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/lit/ - Literature

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19825666 No.19825666 [Reply] [Original]

>literature teacher is obsessed with books regarding migrants, colonialism, white guilt, all in all general nigger worship
>she wants us to write a thesis about what we've read
>all i have to say is diametrically counter to what she believes
Great, now what the fuck do I do? It's a subject I don't even care about (dutch literature, yes, hilarious I know, I regret ever picking this trash too), I just want to be over and done with it. I already expressed my non-leftist views once before on another subject and coincidentally I failed that particular exam. How do I solve this without doing the equivalent of sucking dick by writing a thesis that lauds niggers? University blows, "free thought" my ass, gatekeeping galore is what it is. I would just say whatever the fuck I want if I didn't get rejected until I "correct" my views. Can you believe this shit? I (my dad) paid these assholes to tell me to go fuck myself. I just hope they don't seriously believe "conservative" students genuinely change their viewpoints and don't just pretend to solely to get that useless piece of paper

>> No.19825715

just lie
>I (my dad) paid these assholes to tell me to go fuck myself
deserved desu

>> No.19825758

>deserved desu
Yeah, realized too late what a massive assfucking uni is. Oh well, it's my last year anyway, once it's done I won't have to even look at this clownhouse anymore

>> No.19825909

Find the holes in the theories you've read and articulate them while admitting to the truths. This is the most developing habit you can teach yourself and your teacher

>> No.19826015

Since you're dutch, research what the natives of your colonies were doing before you got there, and reframe it as colonization and oppression. For example you can point out that the first nation to colonize Indonesia was the Indian Chola dynasty. You can compare the muslim merchants who converted Indonesia to Islam to the Dutch east india company. Make sure to act outraged that islam, a western religion based on Christianity, erased or changed the noble native religous beliefs.

>> No.19826068

>dutch literature
You should have known better. If we were to graph the ratio of cultural wealth vs material wealth the Dutch would be at the very bottom of it. No peoples this rich has ever produced so little literature of notice

>> No.19826084

>dutch literature
dear god

>> No.19826102

She'll counter it with selective marxism: muslim trade didn't work as primitve accumulation of capital, but the Dutch East India Company did, therefore the Indonesian situation as third world country and dependent on the west is a result of dutch colonialism, but not muslim expansion.

OP, how many words is that thesis? Just bullshit your way through it. Talk about some Surinamese or Indonesian writer and get over with it.

>> No.19826207

please post a writing a sample. I'd love to see your work encumbered by the dogma of university. 50% of the people on my course were conservatives so you should have actually thought about what university you were going to and not been a retard who choose the first thing he got.

>> No.19826296

>primitve accumulation of capital,
I strongly doubt that any literature studies prof knows what this is. Not even the Marxists know this

>> No.19828035
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i did the intro course to english in sweden thinking we would be reading the classics or similar famous books. Instead we got to read about european colonial oppression, black women and homosexuals. Finished the course by googling answers to similar questions and just writing them differently. Disgusting fucking subhumans have taken over the university, i made a joke during class about feminist snowshoveling being retarded, which the government implemented here (shoveling bike lanes before car lanes, resulting in the snow from the car lanes being shoved onto the bike lanes anyway) and the screeching fat women dogpiled me about how thats sexist blah blah blah. Now im taking math classes, never going back to humanities again

>> No.19828237

What fucking uni is this at, anon? Södertörn?

>> No.19828629

Literature departments are usually a reflection of the culture they're about. English culture is cucked today, but e.g. you wouldn't be exposed to any of that garbage if you picked Russian literature instead.

>> No.19829962

Write what you believe.

>> No.19830785

What uni did you go to swedebro? I came in with the same expectations to my course on religious history but was happily surprised when that was not the case

>> No.19830845

Reader frontier orientalism, a short article, and apply it to a Conan short story, beyond the black river.
You have an outsider (Conan) fighting with the Other.
You're welcome.

>> No.19830852

as a bonus, compare it with its Dutch translation, focusing particulary on how the adjectives used to describe the Other and Conan are used in translation --compare and contrast it.

I'm sure it's been translated to Dutch, as well.

>> No.19830866

It's my nature to oppose others. So I always wrote counter to my teacher's beliefs whether I agreed with them or not. I had a black teacher for English class who had talked about the value of affirmative action for blacks, so I wrote an essay arguing against affirmative action. When I got the paper back, there was an A and a note asking if we could talk further. We just had a friendly debate on affirmative action and moved on. They never got mad or gave bad grades. But every time they'd want to have a friendly talk, and I was the only one in class they did that with. This is what I look fondly back on in my university days.

>> No.19830872
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Your theoretical framework:
>Andre Gingrich, “Frontier Myths of Orientalism: The Muslim World in Public and Popular Cultures of Central Europe,”
>Andre Gingrich, “The Nearby Frontier: Structural Analyses of Myths of Orientalism,”
and add Said for a good mixture

Then your literary text(s):
>"Beyond the Black River" is one of the original short stories about Conan the Cimmerian, written by American author Robert E. Howard and first published in Weird Tales magazine, v. 25, nos. 5-6, May-June 1935.
>Its dutch translation --better if there's more than one.
And if you don't know how to write anything in Translation Studies check
>the map a beginner's guide to doing research in translation studies
Be sure to include me in your Acknowledgement section.

This way, you get your "trad" sexy, totally-no-homo values and the migrants, colonialism etc.

>> No.19830904

Interesting. What year did you have these talks with your uni teacher? I have doubts as to the possibility of such open minded, mature talks happening in the current landscape, I suppose you had them before everyone lost their collective fucking minds post-BLM and post-Trump

>> No.19830928

It was around the 2016 election. The school is very liberal, and they did "woke" tests and other nonsense. I enjoyed my time otherwise because of how I engaged with the teachers.

>> No.19831135

>I enjoyed my time otherwise because of how I engaged with the teachers
Huh, based.
Surprised to hear it was around that time, not gonna lie. Guess your uni had some sanity in it still