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19818985 No.19818985 [Reply] [Original]

Books to rescue an incipient Nazi?

My friend has recently started voicing some worrying views. How the Jews control the media to divide and conquer white people. How they own the banks, the money supply, and therefore the country and people. Basically all the stereotypes.

He has not lost his marbles yet so perhaps he can read something to make him reconsider. Any ideas?

>> No.19819016

Culture of Critique
Protocols of the Elders of Zion

>> No.19819017


>> No.19819031

Why why must English have so many redundant words? We already have nascent, burgeoning and 10 other ways to say this basic ass concept yet other languages have cool words for unique concepts English lacks. I'm tired of this reddit language.

>> No.19819051

Oh bore off /pol/tards. This is a genuine question.

>> No.19819057

Those three words have different meanings. Maybe go read a philology book if you're interested in the question of why languages differ.

>> No.19819076
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if he is into geo politics then pic related is a good start

>> No.19819211

This doesn't seem to be entirely relevant here. Why do you think it would convince a Nazi?

>> No.19819230

Just remind him that ultra wealthy don't have to be Jews to do the things that he's talking about. Some ultra wealthy are Jews, some are Catholic, some are atheist. The real divide and conquer tactics are them using bait like racism or the left/right political spectrum to keep everyone arguing all the time about irrelevant topics, when it's all about money.

>> No.19819337

Why don't you ask him to explain to you, in his own words, precisely how he arrived at his new worldview, then just do your best Socrates and try to decompose those ideas further down to foundations. You don't need a book for this. It is likely that your friend learned some new facts about the world and then moulded their beliefs around this new information, so is will to change his mind at least on principle.

>> No.19819363

Maybe a dumb response here, but I've been skimming through Julius Evola's "Notes on the Third Reich" and it might convince someone like your friend to reconsider their antisemitic beliefs from a point of view that they will be somewhat sympathetic to.

In the section discussing Jewish persecution during WW2 he makes the acknowledgement that Jews had an overrepresentation in specific occupations due to their historical background and circumstances, which then subsequently led to resentment and backlash from members of the host state. This ultimately culminated in the antisemitism of Hitler, which was entirely paranoid, obsessive and irrational, and in action led to mass death and vague, undefined racial policies.

There are reasons as to why people are antisemitic (or were, given that its not so prevalent now as it was in pre-21st century Europe), but those reasons are purely material and related to economic factors rather than having to do with any biological character traits inherent in Jews.

Evola also points out that the negative stereotypes people tend to associate with Jews are rarely related to their religion, but ones which can be associated with secular capitalism. Therefore it is important to pose the question to your friend whether the ethnic background of the capitalist is the problem, or if it is the capitalist themselves.

Idk, might be a retarded idea to direct your friend towards even more far right thinkers, but I don't believe that he's going to be convinced by some half-baked "you're a racist" response, he sees a problem in society and he needs to understand the full origins of that problem rather than just taking the easy path and blaming a scapegoat.

I would also direct him to Nietzsche so that he can better understand the development of nihilism in modern day culture and I would also suggest that you get him to read some Marx so that he has a first hand account of his ideas, as well as to get an understanding of how capitalist development affects our society.

>> No.19819364

You're not going to win the philosophical argument, because there are, in fact, lots of Jews in position of power who are fucked in the head, and that's enough evidence to let confirmation bias do the rest once you've arrived at a classic natsoc-worldview.
Just recommend him some Jewish writers who were cool dudes. All it takes to recognize that demonizing an entire group is pathological is liking one person who's part of that group.

>> No.19819374

He should probably start out by getting a decent dictionary.

>> No.19819379

People like that will just claim whatever book you recommend is Jewish propaganda. If this friend isn't you then you should consider spending less time with them.

>> No.19819386

But there are in fact a lot of jews who control a lot of powerful institutions. Those jews are also demonstrate extreme in-group bias. Those same jews have used many native populations for their own profit.
Just tell him that he should have some tact when talking about jews and everything else. Also tell him that it is easy to get carried away so he should expose himself to all perspectives and all other accounts of history.

>> No.19819387

If you honestly don't believe in a zionist conspiracy controlling American politics you're pretty much a complete idiot and all your little liberal and leftist foibles about "NOT BLAMING THE GROUP!" (unless the group in question is white people then you'll never speak up) or how "IT'S ALL JUST ABOUT MONEY MAN!" (It's not, elites and jews are highly ideological, you're just projecting your own myopic material fixation onto them because you're a pleb) deserve to be flushed down the toilet. I'm sick of it.

>> No.19819389

The thing is, the "evidence" is strongly in his favour (under-representation of Jews in media etc) but the INFERENCE that they are in some sort of NWO mind-control plot is just pure antisemitism. the thing that needs explaining is WHY Jews has so much power, without letting them infer antisemetic conclusions. Can you offer such an explanation?

>> No.19819396

Thanks very useful response.

>> No.19819418

Completely nonsensical criticism of hitler, read an actually good book about nsdap policy like Hitler's Revolution
Its actually incredibly weak.
>you only hate jews because of economic and historical circumstance! Nevermind that this is the same circular argument liberals have been making about nature and nurture for 60 years! Just don't be mean!

>> No.19819551
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Yes but you would have to invoke the analogous relationship between whites and Africans to explain the relationship between Jews and whites. That is, with reference to immutable characteristics like intelligence. The left wants to have their cake and eat it too on this issue, the result being that their description of the white-African dynamic ends up sounding dangerously similar to anti-Semitic rantings. The right does the same thing the other way around, by highlighting things like the intergenerational nepotism of the Jew while ignoring that of whites. I don't really know what I'm trying to say here. Best of luck, it's a good thing that you have a friend with whom you can openly argue/discuss these kind of verboten ideas.

>> No.19819564

>How the Jews control the media to divide and conquer white people
Show him interracial crime stats so he can come to understand that black people are just violent animals and jews aren't the reason people see them that way

>> No.19819724

I cant tell if this post is some sort of meta satire or if someone posting here is actually this much of a broken minded individual. So there is evidence that jews are grossly over represented in positions of power (even in relation to their supposed higher iq) but you cant put two and two together because it would he antisemitic? Is this a joke?
But to answer the question seriously the argument is this: Not all jews support anti white movements but anti white movements are majority jewish or spearheaded by jews. You can read more about this concept which apparently no one seems to understand in Culture of Critique

>> No.19819760

It's a bait thread

>> No.19819946

The satire is you recommending culture of critique

Keep living a fantasy and calling everything you don't like bait

>> No.19821297

what a bullshit response. everyone knows the reason jews act the way they do is psychological, not biological

>> No.19821309
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Get him to read Carroll Quigley.

>> No.19821324

Nice post, kudos on attempting to be even handed about it.

Kevin MacDonald is worth reading even if you don't agree with the full scope of his views.


>> No.19821358

Your friend is right about all of that.

>> No.19821384
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All racism is irrational and based on faulty logic. This is because there is no such thing as a uniform, monolithic race. In all races there are different people with different values and different life-experiences and different beliefs. There are Jews, like those belonging to the Neturei Karta, which vehemently oppose Zionism and even attend Holocaust-denial conferences with the Iranian president. There are Jews who simply don't care much about politics and live normal lives like the rest of us. There are Jews who push left-wing political views; there are Jews who push right-wing views too. There are atheist Jews. There are Christian Jews. There are religiously Jewish Jews. Any generalisation you make about "THE JEWS" is not going to apply to the majority of Jews, who are normal, politcally unaffiliated people.

Though what I have said is true, the vast majority of people will never accept it because it's simply too easy for politicians to use the mythology of race and group identity to control people. It happens both on the left and on the right.

>> No.19821392

Except in Israel, where 95% of Jews according to a recent poll want Palestinians to be genocided. Actual Jews (Israeli Jews) are actually brainwashed into thinking they deserve to carpetbomb Gaza.

>> No.19821404

Every time we look at something that's bad for the West and white people, we find jews. Most of the levers of power in the West are directly or indirectly in the hands of jews. There are accounts going back thousands of years where people complain about their behavior. You can't just write this off as "not all jews."

>> No.19821421

>This ultimately culminated in the antisemitism of Hitler, which was entirely paranoid, obsessive and irrational
>There are reasons as to why people are antisemitic (or were, given that its not so prevalent now as it was in pre-21st century Europe

They have better reasons now than they've ever had before. We know now what the tribe is morally capable of.

>> No.19821430

Frankly, if he's not White or Muslim he has no basis to hate Jews. If he's White, I would say to point out how it's not Jews in and of themselves who are the problem, but the societal issues and power structures which allow them to become overrepresented and overly powerful which are the problem.

If he's Muslim, he's unironically justified in hating Jews. It is what it is.

>> No.19821439

>at every point there's also a goyim assisting them
This is what bothered me about The History of Central Banking. So you brush off a gentile allowing a very small group of hyper-influential jews a "way in", and at every aspect of their "take over" you find gentiles colluding for their personal material gain. Why isn't the conclusion here
>damn gentiles really hate their own people and would sell their people to slavery for a couple of bucks

>> No.19821453

Yes they have traitors helping them, but that's not an excuse.

>> No.19821458

Suppose you have a fruit basket with apples and oranges. Some of these fruits are rotten.
There are more rotten apples than there are rotten oranges, but some of the oranges are rotten too.
Suppose you want to throw away the rotten fruit. What do you do?
1) Throw away all the apples and none of the oranges because there happen to be more rotten apples than oranges.
2) Throw away all of the apples and only the rotten oranges.
3) Throw away the apples and oranges that are rotten, and leave those that aren't.

This example is meant to highlight the absurdity of your racialised thinking. No innocent Jewish child or mother or doctor or schoolteacher is to blame for the corrupt people in power who are supposedly Jewish. Only the corrupt people are to blame for their corruption, not them and everyone who happens to be of the same race as them.

Of course you know I'm right but you will still cling onto your mythology of racial strife. I know.

>> No.19821467

Jews are insanely, preposterously corrupt. It's not just a few rotten apples.

>Of course you know I'm right but you will still cling onto your mythology of racial strife. I know.
What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.19821476

Every people has its traitors, and the more unhealth a people accumulates, the weaker its centre becomes, the larger the "fringe" gets of people who would be willing to jump ship because they aren't being held to the centre by anything other than inertia.

Blacks aren't uniquely evil for having enslaved their own in Africa. But a different people (whites, in this case) coming in and exploiting and weaponizing this basic evil to make it a giga-evil is not good.

A lot of blacks hate Jews too.

>> No.19821477

There are 15 million Jews in the world. Are you seriously telling me that every single one of these is responsible for "ruling the West" or whatever conspiracy theory you have?
If not all are responsible, you have absolutely no right to talk about Jews as a whole being responsible. I am not responsible for rape if a person who happens to be white rapes another person, just because I am white too.
Learn to take people as individuals and your whole mythic drama goes away.

>> No.19821481

your evidence: they just are. what makes them more corrupt than anyone else

>> No.19821483

>A lot of blacks hate Jews too.
Why? If anything Jews have helped Blacks to an enormous degree.

>> No.19821496

Show me where I said anything about every single one of them.

>If not all are responsible, you have absolutely no right to talk about Jews as a whole being responsible.
What kind of bizarro logic is this?

>Learn to take people as individuals and your whole mythic drama goes away.
See >>19821404

The fact that they are.

>> No.19821501

Blacks have long memories. Jews exploit creative and artistic blacks by almost always being their agents, because predatory agents know that people from shit communities are more naive about the ways of the business and can be bought off and distracted easily while the Jew takes all the real money.

Jews also often ran the shops and stores in black neighborhoods and fleeced black people. This role was later taken over by Koreans as Jews on average transcended the petty bourgeoisie and found greener pastures. But Jews still own most of the predatory usurious "short term loan" operations that utterly devastate blacks.

The Nation of Islam, the first name in black nationalism, is ferociously antisemitic.

>> No.19821519

>What kind of bizarro logic is this?
You're saying "the Jews are responsible" but the category "the Jews" includes 15 million people, the majority of whom you admit are not responsible.
It's like when BLM says whites are responsible for slavery. No; I am included in "whites" and I've never owned a slave. Only slavers are responsible for slavery. Nobody is responsible for the free actions of another.

>> No.19821528

>the majority of whom you admit are not responsible
I didn't say this either. You must be a jew yourself since you keep acting like this.

>> No.19821538

aren't most beliefs irrational? from what I've seen online most people base their ethics on feelings rather than reason, and its getting worse. Hume has been vindicated as far as I can see.

>> No.19821556

It's more like saying blacks are responsible for most crime. That is a true statement even if it really applies directly only to a minority set within "blacks," something like "black males, especially younger ones, without a father figure..." etc. It's almost always true that a group will be made up of individuals who buck trends, and certain features of the group will come disproportionately from one subset of the group, and so on.

But it's also true that groups are grouped together for a reason. The black community is grouped together for the obvious reasons that black people share certain cultural and psychological commonalities, certain historical experiences, in addition to more basic physical factors. We can usefully disaggregate "educated Christian Nigerians" from "blacks" if we want to talk meaningfully about the black community's educational attainment for example, because the Nigerian factor is just adding statistical noise and obscuring what we really want (in this case, average American blacks).

We want to take the black community as a whole and eliminate marginal case and noise data. Once we've done that, we see that the different elements of the black community aren't in an indifferent relation to the actions of the young male black criminals. They are also the mothers who didn't raise them better, the father who was absent, the authorities who let them off with petty crimes, the average blacks who excuse the behaviors of the worst ones with victim narratives out of tribal loyalty and victim narratives.

Jews are similar in that the worst actions of the real subgroup antisemites mean when they say "Jews" are interwoven with many different levels of Jewishness, both cultural/secular and religious. It is perfectly possible to say "Jews" as shorthand for this more expansive meaning, as in "Jews have a problem with assimilating and generally support atrocious left wing candidates." Or "Jews generally are smug and see themselves as better than non Jews."

Both are true even if you personally know a lot of nice Jews who don't see themselves as all that Jewish. But you will be surprised when shit hits the fan and 3/5 of those nice Jews vote for the candidate that is absolutely destructive of your country because they happen to be Zionist and their mother is pressuring them and so forth.

>> No.19821564

>Every people has its traitors, and the more unhealth a people accumulates, the weaker its centre becomes, the larger the "fringe" gets of people who would be willing to jump ship because they aren't being held to the centre by anything other than inertia.
And why can't this be applied to jews? The fringes of the ethnical jew taking over certain positions and since they have in-group biases (which isn't even a bad thing in itself) they collude with their own. The centre had nothing to do with it. And as always, they're the ones that get punished and blamed.
>Blacks aren't uniquely evil for having enslaved their own in Africa. But a different people (whites, in this case) coming in and exploiting and weaponizing this basic evil to make it a giga-evil is not good.
I think you've just illustrated your above point here, which for some reason, doesn't apply to jews. Every individual in the supply chain was at fault. You'll find the supply chain quite multi-ethnic (even if jewish people would be over-represented). But there's no room for individualism when you're trying to solve large, complex problems. So tell me, is blaming and killing the jew part of that slavery supply chain the way to go? Would the missing links not be replaced by others? The common link I find is ravenous materialism + sociopathy, not jewism (even if jewish people seem to be much more likely to possess the problematic traits).

>> No.19821581

Maybe I should elaborate that when I think antisemitism, I'm thinking beyond internet rhetoric. I'm assuming large-scale, political movements and policies that "fix the problem".

>> No.19821592

It does apply to Jews, that's why Jews need to be removed from European societies as quickly as possible so they can go find their centre elsewhere. There is no reason and no sense behind a diaspora community disproportionately occupying positions of influence and power in other people's societies, while never integrating or being assimilated. It's insane. The Irish and Italians both assimilated despite the Irish dominating Tammany Hall during the era of machine politics, now it's a joke that Americans say they're 1/16th Irish or Italian. You never hear about how Biden's entire cabinet is Armenian, everybody likes Armenians.

MacDonald is literally right that Jewish historical experience has naturally selected for a relatively stable complex of factors, like seeing themselves as better than and separate from their host country, while also thinking they are being called upon uniquely to "lead" it with their distinctive intellectual style (highly neurotic, high verbal intelligence).

Ultra-Orthodox Jews buck the trends you're talking about and are becoming a major demographic problem in Israel. All Haredim want to do is go to yeshiva and be left alone. I think one of the best things that could happen to Jews is that the Haredim outbreed the seculars and the seculars fuse too much with gentiles through patrilineal marriage. But this is not happening fast enough and may not happen at all. There WILL be another Holocaust if these problems aren't frankly admitted to by everyone, including Jews. Jews should voluntarily ban themselves from positions of influence and financial power in Western countries.

>> No.19821604

The "final solution" probably really did mean "can't they all just fucking go to Madagascar or something, we just want them OUT" right up until 1941 for most people, and if war had never happened, since war selects for efficient sociopaths and ingeniously pragmatic but morally reprehensible "solutions" in general, this may have happened.

There are still plenty of solutions that don't involve mass killing Jews. What people should really be worried about is when Jew-hating becomes a kind of standard collective ritual (as it is becoming again, obvious to anyone who isn't a fucking CNNbrain), and then the pressures of war and economic collapse are added to that.

The Nazis pioneered genocide in Poland before they did it systematically with the camps. It will start in some European country under immense pressure, and then it will be "prototyped," and other countries will always have it in the back of their minds.

>> No.19821612

>There WILL be another Holocaust
That is literally the least likely thing ever. Jews are utterly secure in the West, nothing will ever happen to them.

>> No.19821625

Their position will always remain fundamentally insecure because a house divided cannot stand. You simply cannot have a "model minority" so highly visible and considered by everyone to be parasitic and nepotistic without very bad solutions lingering in the collective unconscious. Scapegoating is a real social phenomenon, Girard has written interesting things about how all the negative energies of a society can be channeled into the fetishized scapegoat once it is established and this becomes an entire way of life.

We haven't been allowed to hate in the West for so long, it's going to burst soon.


>> No.19821636

The holocaust didn't happen.

>> No.19821637

>It's more like saying blacks are responsible for most crime.
Which is a fallacy of the same kind. Are men responsible for rape because the vast majority of rapists are male? No. I belong to the "male" class and I've never raped anybody; so I am a veritable counter-example to the idea that men are responsible for rape. Only rapists are responsible for rape; only criminals are responsible for crime.
>They are also the mothers who didn't raise them better, the father who was absent, the authorities who let them off with petty crimes, the average blacks who excuse the behaviors of the worst ones
An irrelevant sob story. Unless their mother put a gun to their head and said go be a gangbanger or I'll kill you then she is not responsible for their actions. She is responsible only for child-neglect; but she shares absolutely no responsibility for the child's crimes.

>> No.19821655

We're not talking about ultimate moral culpability in a court of law, we're talking about explanatory strategies. If I am a harsh father and raise my kid without love and he kills himself, I am not legally culpable, but I am a bad father (I was a contributing cause). Nietzsche is not directly responsible for Hitler's worldview, but it's well known that the German worldview of mystagogic severity and sturm und drang contributed to a general willingness to accept machtpolitik in Germany.

What you are saying can logically be extended to conclusions you would not like. For example, if ultimate responsibility is all that matters, all that talk of "it's poverty, not race!" goes out the window, because both poverty and race are "external" and irrelevant.

But that's stupid. Obviously it's useful to discuss systemic factors. Talking about "why blacks commit crime" is tantamount to discussing the subtle interplay of such systemic factors, that's all. Talking about why Jews tend to act in their own interests when viewed systemically is likewise perfectly admissible. You are confusing two different questions.

>> No.19821660

I doubt it. To be blunt, combatting anti-Semitism is literally the only thing the mainstream left and right agree on. I don't see what Jews have to worry about: people on /pol/ being tracked and corralled by the Feds are not a real threat. 99% of people reject anti-Semitism with disgust, at least in America.

If you are right, I think it's really unfortunate. A scapegoating of a race never ends well.

>> No.19821680

This kind of "everyone is an individual" thinking has nothing to do with the real world and millions of people.

It's not scapegoating.

>> No.19821691

We'll have to agree to disagree. I think one of our key points of difference is how much inertia the opinions of the majority generally have, and collective memory they have as a result. Things change fast in history. Weird factors reveal themselves, for example, the children of the most ideologically conformist USSR citizens become philo-western hippies who smuggle Beatles albums in and create an underground counterculture that ultimately leads to the USSR's "slow, then all at once" collapse. Pendulums etc.

One instinct I've learned to respect is this. Whatever the dominant "boomer generation" of a given cultural moment in time is doing, their kids will either accelerate it to the point of insanity in a way the boomers don't see coming, or they will react against it violently.

Arguably what we're experiencing is both at the same time. All with a steady collapse of general historical knowledge and cultural wherewithal that could act as buffers and hold the situation together, give it time to adjust, etc. Zoomers don't know how to vote but claim to be experts on the Holodomor and joke about genocide.

>> No.19821699

>What people should really be worried about is when Jew-hating becomes a kind of standard collective ritual (as it is becoming again, obvious to anyone who isn't a fucking CNNbrain)
4chan is not the zeitgeist. Go outside. Talk to people.

>> No.19821712

Things seem grim then. Hopefully something changes soon for the better.

>> No.19821719

I do a lot of work with conservative organizers. As I said here, >>19821691 things happen slow and then all at once. The greatest danger (or opportunity, depending how you look at it) of zoomers is that they'll believe literally anything. The only thing that is keeping them supporting the status quo is inertia.

The only reason they respect the existing institutions is because they have very little knowledge of the world at large, so they instinctively respect whatever "the way people do shit here" is. If the way people do shit here broke down, zoomers would desperately seek out anyone who could give them a new way to do shit that seems stable and "normal."

I recommend reading Hannah Arendt. But take everything she says about the Poles who aided the Germans and dial it up by 5x.

>> No.19821728


Do normies generally not have enough self awareness to keep shit to themselves? Or is your friend a retard loser?

>> No.19821737

My point really is we should defend our principles and not attack entire groups. If I think rape is bad I will oppose rapists, not men in general. If I think gang-banging is bad I will oppose gangbangers, not blacks in general. If I think [insert whatever you think "the Jews" are doing] then I will oppose that thing, not Jews in general.

This way, we manage to focus entirely on the problem and the perpetrators. If I targeted men in general I would indict men who are not rapists, and leave out the women who are. If I targeted blacks in general I would indict blacks who are not gangbangers, and leave out the non-blacks who are. If I target the Jews it is the same thing.

>> No.19821774

>get an understanding of how capitalist development affects our society

at least capitalists have a society to effect, communism just leaves everyone starved and dead. youre a fucking retard.

>> No.19821781

There is a 99% chance this is bait, but in case it isn't...
You can think that Jews are disproportionately powerful compared to their population size without also thinking that they should be exterminated or that we should have a national socialist government. There is a huge middle ground between "completely ignorant of disproportionate Jewish power" on the one hand and "Nazi" on the other. Unfortunately most people are morons so they either completely ignore disproportionate Jewish power or they go full /pol/tard and sit around dreaming about sucking Hitler's dick even though if Nazis came to power, they would destroy pretty much everything that these people actually value in life.

>> No.19821784

>There is no reason and no sense behind a diaspora community disproportionately occupying positions of influence and power in other people's societies, while never integrating or being assimilated. It's insane. The Irish and Italians both assimilated despite the Irish dominating Tammany Hall during the era of machine politics, now it's a joke that Americans say they're 1/16th Irish or Italian.
How the fuck did Jews not assimilate in the United States? They live in large diverse urban centres, and they marry outside their group higher than any other demographic.

>> No.19821793

I hope so too but I think neoliberal multiculturalism is going to be a liability and not an asset in the future. I just think Jews should start thinking about these problems and creating a space of solutions. I'm not sure if ending another 5 million bitter refugee Jews with European currencies to Israel is a good idea but if Israel were in the middle of nowhere I would be the biggest advocate of "you have a state, go there, problem solved."

It might be possible to lean into a Jewish religious revival that makes a strong commitment to not interfering in European peoples' countries and economies any more.

The cat is out of the bag with this. Multiculturalism and ethnopluralism just don't work. Profiling is both natural (biologically) and effective. 98% of "rape gangs" and honor killings and acid attacks in the UK and Europe are caused by one group of people. Easy solution, stop importing them.

Can't convince NWO technocrats of this, of course. But the NWO technocrats are arrogant and think their serfs will take anything, because their serfs have been outwardly docile for generations. But that's the calm before the storm.

When that storm breaks, people are going to associate the "can't we all just get along" liberal individualism that you are promoting for a utopian religion, and one that was forced upon them against their will for a long period of slavery that destroyed their homelands and traditions. Eastern Europeans volunteered in droves to join the SS because they wanted to kill Russians and Jews, and they were known for being the most brutal shock troops against both.

>> No.19821798

based. maybe you should listen to him.

>> No.19821807


>> No.19821817

>How the Jews control the media to divide and conquer white people. How they own the banks, the money supply, and therefore the country and people.

They actually do though. So you protesting this will not help. But if he blames the jews for everything then it is a limited worldview. Ultra-rich criminal organisation control everything in the world, it's mafias on top of mafias on top of mafias. Many of them happen to be Jewish but it has little to do with it, and plenty of them are not Jewish at all. And of course 99% of Jewish people have nothing to do with any of this.

>> No.19821827

>but the INFERENCE that they are in some sort of NWO mind-control plot is just pure antisemitism.
You're grasping at straws. You are forced to accept the obviousness of Jewish power in media, but refuse to look any further because it might be racist in your mind.

If your bar for truth is that it will never contain any facts that could be considered offensive then you'll never encounter truth.

>> No.19821834

>And of course 99% of Jewish people have nothing to do with any of this.
Yep. Most NBA players are black. However, the vast majority of black people are not NBA-level basketball players. Similarly, a disproportionate fraction of rich elites are Jews. However, the vast majority of Jews are not rich elites.

>> No.19821841
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This same thing could be analogously made in any area of culture, finance, or politics

They are the Phanariotes of the Anglosphere

>> No.19821842
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all you need to know is that anti-semitic people are not racist. racism implies the existence of a superior race. and do you know who is by definition racist? jews. they are the chosen people and you're a gentile who is to be manipulated for their benefit.
please do deter him from Hitler, he was too much. but you yourself should question why you don't hate a race of people who are indoctrinated to hate you from birth, and sport a 2-millenia curriculum of 100s of justified expulsions from practically every country in the world. you have to be wilfully ignorant not to see a pattern here.

furthermore, go look at testimonies of (((jeffery epstein)))'s victims. they all claim the same thing that is in fact commonplace knowledge -- jews fucking hate you. and the ""stereotype"" of jews fucking with white children has been an ongoing ""rumor"" for the past 2000 years (blood libel).

they are in fact parasitic entities. they overthrew the soviet union's government (bolsheviks were >90% jews) and they are currently in power in the United States.
Picrel is joe biden openly saying he is a zionist. link: https://files.catbox.moe/xmyl6g.webm
fun fact this same cunt has been recorded playing with children's tits on national TV, with the child looking visibly tormented.

now that you've read my calm and collected message to you, I would like to say: fuck you you ignorant sheep bastard, you're part of the reason this world is shit.

>> No.19821859

or the Chinese in South-East Asia

>> No.19821865

All the Jewish friends I have actually hate me?
Kek, I'm gonna call bullshit on that one.

>> No.19821879

look here. you're fucking ignorant. I'M jewish. I know what the fuck I'm talking about. go read jewish religious texts and return to me when you're not arguing based on uneducated, emotional opinions you have. in fact, ask your friends what a gentile is, will you? perhaps they're not ultra religious, but the disproportionate amount of powerful jews are. I'm out

>> No.19821881

They are each like .1% different words at most. Stop being fags.

>> No.19821895

>Multiculturalism and ethnopluralism just don't work.
Nothing I said implied that they do. We're talking about group responsibility for crimes, a notion which is illogical as I showed.
>Profiling is both natural (biologically) and effective
Obviously. If we nuked everyone crime would drop by 100%.
>Eastern Europeans volunteered in droves to join the SS because they wanted to kill Russians and Jews, and they were known for being the most brutal shock troops against both.
It's a good thing they didn't know about Generalplan Ost then lmao.

>> No.19821897


>> No.19821905

This sort of greentext cherrypicking and making individual quips that don't relate to the poster's point as a whole is a really bad way to conduct discussion and over time it trains you to be a retard because it becomes a crutch. Today you choose not to engage, tomorrow you can't engage because you've atrophied your ability to, by never exercising it.

>> No.19821906

>jew says the truth about jews
>huehae MEDS
>jewish religious texts? TL;DR reddit please explain like I'm 5 :)
profound mental retardation. kill yourself

>> No.19821914


>> No.19821928

Frankly, if you give him something that fundamentally opposes his worldview outright, he is likely just not going to read it, or reject it out of defiance.

I would give him something that only mildly diverges or gets him to rethink his biases from a different angle. Unironically, something like „The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy“ by Mearsheimer & Walt would be a good pick; it may show him that, while Jewish interest groups wield disproportionate influence, that is not the result of some evil cabal’s conspiracy or blood-drinking Antichrists, but of plain lobbyism and networking, and that sensible people can have sensible debates on this topic without adhering to crude theories.

If you are seriously concerned though, i would not go the long route via giving him books to read etc., but try to get his loved ones to engage him on his views. Whatever you do, don‘t be too confrontational on it as that may just cause him to radicalize further

>> No.19821959

>"its just about money maaaan"
you are a midwit ywnbaw

>> No.19821984

this shill just ignored the part about pedophiles in power and overthrowing of governments in favour of "so they hate me?!". no rational person would argue like this. you're following misinformation protocol. first cherry pick argue, if you can't, then appeal to emotion. you're a fucking faggot and the jews have no escape, everyone knows and hates you since the advent of the internet. even zoomer kids are starting to catch on. you're fucking doomed and you doing this is proof of how desperate you are to cover up.

I am genuinely a jew, a russian-jew, and you piece of shit religious parasites destroyed my country. no other race of people has been expelled consistently over two millennia. this is no coincidence. there is no "poor jew, he's a minority :(". you will fucking burn and I will shove my cock up yahweh's mouth

polish saying: the jew will stab you as he cries out as if you're the perpetrator.

>> No.19822002
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>> No.19822047
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you stick out like a sore thumb, retard. you're clearly not from here, you move like reddit and your shit is wack. get the fuck out. ree.
picrel is your future

>> No.19822067
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>Books to rescue an incipient Nazi?

My friend has recently started voicing some worrying views. How the Jews control the media to divide and conquer white people. How they own the banks, the money supply, and therefore the country and people. Basically all the stereotypes.

He has not lost his marbles yet so perhaps he can read something to make him reconsider. Any ideas?

>> No.19822115

Only to the degree to which they are into their religion

>> No.19822354

That may be true, but how does an ethnicity that makes up 0.19% of the world's population constitute 11.6% of its billionaires? That's overrepresentation by a factor of 60, several times greater than Whites with their centuries of imperialism. Something seems off here.

>> No.19822663

>Jews are insanely, preposterously corrupt.
So are gentiles, as I can attest because of my experience in the business world. Jews are slightly more intelligent than gentiles on average, so they are more successful at corruption and nepotism than gentiles are. That is the real difference, one of ability rather than inclination.

>> No.19822679

Jews have, on average, an intelligence advantage over gentile whites. Which is why, for example, Jews are overrepresented relative to their population size not just in business in politics but also in fields like mathematics and science. Some people think that the Jewish advantage is because of corruption and nepotism, but that would not explain the Jewish overrepresentation in fields where success actually is mainly determined by abstract intelligence rather than by social skills. And in any case, all ethnic groups are corrupt and nepotistic - a smart ethnic group will tend to be better at corruption and nepotism than other groups are.

>> No.19822831

>Jews are simply superior to goyim
Sure thing rabbi

>> No.19822838


>Black Rednecks and White Liberals by Thomas Sowell

It has got an entire chapter titled "Are Jews Generic?" that explains reasons for anti-semitism that are not usually considered by anti-semites

The short story is that people who do manual jobs have the tendency to hate people who do other kinds of jobs (not true elites tho, those are usually seen as occupying their natural place in society) and so minorities that specialize in that kind of stuff (jews here in the west, armenians in the ottoman empire, lebanese in west africa and latin america, chinese in southeast asia) tend to get hated on a lot (especially when times are hard, you're starving despite breaking your back in manual labor and you see your neighbor who puts food on the table by doing intellectual work, once again the true elite is rarely hated, your brain just sees them as a fact of nature) this is how historical anti-semitism in eastern europe was born, nazism was just east-european anti-semitism imported by white russian emigrès

As for modern anti-semitism, they are just commies who can't admit to being commies because they want to become rich themselves and so don't want to abolish privare property, so they make this schizophrenic fantasy where absolute power afforded to the rich is not the problem in and of itself but the problem is the wrong race of people (namely, the one of which the anti-semite is not a part) having the power, they then take the historical anti-semitism represented by nazism and just spew it

>> No.19822864

this post read like a low quality /x/ shitpost

>> No.19822870


You say the truth, but good luck telling whites they are just inferior without having them chimp-out with violence

>> No.19822885


They don't think that way because they have it written in their blood, they think that way because arabs refuse to surrender the way normal people do when they lose a war

>> No.19822893

I'm not Jewish, it's just that I can see no plausible explanation for Jewish overrepresentation in math and science other than higher average intelligence. As for schizophrenia, if Jews have more of it than other ethnic groups that doesn't mean they are not also smarter than other ethnic groups. Actually it would not be surprising if it turned out that a group that is an outlier in terms of intelligence was also an outlier in terms of mental illness - for the same reason as why it is not surprising that people who are outliers in terms of being tall also tend to be outliers in terms of having health issues.

>> No.19822895


In a war I'd hate traitor scumbags more than the actual enemy

>> No.19822951

>My friend has recently started voicing some worrying views. How the Jews control the media to divide and conquer white people. How they own the banks, the money supply, and therefore the country and people
Can you actually refute a single thing your friend is saying?

>> No.19822963


It is that way, read Mac Donald

Jews selected for intelligence in those 2000 years of diaspora and they also have loads of problems related to historical inbreeding

>> No.19822987


The kikes and the chinks are better at intellectual labor

The niggers are better at physical labor

Whites are a mean between the two categories above, and they are also the best soldiers

Just accept that evolution exists, accept that different groups of humans have selected for different traits in millennias of history, don't envy those who do intellectual labor and hold the levers of society

>> No.19823216

I actually have thought this way. Which is why we are being replaced in tech by bugs and jeets and labor by latinos and blacks.
Now that the age of warfare has past we are obsolete. Society is a meme though.

>> No.19823247

communist doesn't imply statist

>> No.19823430

>muh iq muh iq
Jewish iq is the biggest meme of all. Notice how all of these studies discern between east asian vs south east asian, or ashkenazi vs sephardi and mizrahi, yet all gentile Europeans are lumped in one group; English with Irish, Northern Italian with Southern, and everyone else. Why else is variance never reported in these studies? The fact is 95% of all scientific, engineering and mathematical achievements are products of gentile European ingenuity. There will never be a jewish Gauss, Newton or Leibniz. The only things you rat-faced inbreds excel at are word games, treachery, and aggregation.

>> No.19823508

>it's just that I can see no plausible explanation for Jewish overrepresentation in math and science
You retards haven't the slightest picture of the history of science and mathematics. The jewish enlightenment (haskala) didn't occur until the 1800s. To put things into perspective, Newton and Leibniz invented calculus nearly 200 years prior. Cauchy and friends were laying down the groundwork for analysis by the time jews were even players. You fucking faggots probably can't name a scientist from the previous century other than Einstein or some other jew exalted through their propaganda.
Yeah that's why when you crack open any mathematics or science book you see theorems and laws named after gentiles huh? You really should kill yourself. At the very least please don't propagate you genetic material to future generations you bed shitting inbred. Kikes and chinks are good at quickly working within formal systems created by whites. Whites are just as good at working in said systems, yet also have the capacity to create them.
>Which is why we are being replaced in tech by bugs and jeets
That's because of internationalist laws and corporate greed. And the retarded diversity culture.
Jesus Christ this board is beyond fucking saving. For fucks sake Europeans have the best art, literature and philosophy, not just science and mathematics; why are you retards such defeatists and cucks?

>> No.19823547


You're coping and seething

Stop doing that

>> No.19823572

That's all you're bringing to the table? You aren't going to attempt to counter anything I said? Fuck off.

>> No.19824019

>very small percentage of the population (like 2-3%)
>drastically over-represented and hold enormous power in media
>cannot get elected into major political office without publically (and privately) vocalizing how much you support them
>2-3% of the population
Whatever book you get him make sure it isn't about identity politics. With leftie logic he'll be Hitler in no time.

>> No.19824230

>kikes and the chinks are better at intellectual labor
Are you aware that China hires Westerners for any non-trivial engineering project? Buildings, dams, bridges, infrastructure, even civil engineering tasks. Whites have an unmatched inventiveness and ability in creating solutions to engineering problems. Not to mention all of the math and science behind the engineering largely came from whites.

>> No.19824336

>t. retard who hasn't read Brave New World

>> No.19824342
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Wait, you guys actually hate Jews? I thought it was just a meme

>> No.19824374

It is true that jews have on average a higher IQ than whites, but "whites" is a very large group scattered over many classes/socio economical groups. I don't believe that jews are on average smarter than educated whites, they simply are a group that tends to have more educated members.
If Jews were truly intellectually superior, the best chess player would be jewish, I don't think there is even one in the top 5, the best physicist would be jewish (they had Einstein, granted, but it was almost a century ago), the best mathematician would be jewish, etc.
True, they are overrepresented in those fields, but they are not among the best, which is the sign that they would actually have an higher average IQ than whites (a true higher average means that the extreme high is also higher, so that the smartest jew is smarter than the smartest white).

Either way, everyone knows nepotism is a huge factor of the Jewish success. But it's not even the main problem, Jews have shown in history that they consider the gentiles to be animals, it's even written in the Torah. This is why they've been expelled 109 times, this is why they undermine the stability of country's in which they live for their own enjoyment.
People don't natively hate those who are richer than them, or smarter than them, you can't possibly explain the utter garbage treatment that the Jews have face in history just with the assumption that they're smarter and richer.

>> No.19824390

>everyone knows

the nazis clearly didn't

>> No.19825161

There is absolutely nothing wrong with antisemitism, just like to be anti-christian or anti-muslim. You are a beta-retard if you think otherwise.

In fact hating one for the beliefs is the 2nd most moral reason to hate somebody.

>> No.19825183

(((They))) control the media because the vast majority of the richest "families" in the world are Jewish. It was going to happen eventually. Religious gains are almost an afterthought.

>> No.19825651

Nothing to say huh!

>> No.19825691

and neither do you

>> No.19825706

Hello?…. based department?

>> No.19825717

Don’t mind the kike, that’s how they argue, with projection. You ask why these people don’t have self respect: because they are broken inside. It’s easier to be a loser/victim.

>> No.19825735


>> No.19826425

I don't think you really got what I meant anon. I don't think that IQ fully explains the Jew-white-African discrepancies, but neither does appealing to nepotism etc.

>> No.19827020

why dont you read books that challenge your worldview that has been forced on you?