests to the detriment of other sectors of the native population'... Recently, writers such as Peter Brimelow...and Paul Gottfried...have called attention to an 'elite "New Class" of internationalists who are opposed to the nation-state' based on ethnic ties and highly favourable to immigration that decreases the ethnic homogeneity of traditional societies. The self-interest of this group is to cooperate with 'similar individuals' [!] in other countries rather than to identify with the lower levels of their own society. Although this type of internationalism is highly congruent with a Jewish ethic agenda – and Jews are undoubtedly disproportionately represented among this group, 'gentile members of the New Class must be seen as pursuing a narrowly individualistic agenda'."

Singly quotes used to show the cursive emphasis in the original article.

>> No.19833438

Where are you glowies coming from fuck off.

>> No.19833446

Not him but this makes sense to me. Rich gentiles don't tend to possess strong ethnic affiliations, certainly not on the level that rich jews do (which, admittedly, would be pretty hard to do since chosenites are such an extreme example of ethnic tribalism and hostility/complete lack of altruism towards those who are not a member of the tribe).

Also, you have to account for the false consciousness that is thrust even on rich gentiles.

>> No.19833448

4chan is a huge psyop and you're making yourself retarded by being here