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/lit/ - Literature

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19818712 No.19818712 [Reply] [Original]

As the title says, if you want to get better at writing overall – sit down every other night for 20 minutes and COPY (write out, rewrite, however you understand it) good writing.

The way I do it is I split my screen between the book I'm copying (currently a game of thrones) and a Word file, put headphones on with appropriate music (currently GoT soundtrack), and go.

When you get in the habit of doing that, you'll automatically absorb the author's style, techniques, etc. And If I read another book and say to myself, "WOW, the writing in this one was amazing, how did the author do it?" I don't have to wonder, or analyze it. I can copy it, and my subconscious will eventually pick it up.

>> No.19818717

>all those uncreased spines

>> No.19818723

he's reaching levels of pseud that we didn't even know existed

>> No.19818765

This actually works by the principal of telepathy

>> No.19818856

>rogue dot jpg
>20 minutes
>game of thrones
>GoT soundtrack
Poor-quality bait. The idea is sound, though. I don't have a phone with a decent camera, so if I want to post a quotation from a physical book, I have to type the thing in by hand. It's arduous but it has definite benefits, along the lines you describe.

>> No.19818952

This is the most pseud shit I've ever read, but it's unironically a good advice.

>> No.19819260

based advice, Hunter s Thompson used to type out books that he admired by hand

>game of thrones
OP is still a faggot for reminding me game of thrones exists

>> No.19819657

This is a lot of work just to plagerize something

>> No.19820950

100% correct
https://www.typelit.io/ is perfect for this

>> No.19820965

Must.Not.Bully.Waldun. Must. Resist. The. Urge.

>> No.19820976

In truth this is good practice for a novitiate. An advanced writer can deconstruct what works just by eyeballing the text.

>> No.19820988

uhhhhh what exactly does this post have to do with The Don Wal? Please providing reasoning for using said thumbnail of Waldun's iconic "The Rogue Academic - How To Change How You Think About Education" video, thanks!

>> No.19821191

but... Hunter Thompson never became good

>> No.19822048
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Honestly this is a fantastic way to practice. This is now a practice technique thread. Do any anons have any good tips or methods they use to work the craft? I've been keeping notebooks of interesting words, and another of interesting permutations of words, typically from poetry. I've been copyworking Underworld and selections from Rilke with the hopes of absorbing elegiac prose. Fess up and confess your copywork sins.

>> No.19822063

I learned more from just looking at a list of books purportedly in Melville's library than I have from a dozen books on writing. One thing that stood out, for example, is how many volumes of poetry he had. Tolstoy also published a good reading list.

>> No.19822154


There have been good lists published on Lovecraft's library as well. Pynchon has a list of literary phases he went through, of the top it included a romantic and Faulkner phase. There is certainly value in genetically working forwards from what a writer ingested. DFW seems to have read hundreds of self-help books kek

>> No.19822346

Ive been rewriting count if monte cristo but changing the characters and story.

>> No.19822696
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Elaborate pls

>> No.19823403

>read books by typing them
This must be what Chads do.

>> No.19823426


>> No.19824060
File: 331 KB, 896x1704, Obsessed with a lover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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