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19817382 No.19817382 [Reply] [Original]

Why did he do it?

>> No.19817389

If you've read it then you would've known he did it because of ligma.

>> No.19817393

im le tired

>> No.19817402

"Maman died today. The heat seemed to make my forehead pulse, exacerbating my ligma."

>> No.19817423

He was.... a stranger to me. Worst of all, however, was his ligma.

>> No.19817508

He was the Stranger

>> No.19817517

"I'm so strange this is so absurd"

>> No.19817583

serious response: he was retarded for approaching the arab in the first place on one hand but on the other hand that arab was polluting a public place and being a violent fag (who attacks him with a knife) so there's no clear winner, in the end meursault should not have been convicted but europeans are fucking retards when it comes to self defense. how is it that every yuro country will throw you into the carceral dungeon just because you fought off an attacker?!

ultimately the problem of self-defense is very difficult and yuros answer it with brute idiocy and just say "you were involved in violence? off to the jail with you!" with no nuance because society is hard and nobody has a good response to this question. except americans, with castle doctrine etc. while america crumbles into retardation and dies from faggotry (partially contracted from europe) it must be said that at least for a short time, we had a valid answer to this question and in the US meursault would not be prosecuted. but none of this was on the mind of camus, who was a yurofaggot ignoring all these values and just wanted to write about alientation etc. though it is beside the point, this novella convinced me that america is truly unique and frogniggers and yuros in general can suck it, second amendment is based and everybody else has brain worms. sad it's gonna die soon.

>> No.19817591

Because the Sun was making him feel bothered and also, he was tired. Can't a decent man just kill an arab out of spite?

>> No.19817606

I actually thought the Arab didn't attack Meursault, he just brandished his knife. Maybe I should re-read that part, I thought the book was describing the sun glinting off the knife as being the assault on Meursault's senses which frustrated him so much that he fired the gun; that he was already delusional because of the heat and that the image of the knife glinting in sun drove him over the edge.

>> No.19817615

He was a psychopath.

>> No.19817627

the arab straight up attacks him with the knife so he kills him with the gun, the real "problem" (in the mind of yuros) is that meursault went there in the first place looking for trouble. but of course in the US you don't walk somewhere and expect someone to attack you with a knife and do nothing but let them kill you, only in the based european culture!

>> No.19818019

Why he shot more than once.

>> No.19818122

In the absurd world, he didn't do anything wrong.
Camus' fiction was more consistent with his absurdist beliefs than his non-fiction was. MoS, for instance, has a great articulation on the problem of the absurd, followed by a prodigious amount of cope.
Put on your big-boy pants, and join Team Cioran.

>> No.19818135

He mistook sex on the beach as murder on the beach

>> No.19818214

>It's you Meursault... you're the stranger??

>> No.19818448

Such a high school zoomer thread. Cute. Carry on.

>> No.19819157

There was no reason not to.

>> No.19819204

The sun but Would he have killed the arab if it was night?

>> No.19819458

He was lost and confused.

>> No.19819477

The Arab does not attack him on the 2nd approach. He brandishes the knife, and the sun's reflection off the knife goes into Meursault's eyes

>> No.19819490

he was an arab

>> No.19819603


Boy I sure bet you haven't let your personal beliefs influence your reading of the text at all, the book just happened to validate a thing you believe that you regularly experience criticism of. It's amazing how the entire rest of the audience fucked it up and misread it somehow.