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19814579 No.19814579 [Reply] [Original]

One of the many things I respect about him is that he didn't pull the #1 occultist scam (unlike Blavatsky, Crowley, Evola, etc.): rope people in with claims about marvellous powers and then, not possessing any and therefore not being able to demonstrate any, pretend to be too spiritually evolved for such 'petty' displays. This scam actually has its roots in the land of poo: yogis would create buzz for themselves by spreading tales of siddhis, a tradition captured in the third book of Patanjali's sutras, and then pretend to have transcended such 'base' displays when people arrive to see what all the fuss is about.
Guénon had intellectual integrity and didn't pretend to be anything he was not.

>> No.19814591

Autism was his superpower

>> No.19814595

Yeah but Schuon and his nudist cult though

>> No.19814738

I’m reading his Intro. to Hindu Doctrine - he absolutely hates the Greeks. Even calls them children:

>> No.19814793

moderns love the greeks because of democracy, philosophy, atomism, the renaissance, etc. Guenon's dislike is coherent with his view of metaphysics

>> No.19814822

Cool. What book from him you recc?

>> No.19814828

Islamic faggot

>> No.19815018

Rene Guido: Essence is derived from the Substance which finds a congruent meaning with creative modes of manifestation such as shitposting, i.e. various modes of archaic ecstaticism expressed in written word. Guenonian counter-initiation (counter-strike 1.6.) is die fröhliche Wissenschaft spreading (all four) legs of any reluctant brain cooch closed frame. Powers of stasis is a tyrannical machine deterring joyful expulsions of pure potency which constitute a field of becoming for the Abjected One, who is also known as the sneed, the point, the Yesbody, the gamer; who is collective and singular, both mythical totem and a pilot: em(yes)bodyment of the real. Both phallus and an orgasmic seed that feeds.

>> No.19815140


>> No.19815156


>> No.19815572
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>> No.19815611
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I thought man and his becoming should be mandatory so I made this change

>> No.19815671

is literally one of the most important

>> No.19815696
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Indeed, dont know why the original didnt have as such. Its not the only problem the chart has, but its more 'aesthetic' than the /lit/ I guess

>> No.19815703


>> No.19815967

Someone should just made a chart like this:
mandatory : books published during his life in that particular order
option: posthumous books

>> No.19815982

He was a fucking retard. I'm sorry. Right about some things, but completely superficial and full of retarded takes.

>> No.19815993

absolutely false, please read his letters
he does claim to have magical powers, having witnessed magic done by others, getting physically injured due to evil magic, etc

>> No.19816025

only by others, not by him
don't talk shit mate

>> No.19816041

who is making these reading guides I saw one for evola before

>> No.19816200


>> No.19816277

Most gurus are not this honest, Guénon was the real deal.

>> No.19816301

What does Guenon promise?

>> No.19816358
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The evola one is awful

>> No.19816369

Islam is based, get with the program

>> No.19816393

>>19814579 There's an episode - maybe some letters - whee he refers to attacks from occult guys from some group he left that materialized a big brown bear in the night in his room (a vision), I think he was in Paris in those younger times.

>> No.19816401


>> No.19816685

to remove the veils from ones eyes

>> No.19817648

The Multiple States of the Being
The Symbolism of the Cross
Should both be mandatory, as they, along with Man and his Becoming, make up his metaphysical works.

Also, Spiritual Authority and Temporal Power should be replaced with Perspectives on Initiation, as it is a more in depth look at initiation.

>> No.19817940

> Islamic faggot
Ever wondered why there are so few, if any, Muslims enjoying themselves on degenerate 4chan? vs. the number of Christians?
Ever wondered why Islam has the least number of suicides of any religion (and the ones it does have include martyr suicide bombings)?
Ever wondered why family bonds are so strong in Muslim countries?
Christianity is a religion of cuckoldry and humiliation. Nobody humiliates Islam. Even most of the nu-atheists are too scared to humiliate Islam.

>> No.19817955


>> No.19817958


>> No.19818149

>a tradition captured in the third book of Patanjali's sutras
mfw I will never have the yogi power of invisibility.

21. By perfectly concentrated Meditation on the form of the body, by arresting the body's perceptibility, and by inhibiting the eye's power of sight, there comes the power to make the body invisible.

>> No.19818274

Oh no no no no he didn't accept my religion Christianity Orthodoxy which is based and redpilled

>> No.19818415

>Guénon had intellectual integrity
>becomes a muslim

>> No.19818424

you have no idea what intellectuality is, stay with your pleb philosophers

>> No.19818490

>our problem is the erosion of western culture
>proceeds to promote the islamization of the west

>> No.19818614

>>our problem is the erosion of western culture
It is the western decadent culture which invaded the rest of the world and not vice versa, this was the point of Guenon. The fact that more or less westernized non-westerners come to the West doesn't make the case worse because there is nothing of value left to be worth defending.

>> No.19818678

See >>19817940. And >>19817955.

>> No.19819578
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I can make the first change you put, the other two would require more serious changes to the chart which are not in my capacity. If any other anons can do that I would be grateful. Here is the chart with the first change.

>> No.19819790

Sufis are to Muslims what Gnostics are to Christians

>> No.19821299

whats wrong with it

>> No.19821397

What are your seething about exactly?

>> No.19821423

he has few if any good qualities, other than his magic theories. his political theories are shite.

>It is the western decadent culture which invaded the rest of the world and not vice versa, this was the point of Guenon. The fact that more or less westernized non-westerners come to the West doesn't make the case worse because there is nothing of value left to be worth defending.

this is why. global negrifier,

>> No.19821455

this seems to be so only because wahhabis have spread everywhere but in terms of doctrine they are like the hesychasts to the average orthodox

>> No.19821518

I hate it when /x/ spills over to /lit/

>> No.19822570

Guenon retroactively refuted /x/

>> No.19822830

This demonstrates very little understanding of tarot, astrology, the tree of life or any of the metaphors or mysteries that they stand for.

>> No.19822837


>> No.19822843


>> No.19823494

Starting with Myth of the Grail doesn't really make sense, reading HT doesn't make sense unless you're really into the esoteric, although imo it's one of his best. Revolt should be read first or second, maybe then Myth of the Grail.

>> No.19823516

I don't get it. You love Guenon but you don't actually believe in transcendent or invisible realities? Guenon started out in occultism but then realised it was just the degeneration of initiation properly understood. He believed in and almost certainly did have "magical" powers which he would have no need for, Evola as well and Crowley too probably. Initiation isn't some moral or abstract philosophical thing. You experience reality from higher planes, quite literally.

>> No.19823537

Crowley was a grifter who swindled intellectually challenged aristocrats into eating his cum. Evola was the JBP of his era. None of them had 'magical powers' or whatever the fuck.

>> No.19823575

>Ever wondered why there are so few, if any, Muslims enjoying themselves on degenerate 4chan?
There are plenty, you're a retard. The difference between between Islam and Christcuckery is that the latter degenerated or "progressed" due to scientific advancement of Europeans and spread across the globe, while the latter remained in medieval times along with its population of 3rd world monkeys. Plenty of people criticise Islam, however you're more likely to be in legal trouble for doing so than attacked by a muslim (in the West at least), although many muslims are below the level of a medieval peasant in Europe in terms of baseness.

Ultimately both religions are of semitic origin (for the most part) and as such exhibit more plebian tendencies, as opposed to more virile and aristocratic pagan traditions.

>> No.19823579

>None of them had 'magical powers' or whatever the fuck.
How would you know?

>> No.19823612

>Ultimately both religions are of semitic origin (for the most part) and as such exhibit more plebian tendencies, as opposed to more virile and aristocratic pagan traditions.
Pagan religions are of semitic origins as well.
Paganism is essentially a game of Chinese whispers gone wrong. Herodotus even outright states that the Greeks got their deities from the Egyptians.

>> No.19823615

>but you don't actually believe in transcendent or invisible realities?
Believing in them doesn't require you to take every or any lurid claim of powers seriously

>> No.19823616

>Pagan religions are of semitic origins as well.
No they aren't you drooling wikipedia retard. The ancient Egyptians weren't semites other, go smoke more weed because you don't belong in a Guenon thread.

>> No.19823620

What powers did Evola claim to have?

>> No.19823624

I'm not OP and am not talking about Evola specifically, I don't know if Evola claimed to have powers or not

>> No.19823635

He could ride tigers, use “uranic” magic and go superfascist

>> No.19823638

Ok, I don't think he made such claims so I was curious.

>> No.19823645

>ad hominem
oh no no no!

>> No.19823693

>namecalling = adhom
>pagan religions are semitic in origin
>ancient egyptians = semitic
Stay retarded.

>> No.19823720
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Do you know who the Phoenicians were? Astarte is literally just another name for Artemis in Greek.

Athena is Neith (that's why she's described as BLACK in some myths, the Greeks 'hellenized' her by giving her blue eyes and white skin.
Zeus is the storm god El

I could go on and on...

The closest thing there is to a native European religion is Germanic sun worship and that is because they were a primitive.

>According to Julius Caesar’s account, the Germani were anything but civilized. Scandalously, they did not even worship what he considered proper gods.
>“They have no Druids to regulate divine worship, no zeal for sacrifices. They reckon among the gods those only whom they see and by whose offices they are openly assisted – to wit, the Sun, the Fire-god and the Moon.”
>He deplored their lack of husbandry and agriculture and their love of fighting.
>“Their whole life is composed of hunting expeditions and military pursuits.”

>> No.19823729
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>> No.19823814

1. 4chan in and of itself (ignoring the boards dedicated to pornography) is not evil. It is a public square based on interest.
2. It’s so hard to commit suicide when your getting honor killed by your own father. How many people are killed daily because of Islam?
3. Islam is strong, sure. Every violent and strong, I won’t deny its a blood thirsty religion and rules it’s subjects with iron fists.
4. Yes a true Christian becomes meek, but when we are weak Christ it’s strong. I value strength differently than you do though. What’s harder? To smash someone’s head in with a boulder or to turn the other cheek in an argument you are 100% right on? I’d wager we see a lot more people killing each than forgiving, therefore the later is harder and the one doing it is stronger.

You seem to value a religion based on how much blood it sheds, oh if only you had been alive during the height of the Catholic Church. You would have loved to see the senseless blood shed and thought “wow this is the true religion because of all the people it kills and nobody is strong enough to withstand it”

>> No.19823956

Olavo de Carvalho refuted him

read and ree, weirdo

>> No.19823961

you don't know enough occultists. go back to the renaissance philosophers and then we talk

>> No.19824234

>virile and aristocratic pagan traditions
oh shut up evolafag

>> No.19824338

he also claim that there where legit alchemist, doing legit philosopher stones

>> No.19825493


>> No.19825705

that's why he was useless

>> No.19825901

> Olavo de Carvalho refuted him
>The application of this (esoteric vs exoteric) distinction to all other traditions is merely suggestive or analogical – a figure of speech and not an appropriate descriptive concept. With that the entire edifice of “perennialism” begins to sway a little. Are there, for example, exoterism and esoterism in the Hindu tradition, precisely the one whose vocabulary René Guénon uses most frequently, as he believes that Hinduism has reached maximum clarity in the exposition of metaphysical doctrine? Evidently not. The distinction of castes is something quite different. First, because entry into the higher caste is not of free choice: the subject is born shudra, vaishia, kshatyia or brahmana and remains so forever. Second, because members of lower castes can accidentally reach the highest levels of spiritual attainment without changing caste. Third, because the rites of the superior caste, or brahmana, are not secret or discreet: any ze-mané can know them, he just is not authorized to practice them.
Olavo is wrong here, there is an esoteric aspect in Hinduism, as for example only ascetic monks are initiated into Advaita and fully instructed in non-dualism. Non-monks are not initiated into it, and are not taught how to realize and remain in non-duality. The Vedic rituals of the Brahmins are open, but the rites of initiation into asceticism and the related mantras etc that are taught are closed and not openly revealed. Furthermore, the traditional Vedantic position is that Shudras are supposed to be prohibited from studying the Vedas and are supposed to rely on the Smritis like the Gita, Puranas etc instead for spiritual knowledge. Instead of directly engaging with this fact, Olavo brings up a strawman about castes and tries to wrongly imply that caste alone was the reason Guenon thought there was an esotericism-equivalent in Hinduism.

> It is also only as a figure of speech that the distinction of exoterism and esoterism – or of aggregation and initiation rites – can apply to Judaism, since the worshipers of Kabbalistic mysteries there are none other than the priests of the official cult.
Just because the exoteric authorities are also privy to esoteric instruction does not render those esoteric teachings no longer esoteric, this is a silly claim. Kabbalah remains esoteric in Judaism because its traditionally taught in a closed setting to males above a certain age like 40 or something. That the people who are teaching this are the teachers of exoteric teaching as well doesnt render the teaching of Kabbalah exoteric

>> No.19826075

> René Guénon foresees three possible developments in the state of affairs in the West:18
> 1. The definitive fall into barbarism.
> 2. The restoration of the Catholic tradition, under the discreet guidance of Islamic spiritual teachers.
> 3. Total Islamization, whether through infiltration and propaganda, or through military occupation.
>These three options were, in essence, reduced to two: either the plunge into barbarism or subjection to Islam, whether discreet or ostensible.
This is a strawman, Guenon never wrote that any restoration of traditional esoterism in Christianity had to occur under a specifically Islamic guidance as opposed to other eastern traditions. Guenon was himself initiated into Taoism.

>> No.19826357

Evola quote regarding Guénon's arthritis:
>It is interesting to note that when I questioned Guénon concerning his accident (his case of pseudo-arthritis), and asked him whether an individual who has attained a certain spiritual level might not be safe from all attacks of 'magic' and wizardry, Guénon replied by reminding me that, according to tradition, the Prophet Mohammed himself was not invulnerable in this regard. Apparently, the reason for this is that 'subtle', 'psychic' processes operate in a deterministic fashion, not unlike physical processes (a knife stab, for instance, causes damage regardless of the kind of person it hits). (Actually, I have some further reservations on the matter: for I believe that the process of materialization of the individual - what contributes to distance him from the subtle forces of nature - can actually act as a protection against occult attacks of the kind I have just been discussing. Such attacks, therefore, would have little power over modern man, an intellectual type and city-dweller, whereas they would prove effective against more 'backward' and 'primitive' human groups.)
-On Pre-Birth Superconsciousness & the Power of Occult Forces over 'Backward', 'Primitive' People by Julius Evola

Wow, what an admirable person Guénon was. Having some joint pains? Just blame some obscure threat of Jewish lawyers and sorcerers who are using Voodoo against you.

>> No.19826459

Idk about occult, but modern, "civilized" people are much more susceptible to harmful memes and ideologies than barbarians.
>Hate your ancestors!
>Give control of your money to foreigners!
>Don't have children!
>Cut off your penis!
Only enlightened Westerners fall for that garbage, not savages.

>> No.19826574

> Having some joint pains? Just blame some obscure threat of Jewish lawyers and sorcerers who are using Voodoo against you.
holy based…

>> No.19827016

Retard they come from the aryans

>> No.19828261

Archaeological evidence says otherwise

>> No.19828273

Peace be thereupon

>> No.19828296

>virile and aristocratic pagan traditions
Let me guess, you're also a fag because it's "based" and "redpilled"

>> No.19828331

>a true Christian becomes meek
Your ancestors never believed this, they were better than you will ever be. Even when you are my enemy, I still feel sorry for the cuckholdry happening over there in the West

>> No.19828396
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>The Multiple States of the Being
This is the only Guenon book I really liked his "Infinite" is a kino metaphysical keystone

>> No.19828434
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>> No.19828450

The whole quote about "turning the other cheek" has always been taken out of context

>> No.19828477
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I'll stop posting these now. I think you get the main points from these three caps

>> No.19828546

>Michael Hart calls the Prophet the most successful man of all time
>Westerners all over the world learning the truth of Islam and its beauty
>Christian celebrities praising the deen
What a time to be alive, akhi. The kuffar hate our Prophet so much, and yet they still have to admit that he was the greatest man in history

>> No.19828557

Untrustworthy face. His writings surely are written with confidence but lead to a valley of darkness and sin.