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19819394 No.19819394 [Reply] [Original]

As in, what causes people to become radical in the first place? Is it repetition? A sense of justice that has been wronged? Pursuit of meaning, personality or a sense of belonging?

How do you turn someone radical?

>> No.19819404

deprive him of sex

>> No.19819407

the perception that improvement of one's present situation is impossible.

>> No.19819413

Low score on trait openness bucko

>> No.19819417

Being an internet-obsessed shut-in who spends the majority of his time in an online community filled with bad people

>> No.19819424

People turn radical even when they have sex. Do expand on that if I understood it wrongly.

Weren't there radicals before the internet? I'd like to see perspectives of radicalization before the advent of internet as well.


>> No.19819428

Why don’t you ask the radicals why they believe what they believe

>> No.19819433

I've tried, I seldom get a coherent answer that allows me to formulate an opinion.

>> No.19819435

i would guess sense of meaning, remove one's ideology and all he has left is nothing

>> No.19819437
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Throw him in a society that treats him like trash.

>> No.19819442

I think that it occurs due to a deprivation of meaning in life, or at least meaning through the pathways prescribed by society (e.g. school>marriage>career>kids). This pathway doesn't provide a truly satisfactory meaning to life, but it is enough to satiate any radical impulses that an individual may have to change the system. When someone finds themselves outside of this process for whatever reason (poverty, inceldom, unemployment, disability etc.) they become disillusioned and "see things for what they really are". Because the political outlets for genuine change irl are limited, they take to digital platforms and find themselves engaging in media further and further until they become desensitised from reality and their beliefs are reinforced completely.

>> No.19819445
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>how do you turn someone radical
You don't. You are born radical or you aren't.

>> No.19819451
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>> No.19819454

Openness is a personality trait that can be determined by taking a Big Five test.
This trait accurately determines if you’re right wing or left wing.
Left wingers score high while fright wingers score low on this trait.
It makes sense right, left wingers are more open-minded to non-traditional ways of thinking while right-wingers are rigid in their thinking.

>> No.19819459

Can you grow disillusioned with it even if you have all that you described above? Aren't there people who have 'everything' yet still are not satisfied with life?

>> No.19819461

based fellow gamer

>> No.19819467

this unironically plays a way bigger role than anything else

>> No.19819474
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They fall in with the wrong crowd.
Political radicalization is like a cult, you get introduced to an extremist group and you become radical to fit in.

>> No.19819476

Of course, I just think that missing one of those things lends itself to a different, more radical kind of disillusionment, whereas having all those things leaves you less time to ruminate over the problems of the world, leading to a general sense of pessimism and weariness.

>> No.19819480

Seldom x Many Many Attempts = Many Coherent Answers. Keep at it

>> No.19819482

Do expand on that please, since correlation does not always mean causation. Again, I've read about radicals and revolutionaries who had sex, yet they still went on to do what they thought was right.

I think you're being too reductionist here, or possibly too ignorant for your opinion to matter.

>> No.19819500

Just let Jews in positions of power, and people will turn radical really quickly.

>> No.19819505

oh fuck off i'm just shitposting
the fuck i care about the reason losers become nazis or commies?

>> No.19819507

Appreciate the bump

>> No.19819524

So it's all just group dynamics then?

>> No.19819549

If that were the case, who forms the nucleus of radicalism and why?

>> No.19819555

There's no nucleus. It's a group activity where one's radical opinion fuels another's in a recursive exercise of self-reinforcement.

>> No.19819559

Where does the one get the radical opinion?

>> No.19819566

It typically starts out as a misguided explanation for society's troubles. A silly theory in the beginning, it starts to take roots as the problem perpetuates with no solution in sight.

>> No.19819569

Mods delete this shit and ban OP

>> No.19819572

Gulag Archipelago and Peterson's Map of Meaning.

>> No.19819577

Men don't value themselves without a women so they'll die for anything. Also, when married you see how fragile the world is - stability is mainly for women.

>> No.19819607

Get laid incel

Is it always misguided?

>> No.19819613

>Is it always misguided?
Well, according to the the people calling the group "radical", of course.

>> No.19819618
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>> No.19819637

Men don't value themselves without a women so they'll die for anything. Also, when married you see how fragile woman is - stability is mainly for women.

>> No.19819665

Not with me. I just finally decided to be honest with myself about my beliefs.
I don't see myself as having been "radicalized" though. More that I just adopted various belief s that are outside the overton window.

>> No.19819671

Sex, money, status, belonging
Its why boomers are the most bourgeois generation in history. A coddled generation

>> No.19819689

>How do you turn someone radical?
for the most part they're born as one.

>> No.19819713

Whoever wrote that was a midwit who deliberately refuses to see that left has been subverted.

>> No.19819743

>As in, what causes people to become radical in the first place?
A liberal society that labels everyone who fails to toe the line a "radical."

>> No.19820026

>cuhtlhu always swims left
>except when he doesn’t
>the left has already achieved complete power
>but we don’t have a Stalin or Mao because of some reason
>leftism in the West has produced richer, more egalitarian and more pleasant societies
>but it’s all about totalitarian control
This theory has more holes than Gruyere cheese. 0 predictive power.
This is what happens when professionals try to talk about fields they didn’t study, they become drooling retards.

>> No.19820187

>This theory has more holes than Gruyere cheese. 0 predictive power.

>> No.19820333

Not him. Are you retarded, or just a shill?