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19820986 No.19820986[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you find it morally justifiable?

>> No.19820990


>> No.19820992

Not my problem

>> No.19820994

If it's good it gets a bit of oil

>> No.19820997

something something shopping cart litmus test

>> No.19821001

>can't pour oil down the drain
>but I can washy greasy oily dishes in the sink

>> No.19821006

Morality has nothing to do with it. It gunks up the pipes. Do you want broken plumbing? Then go right ahead.
I wis, the pipe is connected to your house dumb ass.

>> No.19821008

At this point I do things only so I have one more excuse to hate others. Practically speaking I know it's pointless. I don't care about virtue signaling either or power tripping. I don't do this for myself. I pour the oil in the bottle because I decided it's a rule, and those who break the rules should be punished. I find enjoyment in continuously crushing all affection I may feel for my fellow man, because they never do things out of ignorance but deliberate indolence.

>> No.19821015

>oughts are separate from is
Reread what you wrote

>> No.19821020

So let's say I've dumped out most of the oil in the garbage or collected it in a can or whatever. But then there's still this residue/filmy layer of oil in the pan. Is it ok to wash it out in the sink, or do I really need to waste a few paper towels wiping it down?

>> No.19821029

is it true that americans have a mechanical griding machines living in their drains?

>> No.19821038

No, it's bad. Work to create a comedy of the commons.

>> No.19821058


>> No.19821073

The grocery store isn’t exploiting me

>> No.19821074

It's featured in horror movies. Our toilets also have strong flushing power. The shit will get down.

>> No.19821079

Everything exploits someone somewhere

>> No.19821086
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Nooooo you can't flush all those batteries.

>> No.19821143

Weeeeli woooop skip woooooo!! looks like we got a lazy-bones over here! Uh sir, don't be a lazy-bones, return your cart please, sir.

>> No.19821396
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I will continue to throw my car batteries in the ocean

>> No.19821399

Fuck I wish I did. And a dish-washing machine. I see that shit all the time in kino depicting middle-class households, but I'm too much of a poorfag to afford it in my cockroach riddled home.