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File: 1.26 MB, 1242x1515, A31F2549-6449-462A-8697-5720ECD324C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19812979 No.19812979 [Reply] [Original]

Write a story about this image

>> No.19812983

I fucking hate women

>> No.19812993

i wish i had washed my hands properly after getting that glue everywhere, thought the girl. i've been stuck here three days and it is fucking chilly standing here just wearing this skimpy top

>> No.19812995

I fucking hate scrotes

>> No.19814053

She, the lady in question, the lady in waiting, waited, placing her hand..le grabber also known as a hand, on the window glass, her boobs were there, and she, this gal in referring to, placed her other what's that word for arms and legs that protrud from the body, I can't remember, extenditure or something, any way her other digits were curling around the side of her behind, and her boobs peered through her shirt too, at the world, watching, waiting, with boobs patiently, and she looked out at the world, and the world looked back at her, and her boobs were there, just waiting, waiting to be suckled, just standing there, just sitting there by the window the woman waited with her butt and her boobs looking out at the world watching and wondering and waiting and her boobs looked too, her boobs looked good.

>> No.19814201

A male posted this OP

*high fives*

>> No.19814316

"Niggers", she thought, "they could be anywhere." A cutting wind caressed her bosom from the gaps in the dilapidated window. The glass pane beneath her hand reverberated to the unconquerable musings of Chumbawumba. "With a window you can go anywhere."

>> No.19814380

If this babe was in one of my classes and invited me over to her place for tea and we hit it off and then she suddenly excused herself for a potty break and came back waddling with her knickers dangling between her legs and with this supplicative embarrassed expression asked me to wipe the remaining shit from her behind because it was proving to hard to get off I might just consider it because of the possibility of scoring going way up in mind; in other words because her sexualized self-infantilization would have likely overridden the otherwise natural ick factor contained in the objective reality of her request.

>> No.19814452

You’d lick her feces for a chance of getting laid? Kys.

>> No.19814493

Can you not read, she'd be asking for m?e to help her wipe, as if she were a child: hence the infantile sexual-axis

>> No.19815619

"I can see outside, but I can't touch it, strange" the booby lady thought to herself, with her hand on her butt, and her boobs on her boobs, "maybe I will go to Starbucks" she then thought, "yeah, I think I will go to starbucks in a bit", she felt her boobs as her boobs being boobs, they were just boobingly there, boobing and what have you, as boobs tend to do "no, I will deffinitly go to Starbucks later" she thought to herself and her boobs, and later indeed her and her boobs went to Starbucks, and it was good, and her tummy was happy and her nipples were happy and she was happy

>> No.19815723

"You see, boobs are like balls", she thought to her self, "big soft balls, big cushiony spheres protruding from the chest, the world is big and scary full of hard and sharp items, but looky here, round and soft, we may breathe, we may sigh, we are home, in the boassom of the world, ahhh, the soft round, yum, yum, there is nothing big scary sharp world, ahhh, shhhh, soft and round, soft and round, squishy squishy, yum", so she had an idea, our brave heroine, she decided to make it a mission, to travel the globe and visit the unfortunate, and let them squeeze her boobs, and lay their wearied heads to rest, and snuggle, and kiss, and massage, and lick, and praise her boobs, these items of reverence, these rare miracles of the world, she began to contact news organizations, social medias to find followers and founders and fellow priestesses of her new religion, Boobology, centered around the Mother, the Daughter, and the Holy Boaust, she contacted every single government agency and successfully established scholarships and grants, to be given to any who dedicated themselves to the way, their crest was a breast, their creed was a beeb, and so her and her followers, began to travel the lands, towns to towns, cities to cities, spreading the sacred love and joy, the grace and beauty, the soft supple splendour, the Goirld given gift of bounty, allowing all those who swore the oath of worship to supplicate and atone their sins, at the high and mighty alter of Titties

>> No.19815764

milkies haha

>> No.19815765

Thinking about how different my life is from the man picking in the rice field every morning,

>> No.19816696

Pretty woman, hehehe
At the window if my soul
Thine eyes like goblets if jewels
Mine heart
Like melting ice
Speech to me with your
Rapture me with your
Let me lay my flesh on your
Of course
Seize my excited being
And become

>> No.19816745


She stared pensively out the window, the warmth of the morning sun bathing her skin in its iridescent glow. Beyond the glass, the world in all its glory was spread out before her: a lush picturesque landscape of fir trees and fresh air, bursting with life and the promise of spring. She looked at it, yet saw none of it.

She lowered her gaze and adjusted the position of her hand upon her hip, doing her best to affect a moody stare while accentuating the shapeliness of her slender form.

"lol my nipples r hard" she thought to herself. "guys r gone go nuts for dis!"

She couldn't wait to post this on Instagram.

>> No.19816747

post kneecaps if not trannoid

>> No.19816757

the crazy bitch stood by the window. she looked out. "i own this town," she thought. "i owe this town with my enormous cunt. i will envelope the town in my cunt."
the man stood there with his camera. he pressed a button; the shutter clicked. they would fuck, it was an unspoken understanding.
when the time came, her naked on the ground, writhing seductively, like a snake, and mounting her, instead of penetrating her he took a screwdriver from his pocket and stabbed it into her temple. she screamed and thrashed before falling silent, her eyes glazed over in a lifeless gaze. where-after he made use of her corpse.

>> No.19816789 [DELETED] 

a moment later the glass shattered and she fell, slicing the beauty out of her nipples

>> No.19817273

The hot girl looked out the window
Another day
Another town
Perhaps in this one she will find her love
And by love I mean
The most money possible

>> No.19817553

"GERMS could be here" she thought, "I haven't washed this window today.
There could be GERMS everywhere." The cool A/C felt good against her covered breasts. "l HATE GERMS" she thought. Blank Space by
Taylor Swift reverberated her entire apartment. making it pulsate even as the $9 wine circulated through her weak thin veins and washed away her (merited) fear of germs. "I better clean this before my husband gets home" she said to herself, out loud.

>> No.19817997

"NIPPLES should be bare" she thought, "I've never been in a bra before. There should be NIPPLES out bare." The cool wind felt good against the semen stained window. "I LOVE NIPPLES" she thought. Titties and Beer reverberated her entire crack house, making it pulsate even as the meth circulated through her mixed race veins and washed away her (merited) fear of using cash to pay for a hit. "With a cunt, you can get anything you want" she said to herself, out loud.

>> No.19818010

I'm starting to

>> No.19818133

"Look at them" she scoffed.
"They are but vessels to be used for my ascension. Scurrying around like ants, searching for whatever meagre gains life throws their way, and for what? So they toil and whatever cash they earn comes my way".
She turned abruptly from the window and motioned to the four muscled, oily black men standing nearby.
"Come, it is time".
She began to remove her skimpy garments and move towards the centre of the room.
"The world is waiting, we must finish the final scene of 4 Diks 1 Ass".

>> No.19818144

"TRANNIES could be here" she thought. "I've gazed upon this neighborhood before. There could be TRANNIES anywhere." The aircon feels good against her tummy. "I HATE TRANNIES" she thought. The cry of her baby revebrated her entire apartment, making it pulsate even as the $9 onions circulated through her feminine veins and washed away her (merited) fear of queers after the year 2000. "With a womb, you can get anything you want", she said to herself, out loud.

>> No.19818152

Her fanny tingled as she watched the newly acquired buck weed the pumpkin patch.
WHAMO! her father slugged her in the kidney with a stiff right.
"Bucks are for breaking not loving dumbass" he barked while dragging her back into the kitchen.

>> No.19818195

"It's my face", she thought, looking at her own reflection in the window. "If it hadn't been for this ugly face, I would've been hot."

For the fortieth time that day, she contemplated hurling herself out the window, down the snowy precipice, turning herself into a huge and growing snowball, then an avalanche, crushing the town of Aspen out of sheer petty spite.

The only thing that stopped her was the thought that when the rescue workers dug her corpse out from the middle of the frozen mass, they'd say "holy shit, get a load of this uggo".

>> No.19818200

Anon, that's a black girl in the picture.

>> No.19818225

"JOOZ could be here" she thought, I've never been in this neighborhood before. There could be JOOZ anywhere." The cool wind felt good against her hard nipples. "I HATE JOOZ" she thought. Horst Wessel reverberated her entire building, make it pulsate even as the looted french champagne circulated through her powerful Aryan veins and washed away her (merited) fear of Untermensch in Greater Germany. "With an Großer Ariernachweis, you can go anywhere you want" she said to herself, out loud.

>> No.19818230

"How do I ruin his life?" She thought to herself as she stared death into the back of her lovers head as he made his way to the car for work. "I could fein rape" she pondered maliciously; thoughts darkening further while she dug her fingernails into the worn, rotting window frame.

"I could get that nigger Jamal from down the street to knock me up and make him raise the little bastard." lips curling into a devilish grin as she plotted her mans inevitable destruction.

"I KNOW!" she jolted with rueful glee, "I'll get Jamal and his posse of bruthas to run a train on me and have them videotape it!"

She bustled with energy as she raced for the phone with which to summer the negroid gangrape.

>> No.19818239

Kekd at the Chumbawumba my dude

>> No.19818246

>"With a Großer Ariernachweis, you can go anywhere you want" she said to herself, out loud.

The rest of your pasta was shit though, ngl. Save this part and revise.

>> No.19818250

Goddamn autocorrect SUMMON not SUMMER

>> No.19818254


>> No.19818259


>> No.19818279

>" EINSATZGRUPPEN could be here" she thought, I've never been in this ghetto before. There could be EINSATZGRUPPEN anywhere." The cool wind felt good against her ethnic nipples. "I HATE EINSATZGRUPPEN" she thought. Undzer Shtetl Brent reverberated her entire building, make it pulsate even as the kosher home brewed wine circulated through her Untermensch veins and washed away her (merited) fear of roving SS patrols. "With an Großer Ariernachweis, you can go anywhere you want" she said to herself, out loud.

>> No.19818361


>> No.19818920

Kind of embarrassing.

>> No.19819308

There were three windows, each with two sashes of two panes, dividing the world into twelve distinct views. It made the things seem almost comprehensible. Simple. As if the world was making an appeal to communicate. A desire to be understood. She crossed the room to get a better view, reaching out and placing a hand against the window. This always comforted her, evidence that she was separate from the world; not the banal feeling of not belonging but a tangible barrier between it and her. The goose bumps started at her left nipple and radiated outward. This would have surprised her had she noticed, her goose bumps always started at the right nipple. She missed what caused them, just became aware of them as her eyes slowly shifted their focus off of what had so keenly held her attention and onto their own barely perceptible reflections.

>> No.19819675

She let out a long sigh. "I wish I had a Wii" she said to herself.

>> No.19820925

A knife that cuts with a petal.

>> No.19821386

*Brappptbbttpt*...."whew" she exclaimed outloud to herself as she waved to her boyfriend though the window pane, "good thing Mark can't smell that one or he might leave me"

>> No.19821434
File: 49 KB, 570x537, 1617494635515.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHUT UP STUPID GAY HOMO NIGGER FAGGOT!!! *kills you, shits on your dead body. Smears some of the poop on your face, takes a picture of it, breaks into your parents' home and destroys/deletes all their photos of you, replacing them with the dead poop corpse photo of you so its the only thing they'll have to remember your face with*

Now what, bitch? Too late to be sorry

>> No.19822810

The intense cold of the Russian winter echoed through the thin pane of glass into her hand and reverberated through her soul.
“Pain and suffering are always inevitable for a large intelligence and a deep heart. The really great men must, I think, have great sadness on earth.”
Outside the storm raged, caring not for the implications upon man. A company of Cossack's rode past, swaying to accommodate the uncaring winds from the north. One man in particular she observed was battling the element more so than his brethren and fumbled with his kit in a manner she deemed unworthy of such esteemed warriors.
“Man has it all in his hands, and it all slips through his fingers from sheer cowardice.” she chortled to herself, even as the sight of such great horsemen began to create a fire in her loins that the cold could not drive out.
She turned away from window, her fear written upon her face, but yet tears would not come.
“The darker the night, the brighter the stars, The deeper the grief, the closer is God!”
These thoughts alone would carry her through the days of blood and horror to come.

>> No.19823894

"Kewl bewbs bae", for once she wished her husband would greet her this way

>> No.19823939

She placed his right hand on the window to lean into it, as she observed the peculiar rioting blackies trashing the Wafflehouse down the block.

>> No.19823950

"(Is the photographer really taking a picture of me without my bra on?)" she thought bitterly to herself as she looked out the window, trying to distract her mind from the embarrassment.

>> No.19823978
File: 565 KB, 828x954, 1641061171023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my nuts on your chin, my nuts on your chin, what you gonna do with my nuts on your chin

>> No.19824026
File: 146 KB, 977x818, nt6Y953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19824029

No. Do your own fucking homework.

>> No.19824053

Tits are great. Humans? I hate. Unwrap the dress. Whip that ass. Come on buddy: masturbate.