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19820253 No.19820253 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not into mysticism, just traditionalism. I read a chapter of Revolt and it is a tough slog

>> No.19820261

It is a slog because he is dishonest

>> No.19820264

Im not here to argue. I just want to read his best material and better understand it. Again I have no interest in mysticism

>> No.19820278

I actually like Men Among the Ruins best of the “trilogy”. But if you didn’t like Revolt you probably won’t like it either.

>> No.19820311

>I'm not into mysticism, just traditionalism.
start with his dada writings, then the magical idealism stuff, and then, maybe, just maybe, you can move on to the traditionalista work. Okurrrr?

>> No.19820490

mysticism for a more 'egalitarian' worldview than traditionalism?

>> No.19820948

Just read Guenon

>> No.19822775

You're gonna have a tough time with Evola if you aren't into mysticism. I've heard Guenon argues similar points from a more materialist perspective if that's what you're looking for

>> No.19822782

Every answer so far is wrong. You should start with ORIENTATIONS.

It's a text written specifically to get someone started.

>> No.19822897

>not into mysticism or traditionalism
Why do you bother reading Evola if you are not into those things? If you're reading for his politics, then you still need to understand Evola's Traditionalist perspective, because his politics are largely derived from it.

>> No.19823110

Does anyone have that quote from Evola about how getting fucked in the ass was an enlightening experience for him? It's gay as fuck, and I used to love posting it whenever schizo "trads" pretend that they read his work.

>> No.19823192
File: 2.72 MB, 5000x3827, lit Evola Guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19823462

>and it is a tough slog
No it isn't. Revolt is a great intro to Traditionalism, including Guenon. Idk why you would get into Tradionalism if you don't believe in metaphysical reality or aren't at least open to it.

>> No.19823523


>> No.19823545
File: 89 KB, 488x435, 1631308039473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19823593

>I'm not into mysticism, just traditionalism
You don't know what either of these words mean. In good time, you will understand to appreciate even mysticism in its proper exoteric sense.
Another anon has mentioned Orientations, which is a good place to start with Evola. Ignore the Evola chart; it is awful.
I would highly encourage reading Guenon because he is the central figure to traditionalism. Give Crisis of the Modern World a read. It is short and Guenon's prose style is far easier to digest than Evola's. Depending on your disposition, you will tend to either agree more with Guenon (those of priestly character) or Evola (those of warrior character). Good luck.

>> No.19824219

>How to read Evola?
Read Seraphim Rose instead

>> No.19824222

>I'm not into mysticism, just traditionalism
Funniest shit I've ever read

>> No.19825936

No it's real, I just can't recall the precise wording to look it up, and it's not like Evolafags are going to lead with how much they love buttsex.

Cope. I hope the old "wizards" enjoy "initiating" your anus.

>> No.19825951

>I'm not into mysticism, just traditionalism.
You’re better off reading something else then. There are also historical inaccuracies in Evola’s writings that I can’t ignore personally.