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19816863 No.19816863[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does the left write better than the right, atleast in today's times? It's not even about the fact that left read more, because even if you compare them with well read right, the left still somehow comes across as more intellectual. Any book explaining this?

>> No.19816864

Reality is left

>> No.19816869

imagine being such a cuckold that you go on normie social media and write a fake story about how you have a lot to learn from heckin strong women

i bet i could just command this joshua guy to suck my dick and he'ddo it

>> No.19816870

this statement makes no sense

>> No.19816881

Without examples your claim is contextless and worthless.

>> No.19816892

They use a lot of word salad because ideas for the left are about being hip and fashionable and in the know. Mystifying others shows they’re not in. But this behavior isn’t intelligent just intellectual

>> No.19816893

>muh politics

Pls OP

>> No.19816897

Not OP but almost in every debate/exchange on twitter the left destroys the right

>> No.19816906
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>> No.19816907

How so?

>> No.19816911

Reality left right out the window.

>> No.19816912

No sir, I don’t think this is true sir.

>> No.19816915
File: 31 KB, 333x500, 41y3dHnaKIL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I'm blinded by my own bias
because you see the things you agree with as more intellectual.

>> No.19816920


>> No.19816924

Let me quote myself, since you're clearly one of those 'special' kids
>Without examples your claim is contextless and worthless.
>Without examples your claim is contextless and worthless.
>Without examples your claim is contextless and worthless.

>> No.19816928

The right tends to be more anti-intellectual and vitalistic. The more well-read they are the more they would rather just beat you up than play around with words.

>> No.19816933

post a video of a smart leftist woman

>> No.19816936

Imagine imagining something to imagine

>> No.19816940

Hardly. It's because of what >>19816892 said and the fact that liberal types are more prone to use Twitter, so it gives them more chances to circle their wagons to protect their own and shout down dissenting views.

>> No.19816942

Why is it like that is the question. Why does reading change people in different ways based on their pre existing belief system?

>> No.19816946

OP makes no sense

>> No.19816953 [DELETED] 

We have gone through this a lot of time already. Art is inherently left wing because art is all about discovering the unknown and pushing boundaries. Conservatives just want to conserve things, as the very name says. There's a reason why the term is liberal arts instead of conservative arts. This doesn't mean there can't be right wing artist though, but their art is still left wing if it was any artistic value. If it doesn't, then it's just propaganda.

>> No.19816958 [DELETED] 

Unironically pic related.

Also, unironical challenge: Post someone from the right even remotely close to contrapoints. If you can't, OP's point is proven.

>> No.19816964

We have gone through this a lot of times already. Art is inherently left wing because art is all about pushing boundaries. Conservatives just want to conserve things, as the very name says, which is good for things like economics, but awful for art, because it's not inventive. There's a reason why the term is liberal arts instead of conservative arts. This doesn't mean there can't be right wing artist though, but their art is still left wing, unless it's just propaganda, of course.

>> No.19816965

contrapoints is a man

>> No.19816968

>Right wing = conservative
I'm so tired of zoomers

>> No.19816969

I love when leftists pretend their ~80 year monopoly on the arts is somehow universal throughout history, while ignoring the multitude of conservative artists that are still celebrated today.

>> No.19816972

The other day I watched a video on yt orangutan driving a golf cart. Why does orangutan who knows how to drive, drive better than orangutan who does not know how to drive, atleast in today's times?
In other words left and right are both low iq monkeys except the left had slightly been trained more so they might appear more intelligent.
We live in a world where viruses can be made in a lab and then used to control and kill population, the concepts of left and right are outdated, there is only those intelligent people who can create such virus and use it accordingly and those monkeys which the virus will target.

>> No.19816973
File: 2.60 MB, 2672x3110, Natalie_Wynn_(ContraPoints)_portrait_2_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically pic related.

Also, unironical challenge: Post someone from the right even remotely close to contrapoints.

>> No.19816974

Things are only black and white now Gramps. Keep your nuanced opinions to yourself, everything is either the best or the worst

>> No.19816975

Do you really expect them to spend half an hour putting together a collage of examples you can dismiss or stop replying to? Anyone can cherry pick propaganda to suit their purpose. The left more often realize how pointless it is, because no one in any specific situation will concede anything, especially when the context is as retarded as "liberals bad", "blacks bad", "women bad", "Jews bad" etc. But in aggregate it means that the right is a more effective propaganda machine for radicalizing young directionless men than the left will ever be.

>> No.19816984

if we're posting man I would elict Eric Weinstein

>> No.19816987


>> No.19816992

I know plenty of right wingers who are mentally ill. Not sure what that proves though.

>> No.19816994

I know you're baiting, but even this bitch now is calling out communists for being resentful losers.

>> No.19816995

My favorite liberal artists, St. John of the Cross, Wagner, Bach, Hesiod... beautiful in their iconoclastic revolutionary works

>> No.19816999 [DELETED] 

>left and right are both low iq monkeys
Do what are you

>> No.19817008

>left and right are both low iq monkeys
So what are you?

>> No.19817014

>twitter tranny
>muh leftt and right
yep it's trash

>> No.19817026
File: 110 KB, 640x759, 1641305218062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually just saw that yesterday too. It was actually a female orangutan and she seemed to be a more patient and relaxed driver than most humans!
I've seen so many people affected by car accidents including my own family that I really just can't wait until computers take over (although I'm sure the transition will be turbulent and involve some gruesome accidents too). People are just too stupid and irresponsible to drive safely.

>> No.19817027

Making an assertion without evidence is hilariously stupid and cuts right at the heart of their credibility in claiming to be able to adjudicate anyone's intellectual superiority. So either they will provide evidence for evaluation or continue being a demonstrable embarrassment—I get my amusement either way.

>> No.19817054

I do actually have a poignant thought but am unable to express it without using terms like subversive, conservative, liberal, because it will not be understood properly by some of you, maybe you. I will try.

Art is possible for the purpose to subvert the so-called conventional wisdom, this proves that the politics of the artist are unimportant for the actual artistic process.

>> No.19817060

The Pope could out debate any local college lesbian

>> No.19817065

There may be artists who are conservatives in their private lives, but their art is still leftist, because it pushes boundaries. If it does not, then it's just propaganda.

>> No.19817077

All art is rightist, because it concerns itself with the maintenance of society. If it doesn't, then it's just noise.

>> No.19817088
File: 189 KB, 960x1280, average twitter poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twitter screencap bait thread #129832

>> No.19817101

god she's so hot and smart too

>> No.19817110
File: 334 KB, 750x878, 57A66C14-2E6F-492A-8746-0CB6CE6AAC4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no

>> No.19817114

I am above such definitions, I am a scientist who will use tools and technology on those deemed unsuitable for continued existence on this earth.

>> No.19817115

Why are /pol/ bait threads like this allowed in /lit/? Not only are these "left" and "right" labels clumsy to retroactively apply to writers and artists, but even when you try to do this the past century or so of literary history is nevertheless full of disillusioned leftists, rightists, and even hard rightists who made significant contributions to their chosen art. People who view everything through the lens of left and right, trying to "win" by exiling the other from certain disciplines or cultural battlegrounds, can only win at the expense of art. Stop shitting up the board with this faggotry.

>> No.19817117

That's facebook you mongoloid

>> No.19817118

What books do I need to read to get a girl like this /lit/?

>> No.19817126
File: 56 KB, 1068x601, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"liberals bad", "blacks bad", "women bad", "Jews bad"

>> No.19817128

That's fucking stupid. "Hurr durr this brick is art because it keeps my house stable".

>> No.19817129
File: 44 KB, 620x675, Soy Wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All art I disagree with or don't like is propaganda.

>> No.19817130
File: 68 KB, 512x555, redditor-face.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's facebook you mongoloid

>> No.19817132

The "Left" and "Right" are not equals, don't fall for the mirage. For a decades it has been essentially illegal to be a rightist under the Civil Rights Act. For awhile we pretended otherwise, let the Republican party sort of prop up an antifeminist "normal" culture and made fun of political correctness, but it was never stable. Wokeness enforced by capital was always our destiny. And the university is sort of the epicenter of this, where it's most mandatory to support the latest fringe leftism, so of course intellectuals are going to identify with the left.

The thing is that great literature requires a sort of baseline conservatism. It has to understand at a minimum things like the differences between men and women, the value of tradition and community, the basic impossibility of any "new socialist man". So even in the most oppressive left-wing cultures (like the literal USSR) the best writers will be in some way heretics. I've been meaning for awhile to write a post about the politics of Kazuo Ishiguro's novels, how he flirts with basically Houllebecqian ideas while filtering out the normie-libs who would complain.

>> No.19817136

>whats the difference between necessary and sufficient conditions for 500 alex

>> No.19817139

So is the claim I was responding to. "Hurr durr throwing shit is art because it's pushing social boundaries".

>> No.19817149

The view of art being leftist because it pushes boundaries is also fucking retarded. I can then claim that the conquistadors and explorers during the age of exploration were artists because they technically pushed the boundaries.

Nice deleted shit as comments as well lmao.

>> No.19817172

Intellectualism is leftist. Art is, basically, rightist. A monolithic intellectual culture that forces educated people to be leftist also destroys the possibility of art.

>> No.19817173


>> No.19817175

>Reality is left
Reality is left when you're done with leftism, yeah.

I don't see the USSR anymore, do you? People all across the entire world free the most left countries to come to the west, they vote with their feet, the reality says you're a dysfunctional loser with a psychotic ideology. Sorry about that.

>> No.19817186

Help people in need.
Fight authority.
Feed the hungry.
War is bad.

Oooooooo word salad.

>> No.19817190

Anon where do you think we are?

>> No.19817206

An 'exchange' on twitter is just two morons throwing snappy one-liners at each other while their followers ape out in the comments; hard to say anyone gets 'destroyed'.

>> No.19817214
File: 6 KB, 200x202, Laughing Pepe V3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intellectualism, depending on the era, could lean between being leftist or rightist this era seems to have taken the leftist route very extremely.

Cope, seethe, and dilate.

>He thinks those are exclusively leftist values.

>> No.19817215

These threads always end up derailed by politics, but is there actually a reason why, statistically, leftists are better artists than righties? Can't just be chance nor cultural, right? It seems to happen in every country.

>> No.19817218

the right isn't allowed on twitter dude what the fuck are you and all the people replying to you even talking about. Literally everyone serious was banned long ago.

>> No.19817219

Where's all the race, gender, sexuality stuff that consumes 99% of leftist energy? Where's the part about identifying and dismantling "oppressive" social structures and organic forms of community? Where's the part about selling out to the point that trillionaire index funds mandate your ideas? I really don't think you're trying very hard to describe what leftism actually is.

>> No.19817228

>responding to the platitude salad

>> No.19817240

Bourgeois wokeism is indeed cancer. They are not leftists.

>> No.19817241

The right does 2/4 of these things as well. Conservatives give a higher percentage of their income to charity, so that covers "Feed the hungry" and "Help people in need". The other two are anarchist values rather than leftist values, since ancaps spend a lot more time fighting authority than hardline leninists do.

>> No.19817242

It depends on what kind of art. In painting there are an abundance of leftist artists there and so the likelihood of a well-known figure there being a leftist is greater than a right one.

Literature is more balanced I'd say since there's been many great talents on both sides of the spectrum.

>> No.19817247

> ancaps spend a lot more time fighting authority than hardline leninists do
Show me your successful revolution. My revolution demands it.

>> No.19817248
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There is a growing anti intellectual movement in the right. It’s no wonder they are less educated and have poorer writing. Even the educated and intelligent right wingers must dumb down their writing so that it is accessible for their target audience.

>> No.19817258
File: 33 KB, 680x544, 4E30F518-8B53-4602-BE65-BF748D2E4CE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incredibly fake and gay lmao every leftist attempt at a meme is worse than the last

>> No.19817265

Sure but you never see the left making serious criticisms of it, you tacitly accept every premise liberals rest on while hyperfixating on economics. All they do is roll their eyes and try not to talk about it.

>> No.19817268

>implying not paying taxes and smuggling weapons illegally isn't a form of denying authority
I'll admit it's no revolution though

>> No.19817269

>Sure but you never see the left making serious criticisms of it
Have you actually read literally anything at all?

>> No.19817270

Do people actually have political debates with women? Why would you subject yourself to that?

>> No.19817272

Hmm I can't think of any right wing thinkers or figures that have pushed boundaries. Codreanu was such a bore

>> No.19817278

Okay what's your actual problem with liberal ideology then?

>> No.19817290

The sort of "true left" that guys like you claim to represent, which can agree with a New Right guy on 4chan that it's wrong to try to dismantle organic social structures (the various abstract nouns that are demonized by New Left movements), is the most thoroughly cucked and powerless group of people in the west. Capital has co-opted your energy completely and split you into a million pieces. They could literally let "the left" stage a revolution and you wouldn't change a thing.

>> No.19817297

That's because the right is about defining and respecting boundaries, not mindlessly destroying them for the sake of destroying them.

>> No.19817301

I think it's because the right is scared of innovation (change) which limits their creative capacity. An open mind is necessary for good writing and the right tends to oppose open-mindedness on principle. Thus they're left to their cliches.

>> No.19817305

Then why is capitialism rampant?

>> No.19817312

>thoroughly cucked and powerless group of people in the west
Makes sense. Fuck west. You won't be missed.

>> No.19817320

that's their premise in the first place, that's the problem they want to solve. Come on now.

>> No.19817321

Who are some good, contemporary lefty writers, Sally Rooney?

>> No.19817322

Capitalism is leftism.

>> No.19817329

Listen. Please, someone, go ahead and conquer us already. Just save the books and art and actual culture, and be sure to dismantle global capitalism while you're at it.

>> No.19817341

Yet they can't solve it. So reality is actually not left

>> No.19817342

>Just save the books and art and actual culture

>be sure to dismantle global capitalism
You do realize that the next formation will inevitably be even ore globo and more homo, right? There's no coming back.

>> No.19817350

It’s weird how the federal government, tech oligarchies, and corporate media is terrified of the “alt-right” but has literally nothing at all to say about the left. Almost like you’re all completely impotent losers who will jerk each other off all day but always vote for whatever neolib your masters tell you to.

>> No.19817352

Because right wingers can't help but get mad and furious at their targets in their schlock fiction, and fantasise about using extravagant violence against them.
Left wingers are mostly depressed and defeatist which are traits that translate well into written literature.

>> No.19817357

The only time they actually get in trouble is when they criticize Israel of course

>> No.19817360

>You do realize that the next formation will inevitably be even ore globo and more homo, right?
Fertility below replacement and plummeting, suicide and drug addiction skyrocketing, labor force participation dropping literally because people just spend their whole lives playing videogames. Something has to give. Either we find a way to change human biology and make this livable, or we find a way to live like humans.

>> No.19817364

>almost in every debate/exchange on twitter
You defeated yourself before you even stated your argument

>> No.19817365

>has literally nothing at all to say about the left
Last I checked they were heading the US towards escalation with China and Russia, North Korea is kept as a pariah state, Vietnam is still a potential enemy and Cuba is still embargoed.

>> No.19817371

>even though were losing were actually winning

>> No.19817377

>Fertility below replacement and plummeting, suicide and drug addiction skyrocketing, labor force participation dropping literally because people just spend their whole lives playing videogames
...within your consoomerist bourgeois society, yes.

>Either we find a way to change human biology and make this livable, or we find a way to live like humans.
Well there's also that option where you discover that there is a world beyond the United States. I know it's a hard concept for a burger, but I sincerely think that you just might grasp it.

>> No.19817379

Left-wing Russophilia is such a funny meme. You're all just waiting for Putin to bring the USSR back lmao. China at least has the hammer and sickle, but cmon.

>> No.19817380

Do you have any examples of what the guy your replying to is saying? There are plenty of very prominent conservative or traditionalist writers in fact some would count them among the greatest intellects of all time while examples of well read brutes are hard to find and usually those men are morally neutral only siding with might and there own ferocity.

>> No.19817381

Nobody likes Nazis

>> No.19817388

>China at least has the hammer and sickle

>> No.19817390

>but their art is still left wing, unless it's just propaganda, of course.
What an utterly useless dichotomy, its sole purpose seems to be to claim things to strengthen your own biases.

>> No.19817398

You're contradicting yourself. Is there a world out there that's less globohomo or is there not. Or do you consider "globohomo" and western decadence as separate things.

>> No.19817400

>You're all just waiting for Putin to bring the USSR back lmao.
Em, what?

>China at least has the hammer and sickle, but cmon.
Ah, so there is a growing, prosperous way for the global capitalism - the Chinese way. What are you even upset about, then?

This is the part where China is growing and expanding it's influence because it's actually 100% capitalist, but it's also an evil tyranny and a dead end because it's 100% communist.

>> No.19817407

99% of everybody in everything is retarded. Once you understand this you can move on from all this nonsense

>> No.19817413

China still pretends to be communist even though it's not. So if you're a huge idiot you can sort of say being anti-China is anti-left or whatever. It's a little less ridiculous than saying the same for Russia, which is also something leftists do.

>> No.19817419

Why isn't the brick art? If I sculpted the brick, molded it with my hands and formed it that is, and set it on my mantle then it is an item that has meaning and intangible value to me. When we make homes, cities, dams, or any number of other larger "mundane" projects we often incorporate elements of self expression or expression of the soul of our culture. This phenomenon is so massive an entire industry has been built around it known as architecture. Art is not just an overt metaphor, it is everything that has hidden meaning to a thinking being.

>> No.19817424

>Or do you consider "globohomo" and western decadence as separate things.
Of course. The globohomo I refer to means the globalisation of economy and culture (globo) along with decline and withering of moral authority (homo).

Your consumerist culture, and disastrous social policies are not inherently tied to those processes.

>> No.19817425

What does that have to do with anything though? That's foreign policy. You're flattering yourself enormously by associating western leftism with these states. Are there any leftist organizations out there actually talking about supporting these states? Do you have any actual sense of where your own politics lay within your own country? Do you have any real interest in advancing them? All you do is have conversations on the internet about consumerism.

>> No.19817432

>associating western leftism with these states
Am I doing that?

>> No.19817439

even worse, it's someone greentexting on facebook

>> No.19817443

Yes, the post I was replying to was replying to a post about the federal government's concern with the alt-right, a domestic movement, therefore by implication the topic is domestic politics.
>why is the govt so concerned about the alt right but not the left?

>> No.19817449

I actually want communism to happens since so many leftist hacks would get btfo once theyre revealed as the one trick ponies they are

>> No.19817456

If the Chinese model can actually get away with ever-expanding global capitalism without total social disintegration, then by all means bring that here. Personally though, I feel that compromising a bit on the GDP growth may be necessary.

>> No.19817459

Models aren't universal. The chinese model works for china.

>> No.19817460

>therefore by implication the topic is domestic politics
Holy cope.

>> No.19817461

but can it work without the "Chinese Characteristics"?

>> No.19817469

bro you want to talk about a fucking cope? bringing up CUBA in a conversation about the state of the left in the west hahah
god it's so pathetic
i admire the way you guys will stick to your guns over this completely retarded nonsense but your disdain for honest discussion is just too sickening sometimes.

>> No.19817472

t. gusano

>> No.19817485

>in the west

>> No.19817486

>those intelligent people
Ah so when you can make viruses in a lab you evolve from monkeyhood? But of course the people in the labs aren't the ones who decide how the virus is used, so they're just trained monkeys as well. I'm sure you aren't saying that popularly elected politicians have surpassed monkeyhood so you must be referring to "the deep state". A bunch of bureaucrats and businessmen whose purpose is what? The pursuit of sensual pleasure? The pursuit of power? These are the same motivations that drive monkeys. You're naive.