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File: 24 KB, 331x500, 41+D18BPxdL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19824532 No.19824532 [Reply] [Original]

Any decent books that might be helpful for a massive ADHD procrastinator

I have been suffering for years but I want to try everything before I cave in and go to a therapist
Since the lookdown it got especially worse and most of the days I just waste by browsing garage online

>> No.19824544

Turning off all lights helps

>> No.19824693

Ultramind solution


>> No.19824745
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>> No.19824796

I am also interested in this.

>> No.19824905

Turn off your computer. Simple as. Also meditate.

>> No.19824961
File: 37 KB, 612x612, lock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a file cabinet with a lock on it and buy this. Lock your laptop, keyboards, routers, phones, anything that is a distraction for any amount of time. 1 hour, 5 hours, 1 week, 6 months. You won't be able to get to them.

>> No.19826006

just read more

>> No.19826130
File: 8 KB, 178x266, 41pfKB5+qjL._SY264_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_ML2_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one helped me a lot.

>> No.19826333

interested, bump

>> No.19826882


>> No.19826906

I try to leave my phone in the bedroom, keep my computer off, before noon. Having set things to do during a day also helps. I try to read at least fifty pages everyday, which gets a lot harder when I'm working. But you have to know what you actually like to avoid procrastinating. Your brain will focus in on something it finds fun, so don't torture yourself with a grammar book trying to test your will. Try watching a movie without pausing it or getting up. Go for a walk or run. Cook something.

>> No.19826985


>> No.19827722

drown yourself in stimulation until you get burned out on it desu

>> No.19828879
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This book is probably similar.

I have recommended it to hundreds online and I doubt even 1 person listened so far. But this is free on libgen, and is probably better skimmed because it's pretty repetitive

>> No.19828901

>Any decent books that might be helpful for a fictional disorder
The Bible

>> No.19828938

It's not fictional, people's brains are genuinely inflamed from bad diets, allergies and toxins

>> No.19828951

>It's not fictional, people's brains are refuting God's existence due to iphones, pornography and social subversion

>> No.19828952
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>> No.19828975

merely a symptom

>> No.19829004

I'm gonna actually cop it rightnow

>> No.19829011

Cool. I think the problem with books like these is they can't get good editors since it's a controversial topic, so they aren't as slick as they could be

>> No.19830043

Don't you have meds?

>> No.19830047

>adhd the truth about does attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder not richard saul, m.d. exist

>> No.19830106
File: 75 KB, 640x640, 1641618313136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i swear to fucking god if it wasnt for this shit malfunction id mog all of you and read 100 books per year instead i can just fantsize about having a lit as a hobby and just play vidya

>> No.19830524

I'll be honest and say you should definitely try meds. Of course you should clean your diet and get some exercise but meds will get your ass moving and get shit done. If you're an addict or there's potential for abuse then I would stay away but personally I've been on meds for a year and at age 27 it's been by far the most product year of my life. It's made me a lot more sociable too. Insomnia cant be a problem so I make sure not to take anything after 4PM.

>> No.19830760

I would have thought ADHD didn't exist if I didn't have it myself. I could understand some people thinking it's modern media culture, but I remember having extreme trouble focusing in school even as a little pre-computer life boy.

>> No.19830843

and how was you examined on your 'ADHD'? what was the regulated testing process you went through in order for you to recieve your diagnosis and undergo treatment via chemical altering drugs

>> No.19830911

I was tested first by a doctor, then by a psych, then by a psychiatrist.

>> No.19830924

what did these test entail?

>> No.19830935

I had to suck their cocks

>> No.19830944

I really think it is just exercise...
I'm a loser but when I would exercise for an hour a day I would flop down in my chair and it would be the best. Like, I'm doing all the exact same things I would have, but I had an hour of exercise. Nobody can take that away, nobody can say that was nothing. It's an hour more than before.
You browse, watch youtube, hell even jerk off like it means something again.

>> No.19830961

yeah i don't doubt it, adhd is a scam, that hasnt been properly researched and big phara has intercepted in to sell there pills

>> No.19830989
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>No what do you mean? Of course I've never been to a therapist.

Buy a rope and rest it upon your neck before jumping off a chair.

>> No.19830995

I was diagnosed as a 5 year old
diagnosed again as a 22 year old by brain wave analysis and scans.

People who actually have ADHD (small amount of the zoomer crybaby's actually posting about it ITT) have literal different working brains.

>> No.19831192

Worst thing is the internet but I need it for my thesis research
Content blockers don't even work because i just get distracted with fucking Google Maps instead of YouTube or just browse random wikipedia sites

>> No.19831195

>brain wave scans
lol there is no standardized tests to determine adhd no one can even agree what adhd actually is or what defines it scientifly/medically

>> No.19831271

People always say this shit but like, I would have the key?

>> No.19831285
File: 356 KB, 1707x2560, 815OBOdI19L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scattered Minds by Gabor Mate. Reading it convinced me to get diagnosed as an adult for ADHD. It saved me from autistically flailing my arms around for the rest of my life trying to find out what was wrong with me.

I spent years feverishly researching health and nutrition, trying diets like keto, supplements and tons of exercise to make my brain work better.
Trying methods like willpower hacks, meditation, attempting rigorous schedules to larp as a normal human being.
Watching videos of those therapists, psychologists and ted talkers shit out platitudes and motivational one-liners that only pump you up for that one day.
I desperately sought out practices that would hopefully help me turn into a normal person and alleviate what I now know are my ADHD symptoms.
Mate's book was the latest of these journeys.

His consensus on the cause, mechanism and treatment of ADHD was incredibly advanced for his time, and still is to this day, though his descriptions on the cause and mechanism are controversial and a little lukewarm to me now a year after reading. I still think everyone should read it at least once for the stories and his lessons on compassionate curiosity. I'll write it all out in summary for anyone who is curious.

>> No.19831390

All Gabor Mate's stuff is excellent

>> No.19831467

>procrastinator/ignore reality
>know I need help
>don't seek help because procrastinator

sigh :(

>> No.19831472


a bigger meme than ADHD lmao

>> No.19831579
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>> No.19831586

What the fuck are you talking about
Any psychiatrist worth their salt would diagnose you with retardation

>> No.19831604

where do I start with him? I really need to fix this lifelong issue of not studying that's getting worse as I gradually get more freedom/responsibility over my own life.

>> No.19831651

Honestly thats the worst part of it, had to already drop out once from a pretty good degree programme because of this insanity. I'm really thinking that meds might be my last choice right now or else I will end up homeless

>> No.19831654

Meds helped me but you need to still put in effort. It's just that the meds make everything more interesting/euphoria inducing.
For me they didn't help because I neglected discipline but for a lot of people they worked wonders.

>> No.19832184

ADHD is the 'four humors' of our time. We'll look back on it and laugh. There's a reason that most papers published with evidence for it are done so by people with no medical clinical background.

People will criticize the over-reliance on medication and 'big phrama' but for someone reason won't connect the exponential growth of these nebulous 'disorders' being diagnosed or defined along with it. You'd think people would catch on that most of it is literally made up to sell more drugs. Just come up with a good few alphabet disorders and then give them all the same 100$ drug regimen.

Depression, shizo, etc. there are many genuine disorders that can be cured with medication, I'm just saying that there's more bullshit there than you'd first realize. Especially when it comes to diagnoses of children, who are much less aware of what 'normal' behavior is, and it tends to be easier to cherrypick behavior to match a diagnosis, especially if you're doing so with the help of a psychologist. Doctors already over-prescribe for regular medical issues, of course they'll do so with these issues.

Again, not always the case, and you can of course have what people call 'ADHD' in a certain sense, but it's not some inherent issue that needs mediciation. You're just experiencing something outside of the picture of what you assume you should be. 'I lose motivation, so it must be an illness.'

>> No.19832206

Im a psychiatrist and contrary to popular opinion, I find it hard to believe ADHD exists as well, but I certainly would not go into lengthy discussion with ADHD experts on this topic.
I am lucky that I don't practice in the US tho since it isn't as pushed anywhere else.

Mate is a joke
You were diagnosed by charlatans

>> No.19832213

I always used to rely on fear to study. As in, 'it's certainly within the realm of possibility that I will end up with a shit life if I don't do this.'

You just need to connect the idea of studying with the reality of what could happen if you don't. It seems extremely obvious, but I personally found that I was seeing uni like a game rather than like a consequential part of my life.

I may not have the same issues you have, but I've never been great at studying. I did get through my course nonetheless.

>> No.19832228

and as a psychiatrist I completely agree with this post.
Also I believe there will be even more insurgence of people claiming to be autistic/neurodivergent in the following years which would be really deeply harmful to actually autistic people, since it probably just be the same fags that claimed ADHD or whatever. The narcissistic, bored, unhappy and entitled attention seekers.

>> No.19832241

just to follow on this thought, sorry for splitting it too much, maybe I have ADHD.

I also believe having "adhd" or being "neurodivergent" (pun intended) is sort of aesthetic choice of saying that you believe you are complicated, deep and that people are unaware of your true potential that you believe you posses, even if u don't.
I'm sorry to insult anyone and I understand the position of epistemic injustice I speak from.

>> No.19832589

>all the italian nobel prizes that ate past adily are stupid, because I say so
I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt, but give me a tldr on that book.

>> No.19832869

My cousin is autistic as fuck. Plays minecraft all day since his third year (he's eleven now) and will throw demonic tantrums for hours whenever he is triggered by something that gets him out of his perfect world fantasy. For example at a christmas party someone used a plastic fork and plastic is bad for the environment so he started his psychotic screaming until people started leaving the party.

>> No.19833283

> Brain wave analysis

Literal lie-detector level shit.

The brain doesn't 'work differently' you fucking moron.
You were diagnosed twice because you claimed the same things twice. Doesn't mean those things themselves constitute a fundamentally different functioning of the brain.

>> No.19833293

Not trying to being confrontational, but why is that relevant?
I didn't mention autism.

>> No.19833350

Because, something important I forgot, he was also diagnosed with ADD/ADHD and was put on medications for it that didn't seem to do anything at all. I'm affirming your suggestion that ADHD and ADD are meme diseases.

>> No.19833366
File: 98 KB, 640x360, doomer-wojak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any people actually here who managed to turn their life around?
Like went from internet, cooming, Vidya degenerate that wastes 10 hours daily to someone who has found a way to give his life a structure and learned a skill/went back to uni/found a decent joberino

>> No.19833375

Ah, okay

>> No.19833459

yeah, i grew out of my depression and i'm a normal functioning member of society now. i'm not joking. for most people it's literally just diet/exercise/having social interaction and getting their heads out of their asses.

>> No.19833479

Nice digits. I'll tell you as somebody who suffers from a god awful attention span and obsessive compulsions that only you have the key to that answer. What I can suggest is to do a full dopamine fast. Power off all screens, eat non-exquisite foods and don't engage in masturbation for an entire day. Essentially you are emulating prison for a day, that's the goal. You will get bored very quickly. That's the point. You might panic (I did), but after a few hours the brain fog begins to subside and clarity sets in. After the first day, you should be more aware of your bad habits and even as you incorporate super-normal stimuli back into your life, you are aware of them all. Let go of as many as possible, but don't rush and try to purge everything at once. If you find yourself falling back into the pitfalls, do another fast. This process is not an instant fix. It's gradual. One cannot undo years, possibly decades of terrible behavior in a day. It's going to be a battle, soldier.

>> No.19833643

Yeah I went from a loser going to a tradie school and doing nothing to being a loser in a world top 50 med school. It took a "spark" from the outside, mostly other people talking me into it, and now it's going quite alright.

Funny, I first thought I'd be following my abusive dad's advice and becoming a janny.

>> No.19833651

>Yeah I went from a loser going to a tradie school and doing nothing to being a loser in a world top 50 med school
and all I did before changing my life was games/fapping to women I meet omegle/some gym and waste my early 20s away

>> No.19834745

>I'll write it all out in summary for anyone who is curious

>> No.19834801

>by brain wave analysis and scans.
LOL, even more inaccurate than self-diagnosing

>> No.19834823

except I need my laptop/phone to do my work

>> No.19834855

Sort of. I work in translation now, mostly because I was able to learn the language I was interested in through constant exposure and my writing abilities were always slightly above the average (understanding said average is absolute illiteracy).
All I can say is to work in bursts of focus. It's hard and it'll never stop being so, but once you get used to it you can be quite productive whenever you feel like it.
You definitely don't need to have your phone next to you while you're working. Just keep it out of view at first; eventually you'll forget it exists.
Another tip I can offer to anons suffering from a chronic lack of focus is to give music a try. Nothing too stimulating, just calming background music should be enough to actually help your focus greatly. After you sit down and force yourself to catch the groove and then enter the zone, and learn how to get there consistently, life will be that much easier for you. You'll even learn to focus on stupid bullshit, or at least switch from one state to another quite swiftly.
Good luck!

>> No.19834884

How do you get your head out of your own ass?
Unironically. Literally unironically.

>> No.19835279
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If you're Aussie and have ADHD why haven't you monetised your condition yet

I'm prescribed 9 dexies a day but can by fine with 7. I set aside the couple I save every day and sell them off at the end of every month at $5-6ea. Normally I'd use the disposable income for socialising (bars, restaurants, bowling, etc.) but with the current wave I've just been saving up

>tfw I'll never reach the same god mode I felt in the first 3-4 weeks of starting meds

>> No.19835521
File: 119 KB, 482x427, 1642908729210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i can just fantsize about having a lit as a hobby and just play vidya
this hits too close to home

>> No.19835548

meditate. you'll hear this every time you ask but you never do it, anon. I have told you this since the beginning of chan.

>> No.19835782

>Suffer from high IQ
>Get made fun of
>For some reason start trying a mental health approach
>Stop going because either A) I want to fuck the therapist or (B) The therapist is a decent person just trying to help but doesn't understand my limited capacity to help myself has inflated a greater intent to inflict harm on myself [/endspoiler]
>Commit crimes on a daily basis because I have no incentive not to do so
>Eventually Baker Act'd
>You have the el schizophrenorino
Wait no I'm not sure about that
>Locks you in the tard pool for 48 hours
Hey can someone please understand I don't have schizophrenia
>Take your meds
I'm literally going ape shit
>Take your meds
>He has schizophrenia
Wait are you trying to trick me
>He didn't see it was a ruse
No that's what I was trying to say
>He's literally mentally incapacitated
No I'm saying I saw this coming like years previously

This is unironically no bullshit
If I could have taken meth in high school I'd be in a great position with my life.
I don't care if you have Autism fucking dementia fucking ADHD I don't care
If you are :
>In school
>In your twenties
>a lazy sack of ass holes or afflicted by thoughts which impede progress
Just get that fucking Liberty Meth Green Card
Smoke that Fucking Medicinal Meth Today! and tell Everyone that - You. Are. Retarded!
You are So Retarded - You Need Meth. Don't say "I can do this - I'm going to learn how to breath!" - Get Meth Today. Because if you let conniptions hold you back - that cracked out tard ass fuckin tarderino zoomer jock WILL complete the piles of work you didn't think you had that capacity to complete.
You WILL be left behind

>> No.19835784

oh fuck

>> No.19835795

>Suffer from high IQ
>Get made fun of
>For some reason start trying a mental health approach
>Stop going because either A) I want to fuck the therapist or (B) The therapist is a decent person just trying to help but doesn't understand my limited capacity to help myself has inflated a greater intent to inflict harm on myself
>Commit crimes on a daily basis because I have no incentive not to do so
>Eventually Baker Act'd
>You have the el schizophrenorino
Wait no I'm not sure about that
>Locks you in the tard pool for 48 hours
Hey can someone please understand I don't have schizophrenia
>Take your meds
I'm literally going ape shit
>Take your meds
>He has schizophrenia
Wait are you trying to trick me
>He didn't see it was a ruse
No that's what I was trying to say
>He's literally mentally incapacitated
No I'm saying I saw this coming like years previously

This is unironically no bullshit
If I could have taken meth in high school I'd be in a great position with my life.
I don't care if you have Autism fucking dementia fucking ADHD I don't care
If you are :
>In school
>In your twenties
>a lazy sack of ass holes or afflicted by thoughts which impede progress
Just get that fucking Liberty Meth Green Card
Smoke that Fucking Medicinal Meth Today! and tell Everyone that - You. Are. Retarded!
You are So Retarded - You Need Meth. Don't say "I can do this - I'm going to learn how to breath!" - Get Meth Today. Because if you let conniptions hold you back - that cracked out tard ass fuckin tarderino zoomer jock WILL complete the piles of work you didn't think you had that capacity to complete.
You WILL be left behind

>> No.19835848

>>Suffer from high IQ
>>Get made fun of
>>For some reason start trying a mental health approach
>>Stop going because either A) I want to fuck the therapist or (B) The therapist is a decent person just trying to help but doesn't understand my limited capacity to help myself has inflated a greater intent to inflict harm on myself
>>Commit crimes on a daily basis because I have no incentive not to do so
>>Eventually Baker Act'd
>>You have the el schizophrenorino
>Wait no I'm not sure about that
>>Locks you in the tard pool for 48 hours
>Hey can someone please understand I don't have schizophrenia
>>Take your meds
>I'm literally going ape shit
>>Take your meds
>>He has schizophrenia
>Wait are you trying to trick me
>>He didn't see it was a ruse
>No that's what I was trying to say
>>He's literally mentally incapacitated
>No I'm saying I saw this coming like years previously
>This is unironically no bullshit
>If I could have taken meth in high school I'd be in a great position with my life.
>I don't care if you have Autism fucking dementia fucking ADHD I don't care
>If you are :
>>In school
>>In your twenties
>>a lazy sack of ass holes or afflicted by thoughts which impede progress
>Just get that fucking Liberty Meth Green Card
>Smoke that Fucking Medicinal Meth Today! and tell Everyone that - You. Are. Retarded!
>You are So Retarded - You Need Meth. Don't say "I can do this - I'm going to learn how to breath!" - Get Meth Today. Because if you let conniptions hold you back - that cracked out tard ass fuckin tarderino zoomer jock WILL complete the piles of work you didn't think you had that capacity to complete.
>You WILL be left behind
>GET that mf METH SALT

>> No.19835882

>>>Suffer from high IQ
>>>Get made fun of
>>>For some reason start trying a mental health approach
>>>Stop going because either A) I want to fuck the therapist or (B) The therapist is a decent person just trying to help but doesn't understand my limited capacity to help myself has inflated a greater intent to inflict harm on myself
>>>Commit crimes on a daily basis because I have no incentive not to do so
>>>Eventually Baker Act'd
>>>You have the el schizophrenorino
>>Wait no I'm not sure about that
>>>Locks you in the tard pool for 48 hours
>>Hey can someone please understand I don't have schizophrenia
>>>Take your meds
>>I'm literally going ape shit
>>>Take your meds
>>>He has schizophrenia
>>Wait are you trying to trick me
>>>He didn't see it was a ruse
>>No that's what I was trying to say
>>>He's literally mentally incapacitated
>>No I'm saying I saw this coming like years previously
>>This is unironically no bullshit
>>If I could have taken meth in high school I'd be in a great position with my life.
>>I don't care if you have Autism fucking dementia fucking ADHD I don't care
>>If you are :
>>>In school
>>>In your twenties
>>>a lazy sack of ass holes or afflicted by thoughts which impede progress
>>Just get that fucking Liberty Meth Green Card
>>Smoke that Fucking Medicinal Meth Today! and tell Everyone that - You. Are. Retarded!
>>You are So Retarded - You Need Meth. Don't say "I can do this - I'm going to learn how to breath!" - Get Meth Today. Because if you let conniptions hold you back - that cracked out tard ass fuckin tarderino zoomer jock WILL complete the piles of work you didn't think you had that capacity to complete.
>>You WILL be left behind
>>GET that mf METH SALT

>> No.19835991

but yeah i feel this way my mom didn't want me to be some durgged up quniea pig for big pharma drug trials so she didn't let me get adhd meds or anything like that and they were actually very difficult to get during high school and college
maybe if you go to like mit or something they're handing them out like candy but not my shitty school
in the end i struggled and just barely succeded school i say just barely because once i got out it caught up with me and now I don't know anything and practically dont have a job and i cant study programming or anything

>> No.19836267

you replied to the wrong person mate

>> No.19836277


>> No.19836283

Right, by the time you realize you have it meds are the only solution.

>> No.19836289

In grade school the teachers were always trying to get in contact with my parents because I’d learned that if I chewed on the front of my shirt and picked my skin so much it bled/hurt I could focus.
It’s caused by child abuse/neglect sure but once you have it it’s incurable.

>> No.19836304

I was going to ask how the fuck you got recommendations for end school, but then I realized you were just a normal person that went through a rough patch, not an autist.
Autists can’t turn their life around because no matter what no one would ever give a LOR for anything.

>> No.19836427

You work hard.
I got The Mind Illuminated. I'm gonna be mad if it's all hogwash.
And here's something that I just remembered. I don't know when I last tried meditation (without help or understanding, I just tried to close my eyes and think of nothing) for some retarded reason Sumilidon from Medebots pops into my head. Just hearing the word meditation brought that to mind so that's probably not a good start.

>> No.19836659

The question is, is add/adhd a blessing or a curse? Perhaps rather than “curing” it we can canalize it into something productive.

>> No.19837333

Meditation, exercise and caffeine (healthier in comparison to smoking-- nicotine) might help.

Balance your caffeine consumption though, do not turn into an addict.

>> No.19837355

I'll keep this short from someone that had ADHD or thought i had, just do the work. theres no special tricks or anything except the quote 'focus is the currency of success" helped me and then forcing myself to read books and study everyday for hours. Then 2 months in I realised my focus improved a lot and motivation and momentum was naturally increasing from there.
Also it makes you feel superior to the ADHD masses

>> No.19837723

1. your cousin is based. If he was in a position of power, people would immediately respect him but he's a kid so...
2. playing minecraft all day and throwing tantrums isn't what the autism diagnosis is for so your cousin got misdiagnosed twice.

>> No.19837822

Sometimes I wonder if people with ADHD had a purpose in past societies that has now largely disappeared due to technology. Perhaps some people just aren't meant to be studying, learning, trying to keep up with everything everyday. Sometimes I think life would be easier if I was assigned some role in society that required me to hyperfocus for a couple of days and then take the rest of the week off, like a hunter or something.

>> No.19837830

How would you have the key? It's locked in a box that you can't get into until the timer runs out

>> No.19838124

Scattered by Dr. Maté was a good read. ADHD isn’t something you should focus on though, you need to just focus on how to apply yourself and learn how you use your mind. Also you likely have some emotional baggage or attitudes that you were given during your upbringing that need to be resolved. Associating your identity with the symptoms of ADHD and a permanently damaged brain is SUICIDE. Most people have absolutely no clue how to use their minds, but once you start making progress on this front you will be able to achieve more than anyone you know. Also, be careful with medication. It’s not a solution to your problems, only your mind is. The problem with medication is that for most people it gives diminishing returns when used regularly, and it avoids the root of your problems.

>> No.19838800

How everyone drool so much over Mate is beyond me.
I mean, I understand that people get captivated by cult-like new-agish mumbo jumbo spiritual personas with a hint of appraisal of science, but, like.. still.

>> No.19839156

yeah just what a guy with adhd needs a billion different recommendations answers

>> No.19839158

ephedrine and an e-cigarette

>> No.19839410

you can always study programming but I won't if I don't have meth analogs in my blood. You can always study programming though. I really miss amphetamines.

>> No.19839432 [DELETED] 

Watch Gummo.

>> No.19839511

basically the whole, 'hyperactive' part of adhd is just a result of slow nerves when your brain isn't paying attention to things. so the whole thing about kids being hyperactive is superfluous.
we dont want to wire our brains to computers.
if you wanted to call ad'h'd, black people are the real adhd in our society as they have faster nerves but more attentive brains, but they can't do loads of actions with cognitive ability like swim and stuff like that. white people are essentially starved of nerve action like rabbits. (bigger brains).

>> No.19839632

yeah i wouldn't rule out cigarettes for even for an adhd suffering from addiction problems.

also over caffiene consumption isn't such a great idea for the inattentive, have a coffee every 14 days. or one of those nicotine 'freeze' things, they get you to do stuff.

fuck, i would even recommend getting addicted to alcohol over caffeine, sure the withdrawal is painful, but you can learn from it. Caffeine is a methyl, which is notoriously difficult to get our your system.

>> No.19839733

na you're wrong. if capitalism was the production of goods for the goods worth. it would collapse in itself.

people who make software even have mild attention ' "gash" ' becaz they need to keep up with the real-timeness of computers.

>> No.19839793

Sounds more like he wasn’t given opportunities to become properly socialized and so he’s become an annoying little shit. It’s happening to a lot of kids nowadays— parents don’t realize how insanely important it is for their kid’s development to engage with other kids outdoors and explore the world. Staying inside and playing Minecraft all day for literal years will fuck a kid up big time and make him a total spaz.

>> No.19839878

he sounds based as fuck. plastic is daft

>> No.19839938

Yeah. Distant relatives hooked me up with jobs, now I have a trade. Ironically after NEETING for most of my twenties I'm super hardworking and haven't taken a a sick day in like 2 years.

>> No.19839990

yeah, if this were my brother i would ask him to do the same

>> No.19839998

Tons of people are talking about ADHD now because every millennial and zoomer on TikTok decided that they suddenly have ADHD

>> No.19840033

isn't TikTok right wing? they got into that anti paedophile Hillary Clinton conspiracy which is probably correct

>> No.19840061

Letter of recommendation

>> No.19840124

I trusted Christ and beat myself and begged for him to forgive me my sins and let me serve him.
Eventually I got a decent job, quit opietes, stopped having sex with random girls, was able to be alone without crippling loneliness raping me, started going back to school, started reading the Bible and praying daily, Asked God for wisdom and He gave it to me abundantly, Got accepted into seminary, feel a constant presence of my Father's spirit near me.
I had a bad stint of depression a few years back that just recently went away, I'm not going to sit here and lie to you and say my life went great and perfect, but I always ALWAYS have hope in Christ, and the suffering gets easier because it's for a purpose.

>> No.19840517

This but instead of Christ I do it for Hitler

>> No.19840867

Just do it for christ, I mean, Hitler himself definitely at least considered Christ, so.
At least take your own stance on the subject.
Low-tier bait probably

>> No.19840894

I'm 90% serious. Humanity has so much more potential than what we're currently showing, and national socialism is the path to actualizing it. Death to corruption, hedonism, and all that other garbage.

>> No.19840950

best advice here

>> No.19840966

> I'll write it all out in summary for anyone who is curious.

Go ahead.

>> No.19841150

isn't tiktok with 1 billion users right wing? they got into 'right wing' pedo conspiracy which probably wasnt a conspiracy.
do you think you sound retarded or nah?

>> No.19841565

I just didn't want to clog up the thread with a long summary. The book says a ton.
I hope this isn't too long for you guys, I tried to portray the full idea and also my personal response to it a year after reading.

Gabor's view on ADHD encompasses a lot more than procrastination. His consensus is that ADD is first caused by trauma incurred during the first few months after birth in the disruption of the attachment-attunement relationship between parent and newborn. For Mate, it was his mother being deported to a different concentration camp than him immediately after his birth during the Holocaust. His explanation of the neurological mechanism behind ADHD was educated by a few studies he read concerning childhood development which were largely ignored by other medical literature at the time. He never disclosed what exactly the studies he read were but the quotes he takes from the studies kinda resemble a description of epigenetics which must have been budding research in 1999 when the book was published.

People with ADHD are genetically hypersensitive individuals who, very early on in their life, have not undergone proper brain development due to the disruption of the attachment-attunement relationship with their parent. Hypersensitivity is common throughout the world, 1/3 of people are said to show some degree of genetic hypersensitivity. Hypersensitivity can take many forms but it often correllates with allergies, asthma, emotional sensitivity, etc. Emotional hypersensitivity can confer many benefits, as those with it are the first to pick up on social cues. Mate says hypersensitive people can be found in creatives, doctors, and those most keen to the cultural problems of their times.

Where a non-hypersensitive child may be quiet, difficult to rouse, a hypersensitive child is often the first to cry in a stressful situation, and they are also exquisitely suited to pick up on unconscious emotional stresses within a family. But because of their tendency to react so strongly to stimuli, disruption of the attachment-attunement relationship between parent and infant especially harmful to their development because of the tendency to overreact to stimuli.

>> No.19841567

Emotional responsivity, and the unconditional positive attachment of the parent to the child, is crucial for the development of the brain of infant. The child's brain is growing as they and their mother are bonding. When a mother and a child are making eye contact, and the child looks away first, the child has no shame in doing so. It is only in order to avoid overstimulation. But when the mother is the first to look away, either due to her own emotional issues or something other, the child is mortified. They're immediately swept into the physiological effects of stress, dejection and shame. Prolonged disruption of the attachment-attunement relationship is so physiologically devastating for the child that, in a bid for survival, the brain downregulates portions of itself in order to not perceive the stressful situation. These same downregulated portions can persist into adulthood and are involved with all the characteristic symptoms of ADHD like attentiveness, working memory, emotional regulation, etc.
Not all with hypersensitivity will go on to develop ADHD, but ALL those with ADHD are hypersensitive.

ADHD therefore can be considered an adaptation due to environment. However, this adaptation only confers benefits in the short term, in this case survival of the infant. In the long term, effects are detrimental. Once these changes to the brain are established during childhood and begin built on top of, it becomes difficult to change them. However, it is not impossible. The brain retains a large degree of plasticity even late into adulthood. The effects only persist because the environment is sufficient for them to do so. However, if the undeveloped sectors of the brain responsible for ADHD are to be developed, change of environment is once again needed for the brain to produce the changes needed for growth. Mate recommends a few guildines to follow in order to begin yourself develop.

The first, and most important, is compassionate curiosity in the quest for self insight. A separate problem, but one which is intimately related to ADHD, is the low self esteem that people with ADHD grow up with in response to noticing their own deficits. A person with ADHD commonly makes unfair judgements and strict demands of themselves. The solution is to simply notice when you do. Notice every time you're being unfair to yourself, notice when you're making a judgement. Notice and ask, "am I running an insurrection against myself, or a helpful, insight oriented inquiry?" Not simply to be kind to yourself, but in an attempt to uncover the meaning behind them. Behaviours are like a mosaic that paints painful lessons from your past. Often the memory itself has disappeared, but the emotions remain. The point is to ask yourself, "what is being acted out?"

>> No.19841571

The later advice Mate gives consists of the self-care similar to what a parent would give to their child. ADHD people often struggle with taking care of themselves. This only perpetuates the suffering. Being healthy requires proper nutrition, exercise, tending to the emotional needs. You can consider your undeveloped self as a child that will not unless he is afforded the proper, unconditional care and attention that was you were not afforded when you were an infant. But noone is better at frustrating yourself over responsibilities and simple tasks than people with ADHD. So gradual steps, even at a glacial pace may be necessary for people with ADHD to start getting on the road to development, all the while noticing when you are being impatient and irrational with yourself. Mate also advocates trying meditation (though he does not specify exactly which type) as it is extremely beneficial to people with ADHD, although extremely challenging. Mate does not rule out taking stimulant medication as the benefits are profound for people with ADHD and the risks/complications of them are much fewer than popular belief asserts. Nevertheless Mate is skeptical of the pharmaceutical industry and psychiatrists who are trained in medicating the brain but without any training in emotional therapy or psychology.

Overall his theory was incredibly advanced for his time, and even the present, so one does wonder how he came about it. Unfortunately he never linked the study he spoke of that formed the basis for his narrative on ADHD, or any sources for that matter, although he does quote the study many times throughout the book as well as other developmental psychologists. I think not offering sources severely hurts his credibility. The topics in the book concerning trauma and childhood development are intimately connected with his other books on those topics, which I have not read, so you may find more complete and satisfying explanations by exploring those books. But from what I have read, the most recent research on ADHD does not support his insistence on the condition being due primarily to emotional deprivation and trauma in the childhood environment. Modern research does seem to place ADHD on having a large genetic basis and heredity. And I have mixed feelings about his continued insistence on learning about your trauma as there's many stories of people spending a millennia and tons of money inside the gloomy therapist's office trying to figure out what "happened to you" to no avail. Also, I love my mom very much and I do not want her to believe that the cause of my unsatisfactory performance in life was due to her own negligence in raising me and failure to take care of her uncured emotional baggage. After gesturing her to read this book I realized what kind of message she'd inevitably get, so I had to clarify this to her.

>> No.19841574

So take his interpretation of the nature of ADHD with a grain of salt, and if you want to take the dramatic plunge to try and connect modern research to his view then please do. I can't sit through a scientific journal. But even though his description of the mechanism may be flawed, I still like his empathetic take and hopeful outlook on how you can view your ADHD. Too often I've seen ADHD explained as some unchangeable, hopeless facet of genetics or some deeply wicked moral failing. Gabor tells you that change is possible and your emotions can serve as valuable lessons. I found the stories really insightful, too. There's a lot of accounts by Mate's patients of how they perceived their symptoms, which was probably the most poignant part of the book. It also contains a lot of Gabor Mate's personal experiences and stories of his ADHD and how it affected his relationship with his wife and ADHD kids before he was diagnosed with it in his late adulthood. While working at his lucrative job as a supervising doctor he spent thousands of dollars on classical records, of which he listened to almost none.

But honestly beyond my book recommendation I want to advise you to be cautious in your adoption of the different narratives on ADHD. There are many, and Mate's narrative is just one like any other, and it's not free from flaws or implications that can hurt.

>> No.19841589

>psychology student (at fucking best)
>larping as a psychiatrist MD

>> No.19841865

Thank you anon. I'll read it.

>> No.19841899

I have diagnosed ADHD. I tried this and it fucking sucks.

>> No.19841928

>give music a try. Nothing too stimulating, just calming background music
This used to work until I learned some music theory.

>> No.19842272

Thanks for reading, anon. I sincerely hope you get something out of the book. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it but I know this thread probably won't last that long. Ironically it took me over half a year to finish the book

>> No.19842764

No and I have recently given up on ever achieving anything meaningful or having a satisfying career.

>> No.19842775

>high IQ
>can't even manage to correctly use spoilers on a traditional mongolian basket weaving internet forum
>posts multiple times
something's not right
i understand you though. i also have high IQ ("diagnosed" at the same time as my ADHD and Aspergers like 5 years ago) and it doesn't help me at all in life.

>> No.19843450

>can't even manage to correctly use spoilers on a traditional mongolian basket weaving internet forum
working for me, maybe stop using brave

>> No.19843908

i was talking about his post where he messed up his spoilers.
brave is for plebs, i myself use lynx.

>> No.19844007

>using a web browser instead of curl

>> No.19844360

ADHD does not exist. you're just lazy and have no goal or discipline. all adhd zoom zooms need is a beating.

protip: there is no adhd in asia, because their mothers will beat the living shit out of them.

>> No.19844389

what a cope
you're just a retarded loser
the dude who invented the adhd label admitted it doesn't exist and he was just out to sell speed to children on a mass scale

>> No.19844402

even autism is fake. i'm autistic and never acted like that because my ass would have been dragged out back and BEATEN
i learned how to act like a human being and i went through hell to achieve it. the rest of you are lazy, coping losers with mothers who get off munchausens by proxy to having a dumb retard child to attention whore. autism is FAKE. it's all cope. just take a belt to that little faggot and knock some of his teeth out and it'll learn him

>> No.19844417

You should do the complete opposite. Lock yourself in an empty room and give your mind nothing to do.

>> No.19844425

this. God provides. God gave us all perfectly functional brains. we have all this 'mental illness' because society abandoned god in favor of material baubles and hedonism.

Find God and repent. It's that easy (and hard). no one who is a coomer hedonist can have sound mental health. all 'mental illness' in modern times comes from the degeneration of society.

>> No.19844463

>there is no adhd in asia
I'd say you could just use whatever search engine to prove yourself wrong but I assume you'll say any of the papers or articles that get returned as results are invalid

>> No.19844471

Yeah but young boys weren't meant to be forced to sit down and listen to a teacher blather on about useless nonsense. They were meant to be outside and frolic. Your "ADHD" in this case was not a brain disorder, it was disciplinary disobedience. Not an intrinsic neuropathology but a sign of potential civilizational deviance. They need you to sit and listen and follow orders and learn how to be a good worker. In truth it was your body urging you to go run around outside.

There are even some evolutionary theories that many supposed cognitive disorders are actually naturally adaptive but are only maladapted to modern civilization. Insomniacs, for instance, would be good to have around in caveman times so they can spot the saber tooth tiger creeping on them while everybody else is sleeping. And ADHD gives people a crack ability to notice certain things at the periphery, such as small animals moving in the bush to hunt. I've noticed this with several of my friends who have it. They always spot details in the environment that narrowly over-focused people like me fail to spot.

>> No.19844488

Foucault's Madness and Civilization gets into the details of what I touch upon here btw. Mainly, the idea that mental disorders in large part are social constructs or defined by their deviation from the expected norms of civilizational power structures

>> No.19844503

>God gave us all perfectly functional brains
Ancient medical scientists like Hippocrates, Galen, Eristratus, etc all wrote about mental illnesses such as epilepsy or schizophrenia at some point in their lives. I guess the functional brains only go to Christians?

>> No.19844630

Meds are the only way besides having someone force you to better yourself 24/7.

>> No.19844872

meds don't always work for everybody. like me, i tried like 6 different ones and none of them worked.
the only one that kind of did something gave me so many secondary effects that it was just not worth it.

>> No.19845562

I have my psych eval tomorrow, finna pick up some Addy no cap

>> No.19845706

I always find it strange when people talk about how the way they were parented is how all children should be raised. If that were true, you would not be posting on 4chan.

>> No.19847115

Look up Transformation Mastery Mentoring. A book is not going to help you. You need to go within.

>> No.19848454

Has a therapist actually helped anyone? Or is it just the meds that seem to be most effective

>> No.19848502

My problem is that the premise for the origin of ADHD here seems underdeveloped. I know people with ADHD who had no attachment issues with their parents. This is either cause their parents were very much around while they were growing up (and they didn't mind it), or because they had independence, liked it, and even then their parents were in reach most if not all of the time.

I'm not surprised that the solution includes some pseudo-science BS like watching nutrition/exercise/sleep. Yes, all that helps but that's not nearly enough to 'cure' ADHD in most people.

Even if there was some study, without him linking the research to support this claim, it can't be scrutinized properly. Moreover, even if that study was fine, just one study isn't really enough for such a bold claim on origin and cure/treatment.

When it comes down to it, 80% of ADHD people respond well to stimulants. With this medication, they can very often fairly normal and well-functioning lives. If one stimulant doesn't work, there are others, and even then a few non-stimulant medications too.

On a semi-related note, I'm always so flabbergasted by how /lit/ and, to an extent, /sci/ handle topics like this. You would think that being well-read as they are they would know that matters like this aren't cursed by simply cutting out carbs or something inane (as one earlier poster suggested) Humans have been eating complex carbohydrates for quite some time now, even if simple sugars deserve flak (and they do get it. There is no recommended daily intake of raw sugar far as I know)

If you have ADHD or think you have ADHD, the best advice is to talk to a doctor: ideally a psychiatrist since they will be the most likely to prescribe the controlled substance meds that can actually offer relief.

>> No.19848533

ADHD can be observed in the brain. Beside which, medicating people that get the diagnosis can help them reduce or remove the symptoms, so scam or not, the medicine works. You can find some studies on Sciencedaily

>> No.19848579

Why is it that when it comes to ADHD, every layman seems to have a medical opinion on it?

>> No.19848591

They might. People with ADHD seemingly has an area where they possess "hyper focus", which means they have even more attention on that particular field than "normal" people can have on anything

>> No.19848593

>hear voices and get seizures
>has to thank God for a perfectly functioning brain

>> No.19848614

ADHD don't exist.

>> No.19848632

>ADHD can be observed in the brain

Oh, dear.

>> No.19848635


>> No.19849829

Oh no no no bros, doc didn't wanna give me stims and instead he said "the longer we talk the more I think you should go to therapy"
It seems that I've been heccin btfo

>> No.19850103

Same thing happened to me, thought that he will prescribe me that sweet r Italin but instead it was a typical assessment session and he said that this will require some follow ups, wtf

>> No.19851076

You don't exist. You're a ghost on a screen. Go away

>> No.19851298

at least one person listen to me...
you've been diagnosed with adhd - you're just hypersensitive to this accelerating world, it's your greatest strength but also your biggest source of pain.

if you have the means, just learn to do something with your hands that that isn't art: cooking, DIY, carpentry, writing philosophy, binding books, making leather shoes.. anything to produce something without the expectation that it should be judged, consumed or purchased.

it feels good. if you get good enough at it, you can even go live in a beautiful rural area and finally enjoy your life without the pressure of achievement or financial reward, to a certain extent.

thank me later

ps i've come out of a lifetime of drug addiction, psychiatric hospital and drug addiction because of of this bullshit diagnosis. i'm finally feeling truly stable serene.

>> No.19852681

you have most DEFINITELY been masking and don't know how to undo it.

>> No.19854058


>> No.19855558


Like some of the other people in this thread, I spent a great deal of my late teens and early twenties coping. My parents gaslit me into thinking I was fine because I got good grades in high school. But I could never focus on what the teacher was saying, it was like the words were water, and I got good grades because I read the textbook every semester. This worked until my junior year of college when the material got more difficult and the textbook was supplementary to the lectures. I started to struggle in school and almost flunked out. I then literally optimized every aspect of my life, getting 8 hours of sleep, cutting out unhealthy foods, nofap, cutting porn, cutting drugs/alcohol, exercise every day, meditation, etc. I lived like a fucking monk. I would even isolate myself in a room to study with a textbook and my notes, and I would just end up daydreaming for 75% of the time. I barely managed to scrape by and graduated with a below average grade.

Doing poorly in college completely destabilized my life and I'm now just recovering in my early 30s. I had to work shitty jobs until my mid twenties while living with my judgmental parents, still living a lifestyle that cut out almost every pleasure because my brain will literally hit the dopamine button over and over again if given the chance. I was able to bullshit my way into a programming gig after reading some books and writing a couple shitty apps to get to a better place socially/financially.

Even then I didn't get medicated until I started recording my time daily. I had a spreadsheet where I wrote down what I was spending my time on and I found I was spending 2-3 hours a day on coping strategies and on “being productive” with minimal actual gains. When working a 9-5 job, that's a significant amount of time. Not to mention the social consequences of a brain seeking constant stimulation. I’ve hurt a lot of people and didn’t get to know some that I should have. Its effected work relationships and I’ve dropped jobs too early when I should have stayed longer.

If you got through my rant, I implore you not to write off medication or delaying it for too long. If you are in a place where you have something to lose like a failing marriage, college, or a new job, go get help. Everything turned out okay for me but it very easily could have gone the other way. And when I really reflect on my life, what did I get for my stubbornness? Nothing. I wasted the opportunities of my late teens and twenties, the “fun” part, being anxious/self-loathing 24/7 and trying to manage something on my own that could have been treated by a pill.

The book, “Is it You, Me, Or Adult ADHD” by Gina Pera got me into therapy so I always recommend it to people who are on the fence. I truly do not know if I actually have ADD or not, but if the medication has a positive effect on my life, does it really matter?

>> No.19855578

>i'm autistic
You sound more like a retard. I've worked with actual autists before (and not slur-kind like tranny, schizo or autist) and they don't know how to write or take care of themselves in the most basic ways. What are they faking?

>> No.19855657

Not that guy but leave EEG alone.

It's not for ADHD but EEG is based.

>> No.19855670

I am telling you now that you were not diagnosed by brain wave analysis. It is not a thing that can be done.
Source: Niedermeyer's Electroencephalography.

>> No.19855678
File: 334 KB, 792x1421, assorted quotes from nicholas carrs the shallows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Internet addiction exarcebates the symptoms of ADHD. Read The Shallows by Nicholas Carr.

>> No.19856065

>If we take a more tradionalist view on intelligence
A caveman was in a way more intelligent than me, i'm not particularly worried that different skillsets are needed in different times

>> No.19856067



>> No.19857164

I found myself partly in your story with the difference that I failed college maybe because of ADD.
I am also about to start a therapy to see if that actually makes a difference or not, I was always skeptical.
Regarding pills - any negative effects? I read some ED caused by it, that's why I always dismissed it.

>> No.19857479


For me, I have an overly sensitive nervous system. When I would orgasm, I would get really low energy and depressed and it would last for 1-2 days. I had to be strategic about when I had sex, so I turned down a lot of opportunities I now wish I hadn’t. I no longer experience that when I’m on my meds. I've never personally experienced ED from it but I take a very standard dose (20mg XR) and weigh 140lbs. Because there are so many variables for how drugs can effect a person, it's hard to say what you will experience. But a therapist/psychiatrist should change your script if you report major issues, and if they don't, you should get a new one.

I've noticed I've had worse circulation since I started taking it, but that could also be because I'm getting older in general. I've also noticed the highs and lows of my emotions have been reduced. When I get sad, I've never as sad as I would have felt if I was unmedicated, but the highs are reduced in the same way. I have friends who stopped taking their meds because they didn't feel like themselves. For me, it's a compromise I'm willing to make. There were times in my life I thought I was bipolar because of how frequently and intense my mood-swings were.

My meds also aren't a magic bullet. I still need to exercise, get enough sleep and food, etc. I've found them far less effective when other areas of my life are neglected.

The only other opinion I have about meds is pretty controversial. When I first started taking them, I was prescribed a generic that worked really well but after moving states the local pharmacies didn't carry that brand. The new stuff did not work for me at all and I had my psychiatrist change the script for a different brand each month until I gave up and started paying for the brand name adderall. Anecdotally, I have an aunt who used to audit US labs, who refuses to take generic drugs for anything important. My future mother-in-law is a child psychiatrist who believes generics are fine for the most part, but admits she's seen similar scenarios in her own patients. Most hospitals have policies in place that prevent the use of generics if a patient is critical. I've got friends in the science part of pharma that get really defensive when I bring it up, but they don't understand that it's the supply chain and quality control that I am suspicious of, and not the science itself. The book "Bottle of Lies" is an interesting read if that topic interests you.

There are some unknowns with longterm stimulant use. We have data on people who have been on this stuff for twenty years or more and they seem fine if they only took their prescribed dose and didn't abuse it. I take a bunch of supplements just in case. I'm not sure if they work or not, but I'm in a place where I can afford to buy them without financial stress, so I'm hedging my bets. Here's the deets, if you're interested:


>> No.19857734

But I still wander into daydreams ;-;