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19823992 No.19823992[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Write a short story about what he did today

>> No.19823998

It's odd that this is getting so much play on here. It wasn't that bad of an segment. The plastic mimbo 'interviewing' him came off like a total asshole.

>> No.19824000
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>It wasn't that bad of an segment

>> No.19824005

Nah, I think this dude fumbled the bag pretty hard. the antiwork subreddit was supposed to be about work reform and rallying against the perceived growing notion that you live to work, not the other way around. This dude goes on national TV (while the subreddit is begging him not to) and says "laziness is a virtue".
The FOX guy started off trying to trick him into saying dumb shit, and then halfway through he realized he didn't even need to because he was saying dumb shit without prompting

>> No.19824022
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>It wasn't that bad of an segment. The plastic mimbo 'interviewing' him came off like a total asshole.
Yeah man, that Doreen dude great, it was the interviewer "mimbo" that looked bad...

>> No.19824025

>the antiwork subreddit was supposed to be about work reform and rallying against the perceived growing notion that you live to work, not the other way around
He mentioned all that. It wasn't stellar, it was obviously a hit job for boomers to try to dunk on millennials or whatever, but the point was made. What do you want? I would have gotten much more aggressive with the host if he came at me baiting me like that. Props to the tranny for keeping his cool. Fuck corporate America and their gay little polemics.

>> No.19824034

Unironically. Shaming him for being a dog walker and asking about his age. I'd have told him to fuck off.
>You wouldn't say it's the pinnacle for what you want to achieve?
Oh yeah and what's yours dick head? Being some shill for Jews to throw red herrings at well intentioned boomers? $300K and a wife who hates you? Yeah seems great.

>> No.19824039

Pretty much this. The only mistake Doreen made was when she said she wants to teach philosophy and critical thinking. That's just too far. Also the whole "laziness is a virtue" is such a meme way to respond, like this isn't a podcast. She should've realized the guy just wanted to make fun of her and shouldn't have given in to the bait.

>> No.19824041

Word for word the exchange was incredibly mild. The FOX dude was obviously searching for a "liberals are lazy" angle, and his pre-canned gotcha about just leaving a job if you don't like it didn't really have any purchase but he went ahead with it anyway which was probably enough for fox boomers to think the whole matter was DESTROYED and put to rest for good.

It was a bad look because the person was a bad look. Some tranny with a charisma hole bigger than his neo-vagina who was obviously defensive about their lifestyle is no who you want as the face of a movement looking to reform work conditions.

Line for line if it had been some surfer dude in an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt delivering it with an upbeat "hell yeah dogs and philosophy dude" vibe the whole thing would been seen as a win.

>> No.19824044

>le culture war event of the week
Hang yourself

>> No.19824049

lol the tranny literally deleted the subreddit afterwards.

>> No.19824051
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>> No.19824052

Autist lmao

>> No.19824055
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>> No.19824056

t. Doreen

>> No.19824061

Yeah having a wife and making 300k at an easy job does sound better than being a tranny that falls asleep watching dogs 10 hours a week.

>> No.19824064
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>It's odd that this is getting so much play on here.

>> No.19824069

I need a QRD on this one. The internet is ablaze about it and out of the loop. It must because I have a job and so can't keep up with this sort of nonsense.

>> No.19824070

>supposed to be
it was a dump for twitter screenshots

>> No.19824072
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>It wasn't that bad of an segment.

>> No.19824078

First off, that's not an easy job at all. That guy probably works his ass off and has his whole life. The mid century furniture and trips to St Barts are probably nice for a minute but I'm sure it loses the allure almost immediately (I know because I have lived that life). The point is, that guy is probably miserable, his wife almost certainly fucks other guys, and it's all for what? What's the teleology of his life? The three car garage? The slightly higher tax bracket? It's meaningless.

>> No.19824080
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Is it over NEETbros? We had some momentum the past few years but I feel the walls coming down. Knowing how Americans view the world and life little sensationalist interviews like this will become the backbone of whatever retarded opinion they had before

>> No.19824085
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>First off, that's not an easy job at all. That guy probably works his ass off and has his whole life. The mid century furniture and trips to St Barts are probably nice for a minute but I'm sure it loses the allure almost immediately (I know because I have lived that life). The point is, that guy is probably miserable, his wife almost certainly fucks other guys, and it's all for what? What's the teleology of his life? The three car garage? The slightly higher tax bracket? It's meaningless.

>> No.19824086

>subreddit called antiwork exists
>people talk about not liking their mcjobs
>post increasingly unbelievable screenshots where they tell their boss to go fuck themselves and quit
>grows rapidly in size
>thousands are on the subreddit
>some people think this shitty thing should be an epic leftist movement
>Fox reaches out to do another interview where they mock a loser
>the mod team actually chooses "Doreen" as the best person to represent them
>sub users have no idea this is happening
>Fox very lightly condescends Doreen
>redditors in disbelief that mods are in fact trannies
>most don't actually realize he is a she and just mock his awful grooming and autism
>Doreen bans everyone, privates the sub, effectively deleting it

>> No.19824089

You wouldn't have looked any better. Identifying as a "dog walker" stops being remotely acceptable after 19. Hell, he should have just said "activist."

People are saying "woah the Fox news guy totally tricked him hard" but did he? The questions he asked we're just "what's your cause?" And "who are you?" Those are pretty softball questions. If you fuck that up, it's entirely your fault.

>> No.19824090
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>in the uk you have 4 weeks to get a job in your field or youre going to be made to tae any job available or lose your dole (welfare).

The time has come for you lazy fucks to join the real world.

>> No.19824093

Dunno why you insist on adding a cuckold element to things. It makes you seem very jealous.

>> No.19824094
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>> No.19824098

Anyonw got a link?

As a guy who works the bare minimum (3 nights a week at maccas) so i can afford tohave my own place and nice things (im quite minimalist so dont need expensive stuff) im curious about this goon.

>> No.19824102

"Identifying" as your job, especially your little technocracy hellworld submissive life-negation job, is an absolutely pathetic way to live. You should literally kys because there is no hope for humanity with this kind of perspective. And if you can't see from a mile away that this wasn't some telegraphed hit job of an interview I really think you are somewhat autistic.

>> No.19824104
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>> No.19824106

It says a lot about someone if putting them on tv is a hit piece.

>> No.19824107

All that this guy had to do was go on national TV and talk like a normal leftist and his gay ass subreddit movement immediately collapsed out of how embarrassing leftist naturally are. Marx would be proud.

>> No.19824109
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>> No.19824111

how do you cope? i think i'd rather commit suicide than work at mcdonalds, unironically

>> No.19824127

All the normalfags are quitting their jobs so I guess I'll have to get one now. I was only ever a NEET out of contrarianism after all

>> No.19824129

I work nights. Its not that bad. We have less staff and more work, but wveryine who works nights is some form of fucked up so its all good laugh a minute.

Also, because its maccas i go in, do my job and leave and never think about it till i go back in.

Having more days off than on helps.

Ive worked worse jobs. I use to work in admin at a college and that was fucking horrendous.

>> No.19824145

What did he do "today" as opposed to the stupid interview he gave yesterday? An hero?

I would've just asked the smarmy host why he's calling working-class people "lazy" when it's the 1% that apparently deserves 2/5ths of all the country's income for sitting in skyscrapers all day. But no, the guy had to be an oblivious dumbass and even ramble on about philosophy (a meme field of information you read and learn on your own after studying something actually valuable).

>> No.19824168
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The lore.

>> No.19824185

Lol at people calling fox faggot rough. He was mild at worst. Reddit mod dug his own hole. Imagine going on TV show with million+ viewers and not cleaning up your room and with cumrag t-shirt on. All while using 2005 wallmart tier webcam. Total lack of self-consciousness. It was a disaster from the get go.

>> No.19824195
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really nigga

>> No.19824200
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>> No.19824216


>> No.19824240

Maybe for a nihilist pleasure seeker like you, but if you are on television representing some cause, it could be presumed that you live with some grander purpose in mind. You should identify yourself as some sort of active role, at least in the moment.

And if you really had a competent person being interviewed, questions like "what do you do" should not be the epic movement destroying killshot which it became. Do you actually study any kind of manipulation? Or do you just assume that whenever you lose it's because the other side cheated?

>> No.19824261

“Today’s Der-Doreen’s big interview, I should make pancakes for see,” Lois thought. Lois made a modest stack of pancakes; her husband had left when Derek came out as non-binary and it was just the two of them living in the house now. After waiting an hour for Doreen to come down from zero room she sighed and put the plate into the fridge. Doreen didn’t like to be woken up because of xer autism, and Lois didn’t want to upset xer on xer big day.
It was around 1pm when Doreen finally came down from xer room. Xe was wearing the same red shirt xe’d worn for the last two days, and it was clear to Lois that xe hadn’t showered for at least as long. “Honey, why don’t you clean up and put on that nice dress we bought last month? Don’t you want to lol your best for your big interview today?”
“That already happened, I thought I should show them what I look like on an average day, so they get a good view of the movement and see that women don’t always have to spend so much time on appearances.”
“Oh you did,” Lois croaked, “a-and how did it go?”
“It was ok.”

>> No.19824289

You trannies have no self-awareness.